Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 91: The Mozu shot


A day later, a black meteor shot down the shoulder of the Demon Origin Star statue in the night sky, awakening Wan Shuang'er who was practicing in the statue. He opened the fascinating blue Muko, the stream of light was moving, and he released his divine consciousness, and he sensed the shocking message brought by the magic arrow on the shoulder of the demon statue.

She stood up, her beautiful face was as cold as icy, and her eyes were fierce. She moved her shoulders and stomped on the black blanket lightly under her boots, activating the mechanism, and a wide exit between the two appeared on the head of the idol. He ejected and rushed into the air, rotating his body to adjust the direction, turning into a black interstellar streamer lasing in the direction of the huge black planet slowly rotating in the middle of the magic source star.

Receiving the terrible news from Sister Shuang'er, the eight sisters worked together to deliver the unfortunate news to the chief of the Interplanetary Alliance Council. In the middle of the night, countless planets and planets of the terrestrial and human races were awakened, and they took the parliamentary interstellar airship to the parliament hall to convene a decisive battle meeting for the parliamentarians.

Shuang'er cooperated with the golden magic hearts that the seven sisters sacrificed in their abdomen, using the sufficient magic power of the magic source star to start building a planetary defense zone. From the moment when the jade hands of Yang Bo's seven beautiful wives were printed, the seven colorful gods inspired the golden demon heart that rushed into the air. A dazzling golden glow rushed straight into the sky, and under the control of Shuang'er's powerful spiritual consciousness, the golden glow slowly covered the surface of the Earth's Mother Planet II. The magic energy on the ground continuously turned into a black air current and rushed into the golden magic heart to replenish energy.

In the conference hall of the Yanjing Interstellar Alliance in the territory of the Longshuo Kingdom on Earth Star Mother Star II, there are no empty seats tonight. The chief looked around with a solemn expression and said solemnly, "Good evening, gentlemen and ladies!"

Three breaths of thunderous applause from the audience, and the number one hand stopped under the light pressing action with both hands, and the hall returned to tranquility.

"Everyone, according to the urgent communication from Chief Instructor Yang Bo, the five billion immortal realm masters who are currently encircling and suppressing my home planet, the Star Terran tribe, are driving a large warship cluster toward us. It is estimated that half a month later. Arrived at the magic source star of the Universe Island, our temporary residence. In response to such a severe living situation, would you please express your opinions?"

A congressman dressed as a gentleman in the Western U country stood up and looked at the chief platform with a solemn expression: "Since the group of bandits of the fairy dream fairy world fairy court want to destroy our star human race, then our western blood race will never agree. We are cultivating in concealed ways, and now we are facing the survival of our race. We count as a Western kinship. At present, our kinship is not more than five million, but the speed is extremely high, and the actions are weird and can be moved in a small area. In this battle, our kinship will cooperate with the chief order to attack. ."

A congressman dressed as a pope stood up with a contemplative air and cast a cross on his chest, saying: "In this battle for survival, I believe that the true God of heaven will also agree with my decision. Our church I am willing to contribute my own strength. The Million Cross Knights used to be low-key and secret training. Today, facing the survival of the race, I believe that the loving true God will also agree with my decision. We teach the Million Cross Knights to be willing to follow the orders of the chief."

At this moment, the concealed powerful secret weapons of Earth Star Mother Star II surfaced, Long Shuo's Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohism, and formation. The master of Wisdom. The head descending division in the southeast of Qinzhou. All for the survival of the race, abandoning the prejudices, stood up and prepared to wait for the chief's dispatch to defend the survival and continuity of the race in a bloody battle.

Chief Long Shuo smiled in surprise: "You guys are finally willing to show your hole cards."

Ha ha ha ha! There was a chaotic, knowing snicker from the audience.

The chief with a knowing smile amid the deep laughter paused for three breaths and then stretched out his hands and pressed it to indicate that the audience fell silent for a moment. He said sternly, "I announce that the Interplanetary Alliance has entered the first level of combat readiness. The strong men of all groups and the students from the Dragon Dragon Base of all groups will gather at the Dragon Base No. 2 of the Mother Star, and wait for the Alliance Command to dispatch to meet the invading enemy. . The meeting is over!"

In order to survive, all the tribes of the home planet of the earth star showed their hidden powerful trump cards one after another. To all the terrestrial human races in surprise, they secretly rejoiced in their hearts, and finally ushered in the day of true unity of the global human races. At this moment, every terrestrial human race is no longer afraid of death, as long as the alliance needs to take up weapons to participate in the war at any time, even ordinary children over the age of eight are bravely playing the game of annihilating the enemy.

The Interplanetary Alliance Technology Star sent a large number of interstellar-class motherships to deploy troops in the magic source star sea, and the five thousand years of civilization of the Earth and the planet humans at this moment is shining with a profound spirituality. The entire Earth Star tens of billions of human race members acted, with the determination to die, facing the upcoming fierce war storm.

At this moment, the fairy galaxy is a huge demon galaxy in the fairy world, and trillions of planets in the hundreds of millions of small galaxies fill the entire big star breath, and the deep oceans of various planetary continents, mountains and valleys, forest swamps, and demon cultivators are scattered everywhere. Nowadays, the immortal dream star cultivator who has nothing to do with the immortal realm actually attacked by a large army, which is a provocation and threat to all the demons in the fairy galaxy.

The universe island is just a small corner galaxy in the fairy galaxy. The Eight Devil Emperors have adopted a strategy of secretly setting up obstacles against the eel-killing emperor Yang Bo's army. The demons of other galaxies are unknown. The demons moved, creating space vortices from various small galaxies and heading towards the star sea area of the universe island.

At this moment, the magic rain created by Demon Peak Star Demon Emperor Lin Zhan has been violently scouring the luxurious battleship cluster shield of the advancing Xian Ting 5 billion army in the sea of stars. Make them slow down. The coach Duanmu Nanshan Lao Shen is here with a few beautiful women with him in the secret room of the coach's bedroom, for fun. A bald monk next to him dressed up in a high-ranked monk's cassock, but in his arms he hugged and laughed with his friend Duanmu Nanshan.

For this battle, Duanmu Nanshan and Hua Monk's friends both felt that they did not need to take action in person, as long as they drink, hug the beauties, chat, and issue orders at critical times.

"That's it," said Marshal Duanmu Nanshan, who was lying on the maid's lap, holding a beautiful woman in his arms, lazily.

"According to the location and the airflow of space, it should be the 100,000-mile star sea area outside the Demon Source Star." Monk Hua hugged the beauty in a calm voice.

A flash of golden token sword light flew out of the commander’s war boat in the sky of the star sea and exploded a gleaming command in golden letters: "The first combat group strikes!"

Thousands of giant fairy court battleships of the first battleship group battle sequence, under the banner of the main commander Zhou Haijiao. Slowly buffered a huge group of five billion army war boats, forming a wild goose formation, with a fierce roar and golden fairy lights, bathed in the golden shield of the turbulent demon rain scouring the boat, and swiftly opened towards the demon source star land star human race Pounced like teeth.

Ninety thousand li, eighty thousand li,

Whoosh whoosh, countless air-breaking sounds were heard in the sensitive consciousness of the Xianting War Ark Master Zhou Haijiao who fought in the first battle sequence of Xian Ting.

Eighty thousand miles away from the demon source star sphere, the star sea suddenly showed countless figures of powerful demons. They were dressed in various services, and only one common feature was that they had a pointed magic horn on their heads.

"Clan members of the Demon Race, what are you?" The Demon Peak Star Demon Emperor Lin Zhan, who was suspended in the void and released the demon rain to hinder the advancement of the Xian Ting army, looked down at the dense Demon Race powerhouse and said in surprise.

A stalwart golden dragon robe of the Demon Emperor immortal emperor level calmly rushed out of the Xinghai Demon Clan participating in the battle three steps, did not look up but preached: "As a demon, you actually dare not show up to kill the enemy, let the fairy dream star This group of eagle dogs from the fairy garden of the fairy world came to my fairy galaxy demon world to show off their might, and their war boat army arrogantly rushed into my demon world with murderous intent. How did you become the devil emperor on this universe island planet?"

Lin Zhan heard this, and passed on to the other seven demon emperors: "Brothers, let's show up."

Swish swish swish, eight demon emperors appeared and flew down in front of the dense army of demon tribe who suddenly arrived and said, "In the name of demon god, greet you all of the same tribe."

"In the name of the demon god, say hello to the demon emperor of the same clan." The demon army who came to block the first attack of the Xianting War Ark Army to attack the war boat group all responded with salute.

Lin Feng, the chief devil emperor Wu Shang, looked at the powerful cosmic island galaxy devil emperors in front of him and blamed him: "You, as the lord-level devil emperors of this territory, actually indulge the fairy garden army so presumptuously, what do you mean?"

When the eight demon emperors heard such serious scolding, each felt guilty. Old Lin Zhan blushed and said, "Under the demon peak star demon emperor Lin Zhan, is this Xiongtai respected surname?"

"In the Xia Moyuan galaxy, the Moon Demon Star Demon Emperor Wu Hao Lin Feng, I have seen all of the universe island Demon Emperor lords"

The two sides settled down.

Xian Ting's first battle boat group combat command battle boat cabin. In the sensitive spirit of the main commander Zhou Haijiao, there appeared at least twenty powerful demon clan masters who were cultivated by the demon emperor. He became uneasy, and if he slammed into it hard, then their vanguard combat boat cluster would be completely wiped out in this sea of stars washed by the rain of magic rain.

After pulling out the immortal stone of emergency transmission, the power of luck was activated, and a golden fairy light shining brightly: "Marshal Duanmu, the war boat that the demon army is obstructing our army's advance. There are too many strong men. We may not be able to cope with it. Please the marshal to decide."

"I see, you can withdraw back." Duanmu Nanshan suddenly received an urgent call, and suddenly made a decision in his heart to order the first combat group warship to withdraw.

"Unexpectedly, the demons have also come in. Duanmu might be tricky?" Monk Hua looked at Duanmu Nanshan's handsome face and asked for advice.

Duanmu Nanshan frowned when he was overwhelmed. Now he has Yang Bo's relatives and friends as hostages, but unexpectedly, the Demon Clan appears to stick in a row, making him unable to find a place to exert force. He now feels that the situation is a bit out of control.

In this battle, he made a military order in front of Master Cang Hong Xiaotian.