Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 97: Fight the Eastern Sword


In order to face a peerless powerhouse like Dongfang Jian, Yang Bo directly used all means and firepower, and the body of the four-claw and colorful dragon rose into the sky. The Seven-Star Array Pan Divine Consciousness called out the Dan Palace and hovered in front of the chest. Inside, there was a thunder and lightning silver fish-shaped pattern surging, ready to go. The four groups of Longyuan Lieyan released colorful divine glow and blazing high temperature, and hovered under the four dragon claws densely covered with dragons. The Emperor Crystal Pagoda rushed out of the owner's body and released a chilly glow like a frozen soul on the hovering faucet. The right dragon claw tightly held the golden slaughter giant sword magnified several times, releasing a touch of golden light and killing air.


A dragon chant resounded through the starry sky, and the indifferent and arrogant eyes of Golden Kunpeng at the foot of Dongfang Sword finally had a glimmer of stunning luster.

The long body of the Eastern Sword stands on Jinpeng's back like a sword like a peak, and millions of transparent sword domains under his feet form a sword sea slaying dragon picture that rotates endlessly, releasing a shocking sword intent, radiating all directions, making skin painful.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and neither of them kept their hands.

"Sword laughs at the sea!"

A sea of swords released a cold killing sword intent, carrying an unparalleled wave of transparent swords, roaring out of the sword sea slaying dragon picture at the foot of the Eastern Sword, like a nearly transparent extinct field of practice, rushing mightily towards Hundreds of miles away, the place where Yang Bo stood in the sky full of precious light and divine blossoms.

A sharp voice flashed in Yang Boxing's eyes:

"Hundred swords are splendid and proud of the snow!"

A large sword that is condensed to the extreme with a hundred golden mighty flaming power, with restrained sword intent and extreme cohesion, like a small golden sword dragon with hundreds of feet, with a surging bloody frozen soul sword spirit and silver light, calmly in a seven-star formation Rushing back.

The second move of the blood lotus sword technique that has been improved by Yang Bo. The overbearing power of dragon blood is hidden deep inside. The seven-star formation method superimposes three times the attack effect. The sharp and cutting gas of the gold system. The overbearing power of Heaven's Punishment Shen Yun of the long river of thunder and lightning gives this sword a more powerful power.


Yang Bo tried his best to fight back. The body of Shenlong’s body was almost broken up by the waves of Eastern Sword’s sword energy many times. Laugh the sea!" Jian Qi branded almost transparent golden sword marks on Yang Bolong's body, causing the dragon's scales to be mottled and remnant. Yang Bo, who hovered in the void to restore the human body, bent over and raised his hand roughly and swallowed the stalactites extracted from the Qiankun ring bag. This second move consumed 90% of his immortal power. He dared not carelessly quickly refining the white lotion to restore the immortal strength and repair his injuries.

The situation of the Eastern Sword is very bad at the moment. It is mounted on the huge Jinpeng Divine Beast, and its wings and wings are washed into bones by Yang Bo's comprehensive and powerful sword formation field. It is instigated by the flowing golden blood to maintain the balance of the body. Shocking mournful cry: "Chiji!" It turned out that the male **** under its belly was uprooted by the sword energy released by Yang Bo and was surging in golden blood. Jin Peng's back was almost lying down on his back, the supreme master of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, who was recovering. He was covered with sword marks and blood flow was not only dyed in red and ragged clothes, his hair was scattered, his face was painfully distorted, and his forehead was covered with blood and sword marks. He didn't expect that Yang Bo, a human race from another world who was once a little ant, had grown to the point where he was seriously injured. Dongfang Jian regretted that he had underestimated the enemy. Divine Sense called out the top Immortal Yuan Pill and Resurgence Pill in the Qiankun Golden Ring in his right hand.

In the Void Battlefield farther away, the Bone Race, Demon Race, and Earth Star Human Race Immortal Emperor level powerhouses began to besieged and killed dozens of Xianting Immortal Emperor level powerhouses who had come to the Void by catapult.

Under the stars in the void, in the space of one million kilometers, warships and giant ships intensively attacked each other, the rumble of cannons, and the sound of earth-shaking explosions made the space tremble. The star sea is full of stumps, fragments, and blood fog. Cultivators continue to explode mushroom clouds into the sky, and the radiated energy swept the surrounding opponents into annihilation. All kinds of hair skills, colorful sword qi fairy lights, brilliantly shining the blood-colored space of this battlefield.

Divine consciousness sensed such a terrifying scene, and Yang Bo seemed to have returned to the original battlefield of Profound Sky Continent, eels, and demons. This piece of the million-kilometer world was washed away by such a huge power, and he even suspected that the tragedy of the two ways would be repeated again. He was even more worried that the planets and the home planet would be annihilated in this ancient battle. I held back the pain in my heart and turned the seven-star array under his feet, bent over and tremblingly stood on the dim seven-star array with a hundred times magnification, and drew out seven stalactites at random and held it in his right hand with a hint of anxiety in his eyes. Waving his hand downward, Qi Dao Baimang quickly snatched into the eyes of Qi Dao Zhen in the pan. In an instant, the seven-star array disc released the silver starburst that broke through the heavens and nine heavens like chicken blood, spreading its unparalleled power, spinning, and after a breath, it turned into a silver divine glow that shot the mother of the magic source star continent in the sky. Star two.

"Chief, I am Yang Bo. I quickly organized all the tribesmen to retreat. I felt that this space would be completely torn apart by the terrifying power of these wars. Come on!"

"All the people of the Earth Stars obey the order, quickly exit the battlefield, and follow the mother star No. 2 to withdraw from the magic source star." Upon receiving the shocking news, the chief quickly made a decision to order everyone to start to withdraw from the bloody blood of the upcoming unknown horror. Diffuse battlefield star sea space.

Yang Bo's sudden retreat made the powerhouses fighting in the void also feel a sense of death crisis, and they stopped the attack and retreated to their respective camps. Under the command of their respective leaders, coaches, and ancestors, they completely withdrew from this million-kilometer battle in Xinghai space, which was filled with space rifts.

Even though Yang Bo reacted the fastest to notify the chief, the Earth-Star Terrans safely withdrew from the battlefield with few casualties, followed the Chief Instructor and the Hundred Thousand Dragon's fast-moving home planet II, and quickly fleeed towards the depths of the void.

The Demon Race, Bone Race, and Xian Ting Army who came back to organize the retreat were not so lucky.

The demons and bones evacuated ten war boats, and the bone boats were crowded with about a million soldiers. The fairy court retreated and evacuated hundreds of war boats, crowded with tens of millions of soldiers. With the help of their ancestors and the coach cast their spells, these people safely exited the battlefield millions of miles of space, and all the rest were turned into nothingness in the fragments of the space. Er Xuantian's million-kilometer star sea space completely collapsed, and even with the help of the gods, it would take a long time to repair. A colorful divine brilliance rushed down from the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain Altar in the God Realm, and the god-level might swept away the millions of miles of space that was broken into nothingness. A pair of million-kilometer-large golden eyes released a dazzling divine glow to scan the emptiness. All the details.

Frightened all parties involved in the war to flee in full force in the battle boat.

After three breaths, the eyes of the gods were closed and retracted, and the Sanxuantian God Realm Wanshenshan altar once again released a magnificent and colorful divine light, and it turned into a colorful mountain without a breath, blocking the million kilometers of the two immortals and gods. Space cracks. In an instant, the wind stopped and darkness fell, leaving only the stars in the sea of stars shining and embellishing the brilliance of the black sky. Brings a faint light to this bloody magic source star sea battlefield space.

This profound lesson of heavy losses made the angry Eastern Sword, Demon Ancestor, Bone Ancestor, Yang Bo, Chief, ponder in their respective command halls.

Under the leadership of Instructor Yang and the chief, the Earth Star human race returned to the temporary headquarters of Moyuan Star after half a month, and the order of life and practice was restored.

Yang Bo fell into a deep sleep due to excessive overdraft during the transfer of Jupiter II. This year happens to be Longshuo 2050, New Year's Eve.

Dongfang Jian fled back to Xianting in embarrassment and reported the situation of the battle to Xiandi Canghong Xiaotian in detail and truthfully.

Above the Xianmeng Xiandi Palace, the sky and the sea of clouds, the immortal emperor's misty and stalwart figure, standing proudly on the cloud, said indifferently: "Dongfang, you are not to blame for this defeat, Yang Bo is talented against the sky, even I closed the door. A peerless genius like this disciple is also planted in the hands of this son. He has grown up. He can only be outsmarted but not outsmarted. As an old friend, I will not hide it from you. The Lord God Council issued a divine decree to punish Yang at all costs. Bo, so you don’t have to be upset, this son will undoubtedly die."

"I see." Dongfang Jian replied in a grieved voice.

This time, the demon ancestor hated Xian Ting. If it were not for the army to invade the demon race galaxy, he and Luo Guzu could jointly kill Yang Bo, completely avoiding the disaster of heavy losses caused by the collapse of the space.

The Bone Ancestor had the same idea as the Desolate Demon Ancestor. He finally conquered the strong man dressed as a star Devil Emperor as his subordinate. Xian Ting sent troops to collapse the battlefield and killed 70% of the strong bone clan. He hated Xian Ting even more. In the marrow, the world of the Bone Race of the Bone Star System is in a management chaos. If there is no strong bone repairer with the cultivation of the star immortal emperor, it is inevitable to lose control. In the entanglement, Luo Guzu fell into the thought of how to quickly cultivate powerful subordinates to fill management vacancies.

In the early morning half a year later, in the scorching sun, the land of the Demon Origin Star Continent was exposed to dry ravines and stretched across the end of the horizon. The hot heat caused Yang Bo, the chief instructor who was resting in the air-conditioned ward, to comfortably open his heavy eyes and look around. Eight beautiful unmarried wives lay on both sides of the bed and sounded evenly breathing after being tired and sleeping.

Room 99 on the 180th floor of the Moyuan Conger Residence Since the Chief Instructor Yang Bo fell asleep, Chief Yan Tianlong made an exception and ordered the ward and many advanced treatment equipment to be placed in this oversized room. It has also become an ultra-luxury family ward worthy of the presidential treatment.

At the door of the ward, there is a strong immortal emperor level who stands guard to take care of security. On each floor of the 180th floor, two disciples from the Late Dzogchen Dragon Base of the Xianzun are responsible for security.

The entrances of the corridors are full of disciples of the Shenlong base who are in charge of patrolling at the Xianjun period.

The entire Eel Imperial Palace skyscraper is tightly secured, with three air carriers equipped with the most advanced interstellar-class heavy artillery to set up a solid line of air defense.

The old tortoise on the ground offered a green mantle tortoise shell for twenty-four hours to provide the younger generation Yang Bo with the last god-level defensive shield.

There are various formations and institutions scattered around the ground of the building. Entering here without permission, even if you are the Immortal Emperor Dzogchen, you will have no return.

For half a year, Yang Bo has enjoyed all these super luxurious treatments. After his divine consciousness swept through all the scenes of the sky and the earth, he was moved. While weeping silently, he secretly vowed in his heart: "We must protect these relatives, and we must not let them have any. damage."

Yang Bo's tears of excitement and gratitude fell on Sima Yunyan's cheeks, and a cold and wet feeling awakened the harem elder sister. Meimu blinked three times and opened tiredly, but saw her husband, who was looking forward to waking up, sitting on the bed alone and crying. She gently held Yang Bo's big hand and said, "Husband, are you okay?"

It's okay for Sima Yunyan not to say it. Such warm words of love made Yang Bo moved in tears and burst into tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

The crying awakened the fiancées of Yang Bo's harem, each with haggard faces and tired eyes stretched out their little hands to hold Yang Bo's left and right arms, and wept with joy. "Uuuuuuuuu! Husband!" Rebirth after the catastrophe, and reunion from a deep sleep, made Yang Bo and his closest lover in the room hugged and wept tightly.

The chief instructor inside the house, the current deputy star of the Magic Origin Star, Yang Bo, awoke with excitement and crying that alarmed the Immortal Emperor-class bodyguard outside the door. These are all the disciples and students of Yang Bo Shenlong Base, and they took out the pager in excitement to inform the chief of this exciting good news.

Hearing the good news, the chief smiled tearfully and immediately picked up the satellite call messenger and notified Yang Bo's relatives, friends and disciples.

Chief instructor Yang Bo woke up from his deep sleep and made all the Demon Origin Star Terrans cheer. To this end, the chief specifically approved more than two hundred representatives of the Earth Star Human Race Interstellar Alliance Council to go to the Home Star No. 2 Dragon Base Eel Imperial Palace to visit the Chief Instructor, who is now the No. 2 great figure and hero of the Earth Star Human Race.

Yang Bo's big apprentice, Yang Kai, is now the deputy instructor of the Alliance Sect, and his cultivation has just broken through the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. The second apprentice Liu Mingjiang, now the president of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, has just passed the immortal catastrophe during the early days of the Emperor, and has also been transferred to the Eel Imperial Palace to be responsible for receiving guests visiting Yang Bo.

The leader of the dragon group, the two commanders of Xinglongshuo in the same place, the current star-class mothership fleet commander and deputy commander-in-chief three friends met in a fast star-class airship and landed on the top terrace of the Eel Palace. With a spring breeze smile on his face, he walked towards Yang Bo's No. 99 Ward.

When they walked into the room, the ward was full of people, the chief, the father and son of Tantai, the old turtle, and the eight beautiful ladies of the Yang family. In the pleasant smiles, the relatives and friends of Yang Bo gathered together, and there was a burst of understanding from time to time. The sound of laughter spread from inside the room to the outside, causing the bodyguard disciple at the door to tickle and smile helplessly. They can't leave their duties without permission, they can only feel the other side of Yang Bo, the majestic and tall master instructor in his heart, who is not familiar with others.