Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 113: Dry goods



Nansheng Global Agrochemical Seed Industry Technology Co., Ltd.

An emergency meeting is underway.

"Everyone, you should have heard that the expert group's investigation is actually for Mr. Ye Xiaochen Ye."

Ling Jinxiu glanced around with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly.

She can't believe it until now.

Before, she thought in her heart that the defect of broccoli seeds should be solved by Ye Xiaochen by accident.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all, people have such abilities!

Moreover, she had vaguely guessed the fact that the mysterious expert who appeared last time to treat hibiscus wood might have something to do with Ye Xiaochen.

All the people present discussed that the news was too shocking. When they got the news, they couldn't react.

"Mr. Ling, last time Mr. Ye solved the defect problem of broccoli for our company, and only provided free seeds for his farm, which is far from enough to represent our company's intentions. I suggest that starting from this aspect, we may be able to Win over the relationship with Mr. Ye."

said one executive.

Everyone else nodded, this reason is very suitable.

As a company that has close ties with plants, it will be of great benefit if it can establish a good relationship with a top botanist.

Once the company encounters some technical difficulties, it is possible to invite them.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter, even if you give money, you may not be able to invite them.

Just this time, President Ling invited a student who had studied under Academician Yang from the headquarters, and hoped to invite a team of experts to come to Universal for an inspection, but so far there has been no result.

If he had established a relationship with Ye Xiaochen earlier, maybe it would not be such a trouble, because Ye Xiaochen's face is enough.

What's more, Ye Xiaochen himself is a top botanist.

Although there is no professional title treatment in this area, in the hearts of many people, Ye Xiaochen's status as a top botanist has been labeled, and he deserves it.

"That's fine, I'll pay a visit in person."

Ling Jinxiu stood up and concluded the meeting.

… .

After returning from Yangshi, Ye Xiaochen drove straight to Jing County to meet with the expert team.

"Mr. Ye, is this subconscious guidance method really feasible? After all, there is no communication medium between humans and plants. How can we use external sources to communicate with plant consciousness?"

In a spacious conference room, many experts gathered together.

Only a small number of spectators were lucky enough to enter after fighting for their heads.

For example, the experts Ling Jinxiu invited from the headquarters were former students of Academician Yang.

To say that he is a student, he has only attended a few classes and instructed him, and he has not reached the point of being a proud student.

But he still got the chance to come in and listen.

There was also Wang Yuandong. Originally, in his capacity, it was unlikely that he wanted to attend the audition. However, he was a student of Zhang Keqin and had a classmate relationship with Ye Xiaochen, so he came in.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Xiaochen who was sitting on an equal footing with many experts and communicating with him, and he felt complicated. He once thought that he could stand above Ye Xiaochen and look down on him.

But now, I can only sit in, and I don't even have the qualifications to sit in. Even being able to sit in is thanks to Ye Xiaochen's status as a classmate.

What an irony!

However, he immediately calmed down and focused on listening to the lecture. Such an opportunity is too rare.

Fangyuan is also there.

He came in to make soy sauce, but he didn't know how many people he envied.

There are also a few people who have worked so hard to get this opportunity to attend.

"Professor Tian, what you said is actually a subject of my recent research. The communication between people can be carried out through words, and the medium is the sensory organs of the human body. Similarly, the communication between humans and animals There is also the same commonality in the communication between animals, which is why humans can tame certain animals. However, plants are completely different from humans, or animals, and there are no sensory organs with similar functions. The communication of plants has created a huge difficulty. In fact, we often commit dogmatism in the research of this kind of problem. We always study with conventional experience, but we don’t know that this is a dead end. We can only break the routine and use new If we start from the perspective of thinking, we may be able to open up a new field.”

Ye Xiaochen talked eloquently.

Everyone present listened carefully, afraid of missing any point of information.

"I wonder if you have read online novels?"

Ye Xiaochen suddenly changed his tone and said with a smile.

"I've seen it."

Fang Yuan was the first to raise his hand.

Others shook their heads.

Older people like Academician Yang have never heard of it. After all, they are in different fields. They don't need to rely on reading novels to pass the time.

"In online novels, there are fantasy heroes. The people in them are either warriors or immortals. They can cultivate mind and consciousness. Fangyuan, am I right?"

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

He used to read online novels when he was in college, but later on, he gradually stopped reading them, and now he is basically not interested, especially after getting the Shennong system, all his attention is devoted to it.

"Yes, the warriors and cultivators inside can use their minds and senses to detect everything, and even use their minds and senses to communicate with each other. There is no need to speak at all..."

Fang Yuan realized that he was not soy sauce at all, but was really useful, so he immediately talked non-stop, and began to popularize online novels to the experts present.

He is very proud now, what a great experience this is, and he can brag in front of others in the future.

After hearing this, the people present were astonished. This simply broke their worldview.

"Mr. Ye, since this is an online novel, it shouldn't be true, right?"

Some experts said.

"Whether it's true or not, I don't know. After all, the world is so big, and I don't know how much wonderful things are hidden. It's like saying whether aliens exist or not. It can't be verified, but it can't be completely denied."

Ye Xiaochen said.

Of course he can't say that even gods exist, so what's in this online novel may naturally be true.

"Mr. Ye, have you found a way to communicate with plant consciousness?"

Academician Yang seemed to catch the meaning of Ye Xiaochen's words and asked curiously.

"It cannot be said to be a specific method. It should be called a law, or the law of communication."

Ye Xiaochen said.

Since we want to communicate with the expert group, we naturally have to come up with some dry goods.

"What law?"

Academician Yang couldn't wait to ask.

Laws, collectively referred to as objective laws, are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

Mastering a law is equivalent to opening a door to science.

Everyone else's eyes lit up.

It's finally time to ship out the dry goods.

… .