Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 114: Tingling (the thirteenth update, for the leader Menger 13


There are many laws now.

Newton's three laws, the law of conservation of energy, Moore's law, the 28th law, Murphy's law... No matter what kind of law, it has been verified countless times and finally perfected.

It is a long-term process for a law to eventually become a law.

Now, Ye Xiaochen actually said that it is a law, which means that the research on this law has been very perfect.

Many experts are extremely curious.

It would be of great benefit to the field of botany if a new law could be discovered.

"I call this law the law of the unity of life. As long as there are living objects, they all have the instinct to give birth to consciousness, and they all have the medium senses to communicate with each other."

Under the expectation of many experts, Ye Xiaochen finally spoke out the truth.

The audience fell silent.

Because what Ye Xiaochen said was too general, or in other words, too mysterious.

Ye Xiaochen was not surprised by this.

In fact, the law of the unity of life he mentioned is only a part of the whole law.

The complete law should be called the law of the unity of creation, as long as there is all energy and matter that exists, they all have the instinct to give birth to consciousness, and they all have the medium senses to communicate with each other.

Facts have proved that the law of the oneness of creation is very correct. In the endless universe, life is splendid and colorful.

A mass of energy can give birth to consciousness and become a kind of life.

A stone can give birth to consciousness and become a kind of life.

There are too many unimaginable beings that can give birth to consciousness.

Once practiced, one can even have boundless wisdom and create civilization.

In comparison, the current definition of life on Earth is too narrow.

"Mr. Ye, what you said is the instinct that gives birth to consciousness, I don't talk about it, what does it mean to have the intermediary senses that communicate with each other?"

Academician Yang frowned slightly, and said in a somewhat incomprehensible way.

The same goes for everyone else.

If Ye Xiaochen hadn't already demonstrated his amazing attainments in botany, I'm afraid if someone else said it, it would be regarded as empty talk.

Ye Xiaochen smiled, and suddenly got up and pulled over a pot of Clivia placed in the center, "The senses of a person lie in the five senses. In fact, it is not the case. I think there is a sixth sense that can affect the spirit of a person. To communicate with plants, it must rely on this sixth sense."

Everyone became more and more curious.

Is there really a sixth sense

Regarding the theory of the sixth sense, it is not without research in this area.

It's just too mysterious, and there has been no substantial progress so far.

"For example, if you want to communicate with this pot of Clivia, you can only use the sixth sense, which is the media sense of human beings. Similarly, Clivia must have a similar media sense, so that people can communicate with plant consciousness. Communicate."

Ye Xiaochen pointed to the pot of Clivia in front of him and said.

No one spoke, even their breathing was suppressed, only Ye Xiaochen's voice.

Suddenly, he stretched out five fingers and lightly rested on a leaf of Clivia.

Everyone was curious about Ye Xiaochen's actions.

What does this have to do with Clivia's communication, you can't touch it with your fingers, can you

"It is said that five fingers connect to a heart. This heart not only represents the heart, but also represents the human soul. Isn't there a saying, hand in hand, heart to heart?"

Ye Xiaochen smiled softly.

His fingers trembled in a strange rhythm, as if he was tapping the leaves of Clivia.

Five fingers listen to the spirit!

This is a very low-end introductory skill for immortal planters in the Shennong System Introductory Guide.

Immortal planters who are just getting started, have just practiced, have no birth of mind and immortal consciousness, and it is impossible to communicate with the spirit of immortal plants.

However, there are some outstanding low-level immortals who have found another way. Even if they don't have immortal consciousness, they can still communicate with immortals in a simple way.

It relies on the five fingers to listen to the spirit.

Through the contact of five fingers, an unspecified vibration frequency is tapped. Due to the particularity of the fingers, they are most closely related to the human mind, and can produce very strange psychic characteristics invisibly.

Of course, this requires extremely strong concentration, and those who are impatient and irritable cannot calm down at all, and it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Generally speaking, those who can practice the art of listening to spirits with five fingers, once they become real immortal planters, must be the best among immortal planters.

Ye Xiaochen, who has the talent of Shennong, is born with psychic abilities. He touches the plants with his fingers to achieve communication. To a certain extent, it is a kind of five-finger listening effect.

It's just that he doesn't need to perform specific regular tapping, it can be done by direct contact.

If it were someone else, it would definitely not work.

"Using this principle, I have developed a technique of five-finger listening to spirits, through which the five fingers can be in contact with the specific frequency of plants, so as to complete subtle communication with plant consciousness."

Ye Xiaochen had a look of pride on his face.

"Five fingers listening to the spirit?"

All the people present were astonished and extremely curious.

Just by the name alone, you know it's a big deal.

"Everyone should know that playing the piano, a master pianist can infuse the sound of the piano with emotion and infect the audience, and my five-finger Tingling is to pass the information I want to express to the plant consciousness through the tapping of my five fingers. , has the same effect.”

Ye Xiaochen smiled casually.

Everyone showed surprise, as if a magical door opened to them, and they all wanted to see the world behind the door.

"If you don't believe me, let me show you."

Ye Xiaochen smiled slightly.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his eyes were slightly closed, revealing a trace of solemnity.

At this moment, his temperament seemed to have undergone an earth-shaking change, restrained and profound, elegant and gentlemanly.

Every move is eye-catching.

Everyone's eyes and even their attention could not help but focus on Ye Xiaochen.

His five fingers moved slightly, slowly at first, but revealed a very unique sense of rhythmic beauty, as if he was playing a beautiful piano.

"My hand and five fingers are listening to the spirit, and it's called Shana Fanghua."

Ye Xiaochen closed his eyes and spoke softly.

In the meeting room, it was quiet, no one spoke.

All eyes were on Ye Xiaochen's fingers, as if they were afraid of missing any details.

The frequency of Ye Xiaochen's five-finger tapping became faster and faster, until it was so fast that the naked eye couldn't see it.

Faintly, they all seemed to be able to see that with Ye Xiaochen's finger tapping, the whole Clivia plant seemed to be trembling and swaying.

At this moment, the solemnity on Ye Xiaochen's face became more and more intense, as if the most intense peak moment of life was brewing.

In an instant, the originally blooming Clivia trembled suddenly, and the blossoming flowers withered and withered.

Moment of youth.

Before, it was still juicy and fresh, full of fragrance, but the next moment, it was no longer bright, dry and scattered.

Such astonishing changes left everyone present stunned.

It's incredible.

A Clivia flower that was in its most flourishing period suddenly withered and withered in such a short period of time.

After a long period of silence, there was a gasping voice and that incomparably fiery gaze.

… .

PS: Today there is another lord [Meng'er 13457], who specially added updates for the lord. In today's update chapter, I forgot to write the object of the update. Tragedy - ask for a monthly ticket!