Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 123: Surprise


I saw that the identification list of the mall recorded the detailed information of all the fairy beans.

The appearance, taste, nutrition, and fairy lines of these are undoubtedly worse than last time.

However, that's not the point.

The point is, the additional divinity and psychic attributes.

Added Divinity 1.01.

Additional psychic attributes 1.42.

"The additional divinity was only 0.8 last time. How long has it been? It is absolutely impossible to reach more than 1. Moreover, my divine talent has not yet manifested, and it is impossible to increase so much with the additional psychic attribute."

After Ye Xiaochen was ecstatic, he revealed a look of thought.

What is the cause

"Does it have something to do with Xiandou (Yellow) being the second generation seed?"

Ye Xiaochen suddenly thought of a possibility.

The second-generation seeds are very different from the seeds purchased from the mall. The difference lies in the addition of an additional divinity.

According to the heredity of the reproduction of life, naturally speaking, divinity and psychic attributes can be inherited.

In the case of replanting, these two attributes are naturally well preserved.

Moreover, Ye Xiaochen himself has psychic and divine talents, which invisibly strengthened these two talents.

The celestial beans grown from the second-generation seeds are actually much better than the previous batch in terms of divinity and psychic properties.

Although they are still inferior products, and even the basic quality is much worse, according to the appraisal of the mall, the price of these fairy beans is much higher, basically reaching more than 30 spirit yuan.

After deducting the consignment fee, Ye Xiaochen finally earned 518 cents.

Ye Xiaochen was secretly happy, what a surprise.

I thought I would lose a lot this time, but who would have thought that it would be a bumper harvest instead!

Suddenly, Ye Xiaochen patted his forehead, annoyed because he had consigned all the seeds.

"I'm dizzy, it's too tragic, I knew I would leave some as seeds for the third generation."

Ye Xiaochen was immediately depressed.

Who knew that these seemingly inferior seeds would cost more.

What a mistake!

Shaking his head, Ye Xiaochen looked at the radishes planted in the fairy field on the other side, thinking in his heart, should we leave some seeds

Now the radish has grown very lushly, and it is estimated that it will be harvested in less than half a month.

Once you want to get seeds, I'm afraid it will take a month or two.

"Well, it's a wise choice to keep a part of it and cultivate the seeds yourself. Not only do you not need to spend Xianyuan, but the price is higher."

Ye Xiaochen soon made a decision.

As the number of immortal fields expands, more and more immortal yuan is required to spend on seeds.

Naturally speaking, cultivating seeds by yourself will be on the right track.

The consignment of Xiandou (yellow) was very fast, and the 518 Xianyuan arrived in the account soon.

With the immortal energy on his body, if he didn't spend it, Ye Xiaochen would feel uncomfortable all over.

"I now have seven fairy fields and two fairy springs, which are not too small. If there are too many, I will not have enough energy to take care of them!"

Ye Xiaochen thought about it.

On the farm he is running now, Xianzhi has spent more than 90% of his time and energy. As for ordinary vegetables, he seldom cares about them. He only relies on his existing Shennong talent and the fairy spirit in the air. The water of Hexianquan is enough to guarantee the quality of high-quality vegetables.

"Time to buy other buildings, too."

Ye Xiaochen pondered in his heart.

Two mouthfuls of fairy springs are enough, so let's not add more.

Xiantian, after all, represents income, and it can still add another one.

In addition, there are several other buildings in the farms of the Shennong system, such as warehouses and walls.

Warehouses can be used to store vegetables.

Whether it is Xianzhi or ordinary vegetables, there is no problem.

This warehouse also has a very peculiar function, which can keep the vegetable fairy plants in the state just picked, without the loss of nutrition and fairy energy.

Let’s just talk about ordinary vegetables. If they are stored for a long time, they will rot, lose nutrients, and even wilt and change color.

Putting it in the warehouse, absolutely not, can guarantee the best condition.

As for the fence, the function is also very strong. In addition to preventing the insects, beasts and birds from outside from invading the fairy plants, it can also slow down the loss of fairy energy in the farm.

Once the entire farm is surrounded by walls, the fairy energy can be completely locked.

"Well, let's buy one for each and talk about it later."

Ye Xiaochen quickly made a decision in his mind.

A fairyland, a warehouse, and a wall.

Warehouses and fences, like fairy springs and fairy fields, must have something attached to them.

When Ye Xiaochen built the iron house, he had already planned it.

As for the fence, there are ready-made fences.

Soon, Ye Xiaochen bought a piece of fairy land, a warehouse, and a section of fence.

The space of the first-level warehouse is not large, with a length and width of three meters and a height of two meters. Only within this range, the function of the warehouse will be effective.

Ye Xiaochen had already reserved a place for the warehouse.

As for the first-level fence, it is one meter high and ten meters long.

Such a small length is naturally far from reaching the point of enclosing the farm.

However, the fence is amazing, and it can still play some roles, such as slowing down the loss of fairy energy within the farm.

Soon, Ye Xiaochen set up the fairyland, the warehouse and the fence.

He came to the tin house for the first time.

He entered a standard warehouse space, and as soon as he entered, he immediately felt something different, as if the space was extremely cool, as if it was born with air conditioning.

"Well, yes, all the vegetables picked in the future can be put here."

Ye Xiaochen nodded in satisfaction.

In the past, I had to pick vegetables every day. Not to mention being busy, once there was an emergency, there would be delays.

Now that there is this magical warehouse, it doesn't matter if they are picked in advance, as long as they are put here.

He came to the place where the fence was placed again.

This position is where the hare was caught last time.

From the outside, the fence didn't seem to have changed much, but he was also surprised to find that the place that had been repaired before seemed to have been completely repaired, and there was no sign of repair, as if it had just been repaired.

When he touched the fence, he found the difference again, it is very strong!

Originally, it was surrounded by barbed wire, and if it was pulled hard and squeezed, it would be deformed.

But now, no matter how hard he tried, there was no change in this section of the fence, it was very strong.

"Hehe, it seems that the quality is quite good."

Ye Xiaochen nodded in satisfaction.

Although it is only ten meters long, compared to Nuo Da's farm, it is only a small section, but it will be long in the future, and one day the entire wall can be built.

Moreover, according to the introduction of the wall, once all the walls are completely closed, not only can it be as simple as completely sealing off the spirit energy, but there are also other changes.

"Now I bought a piece of fairy land, a section of wall, and a warehouse. I spent 300 cents, and there are more than 200 cents left. How should I spend it?"

Ye Xiaochen pondered in his heart.

Now that there is a celestial field vacant, seeds are indispensable.

He felt a little regretful, if he kept some fairy beans, he wouldn't need to buy seeds.

"Well, there are too few experience points now, let's increase the experience points first."

Ye Xiaochen thought about it.

After several harvests, his current total experience value has reached 23 points, which is 77 points away from 100 points to upgrade.

The task is still relatively heavy!

Therefore, he chose a new kind of fairy plant - fairy grass.

This immortal green grass can be used as food for herbivorous immortal beasts such as immortal horses.

A pack of 500 fairy and grass seeds is worth 25 cents.

This fairy grass seed is the same as ordinary grass seeds, no need to dig a hole, and can be directly and evenly spread on the fairy field.

A pack of seeds is just enough to plant a piece of fairyland.

There was no green manure for the time being, so Ye Xiaochen bought a pack of ordinary fairy manure.

Fifty cents a pack.

It is twice as cheap as attribute immortal fertilizer.

In addition, Ye Xiaochen also bought a fairy sickle, which is mainly used to harvest fairy and grass.

Immortals and green grasses are different from ordinary immortal plants in that they can be harvested multiple times.

When mowing grass, you must use a special fairy scythe.

Moreover, a special spirit-locking potion needs to be applied on the fairy sickle to lock the cuts of the fairy and grass to prevent the loss of nutrients and spirit energy.

Fifty cents for a sickle and thirty cents for a bottle of spirit-locking liquid.

In the end, Ye Xiaochen had less than seventy cents left on him.

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