Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 18: Fang Zi


Plant growth-stimulating agent, which is a special agent for plant aging.

In the Shennong System Introductory Guide, there is a prescription for this potion, and the detailed production process.

The reason why it is said to be the most complicated and stupid method is that the prescription involves a lot of raw materials and requires very high precision. The most important thing is that the cost is also high. It is not a once-and-for-all solution. The use of plant growth-stimulating agents can only slow down the aging of plants, and it must be used for a long time.

For two ordinary evening primroses, it is necessary to use this precious plant growth-stimulating agent, and it will definitely be a big loss.

At least Ye Xiaochen couldn't afford it now.

Of course, this birth-promoting drug must be formulated, he really couldn't bear to see Wang Xinyi so sad, at most, Wang Shuisheng would have to spend some money.

Ye Xiaochen began to take out a pen and paper, and extracted the prescriptions of plant growth-promoting medicines. A total of 78 kinds of raw materials were involved, including 48 kinds of botanical medicinal materials, 11 kinds of insects, 8 kinds of minerals, 6 kinds of animal organisms, 3 kinds of A gaseous component, a liquid component, a microbe.

It may be that for the convenience of the Shennong system, the names of the raw materials on these prescriptions all exist on the earth.

In this way, Ye Xiaochen doesn't need to identify them one by one, which saves a lot of time.

"It's a pity that there is no water from the spiritual spring, otherwise, both the success rate and the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly improved."

Ye Xiaochen carefully analyzed this prescription, maybe it was really because of the Shennong system, he didn't find this aspect boring at all, but found it very interesting, as if his natural interest in this aspect had been infinitely activated.

In terms of pharmacology, it involves too much and too deep. Ye Xiaochen used to know nothing about pharmacology, but now looking at the prescription, he doesn't understand the pharmacological changes in it at all, so he can only swallow dates.

This also aroused his interest in this aspect, and he decided to study this aspect in the future.

As a Shennong, it is not just planting, and the pharmacology is also linked to planting.

The next day, after Ye Xiaochen delivered the vegetables, he took the medicine list and went to the city's traditional Chinese pharmacy to inquire. Not every raw material could be found here, because some of them could not be regarded as medicinal materials.

In the end, Ye Xiaochen could only find fifty-eight kinds of medicinal materials, including forty-two kinds of botanical medicinal materials, eight kinds of insects, five kinds of minerals, and three kinds of animal organisms.

These alone cost Ye Xiaochen more than 5,000 yuan. There is no way, there are a lot of medicinal materials, and there are some more expensive medicinal materials, such as ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum.

Ye Xiaochen's heart hurts a bit, it's not easy to make money!

Some materials that cannot be bought are quite common, such as walnut kernels, quicklime, clear water, cockroach body fluids, etc.

As for some other materials, it is a bit troublesome.

In the next few days, Ye Xiaochen struggled to find all these materials. He had to go to the places where these materials were collected. For example, the poison sacs of coral snakes have requirements for the size and age of snakes. The bigger the better. , he had to kill the snake himself to get the poison sac. For Ye Xiaochen, who was most afraid of snakes in his life, he almost didn't collapse.

After preparing for more than a week, Ye Xiaochen finally gathered all the materials.

Ye Xiaochen estimated that it would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan to spend all kinds of things.

Ye Xiaochen suddenly became a little skeptical, was he looking for guilt by doing this

Thinking of Wang Shuisheng calling several times to ask Wang Xinyi about the progress, he didn't give up.

After all, Wang Xinyi has been looking forward to it all the time.

He couldn't bear to disappoint Wang Xinyi.

The shed on the farm has been transformed into a laboratory by Ye Xiaochen, and there are two old refrigerators, which are mainly used to store certain raw materials. After all, the high temperature is not good for preservation, and low temperature is required.

"Basically, the medicine prescriptions have been completely sorted out now, and the next step is to try to configure the medicine."

Ye Xiaochen put down the Shennong System Introductory Guide in his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief. He recalled it in his mind, every step and every step of Fangzi was very clear, very well-organized, without any clutter.

Speaking of which, since the possession of the Shennong system, his memory has also risen sharply. He was able to memorize such complicated recipes and configuration methods in just a few days.

"There is one last thing missing, and that is the boiler for preparing potions."

Ye Xiaochen glanced at a boiler placed in the corner, which was ordered by Ye Xiaochen and cost thousands of dollars, but after careful analysis and judgment, he felt that using this kind of boiler to configure plant growth-promoting medicines would have a very low success rate. is not too high.

With the materials he has prepared now, he can do two or three experiments at most.

"It would be great if we could buy a dedicated boiler in the shopping mall of Shennong System."

Ye Xiaochen thought to himself.

This special boiler is extremely miraculous. Even if Ye Xiaochen cannot activate the magical effect of this special boiler for the time being, the characteristics of the boiler itself are enough to greatly increase the success rate of configuration.

It's a pity that he doesn't have Xian Yuan now.

"By the way, the Xian Carrots should be ripe now. I deliberately waited for a few more days, so I'll go dig some now."

Ye Xiaochen's heart suddenly moved, and he got up and walked out of the shed.

The changes in the fairy field are very big. The carrots are growing lush and lush, much taller than normal carrots.

Judging from Ye Xiaochen's experience, the carrots in this soil should have matured.

The size of the carrot rhizome also has a great relationship with the growth of the plant itself.

He is looking forward to it now.

"Well, let's try to dig a plant first."

Ye Xiaochen quickly took out the fairy hoe.

Seeing Ye Xiaochen's actions, the two earth dogs that were lying down also got up, wagging their tails and followed behind Ye Xiaochen.

During the growing period of the fairy carrot, the two dogs were quite peaceful and did not destroy the growth of the fairy carrot.

He was worried before that the earth dog would not be able to withstand the temptation and eat the stems and leaves of fairy carrots. These stems and leaves are not ordinary things. Who knows if they are heart-breaking poison after eating them? Now it seems that this earth dog should also know how to avoid evil, so he didn't touch these fairy carrots.

Holding the heavy fairy hoe in his hand, Ye Xiaochen began to dig.

He dug very carefully, fearing that it would hurt the rhizome of the fairy carrot. After all, if the digging was damaged, who knows if it can be sold

Under the blade of the fairy hoe, the hard fairy soil was easily penetrated like tofu.

After spending a lot of effort, Ye Xiaochen finally carefully hollowed out the surrounding area of this fairy carrot, without hurting the roots of the fairy carrot at all.

When the root of Xian Carrot appeared in Ye Xiaochen's field of vision, he was slightly taken aback, and then a little disappointed.

This celestial carrot is a bit small, what a waste of such lush stems and leaves!

After he dug out the celestial carrot, it was at least twice as small as the carrots bought in the market. The only thing that was special was that this celestial carrot was really red, the color was particularly conspicuous, it was very smooth, and it looked very good. Well, it's just a little smaller.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a faint aura emanating from the surface of this fairy carrot.

"Tick, do you want to put the fairy carrots in the mall for consignment? Note: The mall will set the price according to the condition of the goods. The consignor has no right to interfere. After the goods are sold, the mall will charge 5% of the consignment fee."

Suddenly, the long-lost system notification sounded in Ye Xiaochen's mind.

… .

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