Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 24: Shock


In the early morning, Ye Xiaochen felt thirsty, and slowly woke up, picked up the glass of water beside him and filled it up.


After drinking all the boiling water in the water glass, he let out a long breath, put down the water glass, then picked up the charging mobile phone, and pulled out the charger plug.


Ye Xiaochen saw several missed calls and WeChat.

It was Wang Xinyi's phone call and WeChat message.

Ye Xiaochen was a little curious, why did Wang Xinyi call in the middle of the night

After looking through WeChat, he realized that this time, it turned out that the two tuberose plants had finally grown some tiny flower buds.

The flower buds have grown, which means that the evening primrose has entered the flower bud stage.

This is good news.

"Hehe, it seems that the effect of the plant growth-stimulating medicine is really good!"

Ye Xiaochen is now full of a sense of accomplishment.

Thinking of this, he quickly sent Wang Xinyi a WeChat message, saying that he slept too deeply yesterday and did not receive calls or WeChat messages.

After waiting for a while, Wang Xinyi did not reply.

Ye Xiaochen shook his head, put on his clothes and went to wash.

. . .

In Wang Shuisheng's villa.

"Hey, why hasn't Xinyi woke up today?"

Wang Shuisheng was sitting on a wicker chair, eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

Under normal circumstances, my sister would get up early and come over for breakfast.

"I'm going to call my aunt."

Xibao jumped off the chair and ran towards the backyard.

"Xi Bao, run slower."

Chu Qingqing said later.

Not long after, Xibao came back again, followed by Wang Xinyi. Today, Wang Xinyi's pretty face had a look of joy, but there were dark circles around her eyes, and she was tired from rest.

"Xinyi, you didn't sleep well last night?"

Wang Shuisheng put down the newspaper and said with distress when he saw his sister's appearance.

He thought his sister was still sad about Ye Lixiang.

Wang Xinyi gestured.

"What are you talking about, you saw the tuberose growing buds? So you didn't sleep most of the night?"

After Wang Shuisheng saw it, he quickly communicated in dumb language, but was very surprised by what Wang Xinyi expressed. Could it be that Ye Lichen was really cured by Ye Xiaochen

In the past few days, he has not asked about this matter.

Wang Xinyi nodded and continued to make gestures.

"Ye Xiaochen used a kind of potion, and it took only three days for Ye Laixiang to grow flower buds?"

Wang Shuisheng saw his younger sister's dumb words, so he believed it. Ye Xiaochen really cured Ye Lixiang.

His shock at the moment can be imagined, the problem that even a well-known botanist like Zhang Keqin was helpless, was actually solved by Ye Xiaochen.

This is incredible, right

And according to my sister, Ye Xiaochen just used a very special medicine.

What kind of potion would that be

Could it be that Ye Xiaochen prepared it himself

No matter what, seeing his sister's happy look, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. During this period of time, her sister became haggard and silent, her face turned pale, and she didn't have the healthy complexion she used to have.

"Hehe, it seems that Ye Xiaochen is really the lucky star of our Wang family!"

Wang Shuisheng said to his wife Chu Qingqing with a smile.

Chu Qingqing didn't know what to say anymore, first she saved her precious son, and now she cured Ye Laixiang and her sister-in-law's heart disease, and now Ye Xiaochen's kindness to their Wang family is getting bigger and bigger.

In the morning, Ye Xiaochen drove over.

Wang Shuisheng deliberately turned down some communication, did not go out, and waited for Ye Xiaochen at home.

"Brother Ye, you are a real person who doesn't show your face, and you have such abilities."

Wang Shuisheng said with a sigh.

"Hehe, I also happened to know a prescription that can cure plant decay. I wasn't sure about it before. Now it seems that the effect is good. However, Brother Wang, this prescription can only delay the decline of plants, but it cannot completely cure it. To be cured, you must use the plant growth-stimulating agent I prepared for a long time."

Ye Xiaochen scratched his head and said.

"It would be great if it could be delayed, brother Ye, how often do you use it?"

Wang Shuisheng understood very well that it would be too unnatural to be able to cure even the decay of plants, as if it could keep people young forever.

This is simply impossible. As for delaying the decline, although it is also very miraculous, at least it is acceptable.

"It will take a while to observe. I'll go and see the situation of Ye Lixiang first."

Ye Xiaochen said.

Wang Xinyi knew about Ye Xiaochen when he came, and came out to greet him a long time ago. Now she is very grateful to Ye Xiaochen, with a sweet smile on her pretty face.

Seeing his sister's appearance, Wang Shuisheng couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he hadn't seen his sister so happy for a long time.

Arriving in the courtyard where Wang Xinyi lived, the two tuberose plants were extremely lush and lush, and the buds that had just emerged were growing among the branches and leaves. It would probably not be long before they would bloom at night.

Under the gazes of several people, Ye Xiaochen walked up to a tuberose, touched it lightly, and communicated with the consciousness of tuberose.

This time, the consciousness of Tuberose is a little different from last time, it seems that there is an extra desire for the possibility of plant growth-promoting medicine.

Yes, that's it, Ye Xiaochen quickly recalled that it should be that Tuberose had a demand for plant growth-stimulating drugs.

In other words, it's time to water the plant growth promoter again.

Ye Xiaochen calculated the time, that is, it would be watered every four or five days.

Of course, now is the initial stage of use, and as the use time goes on, I am afraid that it will be necessary to increase the amount and frequency in the future.

It takes about 20 milliliters at a time, and it is poured five or six times a month, which is 100 milliliters. Before Ye Xiaochen prepared a medicine, it was about 1,000 milliliters, which can be used for more than a year, and the cost is five or six. About a thousand yuan.

Ye Xiaochen breathed a sigh of relief, and it was still within the tolerance range.

When leaving, Ye Xiaochen left Wang Xinyi a small bottle of plant growth-stimulating medicine, about 100 milliliters, enough for a month.

Originally, Wang Shuisheng asked him to stay for lunch, but Ye Xiaochen received a call from his aunt, saying that the blind date had been arranged, so he was asked to go there quickly.

Originally, it was agreed last time, and I would go and have a look in two days. Later, the woman said that it would be postponed for a few days, and it was delayed until today.

... ... ..

Ye Xiaochen has two aunts, the elder aunt Ye Chunxiang and the younger aunt Ye Chunxi.

Cousin Chen Hao is the eldest aunt's son.

Originally, Ye Xiaochen’s family had a good relationship with the eldest aunt’s family. After Chen Hao’s cousin married Li Yan, and Chen Feng’s cousin was admitted to a prestigious university, they became farther and farther away from Ye Xiaochen’s family, not only Ye Xiaochen’s family, but also with other Ye family relatives. In this way, in terms of family circumstances, the aunt's family is definitely the best.

Auntie may not have a bad nature, but she is the kind of person who loves to show off. Every time the family gathers, she always talks about how outstanding her two sons are. Naturally speaking, it makes the rest of the Ye family unhappy. , many people hated her, so she had less contact with her.

In fact, my aunt was very kind to him in the past. When I was in high school, Ye Xiaochen and my aunt's son Chen Feng went to Jingxian No. 1 Middle School. Every time I came back from school or went to school, I would take my uncle's car The shuttle bus, and my aunt will always make delicious food for the two of them.

It's just that one incident later, and the dissatisfaction of parents and relatives with Dagu, caused Ye Xiaochen's influence on Dagu to change 360 degrees.

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