Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 40: question


After listening to Professor Zhang's words, Ye Xiaochen immediately understood that Professor Zhang must have had a superstition and misunderstanding about the effects of plant growth-stimulating agents.

Yes, plant growth-stimulating agents can delay the aging speed of plants, promote vitality, and maintain the plant body in a stable state.

However, plant growth-stimulating agents are not a panacea. Many symptoms that seem to be the same contain ever-changing symptoms.

Once used incorrectly, the effect of the plant growth-promoting agent may not be effective, and may even be counterproductive.

However, Ye Xiaochen has never seen the bonsai tree species mentioned by Professor Zhang, so he has no way of judging it.

Professor Zhang quickly sent a few WeChat photos. The photos showed bonsai trees, which were very clear, and even local symptoms were photographed.

Ye Xiaochen doesn't know much about bonsai trees.

But looking at the photos, the tree has a beautiful shape, intertwined roots, old and straight, small and beautiful leaf shape, green leaf color, dense knots, straight and symmetrical, excellent shape, fine and strong tree quality, milky white and bright color.

Even a layman like Ye Xiaochen feels that this bonsai tree is really ornamental.

In the other photos, some bad changes have taken place in the bonsai tree species. For example, the tips of the leaves are a little yellow. If it is one or two pieces, it is fine, but all the leaves are like this.

Such green leaves are dotted with many withered and yellow colors, which seems very strange.

But, that in itself is a sign of a disease.

Not only that, the milky white tree quality has also become dull, instead showing a gray and dull feeling.

The whole bonsai looks like it has lost its charm and spirituality and has entered its twilight years.

After careful research, Ye Xiaochen had no conclusions, so he called Professor Zhang and asked what kind of tree it was

"Brother Ye, this is wax white for the couplets. It is a shape for Wanshou. It has a history of more than 300 years and is very precious."

Professor Zhang was a little surprised that Ye Xiaochen didn't know this tree species

Only then did Ye Xiaochen know that this tree species is really not ordinary precious, the Osmanthus osmanthus is the only precious tree species left in the world today, and it is the best of the world's scenic spots, bonsai, and root carving families, and is known as "living fossil" or "bonsai trunk" .

What's more, the anti-section white wax grows slowly and has a long life span, which can reach about 2000.

As a bonsai, it is naturally impossible to let the tree species grow up, so through pruning and some special methods, the tree species can be kept at a certain size. Such tree species are extremely precious, and are usually handed down for a long time, and even have a very perfect cultivation density. roll.

It's just that after various wars, many bonsai trees of similar species were lost.

The so-called bonsai tree species in modern society have only been cultivated recently.

It can be said that the bonsai of tree species depends not only on the shape, but also on the age of the tree. The older the tree, the more precious it is.

It is said that there are bonsai trees that can last for thousands of years and are invaluable.

This pair of bonsai tree species has a history of more than 300 years, and Ye Xiaochen is not surprised. It is definitely not ordinary people who can let Professor Zhang take over the job.

The reason why Professor Zhang accepted Wang Shuisheng's words last time was an accident. Not everyone valued two ordinary flowers and plants as much as Wang Xinyi did.

"Professor Zhang, in this way, this pair of pewter is far from aging."

Ye Xiaochen said.

"Yes, it's just that this tree species has shown signs of aging before. For example, the tree quality has changed from milky white to gray. Generally, it will only appear when the white wax is aging. In addition, there are other suspected signs. That's why I thought of the plant growth-stimulating agent, maybe I can take advantage of its anti-aging effect. Who would have thought that after using it, the tip of the leaves of the antipyretic leaves would turn yellow. It was only a little bit at first, but now the yellowing has begun to spread. , maybe after a few days, the whole leaf may wither, and by that time, the whole plant of Pyrex chinensis will be completely scrapped."

Professor Zhang said.

Not only did he not cure the ash, he made things worse for the species.

He is stressed.

After all, this is no small matter to the owner of the festival pewter.

Although he didn't say anything to the owner of the wax, he was still a little worried.

"Professor Zhang, according to the photos, I can't judge anything yet. I have to check it on the spot. How about it, can I go there?"

Ye Xiaochen thought for a while and said.

"It would be great."

Professor Zhang said happily.

He still pinned great hopes on Ye Xiaochen.

During this period of communication, he felt more and more that the plant growth-stimulating medicine was prepared by Ye Xiaochen.

After hanging up the phone, Professor Zhang sent him an address.

Without further ado, Ye Xiaochen drove the truck straight away from home, headed straight for Taiping Town, and then got on the expressway from the Jingxian toll station.

Two hours later, Ye Xiaochen met Professor Zhang.

Of course, there was also Wang Yuandong.

After Wang Yuandong saw Ye Xiaochen, he pursed his mouth. Naturally, he knew what Ye Xiaochen was here for. He didn't think Ye Xiaochen could cure that plant.

He even felt that if it wasn't for Ye Xiaochen's plant growth-promoting medicine, this embarrassing situation of not being able to get down the stairs would not have happened now.

If it's just not curable, you can just quit.

But the problem now is that if the treatment of the bonsai is worse, I can't give up, I am afraid that the bonsai owner will also quit.

As long as he imagined the identity of the owner of the bonsai, his heart trembled.

After Ye Xiaochen parked the car, he got into Wang Yuandong's car.

In the car, Professor Zhang told Ye Xiaochen about the situation of the owner of the Pewter japonica plant. The meaning behind the words was to make Ye Xiaochen pay attention.

Ye Xiaochen immediately knew why Professor Zhang was in such a hurry, he dared to cure the darling of a big man!

Nima, isn't this pulling yourself into the water

If I can't cure the waxy white couple, and let that big man hate me because of it, isn't this a disaster without reason

However, he thought that the reason why things had developed to the present level had a lot to do with his plant growth-stimulating medicine, and he sighed inwardly.

Really troublesome!

Professor Zhang glanced at Ye Xiaochen, and his face was a little embarrassed, after all, it was quite unreasonable to say such a thing.

It's just that he can't help it.

Moreover, he really believed in his heart that Ye Xiaochen might have a way.

Only Wang Yuandong sneered in his heart, he must be dumbfounded, if he is afraid, it's best to say that he can't do it right now.

Ye Xiaochen pondered for a moment, feeling a little worried.

However, things have come to this point, and we can only try.

He didn't believe that with the Shennong system in his body, he could still solve the problem

Seeing that Ye Xiaochen didn't say much, Professor Zhang felt a little relieved. He was afraid that Ye Xiaochen would just quit and he would be dumbfounded.

"Put on, keep on pretending!"

Wang Yuandong still didn't believe it, he always felt that Ye Xiaochen was faking it.

When he got there, Ye Xiaochen definitely had nothing to do, just wait and cry.

... ..

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Thanks to [book friend 160806142223743] [Ji Yuying, I love you] [Successful King and Defeat 1] for the reward!