Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 45: Hare


Since pulling out one fairy bean (yellow) seedling, Ye Xiaochen has paid close attention to the situation of the other three fairy bean (yellow) seedlings.

Thanks to his prompt handling, none of the three bean sprouts showed abnormalities, and even those with slight lesions began to recover.

However, Ye Xiaochen clearly found that the few fairy and carrot seedlings that were closest to the bean seedlings also showed malnutrition to varying degrees.

Ye Xiaochen knew that this was unavoidable, but luckily the impact was not too great. Moreover, the adaptability and endurance of the immortals and carrots are very strong, and they will not wither.

Ye Xiaochen kept this lesson in mind.

Don't do it again next time.


This morning, Ye Xiaochen woke up very early.

Recently, he feels very healthy and sleeps very well. Although he only sleeps five or six hours a day, he feels refreshed.

It was still daylight.

After Ye Xiaochen washed up, he ate a cucumber and wandered around the farm.

Suddenly, he stopped in a soybean field.

There are corn and soybeans planted on the farm, which is about a few acres. Ye Xiaochen didn't want to plant it at first, but my mother said that with so much land, it would be a waste if it was idle.

"What has eaten this piece of soybean seedling?"

Ye Xiaochen looked at a lot of broken branches and leaves of soybeans, and he knew that they had been gnawed by something.

He checked around the soybean seedlings and soon found a pile of black granular feces.

Typical rabbit poop.

"It's strange, the surroundings are not blocked, how could there be wild rabbits coming in?"

Ye Xiaochen was puzzled.

Due to the location of the farm, it is in a col and surrounded by mountains. Now the ecology is recovering quickly, so there are more wild animals.

Rabbits, pheasants, badgers, cats and pigs are very common, and even wild boars and muntjacs can be found in the surrounding forests.

Villagers often say that the crops they grow have been harmed by some kind of animal.

Ye Xiaochen's farm is surrounded by barbed wire, so he is not afraid.

But now, there were traces of wild rabbits, which meant that there was a loophole in the barbed wire. If it was not found and plugged, it might attract other wild animals.

"Those two dead dogs were guarding the farm. When a wild rabbit came in, they didn't move at all. It was really a waste of time to raise them."

Ye Xiaochen was speechless to those two dogs.

Since he lived in the country, he had some experience in catching hares and pheasants, and his father was a veteran in this field.

Ye Xiaochen learned a little bit under the influence of his ears and eyes when he was a child.

He started looking around for where the wild rabbit came from.

Because of the rain the day before yesterday, the ground was a little wet, and some traces could be seen faintly.

Searching for traces, Ye Xiaochen finally came to a barbed wire fence.

There is a piece of thatch here, which was vaguely walked out of a path by rabbits, and a big opening was opened in the ground under the barbed wire, and fresh soil dug out could be clearly seen beside it.

Next to the pile of soil there was some rabbit droppings.

Ye Xiaochen squatted down and looked at the gap made under the barbed wire, a little surprised.

It was obviously picked up by wild rabbits.

"Tsk tsk, how bold you are, to dig a hole into my farm."

A smile appeared on Ye Xiaochen's face. It had been a long time since he had eaten wild rabbit meat, and it seemed that he could try something new again.

He hurried home and took out some wire clips that his father had kept for a long time.

It's not the first time Ye Xiaochen has done it with a wire clip to clamp a hare. He put a wire clip on the pile of fresh soil under the wire fence, and then wrapped the wire around a branch.

The reason why it is not fixed is mainly to prevent wild rabbits from breaking their legs and running away.

Another wire clip was placed in a grassy rabbit path, and then the site was restored.

Then wait for the rabbit to come to the door.

Although wild rabbits are timid and cautious by nature, with the urine nature of rabbits, there will definitely be a second time after the first time.

At most two or three days, the hare must be hit.

After finishing, Ye Xiaochen quickly inspected the barbed wire fence of the whole farm, and found that there were signs of damage in more than one place.

Apparently, his farm was being targeted by some wild animals.

For two days in a row, even the air force did not see a single rabbit fur, but Ye Xiaochen was not discouraged, so he had to be patient when putting the trap.


Ye Xiaochen drove a truck into Yangshi.

In the past few days, there have been continuous torrential rains in the Yangshi area, causing serious waterlogging. Although the weather has cleared up today, some low-lying areas are still full of water.

Yangshi is not bad, and several other prefecture-level urban areas in Southern Province are even more serious.

Right now, there is heavy rainfall everywhere across the country, especially North Province, He Province and other provinces, which are in dire straits. News reports are all about flood disasters.

Just after delivering the goods, Ye Xiaochen suddenly received a call from Fangyuan.

Since the last contact, the two have occasionally called each other.

"Chenzi, I'm going to go to your farm to play, do you welcome me?"

Fangyuan's voice came from the phone.

"Of course you are welcome, where are you now?"

Ye Xiaochen said in surprise.

"At home, it's been raining for the past few days and people are moldy. It just so happens that it's sunny today, and it's the weekend again. I'm going to go out and relax. By the way, I brought a friend with me."

Fang Yuan said.

"Friend? Male or female?"

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

"Girl, on a blind date, my family insisted on taking me out to play..."

Fang Yuan said.

"It seems to be progressing very quickly."

Ye Xiaochen said with a smile, "Looks like we'll be able to have a wedding soon."

Generally, those who are on a blind date get married very quickly, ranging from ten days and a half months to as many as two or three months, and things will definitely happen.

"Should, can, probably, almost."

When Fangyuan said that, she agreed in her heart.

"Don't say anything, but yes, yes, yes, I am also in Yangshi now..."

Ye Xiaochen told Fang Yuan where they met, then hung up the phone.

half an hour later.

On a road leading to the outside of the city, Ye Xiaochen waited for Fangyuan's car.

A white Buick SUV.

When he saw Fang Yuan's girlfriend, he had only one thought, the two are really a good match!

Fang Yuan's girlfriend is called Huang Qiqi. How to put it, although she is not as big as Fang Yuan, she has a hundred and seventy-eight.

Fortunately, Huang Qiqi's skin is very fair, her face shape is not ugly, and she looks pretty good overall. If she can lose weight, she might be a beauty.

Unfortunately, obesity can ruin a beautiful woman!

After initial contact, Ye Xiaochen had a new impression of Huang Qiqi. This fat girl is bold and generous, and she doesn't have the pretentiousness of many girls at all.

"Fangyuan, follow my car."

Ye Xiaochen waved his hand and got on the truck.

"Don't worry, you won't miss it."

Fang Yuan drove behind.

Soon, the two cars drove out of Yangshi in tandem and headed towards Jing County.

... ..

on the farm.

"Wow, it's quite big here, Ye Xiaochen, you've done a pretty good job, do you know what my biggest dream is? There is a house facing the mountains, where spring flowers bloom."

Fangyuan took his girlfriend Huang Qiqi and followed Ye Xiaochen to the farm.

The landscape in this area is quite good.

Huang Qiqi likes to take pictures the most. Holding a camera, she doesn't know how many pictures she took.

Fang Yuan also yelled.

Ye Xiaochen felt that the two were really a good match!

"Let's go, watch the rabbit catch it."

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't gone to see the clip today. After hearing this, the two Fang Yuan were very curious and followed.

… .

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