Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 48: Simple


Building drainage ditches around the greenhouse can't avoid this situation.

The water absorption and storage capacity of the soil is very strong. Even if the water flow is drained, the soil in the greenhouse still absorbs abundant water, which has a huge impact on the root system of the broccoli seedlings.

This is likely to be a genetic problem.

Nowadays, many vegetables are cultivated using genetically modified technology. Although the yield is high, it will also cause many strange problems.

"Fang Yuan, do you have the nutrient data in the broccoli root system after it starts to rot?"

Ye Xiaochen asked quickly.

If the root system is rotten, it should be that the nutrients in the body are out of balance.

Under the stimulation of external conditions, the body's nutrient absorption efficiency will change.

If relevant data can be found, targeted treatment and prevention are entirely possible.

"Chenzi, what do you want this for? You don't want to solve the defect of this broccoli, do you?"

Fang Yuan laughed.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Ye Xiaochen's strength. To be honest, Ye Xiaochen's professional grades have always been at the top when he was in college. If Ye Xiaochen didn't choose a graduate job, he could have been a graduate student.

Even a company as big as Global Group can't solve it, and it's impossible for an individual to solve it.

"Don't worry, can you get it?"

Ye Xiaochen said.

"Although buddy, I'm about to be sidelined now, this little thing is fine, it's not confidential data anyway."

Fang Yuan said.

He is having a hard time now. Although the matter is suppressed now, it is only temporary. If the problem cannot be solved, those farmers will definitely make trouble.

In the past few days, he has been very busy, running around to appease the farmers.

"Fang Yuan, thank you very much, maybe I really found a solution, brother, and you can make a big contribution."

Ye Xiaochen laughed.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. Another call came to urge me. In the evening, I will find time to send you the data."

Fang Yuan naturally wouldn't believe it, and just thought Ye Xiaochen was joking.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xiaochen didn't care. Whether he could help Fang Yuan was still unknown, after all, this was not a small problem.

Based on the relationship between the two of you, you have to find a way.

Besides, he was also very interested in this matter.

At night, Fang Yuan sent the data as expected.

Ye Xiaochen studied it carefully.

Under the stimulation of the water-rich soil, the broccoli had a fundamental change in its nutrient absorption. What surprised him most was that even photosynthesis seemed to be inhibited.

"Strange, how could this happen?"

Ye Xiaochen became more and more curious.

This night, Ye Xiaochen slept very late, studying the data sent by Fangyuan, looking for valuable knowledge from the Shennong System Getting Started Guide...

For two days in a row, Ye Xiaochen was immersed in it, and due to severe lack of sleep, dark circles appeared under his eyes.

Fortunately, the transplanting of the vegetable seedlings has been completed, and he has more free time, otherwise, he may not be able to support it.

That night, Ye Xiaochen, who was reading a book, suddenly cheered up.

"Haha, I see, it turns out to be like this."

He quickly took out a notebook and wrote it down with a signature pen.

"The reason why the root system of broccoli seedlings will rot is due to an allergic reaction of the seedlings themselves to the soil saturated with water. According to the solution to allergic reactions in the Shennong System Introductory Guide, it is mainly defined from the reaction medium. The water contains The allergic reaction causes the weakening of photosynthesis, which will affect the transformation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and also involves carbon and oxygen elements, which shows that oxygen is the most critical element in the entire allergic reaction. Reaction medium."

Ye Xiaochen paused for a moment, with joy on his face.

In fact, this is a law that has never been discovered in the field of botany: the purpose of prevention and control can be achieved by adjusting the material elements of a certain reaction medium.

In other words, similar allergic reactions to any plant can be prevented through this rule.

It is a very common adjustment method in fairy planting.

On Earth, no such rule has been found.

After all, this law has a deeper nature, but it cannot be detected by existing technologies.

If it weren't for the Shennong System Getting Started Guide, Ye Xiaochen wouldn't have thought of this aspect.

This night, Ye Xiaochen was so excited that he fell asleep very late.

Waking up early the next morning, he was yawning profusely.

Lack of sleep!

But I have things to do, so I can't sleep in late.

After delivering the vegetables, he went to a special seed store to buy Emerald Green King's broccoli seeds, but was told that all the seeds had been sold out.

He asked several stores in succession.

In the end he had to call Fang Yuan and ask him to help get some Emerald Green King seeds.

"I said, Chenzi, you won't get your head caught by the door panel, right? Are you still buying Emerald Green King seeds at this time? I just got the news that all the seeds will be recalled to be destroyed. There is no remedy at all. Anyway, this time , I've stumbled."

Fang Yuan couldn't cheer up and said.

"Fangyuan, don't worry about it, in a word, can you get it?"

Ye Xiaochen knew that Fang Yuan wouldn't believe it if he told him, anyway, he'll tell him when he succeeds.

"Don't use the aggressive method, okay, I have a lot of seeds here, as many as you want, anyway, they will be destroyed after a while."

Fang Yuan said.

"Then I'll come and get it now."

Ye Xiaochen said quickly.

When he saw Fang Yuan, Ye Feng almost didn't recognize him anymore, this guy lost a lot of weight.

"Fuck, Fangyuan, are you losing weight fast enough?"

Ye Xiaochen joked.

"Can you not lose weight? Alexander, if you talk too much, you will cry!"

Fang Yuan sighed.

"Hold on, keep the clouds open and see the moonlight."

Ye Xiaochen patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I can't fall yet."

Fangyuan opened the trunk, and it was full of broccoli seeds.

"So much?"

Ye Xiaochen was dumbfounded when he saw the trunk full of seeds.

"Anyway, it will be destroyed, and it will be left alone. I have pulled a lot for you, but I tell you, it must not be leaked out. If anyone finds out, I will be in bad luck. I will give you the seeds in a fake public favor , took a big risk."

Fang Yuan reminded.

"I know, you can rest assured."

Ye Xiaochen nodded and loaded all the seeds onto the truck.

After driving home, he started to get busy.

For several days, he spent most of his time researching broccoli seeds.

In just a few days, the seeds took root and germinated, and grew into seedlings, which he then transplanted in batches in the fields.

He specially purchased oxygen cylinders for experiments.

This lasted for nearly a week, he almost forgot to sleep and eat, and his whole body lost a lot of weight.

However, the hard work is worth it.

His research on broccoli seeds bore fruit.

All the conclusions he deduced before are correct, and the reaction medium of oxygen plays a decisive role in the allergic reaction of broccoli.

Solving this problem is not difficult.

For example, you can directly increase the oxygen concentration in the greenhouse to curb the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Not every farmer has such conditions, which is troublesome and costly.

However, Ye Xiaochen found another simpler and more convenient method, which is to pour a certain concentration of physiological saline on the broccoli seedlings.

Simple enough, right

In fact, this is to use the concentration of soil salinity to be higher than the water concentration of the plant itself to inhibit certain undesirable operations of the plant body.

It can be called fighting poison with poison.

But it works.

Sometimes, seemingly complex puzzles.

solve it.

It's that simple.

... ..

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