Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 72: Purify


Ye Xiaochen used his psychic talent to follow the flight direction of the little bee all the way up the mountain.

Fortunately, the little bees return from time to time, otherwise it would not be easy to track down the little bees.

This is also the difficulty of finding bees.

Even the most seasoned bee hunters often come away empty-handed.

Bee hunters usually place bee buckets in certain locations to lure segregated bee colonies to settle.

Ye Xiaochen had the talent for psychics, but he didn't have any troubles in this area, so finding bees became easier.

Looking at the surrounding scenery all the way, followed the little bee. About ten minutes later, not far from the quarry, the little bee suddenly circled in the air.

Ye Xiaochen knew that the hive was nearby.

After flying around a few times, the little bee suddenly flew under a big tree next to the stone pile on the right.

Ye Xiaochen hurriedly followed, and immediately saw the little bee landed on a dead branch, and then crawled along the dead branch into the gap between the exposed tree roots and stones.

"I'm dizzy, why are you in this position?"

Ye Xiaochen was a little annoyed.

It is very troublesome to get out the bee colony in this kind of place.

Stones, roots, are all obstacles!

Really need to dig, the project is huge.

"By the way, I don't have a fairy hoe. I have a fairy hoe. What are these stones and roots?"

Ye Xiaochen suddenly realized that he had a magic weapon in his hand.

Immediately, he took out the fairy hoe from the storage space and started digging.

In order not to hurt the hive, he dug very carefully, starting from the side.

No matter how hard the stone is, in front of the fairy hoe, it is not much harder than tofu, and the roots of the tree are not a problem.

Stones were dug up, and roots were cleared away.

I worked hard for half an hour.

Finally, the hive gradually appeared in Ye Xiaochen's field of vision.

If the fairy hoe wasn't too heavy, he wouldn't have used it for so long.

Ye Xiaochen hung the prepared bamboo hat directly above the hive, and then used a handful of dry dogtail grass to gently drive the bee colony from below.

buzz buzz...

Many bees flew up and gathered in the bamboo hat.

The bee colony in the bamboo hat is getting bigger and bigger, and the bees in the hive are getting less and less.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaochen's eyes were so sharp that he saw a bee in the hive that was much larger than normal bees.

queen bee!

Ye Xiaochen's eyes lit up, and immediately stretched out his hand gently.

At the same time, his psychic talent was also brought into play.

Generally, catching the queen bee with bare hands is a technical task, and it is easy to be attacked by bee colonies.

He has a psychic talent that can greatly reduce the hostility of the swarm.

When his hand lightly touched the queen bee, he immediately sensed the existence of the queen bee's consciousness.

When he gently grabbed the queen bee and put it in the palm of his hand, the queen bee didn't struggle much.

After the queen bee was put into the prepared beehive, Ye Xiaochen breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the swarm of bees could not escape.

He picked up the bamboo hat and shook the bee clusters inside into the beehive.

Ye Xiaochen put the lid back on, opened the nest door, and dispersed the remaining bee clusters from the original hive.

In this way, the bee group will not continue to return to the hive, but will pursue the breath of the queen bee and enter from the hive door of the beehive.

After all the swarms were dispersed, the hive was completely exposed in Ye Xiaochen's field of vision.

There is still plenty of honey.

After all, it is almost the beginning of autumn, and the bee colony must prepare food for the winter.

With a fruit knife, he cut off pieces of honeycomb and put them in a clean plastic bag.

When I got home, it was already past four in the afternoon.

He dealt with the honeycomb first, cutting off the honeycomb, and the rest will be used as the honeycomb and put into the beehive.

Since the required honey must be very pure, the static method he adopted allows the honey in the honeycomb to flow out automatically and settle down.

This ensures that the honey does not have too many impurities.

Leaving aside the honeycomb that had been left undisturbed, Ye Xiaochen settled down the bee colony collected this time.

There are so many vegetables planted on his farm, just in need of bee colonies, and these vegetables are high-quality vegetables, and the honey brewed from the pollen that he wants to collect must be extraordinary.

This will provide a steady stream of honey for pollinator bees.

Only relying on this group of bees will definitely not be able to meet the needs of pollinating bees.

The honey obtained after standing still needs to be purified by special means, and the pure honey that can be obtained in the end will not be too much.

He planned to collect a few more swarms of bees during this time.

For several days, Ye Xiaochen spent a lot of time looking for the bee colony.

Good harvest.

Got five swarms of bees.

During this period, he processed several orders from the online store.

It may be that the word-of-mouth of sauerkraut has gradually spread from the mouths of those customers, and now the business of the online store has gradually improved, with several orders appearing every day.

There are not many orders, but the price is too high.

An order is more than 400 yuan, and the income of the online store is 1000 to 2000 yuan a day.

This is still pure profit, and there is no cost for a few books. After all, the raw materials are their own, so it doesn't take much effort to make sauerkraut.

In this way, it is no problem to earn 40,000 to 50,000 yuan a month based on the income from sauerkraut.


Five beehives are lined up in a shed.

From time to time, bees flew in and out, and it was very busy.

The honey obtained after standing still has accumulated about three catties.

At this moment, in the tin house.

Ye Xiaochen is purifying honey.

Under normal circumstances, honey cannot be purified at all, at most it can reduce impurities.

For Ye Xiaochen, it was not difficult.

Inside the boiler, there is all the light yellow honey, which looks extremely clear and clear, with a faint aroma emitting from it.

Down below, the gas has been lit, and the blue flame will burn the bottom of the boiler, making the texture above light up.

The honey has become warm.

Heating honey should not exceed 50 degrees, otherwise, the nutrients will be destroyed.

Ye Xiaochen controlled the temperature of the honey and kept it warm.

He took out a glass bottle, poured out a white powder from it, and weighed it to the point of milligrams.

He directly poured the white powder into the honey in the boiler, and then stirred it with a spoon.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the color of the bees became much lighter, and a milky white dense liquid appeared at the bottom.

After a while, wait until the color of the honey on it completely fades, as if it has become a kind of light yellow water.

There is no sticky feeling of honey.

On the contrary, the spoon was covered with a layer of milky white liquid, like jelly, and it was pulled into a long silk thread, which did not break.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaochen finally showed a smile on his face.

Soon, he separated the milky white liquid in the boiler from the light yellow moisture in the upper layer.

After leaving the water, the milky white liquid quickly turned into milky white crystals, like rock sugar.

Ye Xiaochen weighed these milky white crystals, a total of more than 140 grams.

"It's really not easy."

Ye Xiaochen was very moved when he saw such a little purified honey.

It is not easy to feed pollinating bees!

This purified honey is only one of the raw materials for making food for pollinator bees.

Next, it is necessary to formulate real pollinator bee food.

Other materials have already been prepared.

After he cleaned the inner tank of the boiler, he began to prepare it.


PS: All updates have been added, why are there so few recommendation votes? ?