Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1437: Who is convincing whom?


Shang Shuqing shook her head, stretched out her hand and pushed it back, "I won't eat, you eat." She was very excited and conflicted. She was worried that she had made a mistake, so she confirmed again, "Yin'er, did the matchmaker also tell you, let me You are not allowed to mention that you have met Master Dao, otherwise I won’t give you chicken legs to eat?”

Yin'er nodded again, indignant again, "Bad guy!"

Indignation was indignation, but the tears in Shang Shuqing's eyes could not be hidden from her. The chicken drumstick she had chewed in her hand was handed to Shang Shuqing again, "Qing Qing."

Shang Shuqing smiled through tears, pushed it back again, and pointed to the basket to express that there was still more.

Well, Yin'er took it back and continued to nibble on his own.

Shang Shuqing turned around, wiped her tears with her handkerchief, lingered on the handshake, tangled her fingers, walked to the window and opened it, looking at the darkening night outside the window, she gradually calmed down, with complex thoughts in her bright eyes.

Although she accepted the reality that Master Dao was dead, she still didn't want to believe it. So what if Yin'er's words were true

The key is that she doesn't know how to face it

If he is really still alive, it means that Master Dao has been hiding some truth. She also knows that what Master Dao does must be very important.

What is the Holy Land? Suspended death in the Holy Land must have a lot of stakes, with thunder and lightning happening at every turn, and how many people are involved, which she cannot bear.

She is a self-aware person. Since it is something that does not need to be known to her, she can't help, can't influence anything, and is of no use. Naturally, she is not qualified to say anything, and Master Dao does not need to explain anything to her.

But he might still be alive, and her heart was hot, excited and nervous.

She was still not sure about Yin'er's words, but Yin'er couldn't communicate normally, so if she asked again, she would just say these words over and over again.

But she could think and make judgments. After the death of Master Dao, the Thatched Cottage was expelled from Zijin Cave. The sudden change that was thought to happen was passed smoothly with faint thunder, and Nanzhou was stable. At the most heart-wrenching moment when people were panicking, my brother and the others actually quickly rectified the Zijin Cave, stabilized the cultivation forces within Nanzhou, and stabilized the forces around Nanzhou.

Some things that once puzzled her now seem to have found answers. The best answer is that the person who calmed down the situation in Nanzhou is still there.

In other words, if that person is still alive, my brother should know about it!

Unknowingly, Shang Shuqing didn't know how long she had been standing in front of the window. A pair of greasy hands stretched out beside her, and Yin'er's voice came, "Qingqing."

Shang Shuqing came to her senses, walked to the basket and took a look, and found that the basket of chicken legs had been eaten by Yin'er.

Then he took Yin'er outside, ordered someone to fetch water, and helped Yin'er wash his hands himself.

While wiping Yin'er's hands, Shang Shuqing could not resist the desire to find the truth in her heart and asked: "Yin'er, can you still recognize Master Dao?"

Yin'er nodded, then shook his head, "Don't mention Tao." After finishing the chicken legs, he started to keep his promise again.

Shang Shuqing didn't say much, but took Yin'er's hand and went out, heading straight to the thatched cottage next to the palace, but stopped many times along the way...

The palace was barely brightly lit, the servants were doing their own thing, the guards were doing their own thing, and it was hard for the master to rest at ease.

In Yingwu Hall, Shang Chaozong and Meng Shanming paid attention to the progress of the war day and night. The wars between Jin and Qi were of incidental concern, and the main focus was on the war against Qin.

This time in the war against Qin, Yan and Han joined forces. The Yan State's offensive was not limited to Nanzhou alone. The Yan State did not allow the Nanzhou family to monopolize it. Nanzhou did not have the strength to monopolize it. It really took all the Nanzhou troops. Spreading out to control all Qin's occupied territories may not be a good thing for Nanzhou.

However, Nanzhou still sent troops. This was a battle that was crushed by absolute strength. Neither Shang Chaozong nor Meng Shanming personally sent troops. If such a battle requires them to personally send troops, it is tantamount to saying that Nanzhou The state has no successor.

The issue of successors is also a problem that Meng Shanming has been working hard to solve over the years, and has been working hard to train generals from the Nanzhou Department.

This time, the troops sent by Nanzhou were divided into two groups, led by Luo Daan and Lu Zheng, two students of Meng Shanming.

Although victory is certain, they still dare not be careless and have been paying close attention to the combat trends of Nanzhou's troops.

The dispatch of the army requires internal cooperation in Nanzhou, and Lan Ruoting takes care of the internal affairs. Luo Daan's younger brother, Luo Xiaoan, was very busy following Lan Ruoting. Lan Ruoting kept putting heavy burdens on him...

After leaving the palace, Shang Shuqing entered the Thatched Cottage. She was not blocked from entering or exiting the place. However, the closer she got to her goal, the more nervous she became. She began to wonder whether what she was doing was right or wrong, and she even seriously doubted her behavior.

But her strong desire to know the truth made her bite the bullet and come.

Her arrival immediately alarmed Guan Fangyi, who showed up and wanted to take the two of them to her yard.

Shang Shuqing shook her head, not knowing how to speak, and finally said with a slight tremor, "Sister Hong, I want to meet Mr. Wang Xiao, is it okay?"

Guan Fangyi was stunned and subconsciously looked at Yin'er, who was holding her hand. The latter was at a loss and didn't understand what they were talking about. He was looking around...

In the secret room, Niu Youdao and Lu Wushuang sat opposite each other, having a rare scene, drinking tea and chatting.

"The general trend of the world is that the waves behind push the waves ahead, and it is common sense that the Nine Saints will be defeated sooner or later. The enemies on the surface are themselves, but the real enemy is the entire world. The higher you stand, the higher the enemy. Many, this is the eternal truth!”

"It seems that no one dares to stand up to you, but this is the most dangerous thing. You have countless enemies, and these enemies are not in the open, they are all in the dark."

"You seem to hold great power, but you are unavoidably standing in the light, while countless enemies are in the dark, and they are killing you endlessly. So from the beginning, you are destined to fall. It will be sooner or later. Sooner or later, someone will jump out and replace you."

Niu Youdao kept chattering, hoping that Lu Wushuang would listen to some truth.

Lu Wushuang's words revealed a lot of flaws. If the Six Saints would eradicate them all soon, it would be a huge matter, and Niu Youdao really couldn't ignore it.

I hope I can persuade Lu Wushuang to cooperate and say what needs to be said.

As soon as he came back, he sent a summons to Sha Tulai, asking Sha Tulai to pay attention to when the Six Saints would return to the Holy Realm. He also asked the relevant ears and eyes to pay close attention to all the news to see if what Lu Wushuang said would really happen, that the Six Saints would give up. Shou Shengjing personally sat down in the human world to deal with them.

However, no matter what Niu Youdao said, Lu Wushuang just listened with a faint smile, served tea slowly, and rarely said a word from beginning to end.

At the end of the speech, Niu Youdao felt that what he said was meaningless, and finally asked: "If you have any concerns, you can tell them and we can discuss them and resolve them."

Lu Wushuang put down the tea cup and smiled, "You have always been disloyal to your words. I helped you handle things before, but you had murderous intentions towards me. If I hadn't used words to overcome your weakness, I'm afraid that I I still don’t know what the outcome will be. Is it interesting for you to say so much now? Do you think I will still believe it? If you are really sincere, wouldn’t it be nice if we all become a family and can trust each other? "

Niu Youdao: "You know that he doesn't like you, but you still want to marry him. Don't you feel aggrieved to marry such a rough guy?"

Lu Wushuang: "For a person like me, what does being aggrieved mean? Old woman Xue was besieged in Wuliang Garden, was she aggrieved? Was Lan Daolin aggrieved when he was besieged in Wubian Pavilion? Was he aggrieved? Fatty Yuan was being besieged. Picking out one eye, isn't it frustrating? I have experienced countless grievances, and I can use them to make food."

"I'm not feeling aggrieved. I have to face it if something goes wrong. If I couldn't hold my breath, I wouldn't be alive today."

"Actually, I don't understand what you think. I consider myself pretty. In terms of status, who among the women in the world can compare with me? How am I not worthy of him? What do you have to be pretentious about? I've ended up like this. We have reached a point where there is no way out and we need to find a way out. You also need my help. Even from the perspective of marriage, it is beneficial to both of you and me, and I don’t think you have the need to refuse."

Niu Youdao: "Everyone has different meanings of life and different personalities. If he agrees, he will have trampled on his bottom line as a human being. He will feel guilty for the rest of his life. You know something about Feng Guan'er. What are the consequences? If something goes wrong, he will pay for it with his life! Isn’t it precisely because of his preciousness that he can be relied upon to save your life that you decided you had to marry him? How dare you marry someone like me? ?"

"Speaking of Feng Guan'er, you should know his relationship with Feng Guan'er. If he marries you, what will Feng Guan'er do to him?"

Lu Wushuang said calmly, "That woman is not worthy of him. Don't misunderstand me, I have no intention of belittling Feng Guan'er. Ranking is meaningless to me. I just discuss things as they are. For a person like Yuan Gang, Marry her? Why marry her? What can she do? Can she warm a bed? Is she as tender as water? Or can she say some thoughtful words to make a man happy? Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

"Taking a step back, I have everything she has. I can do everything she can do. Even if it's just pretending, I can be better than her. On the contrary, when I compare her, she can't do it. Compared with me, , she is just a waste, a vase at best, you will get tired of looking at her for a long time, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a burden."

"Niu Youdao, if you really regard Yuan Gang as your brother, you should think rationally. Yuan Gang is a man with huge flaws and is incompatible with this world. Marrying Feng Guan'er will harm him. But I am different. If I become him His wife is the one who can help him, at least she can make him live longer." He raised his hand and pointed at his head.

"Niu Youdao, you are a smart man. You can judge from your heart. Does a person like Yuan Gang need a woman like me to be his good wife? In other words, people like you can consider the love between men and women. People with his personality are actually not qualified to consider those nihilistic things. What he needs is help and someone who can control him. I believe that without your help, he would not be alive now. .”

Yun Ji, who was listening in, couldn't help but look at Niu Youdao's reaction. She was a little confused as to who was persuading whom

Niu Youdao was slightly silent, slowly serving tea and sipping it.

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