Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1468: Three parties intertwined


The three of them did not run around blindly, but rushed to Tianxia Bank first. The two of them stayed outside, and the leader directly found the bank manager.

"How many pharmacies are there in the entire city of Nanzhou?"

"There are eleven families in total, large and small."

"Do you have a specific location?"

"Yes." The shopkeeper of the bank quickly dug out the detailed map of the city and searched the streets one by one. With his understanding of Nanzhou Fucheng, he wrote very neatly and quickly circled the locations of eleven drug stores.

The person who got the map asked the shopkeeper for a few more reliable people, and took them with him to the streets of Fucheng.

After a group of people dispersed, they quickly rushed to various streets with drug stores, found the drug stores and went inside to check.

After searching urgently for a while, the target was finally found in a medicine shop with a carriage parked at the door.

Yan Baoru, dressed as an ordinary woman with coarse cloth and jade hairpins, was talking to the medicine shop owner.

The clerk packed all the medicinal materials in the pharmacy and brought them to the customer. Please verify.

Yan Baoru squatted on the ground, opened his pockets with both hands, checked them, nodded with satisfaction, and then took out three gold coins and gave them to the shopkeeper, saying there was no need to look for them anymore.

The shopkeeper thanked him repeatedly and asked the waiter to help carry the bags and put them on the carriage outside the door to be stacked.

Before getting into the car, the coachman nodded to her. Yan Baoru's eyes flickered from side to side, and he boarded the car calmly and got into the carriage.

The driver whipped his whip and drove the carriage slowly down the street. Instead of going to other medicine shops, he headed directly towards the city gate.

The carriage had just walked out of a street. Three Dayuan Holy Land personnel who had received the report from the Thatched Cottage appeared and asked the people sent by the bank to go back. The three of them followed the carriage in person.

Little did the three of them know that they were being targeted from the moment they left the thatched cottage, and all the assistants hired from the bank were also targeted.

When they discovered Yan Baoru, those who stared at them also knew that they had discovered Yan Baoru.

The people who set up the trap are not ordinary people. The energy they can use is so huge that it is nothing to keep an eye on these individuals.

The people who were following discovered that the carriage was about to leave the city, and one person immediately left quickly. Not long after, a carriage was waiting in front. The two people who were following them quickly got into the carriage as they passed by.

Yan Baoru's carriage started to gallop after leaving the city, and the carriage behind it followed closely.

Yan Baoru was silent in the car. She only knew that she was following Sha Tathagata's instructions, but she had no idea what she was doing or what kind of thing she was involved in. But she already realized that something was wrong.

But she had no choice. Facing a powerful person like Sha Rulai, she, the so-called top master on the elixir list, was nothing. Even the ghost doctor disciple was helpless, so what could she do

After more than twenty miles from the city, the carriage turned onto a country road and headed towards the village ahead.

The carriage following behind did not turn in for fear of alerting the target, but the three of them quickly escaped and escaped into the forest nearby. They sneaked in the forest and used the cover of the forest to follow Yan Baoru's carriage.

The carriage did not go anywhere else, its destination was the village. After entering the village, it stopped outside a larger farmyard.

The courtyard door opened, and Yan Bao got out of the car and said hello. Wu Xiang, wearing a hanging cloth hat, came out and helped carry down the bags filled with medicine.

At the entrance of the small courtyard, there was a table. The ghost doctor Hei Li personally sat in the clinic and treated the villagers who were queuing up, without having to do odd things on the side.

Yan Baoru and Wu Xiang carried bags filled with medicine into the small courtyard.

What does it mean to be involuntarily? The inner feelings of the three masters and disciples at this time were extremely profound, and they really couldn't help themselves in pretending here.

Doing such weird things, the weirder you act, the more unsure and uneasy you feel...

Someone from the Thatched Cottage returned and found Concubine Yuan directly. He reported in a low voice under a tree, "Found it, the target is outside the city, and the ghost doctor apprentice is also..." He informed the discovery in detail, and based on the instructions to the villagers. After asking around, it seems that the ghost doctor's apprentice passed through this place.

"Waiting for now." Concubine Yuan waved her hand, and after rejecting the other person, she also fell into silence.

When she heard about Yan Baoru before, she felt strange. Wasn't Yan Baoru following the ghost doctor's apprentice? How could he appear here? Could it be that the ghost doctor's apprentice was also here

She did receive news that the ghost doctor apprentice had left the Medicine Valley. The thing she is most concerned about is the situation of the ghost doctor disciples in Medicine Valley. Naturally, she has always been concerned about it.

In order to verify the situation, we sent people to investigate, and finally found that it was indeed the case. With Yan Baoru here, the ghost doctor disciple was indeed here in Nanzhou, actually seeing a doctor in a village? If you don't go and look for what she wants, what the hell are you doing here

She didn't react for the time being. After Yuan Se finished her meal and settled everything, she got into a carriage.

The driver was the one who came to report the news and left the thatched cottage through the side door.

In a pavilion, Guan Fangyi stood in front of the window and stared through the gap. She could be said to have witnessed the carriage leaving with her own eyes. She breathed a sigh of relief. Master Dao's arrangement should be considered a success, but to a certain extent this This is not an arrangement by Master Dao.

In the current thatched cottage, she is probably the only person who has the best knowledge of the overall situation.

Yuan Se caught Luo Fangfei setting up a trap, and the plot seemed to be quite big. Luo Qiu was setting up the situation in front of him again, so it was certainly not simple. And Master Dao is also setting up a situation behind the scenes, and he is also not a vegetarian. It's just that Yuan Se and Luo Qiu don't know each other is setting up a trap, but Master Dao is the promoter of the entire scheme and has control over the situation among the three parties.

The three parties came and went, all plotting. Yuan Se thought Luo Qiu was in his own game, Luo Qiu thought Yuan Se was in the middle of his game, and Dao Ye was in charge of the situation of the three parties. Generally speaking, Yuan Se and Luo Qiu suffered a lot in the open, while Dao Ye hid behind the scenes and was ignored by everyone, so he took advantage of them.

This small thatched cottage, a corner of the small Nanzhou capital, looks peaceful, but underneath it is agitated by wind and thunder.

Beneath the calm is an extremely dangerous whirlpool, which seems to be able to swallow everything. If there is a slight accident, no matter who is involved, it will be destroyed.

But none of the three parties are on good terms. No matter how dangerous it is, they are all at stake here, and everyone has to fight it out.

Guan Fangyi was glad that she was an insider, otherwise the three parties would have used this method in a dazzling manner. If it were her, she would have been unable to stand up to any of them and would have been played to death.

In fact, she only knows a general idea until now, because she can't be by Niu Youdao's side all the time. She doesn't know exactly what the three families are playing. She only knows that she must have become a pawn in this secret confrontation.

The prince's palace next door was annexing the vast territory of Jinglue, but she knew very well that the palace next door seemed to have a big situation, but the hidden confrontation in this small thatched cottage seemed calm and insignificant, but in fact it involved far-reaching things. It's not comparable to the palace.

The three parties are intertwined, and the battle is here. No matter which side loses, many lives will be lost, and she can feel that the time to decide the winner is not far away!

After leaving the pavilion, Guan Fangyi seemed to be wandering slowly, but in fact she wanted to spread the news as soon as possible, and Master Dao wanted to grasp the changes in the chess game as detailed as possible.

After the carriage left the city, it was quickly abandoned in a remote place. Concubine Yuan got out of the carriage and escaped into the forest with the groom, flying through the depths of the forest to reach her destination.

It must be done as soon as possible. Yuan Se is still here, and Concubine Yuan should not leave for too long.

She just wanted to go here to see what the ghost doctor was doing and whether he took her own affairs to heart. It was inevitable to supervise him.

If she doesn't urge her, what's the matter with her current appearance? She wears a gauze all day long and doesn't even dare to show her face wearing a mask. The mask is easy to handle, but what about the missing eye

Because she wears a gauze and doesn't show her face to others, she doesn't even bother to put on makeup now. Her makeup before was extremely delicate and pleasing to the eye.

In the secret cave in the mountain, Guan Fangyi's message arrived. Niu Youdao read it and handed it to Lu Wushuang, "The fish is hooked, now it's up to Luo Qiu."

Yun Ji, who sent the message, said: "Is it possible to control Concubine Yuan by this? Why do I feel a little unsafe?"

Niu Youdao smiled and said nothing.

Lu Wushuang, who had read the content of the letter, spoke up, "Yunji, you underestimate Luo Qiu. There were many Nascent Soul cultivators in the past, and Luo Qiu can be one of the few left after being eliminated. He is not a vegetarian. . With such a flaw in hand, if Luo Qiuruo can't even deal with Yuan Fei, then he's been fooling around in vain. Just wait and see, Yuan Fei is no match for Luo Qiu and will definitely surrender. This time Yuan Se will be able to endure it!"

Niu Youdao smiled at Yun Ji and said, "Pay attention to the situation passed down by Sha Tulai."

At the destination mountain village, Concubine Yuan arrived.

Instead of leading people into the village aggressively, and not wanting to make any conspicuous noise, she went into the village alone.

Little did she know that even if she brought someone here, some results would not be changed.

Wearing a gauze hat, she walked near the target courtyard and saw that the medical treatment stall at the door was closed. She stopped the passing villagers and asked about it. She found out that the ghost doctor was only taking a temporary break and would continue after the lunch break when the sun became overcast. .

She walked to the gate of the farm and saw Guo Man and Yan Baoru packing things in the yard and rummaging through the purchased medicinal materials.

Seeing someone breaking in, Guo Man immediately greeted him and told him, "Sir, he is resting. Please come back when you need medical treatment."

Concubine Yuan didn't say a word. She raised her hand and directly lifted the veil from the front, revealing her true face to the two of them.

The two of them were stunned at the sight and wanted to salute, but Concubine Yuan raised her hand to stop her, "Where is Heili Ren?"

"Rest inside the house." Guo Man whispered.

Concubine Yuan immediately turned around and walked towards the house. Behind her, Guo Man and Yan Baoru glanced at each other quietly. Both of them realized that this was probably the person waiting in the house.

In the hall, the three ghost doctor disciples who were standing or sitting all turned back to look at the uninvited guest.

After entering and standing still, Concubine Yuan raised her hand and took off the gauze directly. Her face was expressionless, but she soon squeezed out a smile and said, "Sir, I feel so comfortable."

The three ghost doctor disciples all stood up, and no one said a word. Instead, they all glanced to one side.

This reaction made Concubine Yuan feel something was wrong. She turned around and looked to one side. She saw a person standing at the door of the inner room. He was wearing a green shirt and was lean and energetic. He stood with his hands behind his back and stared at her indifferently.

ps: 25,000 votes plus updates were added last month, and the supplement was completed last month. Thanks to "Zui Ge 0" for the little red flower encouragement.