Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1482: One pot at a time


The secret purge operation targeted the Piaomiao Pavilion's eyes and ears, and avoided these eyes and ears, so it was difficult for the news to spread.

Although the scale of the operation is huge, they are all operating with a tight lid. For example, most of the disciples in the Zijin Cave do not know that such a thing is happening within the sect, and there is no news in the cultivation world...

In Nanzhou City, damaged buildings are being restored and rebuilt. After a storm, no one from the top is pursuing the case, and the bottom can only let it go and use money to settle the losses. For those who have lost a loved one, money cannot heal the pain, but life has to go on. Receiving a large pension can improve the life of the survivor, which is better than nothing.

Shang Chaozong tried to contact Tianxia Bank, hoping to get some compensation. After all, it was Luo Qiu and Yuan Se who caused this.

As a result, Tianxia Bank did not admit that it was Luo Qiu and Yuan Se who were causing trouble. After some long-winded talk, Shang Chaozong understood that it was not that the world's banks couldn't come up with the money, but that they just didn't admit that the two saints were doing anything wrong in the world, so Shang Chaozong could only give up.

In the underground secret room of Snail House, Guan Fangyi arrived and saw Niu Youdao talking to Lu Wushuang. The secret meeting of the heads of the three sects of the sect is probably to arrange the purge of the Piaomiao Pavilion."

Niu Youdao laughed and said, "Yan Li, this old boy is really lucky. He actually left the holy realm alive. After all, we helped him."

Guan Fangyi snorted, "Didn't you get the person in?"

Lu Wushuang reminded: "There are many people involved in clearing the eyes and ears of Piaomiao Pavilion. I'm afraid there will be accidents and fish may slip through the net."

Niu Youdao disagreed, "Is that important? The real key is that these Piaomiao Pavilion's eyes and ears among all the forces have been exposed and have been disabled. What does this mean?" He stood up and walked to the map, scanning the world. Picture, "Nine Saints, Chang Sun Mi and Mu Lianze's forces have been disintegrated; you and Yuan Se's forces will also be separated from them, and can even be used by us; Piaomiao Pavilion has lost those eyes and ears, and its role has been abolished. It is nothing more than a group of thugs , the strength of the remaining Five Saints is no different from that of a blind tiger."

"The Nine Saints have cut off the power of the Four Saints. The Piaomiao Pavilion has been abolished. The power has been greatly damaged. From now on, we can only rely on the personal deterrence of the Five Saints. The Nine Saints have been suffering in the world for a long time. People's hearts are wavering. In terms of power, they They are no longer as good as us, and the forces under the Five Saints are no longer worthy of fear. After this incident, we only have to deal with the Five Saints individually, so there is no need to worry too much, the situation has been completely reversed!"

He turned around and glanced at the two people, "They want to control the use of bird mounts by the people in the world. Let's get a batch of them from Huo Kong this time. They can fly around as long as they don't get hit by the Five Saints. Let's see what they can do." What am I?"

Lu Wushuang and Guan Fangyi could see his high spirits, and could tell that Niu Youdao was in such a good mood, as if a big burden had been lifted off him.

It can also be understood that after Yuan Se's death, he decisively seized this opportunity, and the situation really changed overnight.

Guan Fangyi tried to remind her, "If the Five Saints set up their own eyes and ears, will they just let Piaomiao Pavilion handle it? Don't they privately operate some ears and eyes that Piaomiao Pavilion doesn't know about?"

Lu Wushuang: "You worry too much. The Nine Saints are constraining each other and scheming with each other. There is not so much energy and manpower for human affairs, so they are all handled by Piaomiao Pavilion. The human world is not a place for them to compete. In the early years, , they would do this when they first rose up, after all, they all started from the human world, and then the Nine Saints would try their best to put eyes and ears in each other's camps."

Guan Fangyi said oh, nodded slightly, understood, and suddenly asked: "Master Tao, what should I do about Gongsun Bu?"

Lu Wushuang said, "He is not on the list."

Guan Fangyi was stunned: "Not here? Isn't his name registered in Piaomiao Pavilion?"

Lu Wushuang: "I asked Huo Kong to circle some places in various countries, including here, and asked him not to report the hidden list of these places, but to report the list of these places to this side." As he said this, he looked at Niu You sideways. He said, "It should be just for this Gongsun Bu. The other places are also circled to cover up."

Guan Fangyi was puzzled and asked Niu Youdao, "Master Dao, do you want to let him go?"

Niu Youdao: "He brought people up and down Wuliang Mountain to me and made great contributions to building the intelligence network of Maolu Villa. If I hadn't put him in charge of the intelligence center of Maolu Villa, he wouldn't have been targeted by Piao Miao Pavilion. He's been targeted, and there are some things he can't do... Give him a chance and see how he makes his choice."

Guan Fangyi nodded.

Lu Wushuang couldn't help but shook his head slightly. Although Huo Kong was asked to circle some places in various countries to cover up, Huo Kongbao might not doubt his intentions. Why take this risk for a traitor? The previous risk taken to save Luo Fangfei almost led to the annihilation of the entire army. The lessons learned from the past are still there, and the lesson has not been learned, so it happened again.

She found that this man was a bit womanly at times, and indeed did not look like a man who had achieved great success. She found that her judgment was correct, this man was actually quite similar to Yuan Gang in some parts of his bones.

But then again, this kind of person makes people feel reassured. At least after being in contact with him for a while, she felt relieved unconsciously. Although she was still fighting with Yuan Gang, she already believed that they would not burn bridges with her own people. Regarding the matter, I started to work for this side without any reservation...

Yanjing, Da Sikong Mansion, the main room of the inner house, after a long conversation with his wife in the hall, Gao Jiancheng asked in a deep voice: "Can you guarantee it?"

His wife asked in a low voice, "I promise, can you believe it?"

Gao Jicheng's cheeks tightened slightly, he stood up and left with a complicated expression on his face, while his wife sat by the coffee table and lowered her head sadly.

Gao Jiancheng passed by the butler Fan Zhuan who was waiting in the courtyard and went directly to the study.

Without waiting for other signals from the master, Fan Zhuan waved his hand, and two people came out from both sides and followed him into the main hall. As soon as the door closed...

Gao Jiancheng, who was sitting at his desk in the study, seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, and his heart was in constant turmoil.

Someone from Xiaoyao Palace came secretly and said that his wife was from Piaomiao Pavilion and was going to be executed according to Piaomiao Pavilion's wishes.

In fact, he had known his wife's identity from Niu Youdao for a long time, but he had never dared to act rashly. This time it had been directly exposed, and he no longer had any scruples.

Although this wife was re-married, they had been married for many years and had feelings for each other, so he wanted to know why she betrayed him.

In the end, the lady confessed that her marriage to him was originally arranged by Piao Miao Pavilion. Although she was not sure, she estimated that Gao Jiancheng's original wife was murdered by Piao Miao Pavilion. The purpose was obvious.

In any case, the couple have become relatives over the years, and Gao Jiancheng wants to let her go. But just like the conversation between the two, can he believe her guarantee

Indeed, can you believe it? What's more, as long as she is alive, it will be difficult to get rid of the relationship between that layer of identity.

Unless he hid completely, Piaomiao Pavilion would have to meet the dead to give an explanation, so he ended the conversation.

After a while, Fan Zhuan came and reported in a low voice: "My wife hanged herself."

Gao Jiancheng closed his eyes and said nothing, gently waved his hand, indicating to retreat.

Fan Zhuan left quietly.

"Sir, spies from various forces have gradually stopped reporting back, which has aroused the attention of the cabinet."

In Tiandu Peak Piaomiao Pavilion, Yue Guangming entered Huo Kong's house and reported in a low voice.

Standing in front of the window, Huo Kong sighed: "It's time to leave. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave even if you want to! Let's leave first, and the people who contacted us later will escape. It should be too late for the news to reach the Holy Land."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Yue Guangming left in response.

As a result, the leader of the Piaomiao Pavilion and the right envoy Yue Guangming suddenly disappeared, and the people from Yuanse and other forces in the Piaomiao Pavilion also suddenly fled. However, there were spies from other forces among them. When they quickly reported the news, it was too late to stop them.

Soon, the Great Yuan Holy Land also received news from Huo Kong, saying that Yuan Se was missing and that the Five Saints intended to take action against everyone, so the Great Yuan Holy Land disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Without the person in charge, many people in important positions were missing, and the whole Piaomiao Pavilion was suddenly in chaos.

Fortunately, there are still leaders of their respective forces inside, so Piaomiao Pavilion will not be in total chaos.

The people sent to find out why the spies from all sides had lost their news could not figure out where the spies from all sides had gone.

Just as Lu Wushuang said, after all, there were too many people involved, and eventually something slipped through the net. Some people escaped unintentionally, and some escaped because they discovered the arrest plot against them accidentally or due to cleverness. .

After receiving the report of these fish that had slipped through the net, Piaomiao Pavilion realized something was wrong and jumped out without thinking about anything else. He immediately sent people directly to each faction to inquire about the whereabouts of the missing persons.

In the face of questioning, each faction naturally brought out the decree of Huo Kong, the commander of Piaomiao Pavilion. The Piaomiao Pavilion personnel were shocked when they learned about it, and immediately ordered all factions to stop the purge.

However, the fish that slipped through the net were able to slip through the net because the operation had already started. When they escaped and reported the news, it took time for the news to reach Piaomiao Pavilion. Piaomiao Pavilion then spent time sending people to verify the situation, and then asked each faction to send a message to terminate the operation. Is it still too late

There was no time at all, it was already over. At most, they just hurriedly saved some people who had not had time to kill after being caught.

Piaomiao Pavilion's repeated actions have caused panic among the various factions involved, and those who know well are pretending to be confused.

Tiandu Peak Piaomiao Pavilion, Wu Chang, Xue Po Po, Lan Daolin, Luo Qiu, Du Wuxu, five people gathered together, standing or sitting one by one, facing outside the hall or with their backs to each other, or expressionless or expressionless. A gloomy face.

From light to dark, they were stationed in various countries. Such a big thing happened and they couldn't hide. They showed up one after another and rushed over.

Eyes and ears everywhere have been cleared, and there is no reliable source of information. How can we just sit back and hide and play by ourselves

Piaomiao Pavilion has obtained the lurking lists for suppression from various factions, and also learned the results of the operation.

Hundreds of people were purged within Zijindong's sphere of influence alone. The forces of various countries, large and small, plus those overseas and personnel stationed in secular key points, lost a total of nearly 20,000 people.

After verifying the list, except for some lucky ones who escaped, the entire Piaomiao Pavilion's eyes and ears all over the world were almost wiped out in one fell swoop.

PS: If something happens, I may update it today.