Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1502: play hard


Heishi couldn't help but laugh at what he said, and agreed, "By identifying Maolu Villa as the root of the problem, the cause of Yuan Se's death has been basically sorted out. As the Holy Lord said, Maolu Villa is a den of thieves. Those people must have been frightened when Se suddenly broke in. Who would have thought that Yuan Se would suddenly run away and how could he sit still? He must have tried his best to solve this problem."

Wu Chang raised the pen in his hand, stared at the tip of the pen, and said slowly: "So it is no coincidence that Yinji contacted Yuanse at this time. Yinji deliberately exposed her identity as a fox clan, and Yuanse naturally wanted to arrest Luo Fangfei. Luo Fangfei If Luo Qiu is caught, Luo Qiu will definitely come forward. Once Luo Qiu comes forward, Yuan Se's location will be exposed. No matter what the outcome is, Yuan Se must leave Mao Lu Villa, and the crisis in Mao Lu Villa will be resolved."

"It turns out that Yuan Se did not evacuate, but disappeared. It seems that there is something unknown about it."

Heishi: "Holy Lord, the root cause has been found. When Du Wuxu and the others come back, can we take action?"

Wu Chang's brush strokes fell on the drawing paper again, and he continued to draw: "You already know where the root is, so there is no need to worry. It doesn't matter whether you start early or late. I have been thinking about one thing these days. Holy Spirit If Rakshasa is in their hands and Yuanse and the others are defeated one after another, why don't they see any sign of Holy Rakshasa taking action? It stands to reason that with such good help, they shouldn't not use it. I wonder if Luo Qiu and the others will die in the wasteland. Will they hit each other? "

Just because of the last sentence, Heishi's eyes flashed and he suddenly understood something.

A trap has been set up over there to get rid of Granny Xue, and they will take precautions to prevent Luo Fangfei from being used here. In other words, the other side of the Huangze Death Land may be well prepared and may use the Holy Rakshasa. The three people who are going this time do not know yet. What happened.

Now he probably understood why Wu Chang didn't go this time, to avoid possible unknown risks and let the three people test the waters. Maybe he was hoping that some of the three people couldn't come back, and wanted to use the knife to kill people

After Wu Chang picked up the pen, he stared at the painting and warned: "Now that my judgment has been confirmed, there is something you must put first."

Black Stone cupped his hands and said, "The Holy Lord made it clear."

Wu Chang: "It is easy to attack the Maolu Villa, but it is impossible for all twelve Nascent Soul stage monks to hide in the Maolu Villa. Once the enemy is alerted, it will be difficult to find them. Select reliable people to be responsible for one thing. , intercept and copy all the letters sent from Maolu Villa, and be sure to do everything you can to decipher them for me."

"If thatched cottage is the root cause, we will definitely contact those Yuanying monks. Decipher the letters and find out who those Yuanying monks are."

"Remember, if you don't find all those people, you won't be able to take action."

"Remember, if you don't take action, that's it. Once you do, you will catch them all!"

"Remember, you must be careful. It is better to take it slow than to alert the snake."

"Also, we can't let the others know about this."

Black Stone solemnly raised his hands and said, "Yes!"

Luo Qiu stood there and barely moved. She stood there without sleep for two days, and her expression hardly changed.

Sha Tathagata sat cross-legged not far away, but her body seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

As time passed, Luo Qiu's patience in staying here for two days told him that Luo Qiu was determined this time.

Luo Fangfei, who was wearing a wreath on her head, also became quiet. She was a little tired and couldn't cast spells to refresh herself. She lay on her side on the ground, her head resting on Sha Rulai's lap. She slept peacefully and sweetly, and she seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers in her dream.

Luo Qiu raised her head, looked at the position of the sun, turned around slowly, and looked around with her eyes.

Sha Rulai, who had been paying attention quietly, immediately paid close attention to his reaction.

Suddenly, Luo Qiu cast a spell and shouted angrily: "Two days are up. Yin Ji, I know you are coming, come out!" The words echoed.

Luo Fangfei woke up with a start, raised her head and climbed up, stared at her father for a while, then looked at her husband, and asked Sha Rulai in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Sha Rulai reached out and touched her, then stood up and looked around.

Luo Qiu said angrily: "Don't you want to see your daughter? I brought her here. No one can hide from what needs to be faced. Come out!"

"..." Luo Fangfei was a little confused, and slowly got up. Her face was full of questions, seemingly asking, daughter? Are you talking about me

There was still peace all around. Luo Qiu, who looked around coldly, waited for a while, then suddenly grabbed his hand, and the magic power swept over him. Sha Tulai couldn't help it, and suddenly she was in front of him.

boom! Luo Qiu took advantage of the situation and hit Sha Rulai's chest with a palm. The flesh and blood exploded, directly blasting a hole in Sha Rulai's chest.

Sha Rulai's eyes widened in disbelief. He was aware of the approaching danger, but he never thought that Luo Qiu would take action without even giving him a chance to say a word.

"..." Luo Fangfei's eyes widened, stunned, her lips trembled in shock, as if she didn't believe it was true, thinking she was having a nightmare.

"Come out!" Luo Qiu shouted angrily and grabbed her. Luo Fangfei, who was still in a daze, suddenly reached him and was grabbed by the neck.

"No!" A woman screamed, and a woman's figure shot out from the swamp and landed not far away.

The person who came was none other than Yin Ji. She looked at Sha Rulai who was still twitching on the ground, and then looked at Luo Fangfei who was about to die at any time in Luo Qiu's hands. How could the sadness on her face be described in words, "Let go." Daughter, she is your daughter! How can you bear to kill her? "

Hiding in the dark and watching, she had some luck and thought that Luo Qiu would not kill her daughter. Unexpectedly, Luo Qiu killed her whenever she asked. Instead of hesitating, she directly killed her apprentice and son-in-law Sha Rulai. She was truly frightened, and seeing her daughter fall into the clutches of the devil, she could no longer hide it.

Finally seeing this woman again, she was as beautiful as ever, without any change. Luo Qiu's cheeks tightened, "You are finally out."

There were tears in Yin Ji's eyes, "She is your daughter, let her go!"

Luo Qiu waved her arm, and Luo Fangfei stumbled back and fell to the ground, dumbfounded, staring blankly at the bleeding Sha Tathagata, and at the Sha Tathagata who gradually became silent.

Is it a dream? She slowly raised her eyes to look at Luo Qiu and Yin Ji again, saying nothing, hoping it was a dream because she did not want to accept this reality.

Luo Qiu's face showed a look of sorrow, and she asked in a painful voice, "Since you are still alive, and since you have been hiding for so many years, why don't you continue to hide? Why do you still come out to cause trouble? Why do you have to force me!"

Yin Ji said sadly: "Then why do you continue to kill my people? My people have been forced to this point by you and are already hiding here to survive. Why don't you give them a way to survive? Why don't you even come out to see the sun and breathe? Why don't they give me a chance, so why do they keep killing each other every year? I am the leader of the Fox Clan, how can you tell me to hide anymore? Luo Qiu, you promised me that you would protect your daughter!"

Luo Qiu angrily scolded: "You still know how to protect your daughter? You ran out to cause trouble, how can you ask me to protect her? You ran out to cause trouble, you exposed your identity, you should know what will happen to other people, if I fall, how can you protect her?" I wonder what will happen to your daughter? Is this what you call protecting your daughter?"

daughter? mother? Is it a dream? Luo Fangfei stared at Yin Ji with confusion in her eyes.

Yin Ji cried: "Is this the reason why you want to kill your daughter with your own hands? Do you care about nothing for the sake of power?"

Luo Qiu: "Don't care about anything? Do you know what happened to the others after Zhang Sunmi and the others died? Do you know how many people below will die if I lose this power? It's not just your daughter who will die. It’s my apprentice.”

"When I reach this point, there are many things I cannot help but have. There is no way back, and it is difficult to have both. Even if I am willing to let go of everything, others will not let me go. I can only give up one end. Maybe in your opinion, I am cold-blooded and ruthless. , my methods are cruel, but how many people’s life and death am I involved in? People’s hearts are different, their desires are dissatisfied, and no iron-blooded means can deter them. This is what I have concluded after paying countless painful prices along the way for hundreds of years. The bloody truth!"

"If you don't understand, just think about it personally, just like you protect the entire fox clan at all costs, the two are the same. There is no right or wrong, only right and wrong, just different means and methods! You are a fox in vain Clan leader, don’t you even know this truth?”

Yin Ji complained sadly, "Ruthless, unscrupulous, excuses!"

Luo Qiu was angry, "Am I ruthless? How much did I pay for you? But what are you doing? What do you want me to do? For the sake of your Fox Clan, you did not hesitate to conceal and deceive. What's the purpose of being around me? You know that I can't be their opponent, but you still want me to do it. Is this your high-sounding sentimentality and righteousness? Well, even if I'm ruthless and unjust, even if I'm unscrupulous. "

He suddenly raised his finger and said, "Look at yourself. If you don't use any means, who can you resist? You are sorry for the Fox Clan, your husband, and your daughter. You don't have such means, look at your Fox Clan What will happen to you! As the leader of the tribe, you cannot protect your tribe, which has caused your tribe to fall to this point and survive. As a mother, you cannot protect your daughter!"

He suddenly roared, "Is this how you are affectionate and righteous? You can't let go of the big and the small. You want everything. If you are right, then tell me, where can you find such a good thing in the world? This is what you are doing You are truly selfish, what qualifications do you have to talk about love and justice with me?" There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

Yin Ji was speechless after being accused, and she only asked, "Luo Qiu, let your daughter go!"

Luo Qiu angrily rebuked: "I brought her here just to save her! There are many men in the world. If your husband is gone, you can still find her. As long as she can still live, even if she hates me from today on for the rest of her life! This is me Are you satisfied with this answer?"

PS: Someone else is here to cause trouble. I recommend a copy of "Ou Shen": This is a super loving book, full of positive energy. This is the story of a little man who step by step finally became the god of luck worshiped by all mankind.