Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1515: One wrong step, every wrong step


Hei Shi was surprised and asked: "Zhao Xiongge is involved, and Hei Li is probably also involved. Will seeing him now scare him off?"

Wu Chang: "Heili has been watched by several companies. He is a marginalized figure. I understand him. When he comes into contact with the demon sect, he is unwilling to get involved. There should be some unavoidable reasons for getting involved. At this time , he hurriedly entered the holy realm and came out again, what else could happen to him based on his status?"

Heishi thought thoughtfully, "Did he go to treat people's illnesses?"

Wu Chang: "It's possible that Yin Ji is not dead! Without him, it's hard to figure out what happened. He's not a meddlesome person, and he doesn't have any backbone. If you don't know what's going on, you can only let him disappear."

Heishi: "Understood, I'll make arrangements right away." After saying that, he quickly left the cave, found the meeting person from Medicine Valley, and muttered some explanations.

After the man figured out his intention, he nodded, escaped into the sea again, and left.

As the setting sun dimmed the vast sea, the man came back, followed by the ghost doctor who emerged from the sea.

Seeing the black stone, the ghost doctor bowed respectfully, but smiled bitterly in his heart. As expected, the people from the Demon Holy Land were indeed found, just as he expected, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

From another perspective, the people behind the scenes are already holding the reins of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. No wonder they can overthrow the Nine Saints by six, and secretly sigh with emotion.

Black Stone waved his hands to stay where they were, and then ordered the ghost doctor, "Follow me."

The ghost doctor could only follow him and enter the cave on the island. He was somewhat surprised when he saw Wu Chang. Unexpectedly, Wu Chang could come in person, so he immediately raised his hands and saluted, "See the Holy Lord!"

Wu Chang stared at him, staring into his eyes until he felt uncomfortable staring at him, then he said, "Is the Holy Land fun?"

The ghost doctor pretended to be puzzled and said, "I wonder why the Holy Lord said this?"

Wu Chang: "If you want to enter the holy realm in the future, you can say hello directly without being secretive. Why, you are colluding with the demon sect again? After the saint's death, didn't you say you would never associate with the demon sect again?"

The ghost doctor lowered his head in fear. In the eyes of others, this was the fear of being discovered.

Wu Chang: "Do you want to tell me honestly, or do you want me to continue reminding you? Where did you go after entering the Holy Realm?"

The ghost doctor hesitated, very hesitant.

Wu Chang: "Be honest, I don't care."

The ghost doctor's face showed a bitter look, and he said with difficulty: "I went to the wasteland of death."

This is indeed the truth, Heishi glanced at Wu Chang's reaction.

Wu Chang said, "Why are you going to the deserted place of death?"

Ghost doctor: "I'm here to treat people."

As expected, Wu Chang showed concern, "Who are you treating?"

Ghost Doctor: "Luo Fangfei, the daughter of Holy Lord Daluo."

Luo Fangfei? Wu Chang was a little surprised. He thought it was Yin Ji, but he only knew that Yin Ji was seriously injured and probably wouldn't survive. He thought it was because of Yin Ji, but he didn't expect it was Luo Fangfei. "Is there something wrong with her?"

The ghost doctor shook his head: "The problem is not big or small, and I am helpless."

Wu Chang: "Is there any disease that you can't cure?"

The ghost doctor smiled bitterly: "I can't cure a lot of things, it's just that outsiders don't know."

Wu Chang: "What's wrong with Luo Fangfei?"

Ghost doctor: "I'm afraid she may never wake up in her life."

Can't wake up? Wu Chang's eyes flashed. He suddenly became a demon and was able to confront Lan Daolin. It became a knot in his heart. He actually couldn't wake up. He couldn't help asking: "What's going on? If you don't want me to ask, just tell me clearly!"

The ghost doctor nodded slightly and sighed: "When I first saw her, she was already in a coma. I didn't know what was going on at first. According to the symptoms, it seemed that she had been stimulated. After questioning, it turned out that she had been greatly stimulated. Luo Qiu We captured the couple as hostages..." He told them in detail what the Fox clan had told them.

Hei Shi, who was listening in, also sighed after hearing this. Wu Chang didn't care about those tragic experiences, but after confirming that Yin Ji was dead, he looked slightly melancholy.

After telling the story, the ghost doctor summarized the symptoms, "It was because she was hit too hard and was unwilling to accept the reality. She entered a state of self-isolation. She didn't want to wake up, and there was nothing I could do about it."

Wu Chang: "There's no chance of waking up?" This is what he is most concerned about.

"It's not impossible..." The ghost doctor repeated his explanation to the fox clan, and finally shook his head and said: "The hope of waking up is very slim, at least no one in the cases I have been exposed to has been able to wake up yet."

Wu Chang: "Is there any case to follow?"

The ghost doctor nodded, "Yes, I have encountered a few cases before."

Wu Chang immediately gave Heishi a wink.

Heishi nodded knowingly. He wanted to go back to the ghost doctor and ask where the case was for verification. The Holy Lord was focusing on the key points now and would not pursue such details.

Wu Chang continued to ask, "Did Nan Tian Wufang ask you to go?"

The ghost doctor shook his head: "Before entering the holy realm, I didn't know who took me in. If it was Nan Tian Wufang, I would not agree. It was Lan Ming, the son of Lord Tianlan."

"Lan Ming?" Wu Chang hesitated, "Can he control you in his current condition?"

The ghost doctor fell into hesitation again.

Wu Chang said in a deep voice: "Speak! As long as you tell the truth, I will pardon you and keep your word."

The ghost doctor smiled bitterly and said: "Holy Lord, this matter is complicated to say. In short, it is a mistake in every step, but I have never done anything detrimental to you, Holy Lord."

Wu Chang: "If it's complicated, please speak slowly. I have patience."

The ghost doctor sighed: "To put it bluntly, this matter was all caused by my unfilial disciple. Before my disciple Wu Xin joined my sect, he had a sweetheart, the current Queen of Qi, Shao Liu'er."

Heishi reminded: "Sage, come here and tell the important points."

They have already mastered these nonsense, and they understand the details of Wuxin and Wuxiang clearly, so there is no need to elaborate.

The ghost doctor sighed: "Elder Blackstone, this is the point. This thing was caused by Shao Liu'er."

Wu Chang pressed Hei Shi down with his words, "Let him speak."

The ghost doctor bowed slightly and continued: "My apprentice didn't go anywhere else after he came out of the mountain. He knew that Shao Liu'er was in Qijing, so he settled in Qijing and stayed by Shao Liu'er's side. That's called a nobody. Promising, I scolded him many times, if you want, get the person, don't get involved in those disputes, but he was satisfied just watching. Later, he even took action one after another to solve the trouble for Shao Liu'er. , and even detoxified Shao Liuer’s husband, which meant he saved the life of the current Emperor of Qi.”

"I really don't know what he thinks. If it weren't for his amazing talent in studying medical skills, I would really like to leave him alone."

"If you don't listen to the advice, you're afraid of what will happen. Let's not talk about the troubles that he caused. After all, he was targeted by someone who knew the details of him and Shao Liu'er. When the Qi rebels attacked Qi Jing, someone kidnapped Shao Liu'er. Well, the one who kidnapped Shao Liuer is none other than Lan Ming!"

Shaking his head, he looked like he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

Wu Chang: "Did you blackmail you into doing what you did this time?"

Ghost Doctor: "No, I was also in Qi Jing at that time, looking for suitable transplanted eyeballs for Great Yuan Shengzun. Because of the war in Qi Jing, there were many people who had just died, so it was easier to find. Lan Ming should have known about this and caught him Shao Liu'er threatened Wu Xin. To put it bluntly, it's my fault for taking this apprentice too seriously. In fact, he came for me."

"I have been asking Wu Xin to come back to Yao Valley, hoping to pass on what I have learned, but he refuses to come back because he is a woman. I am so angry!"

"That time Shao Liu'er was arrested. He had no choice but to come over and plead. He begged me to agree to Lan Ming's affairs on the condition of agreeing to return to Yao Valley."

"Holy Lord, I'm getting older and don't have many more years to live, so I came up with the idea of finding a successor. This apprentice's talent really makes me happy."

Wu Chang said calmly: "It's understandable to feel that there is no successor to what I have learned. Could it be related to Yuan Se?"

Ghost Doctor: "Actually, I know that if I agree, I will be on the road of no return, but... I know even more that since I have been targeted, if I don't agree, I'm afraid not only Shao Liu'er, but also me The apprentice will also be in danger, so I agreed because I was confused for a moment."

"The problem is that what Lan Mingrang did is not difficult for me. It is not to do anything to the Great Yuan Shengzun. The main target is actually Concubine Yuan."

Heishi was surprised, "Concubine Yuan's eyes? In other words, it doesn't have to be Concubine Yuan's eyes. Did you do it?"

The ghost doctor nodded helplessly, "Yes, in fact, we have found a suitable transplanted eyeball in Qijing. In fact, Concubine Yuan's eyeball is not suitable for Great Yuan Shengzun. After I took off Concubine Yuan's eyeball, the one I used was not Concubine Yuan. After curing the eyes of Shengzun Dayuan, Concubine Yuan often came to me, hoping that I could find a suitable eyeball for her as soon as possible. At this time, Lan Ming came to me again and instructed me to hint to Concubine Yuan that she should do something to her. It is said that the eyeball that is truly suitable for transplantation is actually her own, the one in the eye socket of the Great Yuan Shengzun."

Heishi was thoughtful, and Wu Chang said: "Instigate a relationship between Yuan Se and Yuan Fei."

The ghost doctor sighed: "I also saw it, but if I make a wrong move, there will be no way back, otherwise the Great Yuan Holy Land will not let me go, so I can only do as I am told. Then, as expected, Lan Ming found me again, He ordered me to leave Medicine Valley and go to a certain place, and told me that someone would kidnap me on the way, and asked me to tell the kidnapper about my manipulations of Concubine Yuan. As he said, we were captured by Sha Tulai on the way. Master, apprentice and others were kidnapped..."

Later, he confided to Sha Rulai about attacking Concubine Yuan, and met Luo Qiu again, and confided it again.

Then he was taken to the vicinity of Nanzhou Fucheng, where he lured Concubine Yuan. Luo Qiu met Concubine Yuan, and I don't know what they talked about.

Then came the shocking changes in Nanzhou City, and then Yuan Se disappeared.

Later, he met the poisoned Luo Fangfei and detoxified Luo Fangfei.

After listening to this narration, Wu Chang and Heishi were deeply moved. They roughly sorted out a clue about Yuan Se. The people behind the scenes really set up the plan carefully. Some things they didn't understand before were supplemented here. Finally, they understood, Yuan Se. Concubine Yuan next to Se should have been instigated to rebel.

Luo Qiu thought that he was using Concubine Yuan to target Yuan Se, but he didn't know that he was in someone else's game, and he didn't know he was being used until his death.

Heishi cupped his hands to Wu Chang and said: "Holy Lord, according to my understanding Lan Ming, he is not much better than a straw bag, and he definitely does not have such a mind."