Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1516: The difference between victory and defeat is only a thin line!


He didn't need to remind him of this. Wu Chang said, "That Sha Tathagata also has a problem. It seems that the previous internal response over there was this Sha Tathagata. Only with an identity of Sha Tathagata's level can it be convenient to communicate with both inside and outside the Holy Land at any time."

Heishi nodded. According to the ghost doctor, Sha Tulai played a key role in inducing Luo Qiu.

Wu Chang looked up at the ghost doctor again, "It seems you didn't just do this for them, right?" He was suspected of deliberately defrauding the other party.

The ghost doctor said with sincerity: "During this period, I only treated Saint Rakshasa once. I really didn't do anything else. The time when I came into contact with Lan Ming was the last time the Qi rebels attacked Qi Jing."

Wu Chang and Heishi were shocked at the same time. What they paid attention to was not what else he said, but Saint Rakshasa.

Wu Chang said in a deep voice: "Have you ever seen a doctor by Holy Rakshasa?"

The ghost doctor nodded in astonishment, with an expression that seemed to say, I thought you knew, otherwise how would you know it was more than just that

Wu Chang: "What happened to Holy Rakshasa?"

But the ghost doctor promised: "Holy Lord, just like Luo Fangfei, I am also helpless, and I have not been able to cure Holy Rakshasa." The implication is that I have done nothing to regret you.

That's not what Wu Chang wanted to hear, "I asked you what happened to Holy Rakshasa?"

The ghost doctor was silent and said: "Holy Rakshasa's brain is not very good. To be precise, his memory is not very good. When he became a human, he forgot the memory of Holy Rakshasa. After becoming Holy Rakshasa, he forgot the memory of human beings." memory."

Wu Chang: "Can you still become a human?"

The ghost doctor nodded: "Yes, there is a strange evil spirit in the Holy Rakshasa. When this kind of evil spirit grows in her body, she becomes a Holy Rakshasa. After the alien evil spirit in her body is resolved, she becomes a Woman. The reason why they found me is because when I turned into a Holy Rakshasa, the Holy Rakshasa disowned all his relatives and even attacked his own people. They hope that I can solve this problem, but there is really nothing I can do."

When he said this, he was moaning in his heart. He had no idea what it meant. He didn't know why he had to say this. He just followed the instructions with his head covered. In short, they reassured him, saying that as long as he followed the instructions, he would be able to withstand the investigation and there would be no flaws.

Black Stone said: "Where did you see the Holy Rakshasa?"

Ghost Doctor: "I don't know. After I arrived at a place, they put me into a coma. I don't know where they took me, I just know it was in a mountain. By the way, after the Holy Rakshasa turned into a woman, I I heard them call her 'Yin'er' to comfort her. And this Yin'er is easily angered. Once angered, the alien evil energy in her body will immediately grow rapidly, and she will quickly transform into the form of a holy Rakshasa."

"Yin'er..." Wu Chang muttered and looked at Heishi, who nodded to indicate that he had taken note of it.

Afterwards, Wu Chang continued to ask for details about the Holy Rakshasa, but the ghost doctor only responded.

After all the questions were asked and the ghost doctor repeatedly expressed that he no longer knew anything, Wu Chang motioned for him to go out and wait.

The ghost doctor resigned, and Black Stone followed him out. He stared at the ghost doctor and walked away before turning back to the cave. He approached Wu Chang and asked in a low voice: "The person behind the scenes actually let him come into contact with the Holy Rakshasa? Holy Lord, Do you think it’s credible? Are there any problems?”

Wu Chang thought about it and said slowly: "If Holy Rakshasa really has the problem he said, it is not impossible for him to diagnose and treat it. If there is really any problem, he can not say it, and there is no need to expose Holy Rakshasa. Come out. At least the previous things don’t seem to be false. Regarding Holy Rakshasa, just be suspicious and wait until it’s verified. Yin’er? Check!”

"Okay!" Black Stone agreed.

Wu Chang looked outside the cave, "For now, let's verify what he said that can be verified."

"Understood." Heishi cupped his hands and quickly went out.

When he got outside, he found the person stationed in the Medicine Valley of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. After giving some instructions, he asked him to return with the ghost doctor...

Returning to the Medicine Valley, the people who followed the ghost doctor immediately called out to their own people, asking them to keep an eye on the ghost doctor secretly so that no one from the other two holy places could see anything.

The ghost doctor acted as instructed, consciously, and took the initiative to keep a distance from other people in Yao Valley to avoid suspicion of collusion.

The man stayed with the ghost doctor, letting the ghost doctor tell him to follow him unintentionally. Everything was done quietly, and the ghost doctor seemed to be sitting outside the medicine house basking in the sun.

Yan Baoru, who had returned to the Medicine Valley, wanted to get closer, but the ghost doctor raised his hand to stop him.

Guo Man, who arrived later, approached Yan Baoru and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Yan Baoru glanced at her, feeling angry and funny in his heart. Yes, after Niu Youdao verified her situation, he let her back. The ghost doctor disciples didn't dare to do anything to her, so they had to treat her normally.

The problem is that the ghost doctor apprentice identified her as a traitor, and it can be seen that Wuxin was very disappointed in her, but Guo Man, the real traitor, gained the ghost doctor apprentice's trust because of her, Yan Baoru, who jumped out and admitted. What is this

There is no reason to say that she came back this time to be responsible for the contact between Niu Youdao and the ghost doctor. In fact, she was also protecting Guo Man. The two of them were watching the ghost doctor openly and secretly.

After leaving Yaogu, the people who carried out Hei Shi's orders took Wu Xin to the island again, but did not see Wu Chang and met Hei Shi.

Heishi asked him to step aside, leaving Wuxin alone to verify the relevant situation.

What should be said and what should not be said has been planned long ago. The ghost doctor explained it before leaving the Medicine Valley for the Holy Land.

Not only Wu Xin, Wu Xiang, Yan Baoru and Guo Man will also be questioned one by one...

In the secret room of Nanzhou Fucheng, Niu Youdao, who was sitting in front of the case, looked at the secret letter in his hand and frowned.

The news from the Fox Clan was equivalent to the ghost doctor's diagnosis.

It can't be cured? Niu Youdao was very surprised. He didn't expect Luo Fangfei to be in such a situation. After he asked the ghost doctor to cure Luo Fangfei, he made up a reason why Luo Fangfei was not cured when asked by Wu Chang. Who would have thought that he would actually be treated by him? What's going on? It's a crow's mouth. It's a prophecy, but it's really not cured. What's going on

Thinking of Yin Ji's death, Yin Ji's daughter became like this again, and thinking of Sha Rulai's death, Sha Rulai did not want to implicate Luo Fangfei during her lifetime.

Niu Youdao's mood was a little dull. In any case, he could not escape responsibility for the deaths of Yin Ji and Sha Rulai.

He knew that someone would inevitably die for what he did, but the deaths of these two people still made him feel quite heavy.

Lu Wushuang came with her skirts swinging, and a secret letter was placed in front of him, "There is news from Yaogu, saying that Wu Chang showed up secretly in person, and I did as you asked."

Niu Youdao put down what was in his hand and picked up what was on the table. After looking at it, he nodded slightly to show that he understood, but his face was solemn.

Lu Wushuang had long seen that she must not only know what the ghost doctor was asked to do here, but also that there must be some secrets hidden, and that should be the key to the plan.

She could also confirm that Yuan Gang should be aware of it, because she could see that Yuan Gang's mood often showed a sense of heaviness.

She guessed right, Yuan Gang did know about it, because Niu Youdao needed someone to pass on the news for some things. Not letting others know was not a matter of trust or distrust, but it was easy to cause panic. Yuan Gang would never do this in this regard. any question.

After Lu Wushuang left for a while, Yuan Gang came again. He walked up to Niu Youdao, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Master Dao, Yaogu said that Wu Chang asked for it from Yan Baorun and gave it to us. The cipher text decoding booklet contacted here."

The secret letter was also the one sent by Lu Wushuang, but seeing that Lu Wushuang was present, he did not fully translate the secret letter. He only translated half of it and brought it to Lu Wushuang, and the remaining half was what he conveyed orally at this time.

Niu Youdao said slowly: "It seems that he is keeping an eye on the correspondence between us and is ready to follow the clues."

Yuan Gang said with an unusually solemn expression: "In this case, with Wu Chang's power, our secret will be turned upside down very quickly. By then, everyone who has interacted with our secret will be exposed. Don’t you take precautions?”

Niu Youdao tensed his cheeks and said slowly in a difficult tone: "Don't be defensive. If you can touch it clearly, let them touch it."

Yuan Gang was extremely worried and had to remind him, "Master Dao, if something unexpected happens, no one will be able to escape. This is really too dangerous!"

Niu Youdao slowly raised his eyes and looked at him, "Wuchang will not trust anyone easily. This is the best way to relieve Wu Chang's suspicion. Only in this way can we completely win his trust. Only by making him think that everything is under his control , he can truly feel at ease.”

"As long as he feels at ease, we will be fine. This is a great opportunity for him. Don't worry, he won't make any move until Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu are eliminated. It's very likely that he will Deliberately creating opportunities for us is very likely to kill people with a borrowed knife. Only when Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu fall down will he start to attack us. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to have a chance to deal with those two people. "

"The same is true for us. After successive attacks, Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu will not be easily fooled again. With Wu Chang's cooperation, it will be much easier."

"This is a great opportunity for him to dominate the world. I've given him such a big temptation, and he can't refuse!"

Yuan Gang nodded slightly, but he was still very worried in his heart. This game was too big, everyone's life was at stake, and the outcome was only a thin line between victory and defeat!

Niu Youdao: "To keep an eye on our side, we must set up radiation observation and guidance personnel in all directions. If we want to keep an eye on it, we can only keep an eye on the messages leaving here. Those coming from outside are unlikely to be intercepted. We must avoid them in the future. Wu Chang's summons is given to Yun Ji and she is asked to send it after she escapes from the city."

Yuan Gang hummed, "I understand."

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside. Yuan Gang immediately straightened up and saw Yun Ji arriving, carrying a big box.

Boom! The box was thrown to the ground.

When Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang were wondering what was going on, Yun Ji raised her chin towards Yuan Gang and said, "The person you want is brought to you."

After saying that, he opened the lid of the box and saw that someone was stuffed inside.

PS: Don’t delay the update, today’s task is completed!