Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1520: Encirclement


The mother and son were helpless and could not help themselves. The so-called empress dowager and emperor were in vain and had no power to make decisions, so they could only follow along.

After watching the deputy general lead the people out of the gate, an elder said solemnly: "Luo Da'an won't be detrimental to Your Majesty and the Queen Mother, right?"

Lu Yuan remained silent, and the other elders also knew that this matter was difficult to explain.

They all knew in their hearts that the emperor and the queen mother were similar to the meaning of Shang Jing to a certain extent, just like Zong Rang handed over Shang Jing in the Shang Dynasty.

The reason is very simple. Is it reasonable to submit to another family but support the emperor and the empress dowager? You said that mother and son are no longer the emperor and the queen mother. That's what you said. I'm afraid others won't think so.

If Zong of the Shang Dynasty really wants to ask for the mother and son, they don't know what reason they should give to refuse...

In the courtyard, the deputy general asked the mother and son to wait while he went inside to report.

The mother and son were extremely uneasy, which could also be said to be fearful, as if they were waiting for the final judgment.

The mother and son have already had some time and experience in power. They are not stupid. Faced with such a situation, they know to some extent what kind of danger their status as the former Emperor and Queen Mother of Qin may bring.

But from the beginning to the end, they had no control over it. They didn't want to be emperor or queen mother, and they didn't want to surrender to one thing or another, but they couldn't help it.

The deputy general who entered the hall reported to Luo Da'an: "General, people have been brought."

Luo Da'an conveniently collected the map on the table and said, "You can evacuate and take the mother and son away."

The deputy general was stunned: "Take him away like this? I'm afraid Xiaoyue Pavilion won't agree."

Luo Daan: "You're too worried. If you really care about them, you won't let them come alone."

The deputy general was thoughtful and immediately conveyed the order to evacuate.

Seeing Luo Da'an coming out, Zhuang Hong and her son saluted respectfully, "General Luo."

They knew Luo Da'an. They had met him before at Maolu Villa, but they were not familiar with him. They had only met him before without any conversation.

Luo D'an bowed slightly to greet them, without saying much, and passed by the two of them.

The mother and son looked at each other. The deputy general had already led a few monks and brought two horses over. He said apologetically: "We don't have a carriage here, so we have to give in to the two generals."

Before the mother and son realized what was going on, they were helped onto the horse and led out of the side door together with the horse.

After leaving the house, he realized that he was leaving the town. Zhuang Hong immediately asked the deputy general, "General, where are we going?"

The deputy general didn't have any answer and just left with the mother and son.

Three thousand heroic military guards gathered together and galloped away.

This movement alarmed Xiaoyue Pavilion. A disciple of Xiaoyue Pavilion ran into the house where the high-level officials stayed and urgently reported to Lu Yuan: "Pavilion Master, Luo Da'an has left, taking the Queen Mother and Her Majesty with him."

"What?" Lu Yuan was furious, waved his hand and shouted: "Chase!"

Soon, a group of people flew out, trying to chase Luo Daan.

However, as soon as they left the town, they were stopped by a row of more than ten Zijindong monks, led by the former deputy general.

The deputy pointed his gun at Lu Yuan and others who landed on the ground, "Lord Pavilion Lu, why are you chasing?"

Lu Yuan said in a deep voice: "I would like to ask the general, didn't he just meet their mother and son? Why did he suddenly take them away?"

The deputy general said calmly: "General Luo said that their mother and son are old members of the Thatched Cottage. The old friends in the village missed them very much, so they were sent to Nanzhou to reunite with their old friends. General Luo guaranteed the safety of their mother and son, so that the master can rest assured , and at the same time, let Xiaoyue Pavilion wait here for the arrival of the new army, without any mistakes."

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, he said meaningfully: "Pavilion Master, this is a military order! The general governs the army strictly, and military orders are like mountains. They are not to be trifled with!"

Lu Yuan's face was a bit distorted, and he was filled with anger but he couldn't hold it back. Again, he had to lower his head under the eaves. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "General Luo wants to take people away, shouldn't he also say it in advance?" Say hello to me?"

The deputy general replied: "What the Pavilion Master said is that the general is afraid that the Pavilion Master will misunderstand, so he sent the special general to stay and inform him. Pavilion Master, I have received the report that the new army is about to arrive. I hope you will not miss the main business. There are still more generals." I'm on military duty, farewell!" He raised his gun and clasped his fists, then turned his mount, struck the horse's belly hard with his heels, and galloped away.

A row of monks turned their mounts and rumbled after him.

Everyone in Xiaoyue Pavilion just watched them run away. Facing Luo Daan's strength, the group of people felt aggrieved. They thought that back then, they would kill people with as powerful positions as Tian Zhengyang and Ma Changan. Well, who is this Luo Daan!

But it's hard to fall out, the matter is obvious, everyone can see it, obviously he is worried about the old master of Qin State, just like Shang Jing, he just wants to leave, otherwise why would he bite the mother and son and not let go? They didn't believe anything about thatched cottage or anything like that.

However, if the mother and son really wanted to fall out with Shang Chaozong, it would be difficult for Shang Chaozong not to suspect that Xiaoyue Pavilion had ulterior motives.

It's hard to fall out, and it's hard to force yourself. You have already turned your back on the Jin side. If you fall out with this side again, you may not even be able to find a foothold.

"This hatred will be wiped out in the future!" Lu Yuan said harshly and turned around to return.

Everyone turned back silently, feeling heavy and angry, but no one said anything.

After all, the Xiaoyue Pavilion today is different from the Xiaoyue Pavilion before.

Back then, they hid in the dark and took the restoration of the country as their own mission. Zhuang Hong and her son were the main god tablets that united people's hearts. Now their goal has been achieved. The restoration of the country was successful, but they failed to save it and were destroyed again. To put it bluntly, after experiencing an internal struggle for power and profit, everyone's mentality has changed. Their ideals and beliefs have been lost. Zhuang Hong and her son have also lost their early value. No one will do anything for mother and son anymore.

Fortunately, Luo Changan didn't kill the mother and son directly here, otherwise Xiaoyue Pavilion would have been really upset...

As soon as Luo Changan left, the largest house in the town was immediately occupied by Lu Yuan and others.

After a lot of frustration and waiting, someone came to report: "Pavilion Master, here we come, 200,000 new troops are here."

Lu Yuan sighed, finally waiting for the news that he could breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately led everyone out to watch.

A group of people flew to the roof and looked into the distance. They saw a huge number of people gradually approaching, and people from Xiaoyue Pavilion were basically standing on the rooftops of the whole town, watching.

After the massive troops arrived, they divided into two groups, one stationed on the left side of the town and the other stationed on the right side of the town.

Several riders rushed straight into the town and were led to Lu Yuan. The young general saluted respectfully and reported: "General Sun ordered the young general to come and report. The journey was dusty, dirty and shameful. I came here rashly for fear of offending the master of the pavilion." , let General Sun take a bath and change his clothes before coming to see him again."

This respectful attitude actually made everyone in Xiaoyue Pavilion feel a little happier.

Lu Yuan originally planned to go there in person. Seeing that the commander-in-chief was so understanding, he saved some face. He immediately laughed and said: "In the march, you eat ashes and dirt. It's normal to be dirty. General Sun is so polite. Okay, Tell him that this pavilion master is waiting for him here!"

"Yes! Young general, I'll report it right now." The general took a few steps back, led two of his followers and quickly walked out of the house, got on his horse and galloped away.

Lu Yuan then flew up to the roof again, and saw the left and right armies outside the town arriving one after another, setting up camp amidst the chaos. He couldn't help but feel relieved, and flew back to the courtyard to wait peacefully.

He turned around and gave instructions, "When people arrive later, we still need to do some superficial work. Let's hold a banquet to entertain a few major generals. Everyone should accompany us. After all, we will have to interact with them frequently in the future. "

"Okay! I'll ask someone to prepare it right away." An elder agreed and arranged the matter himself.

As soon as the elder got into the kitchen, he saw the centurion ordering people to start the stove and preparing to light the fire in the stove. He immediately asked: "What are you doing?"

The centurion said: "General Sun and the others are here. There will be a banquet and they are preparing to cook."

The elder waved his hand and said, "You don't need to work too hard, Xiaoyue Pavilion will take care of it."

How can they let these people who don't know the details take care of their food and supplies? It's easy for others to take advantage of them, so naturally it's better to control them personally.

The centurion had no choice but to lead everyone to retreat.

After leaving the house, the centurion whispered to the left and right: "Let the brothers make a fire to cook!"

Left and right understood and left, venturing to the hundreds of brothers in the town.

Continuously, smoke slowly rose from the stoves of houses in various parts of the town.

After a pot of water was added and a fire was lit, more than a hundred people came out one after another. After gathering in two groups, they swaggered away from the exit at the head of the town and the end of the town, euphemistically saying that they were going back to obey orders.

This group of people is worthy of being veterans of the battlefield. They were all carefully selected to carry out this mission. Their psychological quality is excellent, and none of them can show any signs of nervousness. The people in Xiaoyue Pavilion didn't take them seriously, and they didn't see any clues. They just let them come in and out. No one made things difficult for them, and they wouldn't make things difficult for them at this time.

The commander of the camp, General Sun, saw the smoke rising from the town and said in a deep voice: "Let's start!"

Immediately, a messenger ran up to a hillock, waved the flag with both hands, and shouted the semaphore.

So the left and right armies immediately moved in an orderly manner outside the town. The left and right armies were divided and began to block the front and rear of the town...

In the hall, Lu Yuan, who was discussing with the elders, suddenly twitched his nose and sniffed, "Why is there such a strong smell of smoke?"

The first elder said: "Didn't the master of the pavilion allow us to hold a banquet? Let's go to the kitchen. I guess it's because the chimney didn't let the smoke go smoothly after the town was abandoned."

The few people thought about it and realized that it would not be a fire. It was really going to be a fire. There were so many people outside who could not react, so they continued to discuss things.

Unexpectedly, not long after, I felt some chest tightness and dizziness.

Several people immediately realized something was wrong and quickly stepped outside. They saw a faint smoke floating in the town, and the smoke was slightly yellowish, and there seemed to be something wrong.

At this moment, someone ran up and shouted: "Pavilion Master, it's not good, the firewood in the kitchen has been tampered with, and mixed with firewood coated with poisonous powder, poisonous smoke, this is the poisonous smoke after being lit. ! ”

I didn't notice it at first, but discovered the problem after a quick inspection after noticing a lack of breathing.

When everyone was shocked, before Lu Yuan could speak, someone came over to report, "Pavilion Master, the situation is not right. The army outside seems to have surrounded us!"

At first, they didn't take it seriously. The people below only thought that there was a normal movement of troops outside. It was only after they discovered that their breathing was not smooth that they suspected that the army outside was doing something wrong.

Lu Yuan and others quickly flew up to the roof and looked around. They saw that the troops who were originally camping on the left and right sides of the town had blocked the entire town from four directions. The two hundred thousand troops were densely packed and surrounded the entire town. …

General Sun, who was sitting upright on horseback, had a cold gaze. Beside the rows of siege crossbows that had been urgently set up in the front row, bundles of steel spears had been untied.

The archers lined up in rows were already ready with arrows on their bows.

The monks disguised as soldiers also showed their clear eyes.

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