Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1531: Blackmail


Uncle Huan'er was babbled on, with the implicit intention of looking back to see the jaws of those brothers and sisters dropped.

Seeing that she is living a very happy life now, and because Tai Shuxiong is ashamed of her, he is naturally more biased. In this case, her brothers are okay, but those sisters are not, and they look down on her. It is the nature of women. , speaking in a weird and eccentric manner. She also knew that if it weren't for fear of angering Tai Shuxiong, no one would dare to mention her scandal again, and those sisters would not be merciful.

She was still young, not even 20 years old, so she couldn't tolerate flattery and humiliation. She was also a face-saving person and didn't want her sisters to see her embarrassing jokes.

Seeing that she was a little too happy, Shao Pingbo had to remind her, "If you keep some of those properties, most of them will be given away."

"..." Uncle Huan'er was speechless and stared at him blankly, "Giving most of them away?"

Shao Pingbo: "Over there with Liu'er, you choose a better house for her, give her two shops, and give her 500 acres of fertile land."

Hearing that it was for Shao Liu'er, Taishu Huan'er nodded solemnly, knowing that this sister-in-law was in an embarrassing situation, so he didn't dare to have any objections, and he had no objections to this, so he nodded and said: "This is what it should be. . But you said most of them?"

The division just now is obviously not a major statement.

Shao Pingbo: "The rest can't be said to be gifts. My students also have to live and have families in the future. Let's properly solve some of their worries and allow them to work with peace of mind. We will leave a thousand fertile fields for them. Acres are enough, and it is not appropriate to give them away directly. The others will be resold to them at the original price when I bought them. I thought of them when I bought them, and I also took out ten shops. To whom, How to divide it, Lao Shao will arrange it."

Uncle Huan'er felt that his happiness was in vain. He really wanted to give most of it away to others. If he hadn't considered those people, his husband might not have taken action on this matter in advance. Resale at original price? It's like buying it for those people in advance.

She couldn't say anything about this. She was in the royal family and knew that her husband would need some team members to handle affairs in the future, so this arrangement was considered appropriate.

I just feel like I'm being cut off, and I feel like I've been splashed with cold water.

As the destination got closer, her emotion was gradually replaced by another emotion, because of the person she was about to meet.

Shao Liu'er, the queen of the subjugated Qi Kingdom, was taken to the Jin capital in advance by Heishuitai. After arriving, Shao Pingbo never went to meet her.

Haozhen was also taken into custody, and the court's handling measures were also announced. He must have failed to become the emperor, and he was demoted to King Anle and placed under house arrest in a certain house in the capital. And Shao Liuer also changed from queen to princess.

Uncle Huan'er knew that because of what happened back then, he had a bad reputation and that many normal people would not be able to accept him. He didn't know what his sister-in-law's attitude would be or whether she would accept him. This is the first person from her husband's family that she is about to face. She can also feel that her husband actually cares about this sister, and she feels a little uneasy...

Prince Anle's Mansion has a deep courtyard and looks peaceful on the surface, but it is actually not peaceful inside because troublemakers have come.

Hao Qi, the former Jin King of Qi Kingdom, and Hao Yunsheng, the King of the West Courtyard, led their men to the door and extorted property.

Facing the shameless Hao Qi, Hao Zhen had a sullen face and had to swallow his anger for the sake of his family.

Next to them were two old personal slaves who had been knocked to the ground. They were brought from Qi State. They were lying on the ground and moaning in pain. They only said a few words while protecting their master.

Haozhen's two sons were trembling with anger and clenching their fists, but they were stopped by Shao Liu'er.

A fallen phoenix is worse than a chicken, that's all. The situation of the couple is indeed very embarrassing. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have lost their freedom.

The current situation is not as good as that of Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng. In order to win people's hearts and show it to other countries, so as to set an example for surrendering when the war proceeds in the future, Jin State retained the titles of these two people.

Haozhen and his wife, the dignitaries here in the Jin State do not dare to do anything to them for the time being, and the Jin State court will not be so quick to ignore their words, but on the contrary, their own family is unwilling to let them go, making things difficult for them in every possible way, and constantly Came here and used all kinds of blackmail.

Now Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng can only live with a little money and a few rewards. They wanted to just hang out like this, but things don't go as they wish and the kid is difficult to deal with. They have no background and power to rely on. Freedom cannot be achieved without money to send some people away.

Behind the difficult kid, there are naturally people who turn a blind eye. The fate of those who surrender must be seen by some people in the Jin Kingdom and taken as a warning.

He came to blackmail the Haozhen couple not only for money, but also to prove his loyalty by making things difficult for the Haozhen couple.

When Haozhen and his wife came, they did bring some of Qi's property, but over the past few days, most of it had been extorted by Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng.

It was useless to file a complaint. Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng said that it was a family matter in their own family. The family was arguing about dividing the family property. It is difficult for upright officials to resolve family matters. They each insisted on their own reasons and it was unclear.

There are also people behind this who are watching with cold eyes.

The men they brought turned the place upside down but found nothing. Even Shao Liuer's jewelry was found and only contained a small box.

The subordinates ran to Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng and whispered something in their ears, saying they didn't find anything.

Hao Qi's eyes widened, he walked up to Hao Zhen and said in a deep voice: "Where are all the things hidden?"

Haozhen said angrily: "Don't be too greedy. You have already robbed everything. What else do you want?"

There was indeed some property hidden, but what if he didn't hide it? No matter how much stuff he had, he couldn't withstand such searching. His family would still have to live in a bottomless pit that couldn't be filled.

He didn't bring too much property here. For a king who had subjugated his country, the property in the palace would naturally be confiscated by the Jin State. How could he be allowed to take it all away.

Hao Qi was also angry. He stepped forward and grabbed Haozhen's arm. He reached out and took out Haozhen's sleeve to search if he was hiding anything.

He did have resentment towards Haozhen. This guy actually became the emperor of Qi. Why? After destroying Qi State, you still want to enjoy the wealth of Qi State

Haozhen was also angry, and the two almost had a fight.

Hao Yunsheng raised his eyebrows and immediately stepped forward to help Hao Qi. He was once a military general, and Hao Zhen could not withstand the two of them joining forces to fight.

"Stop! Stop!" Shao Liu'er shouted anxiously, and at the same time stopped the two angry teenagers, fearing that the other party would kill the children.

Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng still have idle official positions, and their subordinates are equipped with warriors. They bring more people than they have here, and here there are only a few servants to take care of daily life.

At this time, the warriors brought by the two men were staring coldly at this side.

The Jin monks who guarded the palace were watching with cold eyes nearby. Hao Zhen surrendered here, but if he was beaten to death by his brothers who robbed the family property, then the Jin side would not be blamed.

"What's going on?" came a faint voice.

Everyone looked back and saw a group of people walking slowly and slowly. The leader was Shao Pingbo who came with an expressionless face and a graceful demeanor.

Accompanying him were Taishu Huan'er and a group of guards.

Someone quickly pulled Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng away, whispering an urgent reminder, "Captain Shao is here."

When the two of them heard this, they looked back and quickly let go. They were a little embarrassed and went over to salute, "Meet the princess. I've met Mr. Shao."

The two of them were a little confused. When they first came to cause trouble, they were worried that this person would show up. Later, when they saw that this person didn't react at all, they figured they wanted to avoid suspicion and wouldn't interfere. After doing it a few times, there was still no response, so they became bold. got up. Who would have thought that it would actually show up today, and the two of them were a little scared.

Uncle Huan'er nodded slightly, but Shao Pingbo was indifferent to the two people's greetings. His eyes were fixed on Haozhen, whose clothes were messy and tossed, with a bruised nose and face, and then fell on Shao Liuer's face. Seeing his sister who was holding back tears and was about to cry, his heart seemed to be severely tugged by something.

But there was no expression on his face.

Seeing Shao Liu'er, Shao Sansheng also became red-eyed. When he found out about the situation here, Shao Sansheng wanted to come to help, but was stopped by Shao Pingbo.

After staring at his sister for a while, Shao Pingbo calmly called out, "Liu'er."

Shao Liu'er hesitated to speak. After looking at the current situation, he finally gave in and called out, "Brother!"

Finally, when he heard this, Shao Pingbo nodded slightly, swept the scene with cold eyes, and said calmly: "Who can tell me what is going on?"

He naturally knew what was going on. He was waiting for Shao Liu'er to come to him, but before he did, it seemed that his sister was still holding that breath in her heart.

So he continued to wait, waiting for Shao Liu'er to be forced into a desperate situation, waiting until Shao Liu'er expected and needed him, waiting until the heat was almost over before he appeared.

No one said anything at the scene. Shao Pingbo raised his hand and waved to the two children who were protecting Shao Liu'er because he saw that the two children dared to tell the truth.

The two children saw that the person who came here was a person who could shock the whole crowd. They also heard that their stepmother had a brother who was a high official here. The servants here also mentioned it when they encountered difficulties before. At this time, he immediately broke free from Shao Liuer's restraints and came over to greet him. Shao Liuer did not stop him this time.

Facing the two children who were saluting, Shao Pingbo nodded slightly, "Don't be afraid, tell me what's going on."

"They came here to steal things..." One of the children immediately pointed at Hao Qi and Hao Yuntu, scolding the two for repeatedly coming to extort money, and was extremely angry.

Shao Pingbo glanced at the two of them coldly, without asking whether the matter was true, and said calmly: "Lawless! Someone, break their hands and feet and throw them out. Whoever dares to stop them will be interrupted!"

The guards behind them rushed over immediately and pushed the two of them to the ground on the spot. The two struggled on the ground and were shocked, "Captain Shao, this is our family matter, this is our family matter."

Swish, two figures flashed over and shouted at the person who made the move. It was the monk in charge of the palace. One of them cupped his hands and said: "Captain Shao, after all, they are the kings of Jin Dynasty. Isn't it appropriate for you to do this? ? It’s hard for us to explain if something goes wrong, so that’s pretty much it.”