Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1532: Wu Chang's objection


What do you mean it’s almost enough? Shao Pingbo was indifferent, he came in person, how could it be almost enough

He flipped his hand and showed a Blackwater Tower token, "Heishui Tower is working, but I hope that irrelevant people will not intervene."

He has always had a token from Blackwater Tower in his hand, but Blackwater Tower has not taken it back, which is also related to Tai Shuxiong's intention. Tai Shuxiong has always wanted him to come out to do things, and there are always people at Blackwater Tower. His hand is stationed in Shao Mansion, and among the people accompanying him now are people from Heishuitai.

The two looked at each other, a little wary, and one of them reminded: "Captain Shao, this is their family matter. Using your identity as Heishuitai is tantamount to avenging private revenge."

Shao Pingbo groaned and put away the token in his hand, "Family affairs? Okay, let's talk about family affairs. This is my sister's house. I hope you two won't interfere in our family affairs."

Another person said: "Captain Shao..."

Shao Pingbo interrupted, "Okay, if anything happens, I will take full responsibility for it. Later, I will give an explanation to the uncle who is sitting in the palace." He raised his chin and said to the men who were holding the two people on the ground: "You guys still What are you waiting for?"

With a few clicks, the legs and feet of Hao Qi and Hao Yuntu were either twisted or stepped on.

"Ah..." The two of them let out a scream.

No one accompanying the two of them dared to move rashly. They had already spoken. Anyone who dared to stop them would have their hands and feet cut off.

There was nothing he could do to stop him. There were many monks among Shao Pingbo's guards.

Uncle Huan'er couldn't bear to look directly at him and looked back to the side. She didn't know that this was her husband's true style of doing things.

The two people who were in pain were released. Shao Pingbo stepped forward, condescendingly, and said coldly: "Give you a day to return what you have swallowed. The tent that harbors the former imperial concubine of Weiguo , I haven’t settled it with you yet. If you dare to miss one thing and fail to return it at this time tomorrow, don’t blame the people from Heishuitai for ransacking your home for collaborating with the enemy! Once you enter Heishuitai, I guarantee that you will not be able to come out alive. Throw it out! "

He is not afraid of offending these two people, and he is not afraid of causing any waves by doing this. With his current relationship with the courtiers, no one will offend him for two insignificant people. He would not give the two of them another chance to take revenge. When they spit out the things, they would die violently sooner or later, and there would be "remnants of Qi State" who would kill them.

So the two men, who were sweating in pain and groaning, were dragged away and thrown out. The two accompanying them also ran away in despair.

The two monks stationed in the palace of the Jin Kingdom looked at each other and backed away as if it had nothing to do with them. They only needed to report the situation when they came back. How to deal with it was a matter for the superiors.

What followed was a family reunion. Shao Sansheng paid homage to the young lady with tears in his eyes, and also introduced Uncle Huan'er to the family.

Haozhen's two sons also called Shao Pingbo "uncle". The two young men looked at Shao Pingbo with an expression of admiration. Based on Shao Pingbo's decisive killing just now, the young men were naturally very relieved after seeing it. Little did he know that in his early years, Shao Pingbo had considered killing them in order to pave the way for Shao Liuer.

Shao Pingbo naturally met Shao Liuer's biological son, a little guy who could run around and liked to climb trees, and was given a meeting gift.

As for Haozhen, his attitude was very silent from beginning to end, and he only answered questions when asked.

When leaving, Shao Liu'er led Haozhen's two sons to see them off at the door. Shao Pingbo told his sister before leaving: "If anything happens in the future, don't remain silent. Send someone to contact Lao Shao."

Shao Liuer said "Yes" obediently.

Shao Pingbo turned around and told his uncle Huan'er, "Come and walk around more when you have time, don't be too busy."

Uncle Huan'er smiled and took Shao Liu'er's arm, "As a family, of course we have to come and go often, and you are the one to explain it?"

The couple said goodbye, and Shao Liu'er watched the carriage leave with an extremely complicated expression. He was finally out of the situation that almost drove him crazy. He was relieved. Otherwise, it would be really not a human life to be tortured like that by Hao Qi and the others every day.

After this, it became clear that if their family wanted to survive safely in the Jin Kingdom, they could not do without the protection of this brother.

Shao Pingbo, who was sitting in the carriage, was also full of emotions. Shao Liuer called him "big brother" many times this time and asked his son to get closer to him.

The brother and sister get back together. This is the result he wants, and it is also the reason why he sat back and watched Hao Qi and the others force him to do nothing.

But he didn't feel well in his heart. Liu'er was no longer the Liu'er of the past. She was no longer the Liu'er who clearly loved and hated her and was willing to sacrifice her life for a man. The edges had been smoothed by life and she had succumbed to reality. In his words, in order to keep the whole family small, there was a hint of proactive overture.

This may be a good thing, but it also shows that he failed to protect his sister's innocence.

Uncle Huan'er was very happy. He found that this sister-in-law was not difficult to deal with and he was quite close to her. A stone fell in his heart, and he was chattering about where he would take Shao Liu'er and the others to play some other day.

Rumors of Jin moving the capital came out, and the Yan court was also wondering whether the regent was going to move the capital, because Shang Chaozong had no intention of moving to the capital.

Shang Yongzhong, the great Sima of Yan State, seemed to have no intention of leaving Nanzhou Fucheng.

He runs to Shang Chaozong all day long, and he is often seen next to Meng Shanming and Lan Ruoting. He knew very well that the Great Sima of the Yan State did not have any real military power in his hands. The position of the Great Sima was yours only if it was yours. He could take it away at any time if it was not yours. With Meng Shanming and Lan Ruoting, There's no way to compare.

Especially Meng Shanming, Shang Chaozong became the regent. Meng Shanming's position in the Yan Kingdom's military was truly important, so he often asked Meng Shanming for instructions.

He also has reasons not to return to Yanjing. Now is the time when the interests of Zijin Cave, Xiaoyao Palace and Lingjian Mountain are being adjusted. The people of Yan Kingdom are being mobilized. Although he, the great Sima, has no real power, he knows many things. Details can be listed for reference here, and you can also assist Shang Chaozong in issuing military orders to various states.

In this way, he stayed here naturally.

After hanging around Shang Chaozong for a long time, I finally figured out Shang Chaozong's intentions. Shang Chaozong had no intention of moving to the capital.

First of all, Shang Jianxiong's management of the capital was too deep. If he went to Yanjing, he would inevitably send a large number of trusted people there, which would affect the deployment of troops.

Secondly, the key location where Nanzhou is currently stuck is right in the middle of the occupied areas of Yan and Qin, which is more critical than the capital.

Finally, Nanzhou has been operating in this area for a long time, and it is easy to stay calm and cope with the possible Jin Dynasty's Eastern Expedition.

Now that he is not the emperor of Yan, why do he have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to go to the capital

After understanding the intention, Shang Yongzhong immediately ordered people to buy a mansion in Nanzhou, and at the same time sent a message to his family to move to Nanzhou as soon as possible.

As soon as he took the lead, the court officials immediately understood what was going on, and they all began to run here. Their families moved, and the entire court military and political system began to move to Nanzhou.

Land prices in Nanzhou's capital city have also skyrocketed.

Qiyun Sect, Lan Daolin and Governor Wuxu came hand in hand.

Wu Chang showed up to greet the guests and was not polite at all. He asked, "What's the matter?"

Lan Daolin, who was leaning on the railing with his hands behind his back, said, "Can't you see such a big movement in Yan State?"

Wu Chang: "What do you want to say?"

Governor Wuxu: "The State of Yan has now given the Shang Chaozong the military and political power, allowing him to integrate the power of the State of Yan. This is detrimental to the Jin State's Eastern Expedition. Can't you see?"

Lan Daolin: "This Shang Dynasty sect is good at commanding men and horses in battle, which is indeed detrimental to the Jin Kingdom's Eastern Expedition."

Wu Chang: "It's a disadvantage, so what?"

Lan Daolin: "Let Piaomiao Pavilion come forward and invite Shang Chaozong and other key personnel to Piaomiao Pavilion and find an excuse to get rid of them."

Wu Chang: "I don't agree with this."

Du Wuxu: "You are the one who used the power of Jin to wipe out the world. Now there is resistance, and you are the one who opposes the purge. What do you want to do?"

Wu Chang: "Do you think people in the world are fools? If you think our intentions are not obvious enough, you might as well kill the main military figures in South Korea and Song Dynasty, so that all factions in the world know that we want to deprive Their interests, then they will unite and arrive at the front lines of the two armies to resist Jin, and you will be happy."

"Then those hidden Nascent Soul Stage monks also ran into the Jin army to sneak attack and cause trouble. Can we guard against it? The result is that the Jin army cannot sweep them one by one, and it will be a mess! If this is the case, just continue to look for needles in a haystack to find people, and still Why bother?"

"You have thought clearly. The power is not on our side now, but all the forces do not dare to take sides openly or secretly. If we really want to force the monks in the world to be used by those people, they will assassinate the people of Piao Miao Pavilion. How many of us are there? Are there people for them to kill? Can we still keep the people below tied to our belts to protect them?"

"Is it possible that you want to end up with only the three of us left, and then the three of us go out to kill this and that every day, and someone is causing trouble behind the scenes? Can we make people obey by killing people? The three of us left, damn Can the three of us find this person?"

Lan Daolin said in a deep voice: "Maybe they already know our intentions."

Wu Chang: "Then what do you think we should do? Don't forget that there are Saint Rakshasa and Luo Fangfei on the other side, as well as a dozen Nascent Soul monks. Our situation is very passive. Now we can only take one step at a time."

Du Wuxu: "The opponent's purpose is very obvious. He will defeat them one by one. He probably has targeted the three of us and is waiting for an opportunity to eradicate the three of us separately!"

Wu Chang: "Then they have to be able to kill us. If they don't take action, it means they are not sure. As long as we stabilize our position and stop giving them opportunities to take advantage, they can't do anything to us."

Lan Daolin said coldly: "Can you really avoid being used? How did the old witch die?"

Wu Chang: "I didn't know that Luo Fangfei would appear before. Now we have to consider the matter of Luo Fangfei and Holy Rakshasa joining forces. The three of us can no longer fight among ourselves."

Lan Daolin looked at Du Wuxu and said, "Now that Luo Fangfei has appeared, this guy still killed Luo Qiu!"

Du Wuxu said indifferently: "I didn't know that Luo Fangfei had the strength to fight you head-on. I haven't seen what Luo Fangfei's strength is. It's not all you who is talking about whether it is true or false, or whether you hold Only you know best what your intentions are."

PS: There may not be any updates today.