Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1536: A storm is coming


The streets are bustling with people coming and going, and trucks carrying goods are delivered to various parts of the city.

The clerks in the shops greet you with smiles, the vendors shout and sell, the busy and hard-working adults are sweating profusely, and the children are crawling in and out of the crowd on the street, not knowing how to feel.

There are also verbal disputes due to parents' indifference or accidental collision.

Today's Nanzhou does seem a bit crowded.

With the entire imperial court of Yan State moved to Nanzhou, Nanzhou's capital city was extremely prosperous, and every inch of land was a place of great value.

After all, the city size of Nanzhou cannot be compared with that of Yanjing. With the arrival of a large number of powerful people and wealthy businessmen, some simple places in the city have become high-priced places, and some people have paid to buy them. This is not the capital of the Yan Kingdom. On the territory of the Shang Dynasty, no one from the outsiders from the capital dares to take it by force. They can only pay for it politely.

Many poor families have made a fortune. As for where to shelter from wind and rain in the future, these people who are forced to make a living are not thinking about it. Even if you consider it, there is nothing you can do. The strong need to solve the immediate dilemma will inevitably hinder the long-term vision, and the poor can only be more short-sighted.

Faced with this situation, Lan Ruoting, who is in charge of government affairs, is also in a dilemma. He cannot force the people not to sell. If they want to live, will you give them money? All Lan Ruoting can do is resettle people in remote areas.

In short, the core areas of the city are constantly occupied by the rich, and the poor are indirectly expelled to the periphery.

The entire city of Nanzhou is like a busy construction site, with dilapidated houses being demolished and new mansions being built everywhere. The rich and powerful who bought those shabby houses in the corners cannot live in such a place, and must be rebuilt into a livable place.

For a time, craftsmen from all over the world were tempted by the high wages and came one after another. It was really because there were not enough craftsmen in Nanzhou Fucheng and they could not find craftsmen without paying high prices.

Many inns were overcrowded, and some entire inns were booked.

At this time, in Nanzhou, anyone with sound limbs could find a job. The strong magnetic attraction of the Regent of Dayan brought resources from all sides, but Yanjing was becoming increasingly deserted.

On the pavilion, Gao Jiancheng and Lan Ruoting looked at the prosperous scene on the streets outside, but they were talking about the situation of Emperor Yan Shang Jianxiong being under house arrest in the palace in the capital.

Shang Jianxiong, who had lost his freedom, had nothing to do except lose his temper and curse every day. The real power is that he has lost his power. Even the little eunuch who was waiting on him got impatient and dared to show his face to Shang Jianxiong. The concubines who could only provide food and clothing and had nothing to do were no longer respectful, and many of them secretly consorted with the guards to deal with things. lonely.

Shang Chaozong didn't take the initiative to ask about Shang Jianxiong's affairs. Gao Jiancheng couldn't take the initiative to talk to Shang Chaozong. It would be more appropriate to talk to Lan Ruoting. He believed that after telling Lan Ruoting, Lan Ruoting would naturally inform Shang Chaozong.

Gao Jiancheng's official position was still the Grand Sikong of Yan State, but he kept his attitude very low. He reported everything to Lan Ruoting and asked for advice.

After talking about business, Lan Ruoting turned to personal matters, "I heard that Da Sikong's son Gao Shaoming is also here?"

Gao Jiancheng was quite emotional and sighed, "He can finally show up in public and no longer has to hide."

Lan Ruoting held up his hand, "Da Sikong endured the humiliation for the prince and wronged the young master. Nowadays, Nanzhou is busy with affairs and there is a shortage of people around Bei Shi. I wonder if Da Sikong can give up his love and let the young master come to Bei Shi to help?"

Gao Jiancheng understood that this was not Yanjing. It was built after destruction and did not have the decadent tendencies of Yanjing. Especially where he was located, it was not easy to arrange his son for personal gain. Otherwise, if he took the lead and everyone else followed, he would probably cause trouble. Shang Chaozong was furious.

Now that this person is asking for someone in person, this is a reward for everything he has done before his success.

Gao Jiancheng immediately returned the favor and said, "It is his blessing to be with Lord Sikyong. He can only wish for it!"

Sikyong is Lan Daolin's position in Nanzhou. Under normal circumstances, his rank is far from comparable to that of Da Sikong, but now it is not normal after all.

Lan Ruoting added: "I heard that Da Sikong and his family are still living in the inn. The prince has already ordered me to find a suitable place for Da Sikong. It was not until recently that a suitable place was found and arranged. The place may not be as spacious as the one in Yanjing. I hope Da Sikong won’t dislike it.”

When talking about this matter, Lan Ruoting was a little puzzled. He found that this person had done a very good job and did not arrange a house for his son or his family. He did not believe that this person had no money to buy it. Looking at Shang Yongzhong, he immediately picked up a big house and brought his family over.

There is no reason why Da Sikong and his family have been staying in an inn. In the end, Shang Chaozong was embarrassed and had no choice but to take the initiative to make arrangements.

Gao Jiancheng looked flattered, but he was not polite, "The regent is so kind to me. I am afraid and dare not refuse. I thank the regent for his kindness."

After the two separated, Gao Jiancheng returned to the inn and directly greeted his family's move.

After the family moved into the new house, Gao Jicheng changed into casual clothes and quietly came to the Thatched Cottage, ostensibly to visit Guan Fangyi, the head of the Thatched Cottage.

It has been a while since I came to Nanzhou. After arranging everything, I finally went to visit.

He already had a secret connection with this place. He had already contacted him before coming here. Guan Fangyi was already waiting inside.

When the two met, they were polite on the surface. Guan Fangyi invited him inside to talk. After avoiding other eyes and ears, she led Gao Jiancheng into the secret passage.

In the secret room, Niu Youdao was already waiting with a smile inside.

As soon as they met, Gao Jiancheng quickly stepped forward and saluted, "Master Tao."

Niu Youdao smiled and said, "Master Gao, we finally meet again." He turned around and extended his hand to invite you to sit down and have some tea.

The old friends met and had a long conversation. Talking about when Shang Chaozong would proclaim himself emperor, Niu Youdao shook his head and said, "This is not something I have to consider. When will the prince proclaim himself emperor? What will happen after he proclaims himself emperor?" My lord, I have no intention of interfering with what you courtiers are worried about."

Gao Jiancheng stroked his beard and muttered, "After becoming emperor, it is not my place to worry about. When everything goes well and I have done my best to serve the prince, it is time for me to retire."

Niu Youdao said, "Master Gao said something negative. Could it be that he is being ostracized here? My words may be of some use to the prince. If you have any questions, you might as well say it clearly."

Gao Jiancheng hurriedly moved his hands, leaned forward slightly, and spoke from the bottom of his heart, "Master Dao, as an emperor and a courtier, under the prince, the most suitable person to sit in my position is Lan Ruoting. You must not enjoy all the blessings to enjoy them for a long time." It’s not that I’ve been ostracized or that I’m negative, it’s that I’m getting really old and really want to quit.”

Niu Youdao understood what he meant and held the pot to pour tea for him, "Master Gao knows better than me about the matters in the court. Master Gao's decision must have been carefully considered. Master Gao can make the decision himself. If you need anything, you can always come." Contact Niu.”

In the pavilion, Zi Pingxiu and Jia Wuqun sat opposite each other, talking and writing.

This side has also been fighting against the Song Emperor Wu Gongling. Shang Jianxiong of the Yan State encountered a coup and fell into the clouds instantly. Coupled with the changes in Mu Zhuozhen, Wu Gongling was wary of repeated lessons learned from the past and began to attack Zi Pingxiu. right.

Zi Pingxiu refused to delegate power, and Jia Wuqun was behind the plan. Wu Gongling was unable to be soft, hard, and hard, and there was nothing he could do to Zi Pingxiu.

Faced with such a deadlock, Jia Wuqun wrote a sentence: Regardless of the country's foundation, put the interests of the three major factions first, stick to this policy as the fundamental, moving the prime minister is like moving the three major factions, Wu family will have nothing to do with the prime minister!

After Zi Pingxiu looked at it, he sighed, "If this continues, sooner or later you will have to fight to the death. When will it end!"

Jia Wuqun wrote another page and forwarded it to him: A storm is coming!

Zi Pingxiu tried to ask: "Soon?"

Jia Wuqun nodded.

The Jin Kingdom's capital move was completed. As expected by Shao Pingbo, Tai Shuxiong moved the Jin Kingdom's capital to the original Wei Kingdom's capital and established it here!

In a vast field with waves of wheat, the motorcade stopped. Taishu Huan'er pulled Shao Liu'er, two teenagers and a child chasing after him out of the car.

The group walked along the winding stream among the wheat fields, admiring the scene of the upcoming harvest.

"Brother, brother..." The youngest child, who has short legs, shouted after him.

Uncle Huan'er's chirping laughter could be heard in front of him. He waved his finger and told Shao Liu'er that this area belonged to his family.

The group had already seen Shao Pingbo's first property in Beijing. Naturally, Shao Liu'er received a house as a gift. Taishu Huan'er also picked a house that he liked, which made his brothers and sisters envious. Seeing the vast fields of my home again makes me feel really good.

Shao Pingbo, wearing a cloak and walking slowly on the grass beside the field, looked into the distance, "Old Shao, have Ziyu and the others sorted things out?"

Shao Sansheng, who was accompanying him, said: "The divisions have been made, but they are a little embarrassed to accept such a heavy gift from the eldest son."

Shao Pingbo: "Make it clear to them that it's not a gift for them. It's bought for them in advance. They have to pay the original price. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Shao Sansheng smiled bitterly, "I told them, I showed them the receipt of payment and receipt of goods during the transaction, but I was still embarrassed and felt that I was taking advantage of the eldest son. I forced them to take it."

Just ask, Shao Pingbo said no more, leaned over to pick the wheat ears, rubbed some newly filled wheat grains in his hands, blew off the grass clippings, put it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it. Looking at it, he was quite emotional. "It's another good harvest year. If there is no more war in the world, if the people in the world live and work in peace and contentment, how wonderful it would be if the scene before our eyes lasts forever!"

Shao Sansheng: "The eldest son knows that Qi Yunzong cannot help himself. It can be seen that the Jin Kingdom's Eastern Expedition is inevitable. I am afraid this battle will last for who knows how long. It's strange to say that half a year has passed, and all parts of the world are better than before. , it seems a little too quiet. The countries are at peace with each other, and the various factions in the spiritual world are also peaceful. There is no more trouble in the world, and there is no more trouble in the spiritual world. It seems that everything is quiet."

Shao Pingbo looked far into the distance, his eyes showing worry, "Is this a peaceful world? The quieter it is, the more abnormal it is. There are whirlpools under the calm. This is clearly a sign before the storm is coming! I look at the general trend of the world, and I vaguely feel that all parties are... Waiting, seems to be waiting for an opportunity to come, I am afraid that the beginning of Jin's Eastern Expedition is that opportunity, the beginning of a violent storm, which may sweep the entire world!"

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