Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1540: Time is not given to me


In Nanzhou Fucheng, in the secret room of the palace, Shang Chaozong, Meng Shanming and Lan Ruoting met with Niu Youdao again.

A war seems inevitable. In addition to the deployment of men, horses and supplies, the coach also needs to be in charge personally.

This is also the reason why Shang Chaozong came to see him. He and Meng Shanming wanted to go to the front line in person to take command.

Regarding this point, there was quite some resistance within the Yan Kingdom's court. Whether it was for good intentions or to show loyalty, the courtiers felt that it was inappropriate for Shang Chaozong to go to the battlefield in person as regent. Once something happened to Shang Chaozong, it would trigger the entire Yan Kingdom. of turmoil.

What the courtiers meant was that it was enough to have Meng Shanming as the coach.

According to Niu Youdao, if there is no need, he will not interfere in this matter and let Shang Chaozong do it on his own. However, the matter is not small after all. Shang Chaozong's move means asking for instructions, and he also wants to know what Niu Youdao is doing. I wonder if there are any other comments here.

Niu Youdao was slightly silent after hearing this, "The opinions of the courtiers seem to be reasonable. The huge Yan Kingdom does need people to take charge. Can't Commander Meng go there as the head coach?"

He did not think that Meng Shanming's combat command ability would be inferior to that of Shang Chaozong, but that he would be stronger, not inferior.

Meng Shanming spoke out, with a bit of a sigh, "Master Tao, Meng Shanming is old and has low energy. He often falls asleep and falls asleep. During the war, he stayed up all night. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it anymore. I Although he wanted to bravely shoulder the heavy burden, he couldn't help it. The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and he was worried about missing important events. Maybe it would be more suitable to assist the prince. And the people from all the forces in the Yan Kingdom were replaced by someone else to take the orders. It is also difficult to use the fingers like an arm. As far as war is concerned, it is indeed the best choice for the prince to take charge personally. "

Not saying that he didn't care yet, Niu Youdao's eyes fell on Meng Shanming's face and took a closer look. He found that Meng Shanming had indeed aged a lot over the years, his hair was almost gray, and although his eyes were still bright, they were It feels like the momentum is forced out, and the energy and energy are indeed not as good as before.

He asked silently and thoughtfully: "So, this matter was discussed between the prince and Meng Shuai?"

Shang Chaozong: "Yes. Without a smooth war on the front, there will still be chaos in the country no matter how much I personally take charge. Only when the war goes smoothly can people's hearts be stabilized. After discussion, we still agreed that the war on the front is the top priority. , it is most appropriate for me to take charge personally. If I stay behind to take command, the delay in military response will not be conducive to combat."

Niu Youdao: "As long as there are no problems within Yan State, you can just take care of it yourself."

Shang Chaozong: "With Mr. Lan and Gao Jiancheng here at the court, and Shang Yongzhong waving the flag, there shouldn't be any problems."

Niu Youdao knew very well that the decisive outcome was not between these people, but between him and the Three Saints, but these people were his biggest cover at the moment, and he couldn't stop them from doing what they were supposed to do. Finally, he said slowly: "As long as you think there is no problem, just go ahead and do it. You don't have to worry about it from my side. However, the opinions of the courtiers are not unreasonable. I think the Jin State also knows that as long as something happens to the prince, the Yan State will inevitably If there is chaos, the Jin State may attack the prince personally at any cost, so we have to be on guard."

Shang Chaozong: "We will be careful and the three major factions will deploy a large number of manpower to cooperate."

Niu Youdao: "Bring the matchmaker with you."

"Matchmaker?" The three people from Shang Chaozong were a little confused.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Fangyi was mentioned, Guan Fangyi came in a hurry, walked to Niu Youdao, leaned down and whispered: "Master Tao, Zhuge Chi is back and injured."

Niu Youdao's eyes instantly brightened, and he stood up. He immediately took over the previous words and continued to speak to several people: "Your Majesty, the matchmaker is the person in charge of Maolu Villa now, and it is only natural that she will go with you. The second is the matchmaker. Being by your side can prevent unexpected surprises. Unless the Three Saints take action personally, the matchmaker can keep the prince safe."

Guan Fangyi was stunned and didn't know what it meant.

The three Shang Chaozong looked at each other, obviously a little surprised, or a little doubtful about Guan Fangyi's strength. Why did it sound like they were saying that Guan Fangyi was invincible among the three saints? Is this possible? But since Master Dao said this, there must be a reason.

Having more manpower is not a bad thing. Shang Chaozong had no objection and nodded: "Okay."

"You can take care of the rest. I still have some things to deal with, so I won't interrupt you." Niu Youdao nodded briefly in greeting without being verbose, and quickly turned around and left. Yun Ji and Guan Fangyi on the side also quickly followed.

"Master Dao, let's go slowly." The three people from Shang Chaozong said to each other. They all saw that Niu Youdao seemed to have something important to do, because it was rare to see Niu Youdao, who had always been calm and unhurried, looking so urgent.

Zhuge Chi, who was sitting on the chair with an ugly expression, put his hands on the armrests to stand up when he saw Niu Youdao coming back.

Niu Youdao knew that he was seriously injured, so he immediately stretched out his hand and pushed him to sit down.

Guan Fangyi also pulled a chair over and placed it behind Niu Youdao. Niu Youdao sat down and asked Zhuge Chi, "How is the situation?"

Zhuge Chi looked solemn and said, "Wuchang took action personally. I was no match for him. I was wounded and captured alive by him after only a dozen moves. But as you expected, they didn't make things difficult for me and let me back." "

He was responsible for contacting Zhao Ting this time, and he took a huge risk, because they already knew that Wu Chang had grasped the situation, and it was no wonder that there was no risk in doing things under Wu Chang's nose. But Niu Youdao's prediction was that even if something happened, it would be a near miss, so he dared to let Zhuge Chi take the risk.

However, Niu Youdao still didn't expect Wu Chang to take action in person. This made him feel Wu Chang's urgency, so he asked, "Tell me the details in detail."

"Zhao Ting sent out news that he had something important to do and took the initiative to make an appointment..." Zhuge Chi immediately informed the details.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. The process is really simple. Wu Chang made a clean move. He caught him with just a few words and then released him directly. The whole process was also very short.

The incident not only reflects Wu Chang's urgency, but also reflects Wu Chang's decisiveness in doing things.

Lu Wushuang, who was on the side, snorted coldly after hearing this, "This devil clearly knows where our lair is, and he deliberately pretends to use Zhao Ting's line to cover it up. It's ridiculous!"

By now, everyone understood that Niu Youdao's purpose of leaving Zhao Ting's line was to cover up Wu Chang, otherwise Wu Chang would not be able to find a way to contact this party without alerting the snake.

Niu Youdao stood up and wandered around, thinking, and suddenly sighed, "I can't delay it for a few more months. It seems that Wu Chang really can't delay it any longer. Time is not given to me!"

He turned around and faced the crowd and said, "It seems that Wu Chang does have a way to deal with Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu. I need to meet and talk with him."

"Are you going?" Guan Fangyi exclaimed.

Others were also surprised. Lu Wushuang said solemnly: "You go to see Wu Chang in person? This is too dangerous, no way."

Niu Youdao: "It's the same for any of us, it's all a risk. Things are not as dangerous as you think. If Wu Chang really wants to take action, there is no need to waste this effort. He really can't wait. His current pet peeves and The main targets are Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu. In his view, we are all under his control and cannot escape from his clutches. There is no need for him to attack individual people and alert others. So you can rest assured and go here. There will be no danger."

Lu Wushuang: "I know Wuchang better than you do. Wuchang is capricious and can do anything. You can't go. Once something happens to you, it will be easy for all parties on our side to distrust each other and problems will arise. If you change it to someone else, If you go, even if something happens, it won't collapse. Things have reached this point, and it's not worth the loss. As the person at the helm, it's unwise for you to take the risk yourself!"

Zhuge Chi stood up slowly, "It's better for me to go. I've met him face to face, and it doesn't matter if I try to communicate with him again. If he wants to kill me, there's no need to wait until this time. If you need to do anything, you can tell me. "

He experienced it personally and believed in Niu Youdao's judgment. Niu Youdao said before that there was a near miss, and it turned out to be a near miss. Now that Niu Youdao said that nothing would happen, he felt that there should be no problem.

Niu Youdao waved his hand, "I'll go in person, that's it!"

Seeing that his attitude had been decided, Lu Wushuang turned around and left without saying a word.

Niu Youdao turned to Guan Fangyi and said: "Your Majesty is going to the front line. Your current status is related to the entire Yan Kingdom. I am afraid that the Jin Kingdom will not hesitate at all costs. You should prepare yourself and go with your Majesty to protect him. To avoid any accidents happening to the prince and Meng Shuai."

Guan Fangyi's face was full of worry, "It's easy to say, but if you go to see Wu Chang in person... Lu Wushuang is right, it is indeed too dangerous."

Niu Youdao: "Stop talking anymore, I have made up my mind." He turned around and asked Zhuge Chi, "How is your injury?"

Zhuge Chi: "The injury is not minor, not too serious, and nothing serious. It would be more appropriate for me to go see Wu Chang. If I expose others, it may arouse Wu Chang's suspicion."

Niu Youdao: "Even if I am exposed, Wu Chang will not take me seriously."

There were footsteps outside the secret room. Yuan Gang was coming, and Lu Wushuang followed behind. Apparently she saw that she couldn't speak and so she pulled Yuan Gang over.

Yuan Gang walked up to Niu Youdao and asked, "Do you have to go?"

Niu Youdao: "I know the situation best, so I can make decisions on the spur of the moment, and I can easily tell whether Wu Chang's attitude is true or false. There is no more suitable candidate than me."

Yuan Gang: "Okay, then I'll go with you."

Lu Wushuang's eyes widened instantly. She originally wanted Yuan Gang to come and persuade Niu Youdao, but Yuan Gang not only had no intention of persuading, but actually wanted to take the risk with her.

Niu Youdao said in a deep voice: "Don't mess around."

Yuan Gang: "Didn't you say there would be no danger?"

"..." Niu Youdao was speechless by him.

Yuan Gang: "Since there is no danger, I will go. Also, take Yun Ji with you. If there is a change, my strength can block Wu Chang and buy Yun Ji time to take you out." Master Dao, nothing can happen to you. Once something happens to you, no one will take charge of the overall situation. None of the rest of us can escape. Sooner or later, we will all fall into Wu Chang's hands. Even if I personally fall into Wu Chang's hands, he will not If you are eager to kill me, you must want to know what is going on between me and Lu Wushuang, and you still have a chance to get me out."