Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1559: wake


Shang Shuqing believed him and relaxed. Swept by the strong wind, her toes slowly lifted off the ground and slowly spun into the air.

Everyone was watching her reaction and the situation at the scene with a keen eye. Even Zhao Xiongge and Niu Youdao did not dare to relax. What they saw in the magic book were only written records, and no one knew the specific situation.

More and more Youyu Jackdaws were shaking violently as if they were being shocked by electricity, shaking out the black mist that had gathered on their bodies, shaking their heads vigorously, as if they were choked by something, and the strange red light floating in their eyes was even more intense. Flickers erratically.

These crow generals who are in the process of awakening seem to be interacting with Shang Shuqing, and they all seem to feel Shang Shuqing's breath. The way they feel it is the strong wind surrounding Shang Shuqing.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and Shang Shuqing spun faster and faster. She felt dizzy and had to close her eyes.

The hair restraint was finally thrown away, and a long hair was thrown out, also spinning in the wind.

The flames in the vast space are roaring, and the king's flag on the flagpole is even more dramatic.

Niu Youdao and others, who were in the center of the cyclone, were also fluttering in the wind and were forced to cast spells to restrain them.

The atmosphere in the entire vast underground space seemed to be completely chaotic.

Suddenly, Niu Youdao and others watched closely, and saw a large black dot fly out of the rapidly rotating Shang Shuqing, and floated towards the lone armor near the fire pond. A sword supported a suit of armor, with a helmet on the hilt, and a Youyuyu jackdaw standing on the helmet.

But there was no abnormality, and the reaction of the Youyu Jackdaw was the same as that of other crow generals.

"Gah..." A sharp crow sounded in the underground space.

Everyone looked back and saw that the crow that was chirping opened its eyes, revealing a red light with a strange color. It suddenly fluttered its wings and really woke up.

It flew up and exploded into black mist. The black mist whizzed toward the ground and quickly condensed into a human figure at the place where it took off. A pair of strange bloody eyes looked left and right.

One after another, the sharp "quacking" sounds began to be heard continuously, and the feathered jackdaws that fluttered their wings continued to explode into black mist, which continued to attract to the ground and condense into a human shape.

Amidst the noisy screams, people shrouded in black mist appeared one after another. This scene was really spectacular.

Looking around, Niu Youdao and others knew clearly that they had succeeded and indeed succeeded in awakening these crow generals.

Shang Shuqing, who was spinning in the air, felt dizzy. It was different from the feeling of dizziness. The images that kept appearing in her mind gave her a splitting headache.

Some pictures she had never seen before kept appearing in her mind. They were faces. It seemed that countless faces were passing by in front of her eyes, making her feel dizzy and headache. She didn't know why this happened, so she could only vaguely rely on it. Judging from reason, it must be related to these crow generals.

"Gah..." The Youyu Jackdaw beside the fire pond also woke up. The black mist that exploded gathered and drew down, getting into the black armor below, inflating the armor like an inflated balloon. stand up.

Under the helmet was a face with clear outlines and a hint of blackness. A pair of strange bloody eyes suddenly opened. He reached out and pulled out the sword stuck on the ground. He looked around. He obviously looked like a general, which made him angry. Youdao and others couldn't help but take a second look.

As the crows turned the mist into human form, there were crowds of people everywhere, and there were countless monsters with bloody eyes everywhere, which looked a bit scary.

The strong wind that swept through the air gradually weakened, and the speed of Shang Shuqing spinning in the air gradually slowed down and dropped slowly.

Under the strands of flowing long hair, there is a fair face with closed eyes, as delicate as a flower shy of a closed moon.

The bad spots on her face are gone, and the foreign matter on her face has been removed. The swelling caused by the foreign matter has disappeared. The color difference will also give people a feeling of swelling. After the skin color is consistent, Shang Shuqing looks completely different from her previous appearance. The difference between cloud and mud.

If Shang Shuqing was ugly before, then Shang Shuqing at this time is as beautiful as a fairy, even if she still has her eyes closed.

Zhao Xiongge nodded slightly, "Sure enough, he has recovered."

Lu Wushuang, who was lying on Yuan Gang's back, looked up and couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "It is said that the blood of the Shang family produces beauties. When I saw it today, it turned out to be a well-deserved reputation. I didn't expect that the princess's true appearance was like this. She is beautiful, she is truly a beauty who is shy of her beauty..." He suddenly lowered his head and looked at Yuan Gang who was carrying him on his back.

She found that Yuan Gang, who was looking directly at Shang Shuqing slowly descending from the sky, grabbed her calf, scratching her painfully.

What puzzled her the most was that she could feel Yuan Gang trembling.

What she didn't see was that Yuan Gang looked shocked at this moment, and his shock was full of disbelief. He stared at Shang Shuqing who was slowly spinning and falling above him, and suddenly a murmur came out of his mouth. , "Sister Yu..."

Sister Yu? What Sister Yu? Everyone looked back at him, wondering what he was talking about.

Only Niu Youdao tensed his cheeks and stared fixedly at the slowly falling person. The fingers of his hands clasped on the hilt of the sword were clasped tightly, trembling slightly.

Yuan Gang slowly turned around and looked at Niu Youdao.

Shang Shuqing suddenly sped up her landing, and Yin Qi invaded her again. Yun Ji hurried to catch her.

Unexpectedly, Niu Youdao rushed in from behind and knocked Yunji away. He caught Shang Shuqing smoothly, put his arm around Shang Shuqing's waist and hugged her, looking down at her half lying in his arms. His face has an extremely deep look.

Yun Ji was shocked by his behavior.

With a snap, a sword fell to the ground. Everyone looked and realized that Niu Youdao had even abandoned the sword in his hand in order to pick him up.

Niu Youdao raised his hand and gently brushed away a few strands of hair covering Shang Shuqing's face. He looked carefully at the face with trembling eyelashes and difficulty in opening his eyes due to dizziness. He looked at it carefully.

Zhao Xiongge couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong with her?"

Niu Youdao turned his head sharply, the flash of light in his eyes was a bit scary, and like a bright light in the wind and rain at night, he told him extremely seriously, "She will be fine!"

Yuan Ang looked at Niu Youdao with complicated eyes, and Lu Wushuang noticed something was wrong through Yuan Gang's abnormal reaction just now.

Shang Shuqing's face was very pale, and her eyelids opened tremblingly. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Niu Youdao, but there was a blur caused by dizziness. She asked weakly: "Master Dao, is it okay?"

Niu Youdao immediately looked down at her and said softly, "Okay, you did a good job. How do you feel now?"

The corner of Yun Ji's mouth twitched, and she felt that her tone and expression were a bit disgusting. Thinking about Niu Youdao in the past, she found that Niu Youdao was no exception. When this man saw the beauty, he was indeed different.

Shang Shuqing: "I'm a little dizzy and have no energy."

Niu Youdao: "Don't be afraid, it's okay. When the seal was opened, some of the essence and blood nourishing things in your body were taken away, and some of your energy and blood were depleted. Don't worry, there will be no problem." After that, he started directly from He dug out a Tianji Pill from his belt, crushed the wax pill, and then crushed the Tianji Pill. He only twisted a few particles, put it on Shang Shuqing's lips, fed it in, and cast a spell to help him practice. The properties of the medicine are used to help her sort out her Qi and blood.

However, Zhao Xiongge and others felt their teeth hurt. Should they use Tianji Pill directly if their vitality and spirit were damaged? Obviously he also knew that the whole Tianji Pill was too powerful and would be too much for Shang Shuqing to bear, so he only used a little bit and most of it was wasted.

Lu Wushuang looked at Niu Youdao's reaction from time to time, and then looked at Yuan Gang's reaction from time to time. He felt that Yuan Gang was not just silent at this time, but a kind of silence that reached his bones, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness. mean.

Not long after, with the careful adjustment of the medicine and magic power, Shang Shuqing slowly recovered, slowly opened her eyes, and finally saw that the blur of things was gone, and then she realized that she was actually lying in the arms of Master Dao, with her cheek He suddenly turned red and was so shocked that he quickly closed his eyes.

Her heart was pounding like a deer, but she liked this feeling very much.

The awakened crow generals around them seemed to have adapted to their own forms, and seemed to have discovered the strangeness among them.

Uh-huh! The sound of a sword being unsheathed suddenly sounded, and the general-like crow general next to the fire pit drew his sword. He pointed his sword at a group of people, moved his mouth and made a "wuwu" sound. He didn't know what he was saying, but he could feel the reprimand.

Swishing sounds were heard everywhere, and the weapons in the entire huge "arsenal" were pulled out. The densely packed and mighty army around them all took up their weapons, and their sharp edges with a dark light were aimed at Niu Youdao and others. On the spot Surrounded them.

Another crow general flew directly into the mist and took off the king's flag on the metal flagpole. The mist led it to float above the general who drew his sword.

The king's flag was looming and fluttering in the black mist, and there were two red lights in the black mist.

Upon hearing the scolding, Shang Shuqing suddenly opened her eyes, stood up and looked at the general who was pointing his sword.

Niu Youdao asked, "You should be able to understand what he is saying, what is he saying?"

Shang Shuqing turned around in surprise, seemingly asking, don't you understand? He immediately explained: "Asking us who we are, how dare we break into their residence without permission."

Zhao Xiongge said in a deep voice: "Princess Princess, it's time for you to reveal your identity and take over this army."

Shang Shuqing was puzzled, but Niu Youdao said in her ear: "You just need to shout loudly: The general is here!"

Shang Shuqing was confused, as if asking, is this okay

The general who drew his sword suddenly shouted "Woooo" angrily again, and the surrounding crow generals immediately approached Niu Youdao and others with their weapons in order.

Niu Youdao smiled and nodded at Shang Shuqing, "Don't worry, they can understand your orders."

Seeing the surrounding armies approaching, Shang Shuqing did not dare to hesitate anymore and immediately shouted loudly, "The general is here!"

The crow generals approaching step by step suddenly turned to stone. The sound of armors marching in the entire underground space suddenly disappeared, and the red light in the pairs of demonic blood-red eyes surged.

After the crow calmed down the red light in the leader's eyes, he sheathed the sword in his hand and walked forward step by step. When he came closer, he suddenly knelt down on one knee and held his hands in his hands: "Long Bao, the last general, see the general!"

The Crow General's army roared, and they all knelt down on one knee with their weapons in hand, shouting in unison, "See you, General!"

In an instant, the momentum was majestic, like a stormy wave sweeping over!

For Niu Youdao and others, there was only whining in their ears, and they had no idea what the crow generals were saying.

PS: Thank you to the new alliance leader "Mr. Wei Miao" for your support.