Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1572: Catch them all for me


Niu Youdao looked at him, looking at his miserable appearance of trying to save his life.

Yuan Gang was sure it was him, but he didn't know if Niu Youdao said anything, so he reminded him, "Master Dao, I can't hear or see."

Niu Youdao: "I know you can't hear, and I know you can't see. So what if you can hear, but what if you can see? I said there is a pit ahead. How have you ever been so deaf and blind like now that you have to go there? Walking into the pit? Monkey, no one can stand in front of the pit for you forever, there will always be times when you can't care."

Yuan Gang told him, "Master Tao, Wu Chang is dead."

Niu Youdao: "Yes, Wu Chang died, you did it. Maybe you did the right thing every time, but this is not the way I want. Many things do not need to be so extreme. We can also change to another way. How come you always don’t leave room for yourself? I’m not afraid of Wu Chang, I’m afraid of you!”

He really didn't expect that he had thought of various ways to deal with it, and even thought of finding a way to seal Wu Chang in the fifth domain if it didn't work out. He never expected that Wu Chang would be solved in this way.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Gang's willingness to risk his life and lead others to join forces would drive Wu Chang to death.

He never expected that Wu Chang would end himself by self-destruction, without any warning in advance, and he would leave cleanly.

And Yuan Gang's behavior really made him angry, because the hot-headed Yuan Gang didn't even think about the serious consequences if he didn't succeed.

If Yuan Gang dies, but Wu Chang does not die, and the Sky-Swallowing Ring is in Wu Chang's hands, he will not be able to enter the fifth domain even if he gets the Mountain and River Cauldron, and he will not even be able to seal Wu Chang into the fifth domain.

After that, I don’t know how long it will take for this place to sink into darkness before Wu Chang can be dealt with, and the price to bear may not only be the bloody rivers of Nanzhou faction forces, Wu Chang will also adopt more cruel methods to the entire world, and how many people will die. It's unimaginable.

He was afraid of the consequences just thinking about it.

However, things have already become like this. Yuan Gang fought desperately to capture Wu Chang. Yuan Gang himself has become like this, and he can't say anything to blame.

Yuan Gang couldn't hear what he said.

boom! There was a loud noise, and Niu Youdao turned around. People around him turned around one after another. Yuan Gang tilted his head and noticed the vibration.

In the center of the pit, a figure emerged from the ground, floated in the air, shook his head vigorously, and seemed a little confused. It was none other than Zhao Xiongge.

Niu Youdao was a little surprised when he saw Zhao Xiongge, because Zhao Xiongge looked completely undamaged and showed no signs of injury. It was obvious that he was still standing in the air, which showed that he was in good condition.

Guan Fangyi, who had lost his arm, and Shang Shuqing, who looked up, were obviously surprised.

Zhao Xiongge looked around at the situation. If it weren't for the surrounding mountains and terrain, he would have thought he was somewhere else. There was no sign of the town below. The big pit proved how powerful Wu Chang was when he blew himself up. .

He was still alive. He looked at his hands and then his body. He was surprised and frightened. He didn't expect Wu Chang to be so decisive.

His eyes fell on Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang, and he ducked away and landed next to them. Looking at Yuan Gang's miserable appearance, he was not surprised that Yuan Gang was still alive.

His logic is very simple. Even he is still alive. It is no wonder that Yuan Gang is still alive with his strong body.

Zhao Xiongge asked Yuan Gang: "Are you okay?"

Niu Youdao: "He is blind and deaf. He can't hear what you say."

Zhao Xiongge lamented, "He should be able to recover."

"I don't know." Niu Youdao said a word, looked at him up and down, and was surprised, "Wuchang blew himself up, and you hit him head-on, but it didn't seem like there was a big problem. What's going on?"

Zhao Xiongge thought about it for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know what happened. I was in the sword, and the sword cut into it. I only felt the power of the explosion flowing away along the sword. Later, the sword was disintegrated by the power of the explosion, and I followed the trend. It penetrated the ground. The powerful shock force in the ground was too much for me, and I almost couldn't bear it and was buried alive. Fortunately, the force passed quickly, and I only suffered some internal injuries, so the problem was not serious."

Niu Youdao seemed to understand something and nodded slightly.

Zhao Xiongge looked around and asked, "Where are the others?"

Niu Youdao: "I don't know."

There was chaos all around, and countless crows were seen searching the ground, even turning into black mist and slowly seeping into the ground to search.

Yun Ji came back and brought back the disgraced Shang Chaozong and others. Fortunately, they were far away and Wu Laoer and Xu Laoliu were by their side to protect them. Otherwise, these people would have been crushed to death by the collapsing strata. In short, there were No danger.

Looking at the countless crow generals, Shang Chaozong and others were shocked and confused.

Xu Laoliu and Wu Laoer, who were carrying Meng Shanming on their backs, were shocked when they saw Guan Fangyi who had lost an arm, and hurried to Guan Fangyi to ask about the situation.

Zhao Xiongge grabbed Yuan Gang's arm and followed Niu Youdao to the big pit.

"Master Dao." Meng Shanming and Shang Chaozong greeted Niu Youdao together.

Yunji was quite surprised to see that Zhao Xiongge was still fine. She didn't know the situation and couldn't imagine that Zhao Xiongge could still be alive after hitting Wu Chang with such a powerful explosion? She could still understand Yuan Gang's physical strength, but Zhao Xiongge was so much stronger than Yuan Gang, she couldn't believe it.

Wu Laoer and Xu Laoliu, who were mourning Guan Fangyi's broken arm, heard the name 'Master Dao' and looked back together. When they saw Niu Youdao, they both exclaimed, "Master Dao!"

The two of them were stunned. They thought they were dazzled and felt like they were in a dream.

Niu Youdao smiled and nodded at the two of them, "We meet again."

Looking at his clothes, isn't he the Wang Xiao from before? Wu Laoer and Xu Laoliu looked at each other and quickly realized that this person was not dead, which meant that he had been hiding behind the scenes of Maolu Villa. In other words, this person had been controlling many things behind the scenes.

The two of them were shocked. Xu Laoliu and Wu Laoer, who were carrying Meng Shanming on their backs, immediately saluted respectfully, "Master Tao."

The disgraced Lu Wushuang slowly walked to Yuan Gang and looked at Yuan Gang's appearance. After staring for a while, the majestic and unparalleled Saint burst into tears. He reached out and grabbed Yuan Gang's wrist to hold it up. He saw that the flesh on his hand had been lifted up and he could see it. bone.

Yuan Gang tilted his head, his fingers no longer had the ability to touch in subtle ways, but he smelled the body fragrance and knew who it was, and remained silent.

Niu Youdao walked up to Guan Fangyi, but turned his head and asked Yun Ji, "Do you know why I stopped you from taking action?"

Yun Ji glanced at Guan Fangyi and said, "I'm afraid I'm in danger."

Niu Youdao shook his head, "If Wu Chang didn't die in this way, both you and the matchmaker were injured. What would happen to us if Wu Chang died? Those people would definitely not miss the opportunity when they look back, and they would immediately kill us. If we can't escape, killing Wu Chang is meaningless, and another group of Nine Saints may reappear in this world."

Everyone understood what he meant and knew that the 'those people' he was referring to were Xihaitang and the others. Thinking about it, this worry was by no means unnecessary, but a very possible thing.

Zhao Xiongge was silent for a while, thinking that he might not be able to stop those people on his own.

Guan Fangyi also understood what he meant, and understood that what Niu Youdao asked Yunji was actually meant to be told to her, but the look in her eyes revealed her inner thoughts, and she seemed to be bored with everything.

Niu Youdao pointed at her, "How can you go to see Nan Tian Wufang like this? I'm afraid you will regret it if you see him again!"

Guan Fangyi, who had disheveled hair and was like a mad woman, snorted coldly, "When I see what he does, I wish I could kill him!"

"I'm afraid that you will delay the business because of your love. If I had known this, I should have told you before setting off." Niu Youdao had a reprimand in his tone and looked back at Shang Shuqing, "Princess, please turn around and take Nan Tian Wufang's Explain the matter to her and let her make her own decision."

Shang Shuqing nodded and said "Yes", then looked at Guan Fangyi's broken arm with a look of unbearable pain.

Explain what? Guan Fangyi's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Niu Youdao walked towards Yin'er who was lying on the ground, squatted beside him, put his hand on Yin'er whose silver streaks were becoming more and more visible on his face, and cast a spell to dissolve the alien demonic power in his body.

At Meng Shanming's signal, Xu Laoliu sat him down on the ground.

Not long after, under the large-scale search by countless crow generals, one person was dug out from the ground, each one in a miserable state.

"Ahem..." Zhuge Chi coughed and choked with blood. He opened his eyes and woke up quietly. He lay on the ground and looked around. He slowly struggled to sit up. The mask on his face had long since disappeared, and he was panting. .

Zhao Xiongge half-crouched in front of him, "As expected of a Nascent Soul master who has advanced for many years, you are the least injured among them."

Zhuge Chi shook his head slightly, "It has nothing to do with this. I feel that there are mutually exclusive collisions in the power of Wu Chang's explosion. The power degraded a lot during the explosion. If it were pure, the power would be much stronger. I'm just afraid that my life will not be saved." .”

Zhao Xiongge nodded, "Your feeling is correct. Wu Chang's body has been filled with various cultivation skills, and it is not pure." He turned back to look at the row of people lying on the ground with blood, "Listen to what you said, if it weren't so , I’m afraid I won’t survive.”

Zhuge Chi was suddenly startled and looked up at him, "Why are you okay?"

Zhao Xiongge said naughtily, "I am stronger than you all."

Zhuge Chi said, taking it seriously, "It seems that the master who was once at the top of the elixir list is indeed extraordinary."

At this time, Niu Youdao stood in front of a corpse, the only deceased among the group of people who participated in the siege of Wuchang, Ao Feng!

The body had been broken upside down, the corpse was mutilated, and some parts had become one with the dust and could no longer be found.

Ao Feng was seriously injured by Wu Chang's furious blow. He couldn't even stand up. His magic defense was weak and he couldn't crawl away from the explosion area. When the explosion happened, he was destroyed like this, leaving no intact body!

Staring at Ao Feng's body, others didn't know what Niu Youdao was thinking. Yun Ji walked aside and reminded in a low voice: "If we receive emergency treatment now, most of them can be saved. If not, most of them will die." ,look?"

I ask this question because the people Niu Youdao mentioned before may have conflicts. I don’t know if Niu Youdao wants these people to live or die.

Niu Youdao turned around, swept across a row of bloody and unconscious people, and said in a deep voice: "Catch them all!"

Yun Ji understood that since he was arrested, it meant that he needed to be treated.

Zhuge Chi turned around after hearing the sound and exclaimed, "Do you want to burn down the bridge across the river?"

. m.

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