Heavenly Genius

Chapter 1591: Gao Jiancheng did even better


In the waterside pavilion of Thatched Cottage, Guo Man stood waiting alone and anxiously.

The ghost doctor and his party have already arrived at the Thatched Villa and stayed in the guest house outside the villa, waiting to go to the fifth domain with the people from the Thatched Villa.

This is Niu Youdao's intention, which is to leave the ghost doctor for Maolu Villa. When he goes to the fifth domain, the ghost doctor will also be inseparable from Maolu Villa.

After going to the fifth domain, Niu Youdao will not interfere with anything, but before going, he will leave a certain team behind thatched cottage.

Guo Man was secretly recruited. Knowing that Niu Youdao wanted to see her, she was very nervous because she had never seen Niu Youdao's true face, and Niu Youdao's current status was enough to make her tremble, but she didn't know that Niu Youdao What is Tao's temper

Not long after, Niu Youdao appeared, followed by Yun Ji.

Guo Man quickly saluted, "Guo Man pays homage to Master Tao."

She had never seen the real one, but she had seen the fake one. She recognized Niu Youdao as soon as he appeared.

"No need to be polite." Niu Youdao laughed and waved his hand, gesturing for her to sit down. She didn't dare to sit down, but Niu Youdao didn't force him. After he sat down, he nodded and praised: "I finally see you in person, Guo Man. , Yes, you have done well these years."

Guo Man said hurriedly: "It's all due to the master's teachings. Guo Man doesn't dare to take credit."

Niu Youdao: "Good is good, no credit goes undue, no need to be modest. Do you know why I came to you this time?"

Guo Man was puzzled, "Guo Man listened to the instructions."

Niu Youdao: "There are no instructions. If you have merit, you should be rewarded. I don't know what to reward you. You can tell yourself what you want."

It turned out to be this. Guo Man hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "My subordinates don't want anything."

Niu Youdao ouched and smiled at Yun Ji: "I don't have any desires anymore, how can I do this?" He turned around and said to Guo Man: "There will always be some needs, just tell me, just ask, as long as I can handle it, I’ll try my best to satisfy you.”

Guo Man bit his lip, faced the encouraging eyes of the other party, and finally plucked up the courage to bite the bullet and said: "I don't want any reward, I just hope that Mr. Wu Xin will not know that I was placed next to him. I want to Really stay with Mr. Wu Xin.”

Niu Youdao was stunned, feeling that the other party's words were a bit confusing.

Yun Ji smiled and seemed to understand the woman's thoughts faster. She leaned over and whispered a few words in his ear.

Niu Youdao smiled after hearing this, laughed out loud, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll grant you what you wish!" He turned back to Yun Ji and said, "Go and do this!"

Yun Ji nodded, "Okay."

Guo Man was delighted, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Dao!"

After some small talk, after she excused herself and left, Niu Youdao stood up, walked to the pool, and asked, "Hasn't Linghu Qiu's letter arrived yet?"

Yun Ji: "No, I have already taken the people from Tiandi Sect to the Boundless Desert."

Niu Youdao put his hands behind his hands and looked into the distance. Unlike other sworn brothers, Linghuqiu neither came to see him nor wrote a letter. He didn't know what he was thinking...

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the migration is coming to an end.

Generally speaking, there are more than two million people of all kinds who have moved into the fifth domain, with a population approaching three million, and most of them are ordinary people.

Shang Chaozong has almost built the framework of the world. There are calls for Shang Chaozong to proclaim himself emperor. There are many people who want to gain support. However, Niu Youdao has not spoken, and Shang Chaozong does not dare to take the throne without authorization.

In fact, the regent of Shang Chaozong has become the center of the world's imperial courts.

Some people wanted to come to Maolu Villa to be lobbyists, and some even wanted to come and resort to death remonstrance, but they were stopped by the Shang Chao Sect. The Shang Chao Sect sent people to block the outside of Maolu Villa to prevent people from easily breaking into the villa and disturbing them.

Niu Youdao refused to let go, and the Shang Dynasty clan was in a state of anxiety and suffering. I wonder if Niu Youdao had other thoughts. He couldn't let others say it, and he couldn't say it himself. He couldn't just come and say, "I can't wait." Something like that

Niu Youdao didn't promise before, but he hesitated when he promised, which made it difficult for him.

When the situation was delicate, the right person finally came up the mountain, Meng Shanming came.

Of course, I also found an excuse to come. Niu Youdao's student Xia Lingpei had always wanted to come to see the teacher. Meng Shanming dropped by with Zhuang Hong's mother and son.

It has to be said that Meng Shanming is a suitable lobbyist. Niu Youdao respects him quite a lot and shows up personally to greet him at the gate of the villa.

Xia Lingpei was very excited. His teacher was so great now that he almost knelt down to pay his respects.

The group arrived at the waterside pavilion and sat down, chatting again. After the others left, Meng Shanming finally revealed the reason for their visit, "Master Tao, a snake cannot survive without a head, and soldiers without a leader can cause chaos. This worldly governance still needs a leader. Human, I wonder if I have someone I like as my leader?"

Niu Youdao smiled and said, "Didn't the person I love already tell the princess? Didn't the princess tell the prince?"

The old Meng Shanming was startled.

The battle against Jin was okay, with a hundred thousand crow generals helping him, but the battle against Han cost him a lot of effort. He looked older and older, and could no longer hide his twilight years.

Niu Youdao poured tea for him personally, "I told the princess to trade this world for the prince to have a sister. Could it be that the prince doesn't agree?"

Meng Shanming knew this, so he pretended to have just found out, and said in a low voice: "I wonder if the identity between the master and the princess has been confirmed?"

The two of them have not confirmed their identities for a long time, and they don't know whether it is successful or not. Shang Chaozong tried many times, and Shang Shuqing also said that the relationship had not reached that point, which meant that the exchange conditions had not been reached. What should Shang Chaozong do? Shang Chaozong couldn't show his intention of exchanging his sister too obviously in front of Niu Youdao.

Although Shang Chaozong had reason to comfort himself, doing so was for the benefit of his sister, but if things didn't work out, they didn't work out.

Niu Youdao: "As long as the prince agrees, the rest will be a private matter between me and the princess, no one else needs to take care of it."

Meng Shanming breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Tao has this intention, but the world doesn't know it. If Maolu Villa can openly say it, it can stabilize the people of the world and help the people of the world to recuperate and recuperate as soon as possible! Master Tao will move the world's monks Entering the fifth realm, you can see that Master Tao has a heart for all sentient beings in the world." After saying that, he handed over his hand and said, "I would like to take the liberty of asking Master Tao to stabilize the people's hearts as soon as possible for the sake of the livelihood of everyone in the world."

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, "It's not a bad thing if you don't make some things clear. It's easier for the prince to observe who is thinking. But since Commander Meng has spoken, okay, I will send someone to the court to invite you. The prince ascends to the throne early!"

Meng Shanming suddenly realized that it was this, but the other party relented. He said with great joy: "I thank you on behalf of the prince and the people of the world!"

Niu Youdao waved his hand and extended his hand to indicate, "Drink tea."

Mengshan thanked him, but he didn't know that Niu Youdao had another reason for not letting go.

This intention may be a bit despicable, because he has not yet asked Shang Shuqing for final confirmation. He wants to wait and let Shang Shuqing see clearly Shang Chaozong's intentions, so that he can cut off Shang Shuqing's memory and let him put Shang Shuqing in his care. Shuqing was abducted.

Naturally, he couldn't tell Shang Shuqing about doing such a thing.

It seemed to have some effect. Shang Shuqing stepped forward to greet Meng Shanming and excused herself. She seemed to have guessed Meng Shanming's intention and didn't want to face...

Meng Shanming returned the next day, and Shang Chaozong was overjoyed after receiving a clear answer. As expected, Meng Shuai's intervention had the best effect, and he was extremely grateful to Meng Shanming.

Niu Youdao did not break his promise. Later, he actually sent someone to attend the Shang Chaozong's court meeting in person. On behalf of Niu Youdao and Maolu Villa, he urged Shang Chaozong to ascend the throne as soon as possible to stabilize the people of the world.

The people of the Shang Dynasty were overjoyed, and all the officials immediately begged the Shang Chaozong to ascend the throne as soon as possible. The Shang Chaozong was naturally very kind and could not refuse.

As soon as Shang Chaozong let go, everyone cheered, and Shang Yongzhong was the first to jump out, asking for the location of the capital of the country, with impassioned words!

Where the capital is, some people have already made plans in their minds, and finally decided on the capital of the former Qin State!

The framework for many things has been set up before, and now the execution is naturally fast and vigorous...

In Nanzhou City, many officials were busy moving to the new capital.

In the Zi Mansion, Jia Wuqun invited Zi Pingxiu, who is now the Right Prime Minister of the Yan Kingdom, to sit down. The Zuo Prime Minister was very impressed.

Jia Wuqun did not turn around, and wrote down a line: The prime minister has overthrown the emperors of two dynasties, how can he establish a position in the court again? If he retires early, he will retire after success. He can not only protect his wealth for the rest of his life, but also leave a path for future generations. Lan Ruoting In response to the public's expectations, the Prime Minister bucked the trend and found it difficult to block the sharp edge of his wings. If you don't retreat, you will be in trouble. You should retreat!

Zi Pingxiu twisted his beard and said nothing. People who have tasted the taste of power will inevitably feel entangled in their hearts when they give up so decisively.

But in the end he was persuaded by Jia Wuqun and spent the whole night revising and writing a memorial.

However, at the court meeting the next day, they found that Prime Minister Zuo Gao Jiancheng did not appear again, but he asked someone to report on his behalf. He said that he had a fall last night and found that he was old and lacked energy. He asked to beg for mercy!

Zi Pingxiu was speechless. He realized that Gao Jiancheng had done an even better job, so he simply waved his hand away. Unlike himself, who was stupid enough to come face to face with him, he realized that he was a step too late. Gao Jiancheng had taken the lead, causing his memorial. I didn't dare to take it out for a while.

Gao Jiancheng had just fallen and retired, and Zi Pingxiu immediately followed suit and asked to retire. The left and right prime ministers also wanted to retire. What was this? Isn't it too obvious? Are you dissatisfied with Shang Chaozong's upcoming accession to the throne

Zi Pingxiu had no choice but to hold back the memorial he had hidden in his sleeve, at least not for a short period of time.

But Gao Jiancheng's behavior did give him a wake-up call and made him decide to leave. He no longer had any thoughts about power and position...

When Gao Jiancheng fell, naturally many people went to visit him. Shang Chaozong even went there in person and asked Zhao Xiongge to help with diagnosis and treatment.

The trauma was nothing and could be easily treated, but Gao Jiancheng was confused and confused. He couldn't even recognize people overnight.

He must be confused, no matter how high Zhao Xiongge's cultivation level is, he can't cure him.

My mind is so confused that it seems unreasonable to force myself to become an official. Even if someone wants to help me, I don't know how to speak.

Zi Pingxiu also came to visit. After sitting next to the hospital bed and shutting out the outsiders, he put his mouth next to Gao Jiancheng's ear and whispered: "Brother Gao, if there are no outsiders here, don't act in front of me."

"Huh? Hmm..." Gao Jiancheng's words were unclear and his eyes were distracted.

Saying that he couldn't wake up, Zi Pingxiu was very angry, threw up his sleeves and walked away in anger.

. m.

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