Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 18: Night talk


"Those little ducks are so cute, Uncle Zhao Kuang, can I play with them?" The little girl raised her little face, her big eyes shining, bright and flawless, so lovely.

"Ugh! Uncle!"

Zhao Kuang's face twitched, as if I am only eighteen years old this year, not that old. He felt sad. The little girl was so cute and made people feel pity for her, but he didn't want to get angry. He smiled and nodded, but it was uglier than crying.

"Thank you, uncle."

Shishi jumped to the lakeside, stretched out her little hands and stroked a few mandarin ducks. A faint milky light overflowed from her palms and flowed into their bodies. The 'little ducks' closed their eyes and enjoyed it very much.

"The spirit of light is truly extraordinary." Zhao Kuang said enviously.

The little girl played for a while, then came over with a lack of interest. She raised her little head and said, "Brother, I miss Xiao Chong and Xiao Shan a little bit. It would be great if they were still here."

"Brother will accompany you home to see them later, okay?" Wutan comforted the little girl. The little girl was still young and could not forget the separation from her friends who she had known for many years in a short time.

"Ahh..." Xiaoyi moaned softly, rubbing her snow-white head against the little girl's body lightly, as if to comfort her.

"Xiaoyi, I know they can't come here, but I really miss them." Shishi looked sad and unhappy.

"Little sister, don't be sad. Uncle... Brother Zhao Kuang will catch some butterflies and birds for you to play with tomorrow, okay?" The little girl was like a fairy. Anyone who saw her sad could not help but want to protect and comfort her.

"Uncle, I'm fine." Shishi still refused to change her words, which left Zhao Kuang speechless.

"Brother, Shishi is tired and wants to rest."

"Your residence is in Building No. 9. I'll take you there." Zhao Kuang felt very aggrieved. Among the young generation in Tieshi Town, he was not the most handsome, but he was also ranked among the best. However, in the eyes of the elf, he was only an uncle.

A long bridge lies in the middle of the waves. It is made of ancient wood, smooth and flat, and connects the two banks. Several people are walking on the bridge. Zhao Kuang urges them to hurry over, saying that there are water beasts in the lake that may attack from time to time, so they need to get across quickly.

With a "bang", the water surface exploded, and the waves surged several feet high, washing away the place. A water monster rushed up, which was about five feet long, with scales all over it, shining black, and extremely ferocious.

"Damn, why did it come out?" Zhao Kuang frowned and stood in front of several people.

This is a black iron crocodile. Its body is as hard as black iron and difficult to be hurt by swords. Its eyes are as big as lanterns, emitting fierce light that is captivating. Its thick and powerful thighs are about two meters long and are extremely terrifying.

"Brothers, hurry up and leave. This beast won't stop until it sees blood!" Zhao Kuang's face was solemn. The Black Iron Crocodile was the king of this lake. He was ferocious and terrifying. He asked Wutan to take his men away first.

Wutan was also frightened. Although the strength of this monster was not as good as that of the Five-Colored Viper and Lightning Eagle, it was more ferocious. Its dark scales glowed with a faint light and it was extremely dangerous.

He reached out to grab Shishi, but missed. Then he saw the little girl jump to the front of the bridge. Her big eyes were as pure as a mirror, reflecting the stars and the moon. She stretched out her little hand, trying to catch the black iron crocodile.

"Roar!" With a roar, the black iron crocodile swooped down, opened its bloody mouth, and exposed its five-inch-long fangs, which were sharp and terrifying.

"Little sister, be careful!"

"Shishi!" Wutan was very anxious. He took a quick step, picked up the little girl and ran away, but she broke free, jumped up and rushed towards the big guy.

"Xiao Yu, don't be so fierce. Please play with me." She was no longer sad. Her big eyes were clear, her white clothes were fluttering, and she was surrounded by milky light. She looked like a little banished fairy, sacred and pure.

The black iron crocodile's fierce eyes suddenly softened, and it closed its big mouth, fell into the lake, and floated on the water. Shishi landed on it, and it roared, not hurting the little girl, but with a hint of displeasure, it couldn't eat the food, which made it very unhappy.

The little girl didn't care. She lay on the big guy's head, staring into the eyes of the black iron crocodile with her pure and innocent big eyes, and said, "Xiao Yuyu, Shishi is so cute, and you still want to eat me. Shishi is so sad."

“Woo woo!”

The big guy hummed softly, shaking the water surface and causing waves to roll up. It swam away, not hurting the little girl, but playing with her.

"Brother, are the little bugs and little flashes that Shishi mentioned just now also this kind of monsters?" Zhao Kuang was stunned. He knew better than anyone how ferocious the Black Iron Crocodile was, but at this moment, it was playing with the little girl like a baby. This was completely beyond his understanding.

"Brother Zhao, please take me to your residence." Wutan smiled bitterly and answered a question that was not asked.

Zhao Kuang was stunned and asked, "Just leave your sister here like this?"

Wu Tian shrugged, very calmly.

"Okay, follow me." Zhao Kuang glanced at the lake again, and the little girl who was playing happily: "The spirit of light is incredible."

Wutan shook his head. The reason why the Black Iron Crocodile was so well-behaved was not only due to the light spirit, but the main reason was that her mind was pure and flawless, and she knew how to communicate with demons. Perhaps in this world, only this little girl could do this.

Soon, he came to an attic built of ancient wood. Looking up, he saw a green dragon carved on the gate, winding and lifelike.

This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, simple and elegant, and is indeed a place to cultivate oneself.

"Creaky!" As I walked into the room, I saw paintings hanging on the walls, depicting an ancient style and extremely beautiful.

"This is where you live."

Zhao Kuang took out a token from his bosom. It was about the size of a palm and had the word "Zhao" engraved on it. "This is a pass. With it, you can come and go as you please. By the way, what's your name, brother?"

"Gu Yi." Wutan took the token, took a quick look at it, and put it in his arms. He was cautious and did not reveal his real name.

Zhao Kuang said, "Brother Gu Yi, I have something to tell you. There are people living in other attics here. Like you, they are here to take the test. They are all geniuses from various villages or towns. It is inevitable that some of them have quirks, so try not to disturb them if you have nothing to do, to avoid conflicts."

"Thank you for telling me."

"Okay, if you need anything in the future, just let me know. I'll take my leave now." Zhao Kuang bowed and turned to leave.

Wutan walked out of the room, looked at Zhao Kuang's back, frowned, and thought for a moment. He came to the lake, sat on the ground, took out a piece of essence and began to refine it. The essence gushed out, making the place hazy.

Xiaoyi lay beside him. Under the moonlight, its snow-white fur emitted a soft glow. It was absorbing essence and strengthening itself.

Xiaotian ran to the black iron crocodile and had a lot of fun playing with Shishi. At first, the big guy was dissatisfied and wanted to throw it into the lake, but after the little guy's steel teeth tore off a piece of meat without any hesitation, the black iron crocodile was scared and obeyed like a good baby.

Two hours later, the little girl seemed tired of playing and returned to the shore, all wet. Wutan quickly stopped playing and held her in his arms and carried her into the room to prevent her from getting sick.

They had a crazy day and soon fell asleep on the bed. Xiaoyi snuggled up beside her. The little guy also wanted to join in the fun, but was grabbed by Wutan and taken back to his room.

Late at night, the moonlight spreads and the earth is covered with a layer of silver.

The backyard was silent, but suddenly a faint sound of footsteps was heard from outside. Wu Tian, who was sleeping, moved his ears and woke up immediately. He turned over and got up. Through the window, he saw a figure walking towards the long bridge.

"Zhao Kuang? It's the middle of the night, what is he doing here?"

He quickly put on his clothes, held the reluctant Xiaotian in his arms, quietly walked out of the room, and followed. Not long after, he followed Zhao Kuang to the first attic on the right, Tianzi Building No. 1.

Zhao Kuang stood at the door, seemingly hesitating about something. After a few breaths, he sighed softly and knocked on the door gently. Soon, a creaking sound was heard and Zhao Kuang walked in. However, there was no light in the room and it was pitch black.

Wu Tian put Xiao Tian on his shoulder, signaled him to be quiet, bent over, quietly came to a window, and listened carefully. But he didn't notice that there was also a figure on the roof, looking at him with strange eyes.

"Who comes to No. 9 Tianzi today?" A hoarse voice came from inside.

"They are just ordinary people who come to take part in the Yanzong assessment." This was Zhao Kuang's voice.

"Ordinary people? Can ordinary people have flying foxes? That girl must be a spirit of light! Haha, I'm really lucky this time. I actually met someone with a special physique. By the way, what did Zhao He say? Have you thought about it?"

"Father asked me to tell you that I hope we can cancel the plan this year. After all, we have already attracted the attention of the sect last year. If such a situation occurs again, the Zhao family will face the crisis of extinction. The demise of the Zhao family will not be good for you either."

"Humph, you are afraid of Yan Zong, but aren't you afraid of us? This time, it was my father who gave the order himself. If you fail to complete the mission, you will die anyway."

"You are clearly pushing my Zhao family into the fire pit!" Zhao Kuang's tone was very angry.

"Haha, the Zhao family has worked for me for many years, and I am not a heartless person. As long as I can succeed this time, I will report to my father and ask him to reward Zhao He with the position of elder. You will also become my father's personal disciple, and maybe I can even lift my control over you."

Zhao Kuang was silent for a moment, then said, "I cannot make the decision on my own. I must discuss this with my father."

"I have limited time. You must give me an answer tomorrow night." After the voice finished speaking, footsteps were heard.

Wutan quietly evacuated and returned to the attic. He stood at the window with a frown on his face. The voice of the mysterious man gave him a very familiar feeling, but he could not remember it.

"Da da..." Soon, Zhao Kuang came over. Under the faint moonlight, one could vaguely see that he had an ugly face, his brows were furrowed, and he looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"It seems that there is something unusual here."

Wutan was lying on the bed. He was more tired than Shishi that day and soon fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)