Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 2414: The new book Immortal God of War is officially launched


Shura Tianzun has finally come to an end after more than two years. I am really grateful to my brothers and sisters for following along all the way, especially those who read the authentic version and follow the updates every day. Lao Meng wants to say thank you to you.

Lao Meng doesn’t know whether everyone is satisfied with this ending, but Lao Meng is still very satisfied. Everything that should be explained has been explained clearly, and everything that should be written has been written.

Of course, there are many details that Lao Meng did not explain clearly.

But Lao Meng feels that Wu Tian’s life should be the same as our life in this world. We come into contact with many people and many things every day, but how many of them are truly perfect and can be truly remembered in our hearts

No, no matter what, it is impossible to be completely flawless.

For those questions that are not explained clearly, you can use your own brain to figure them out.

These days, many book-loving friends have asked me to continue writing, but Lao Meng feels that a story should end when it should, so that there will be the next story.

The next story, which is Lao Meng’s new book, has been in the works for more than a year. It may not be more exciting than Shura Tianzun, but it will not be inferior either. Brothers and sisters, please continue to support Lao Meng.

It’s over, Lao Meng just wants to say a few more words.

Before writing Shura Tianzun, Lao Meng had not yet married. At that time, Lao Meng was handsome, romantic, and had affairs with women everywhere. But two years later, Lao Meng got married, had a baby, and became a fat man weighing 150 pounds. He also suffered from a lot of diseases, such as shoulder spondylitis. His waist hurts badly every day, and his joints sometimes hurt from typing all day.

But Lao Meng never gave up and kept working hard.

Lao Meng writes very slowly, one thousand words per hour. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a snail.

Some authors can write four to five thousand words in an hour, and some can even write ten thousand words in an hour.

To Lao Meng, these people are gods.

But the numbers Lao Meng writes every day are no less than theirs.

Lao Meng basically writes 3 chapters of 10,000 words a day, and 2 chapters are rare.

That is to say, Lao Meng has to spend ten hours a day working, and if revisions are included, it takes at least 11 hours, while other authors only need 2.3 hours at most.

Lao Meng's workload is several times that of theirs.

With such a workload and having to sit every day, it is no easier than any other job.

But Lao Meng feels it is worth it because everyone likes to read the stories written by Lao Meng. The most realistic issue is that Lao Meng is making money now. Although it is not much, it is enough to support his family.

As for those friends who urge for updates, Lao Meng is actually very happy as long as they don’t curse Lao Meng’s family in the comments, because this means that you are eager to read on and like this story.

It seems too long-winded.

I won’t say much more about Lao Meng.

Finally, whether you are watching the genuine version or the pirated version, Lao Meng would like to say three times solemnly: thank you, thank you, thank you!

[New book opens]

Book title: Immortal God of War.

Author's name: It started from a dream.

Introduction: Five years ago, he was hailed as a rare evildoer in the imperial capital.

Five years later, he rose again in a small town, mastered the six-word magic formula, opened up the supreme fighting spirit, and fought his way to becoming a god of war.

Become the Immortal God of War!

Reading address:

Computer reading; Chuangshi Chinese website.

Mobile reading; [QQ reading] [Mobile QQ-Dynamic-Reading]

Mobile browser; search [Tencent Literature]

After entering, search directly for the Immortal God of War, or it may start from a dream.

A new book has been budding, and I hope everyone can vote for it.

The reward function has not been opened yet. Once it is opened, Lao Meng will notify you in the book as soon as possible.

Thank you, please continue to support Lao Meng.

I am asking for recommendations, collections, and everything for my new book. I hope everyone will continue to support Lao Meng.

To read "Immortal God of War", please read "Beginning with a Dream"

Please recommend, reward, and tell...

Please recommend, reward, and tell...

Please recommend, reward, and tell...

This is important…

(End of this chapter)

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