Heavenly Master

Chapter 100: Birthday party invitation


Zhao Ziru, the class monitor of the original master in junior high school, the life of the original master in junior high school was not pleasant. In the class, the original master was ridiculed by his classmates for engaging in feudal superstition at home because of the relationship between his parents who opened a incense and candle shop. In addition, the original master in junior high school wore a A pair of big black framed eyes, and a very introverted personality, so the students in the class don't like it.

There was a class flower in the original head class, named Lin Mengying, who was pretty and had good academic performance. She was the favorite of the class.

At that time, the original owner had a crush on the teacher in the next class, and secretly wrote down his thoughts in the diary, but Lin Mengying's little follower accidentally saw it.

The little follower knew that Lin Mengying also liked that class grass, so he told the class flower Lin Mengying about it.

Lin Mengying was very confident in herself, she didn't believe that Bancao would take a fancy to the original owner, and there was no such thing as leading people to beat up the original owner and teach the original owner a lesson.

But the fact that the original owner liked the grass next door was spread by that little follower.

The original owner was not stupid, after the incident spread, he burned the diary that caused the trouble immediately, so that the little follower could not find the witness.

Originally, this matter was not so serious, and the original owner had to deal with it urgently, and even the only physical evidence was lost, but not long after the news of the original owner's crush on the class grass next door, the class flower Lin Mengying's limited edition worth 100,000 The watch was stolen, and finally the class teacher searched the schoolbags of the whole class, and finally found the watch in the schoolbag of the original owner.

The original owner said that she did not steal it by herself. Her schoolbag is in the classroom, and it is too easy to put the watch in her schoolbag.

Not many people believed the original owner's explanation, but Ban Hua saw that she found the watch, and said that she should not blame the past, and hoped that the original owner would reform and stop stealing things.

The original owner couldn't tell because she didn't have a certificate to prove that she didn't steal it. After school, Banhua was pushed downstairs when she was going downstairs, and she was slightly injured when she rolled down the stairs.

The original owner's classmates all said that this was the original owner's revenge, and no one believed that it was not the original owner's doing.

Later, the original owner was asked to invite parents. Fortunately, the original owner's parents believed in their daughter's character, no matter what the teacher said, they did not believe that it was done by their daughter.

Of course the original owner couldn't stay in that school anymore, and it just so happened that it was the second semester of the third year of junior high school, and the senior high school entrance examination was about to begin.

In order not to let her daughter stay in that school and be influenced by the people around her, the original owner's parents asked the original owner to transfer to an ordinary junior high school that is not well-known but has a good school spirit.

Fortunately, the original owner was able to live up to his expectations, and after staying away from the right and wrong, he was admitted to a good high school with excellent grades, and finally was admitted to Qingyun College, one of the best universities in the country.

Zhao Ziru was the class monitor of the school before the original owner transferred. At that time, Zhao Ziru and others, in order to support Lin Mengying, often spread gossip about the original owner outside.

Originally, the original owner didn't do anything, but it was passed on to them as a psychopath who often steals things in class and has a gloomy and perverted personality.

Nie Wei recalled the identity of the other party, but she was a little curious about the purpose of her call.

The original owner had already lost contact with the people in that school, and this Zhao Ziru called suddenly, there must be some purpose.

"Remember, we stayed in the same class for three years. If you hadn't transferred in the last semester, we wouldn't have taken a graduation photo together." Zhao Ziru said with a smile.

"You called me suddenly, what's the matter?" Nie Wei asked directly, not interested in chatting with her.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. Mengying's nineteenth birthday will be in a few days. Mengying knew that many of our classmates in junior high school had been admitted to local universities, so she wanted to bring everyone together. After dinner, I have already notified the others, and everyone said that Meng Ying would go on her birthday, because you didn't leave your contact information at the beginning, and it took a lot of time just to find you, so I can only notify you last."

Zhao Ziru didn't have any feelings for Nie Wei. In order to please Lin Mengying, she and others poured a lot of dirty water on Nie Wei.

At that time, there was no such thing as right and wrong, Guan Nian, just felt that everyone was saying bad things about her. If she didn't say anything, she would appear out of group. In order not to make herself appear out of group, even if she knew Nie Wei was not that kind of person, She has to be called that.

Now that I have grown up, I feel that my behavior was a bit excessive, but I have no intention of apologizing.

Originally, Zhao Ziru thought that he would never have anything to do with Nie Wei again in this life, but Lin Mengying suddenly remembered Nie Wei, and asked her to go to the birthday party by name.

The relationship between An Ziru and Lin Mengying is very good. Lin Mengying's family is very powerful in City A. In the future, she will go out to the society to find a job. With Lin Mengying's support, it will be of great benefit to her future.

Thinking of this, An Ziru took over the task of finding Nie Wei and persuading her to come to the birthday party.

Even if she knew that Lin Mengying invited Nie Wei over for some other purpose, but whatever, she probably just wanted to play tricks on Nie Wei, as long as no one died, it shouldn't matter.

"I see, where is it?" Nie Wei asked.

"You agreed! That's great. The time is this Sunday night at eight o'clock, and the venue is the banquet hall on the third floor of the Imperial Hotel." Zhao Ziru was afraid that she would go back on his word, so he immediately told the time and place of the event.

"Okay, tell Lin Mengying, I'll be there on time." Nie Wei's eyes darkened, and she opened her mouth slightly.

"Okay, then it's settled, remember to arrive early, bye!" When Zhao Ziru hung up the phone, Nie Wei casually threw the phone in the bed, secretly guessing Lin Mengying's purpose.

"Xiao Wei, did a friend ask you out to play?" Meng Qingqing, who had been sitting in bed reading a novel just now, overheard it, and casually chatted with Nie Wei.

"A classmate from junior high school celebrates his birthday, so he invited me to attend the birthday party on Sunday." Nie Wei said.

"Oh." Meng Qingqing nodded nonchalantly. It turned out to be a classmate's birthday. Meng Qingqing also often receives birthday invitations from her classmates, so she didn't think there was anything wrong then.

Since he was going to a birthday party, he couldn't go empty-handed, so after learning from Meng Qingqing, Nie Wei began to choose gifts on the street.

After spending more than 200 yuan, I bought a silver necklace in a jewelry store and asked the clerk to wrap it up. The gift is considered ready.

It's a college student's birthday, and it's not a big birthday. A gift of two hundred yuan shouldn't be too rude.

Nie Weike was reluctant to spend too much money on Lin Mengying, she and Lin Mengying were not that close yet.

Soon it was Sunday, and Nie Wei only had Zuo Qing to advise him. He knew that dressing was very important when entering and leaving such a high-end restaurant, so he specially put on a calf-length dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes.

Carrying a small handbag in his hand, he walked into the Dorsett Hotel... (End of this chapter)