Heavenly Master

Chapter 106: Sacrifice


"I know I'm sorry for you, but I have to save Song Yi. Didn't you like Song Yi when you were in middle school? You definitely don't want to see him die, right!" Lin Mengying stared at Nie Wei closely with her beautiful eyes. .

"Whether he dies or not has nothing to do with me. Who didn't have a crush on a boy or two when he was young, and just for a crush, let me give his life. I'm not that great." Besides, the crush on Song Yi It was the original owner, and the elder sister of the pot did not recite it.

"How can you be so selfish? Love is selfless devotion. No wonder Song Yi never liked you. A selfish person like you has no right to be loved by others!" Lin Mengying looked at Nie Wei at this time, as if watching A scum.

"Hey, then what did I do wrong? I want to sacrifice to your man. I don't know your man from the beginning to the end!" Chu Yang felt that he was so fucking innocent. Nie Wei had a crush on that man before. Man, he has never even seen that man and is going to die for a man, is there anything more tragic than this!

"I know, you always liked me when you were in high school. Loving someone is to make her happy, and my happiness comes from Song Yi. If you like me so much, you must not bear to see me suffer because of losing the one you love. Yes No, you will definitely fulfill my wish, right?"

The way Nie Wei looked at Lin Mengying turned into looking up to a miracle.

Chu Yang, on the other hand, cursed directly.

"What a dick to you grandma! Who do you think you are? I have a crush on you in high school and I will die for your happiness. I owe you! I am the only male in the nine generations of our old Chu family. If I die No, my parents can't live, but for your man, you want our old Chu family to sacrifice three lives, why are you so embarrassed!"

He was so angry that even his hometown dialect came out.

If it wasn't for his physical condition, Chu Yang would have jumped up and scolded like a rural woman.

Lin Mengying's face turned pale with anger, and she looked at Chu Yang like she was looking at a heartless scumbag.

"I thought you really loved me, but it seems that I was thinking too much. Song Yi is the only man in this world who really loves me." Speaking of Song Yi, Lin Mengying couldn't help showing a dreamy sweet smile .

Seeing her smile, Chu Yang almost got goosebumps, cursed secretly, turned his head and didn't even look at her again.

"Miss Lin, it's time to start." The old woman's cold voice came.

"Okay." Lin Mengying nodded excitedly.

After that, the old woman took out a wooden statue of the twin evil gods from a box, and placed it in the center of the altar.

On the offering table, there are many new blood fruits and livestock.

In front of the altar, a large magic circle was drawn. When Chu Yang saw this magic circle, he felt chills all over his body. He guessed that the magic circle was probably going to be used on him and Nie Wei.

Soon Chu Yang's thoughts were confirmed, and Nie Wei and Chu Yang were taken into the law town by the people brought by the old woman.

"Lin Mengying, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost, you bitch, the thing I regret the most is having a crush on you in high school, you're fucking disgusting!" Chu Yang probably was dying, and started Let go of yourself, and start yelling crazily.

Lin Mengying's face was ugly, but thinking of resurrecting her beloved man later, she couldn't care less about Chu Yang's scolding.

Unlike Chu Yang's yelling, Nie Wei was very calm from the beginning to the end, and there was not the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

Nie Wei's calmness attracted the old lady's attention. After carefully looking at Nie Weiwei, she found nothing unusual, so she quickly put this little bit of suspicion behind her.

"Miss, Mr. Song is here." A bodyguard pushed Song Yi's wheelchair and sent him to the garden.

After the person was delivered, Lin Mengying asked him to go outside to guard. Only Lin Mengying, Song Yi, the old lady, and the old lady's two helpers were left in the garden.

"Xiaomeng, you don't have to do this for me...cough...cough..." Song Yi, who was already terminally ill, looked at Lin Mengying tenderly.

"For you... everything is worth it." Lin Mengying looked at Song Yi who was so thin and skinny.

He used to be so high-spirited and magnificent, but under the torment of his illness, the once perfect him turned into what he is now. Every time he saw Song Yi's appearance, Lin Mengying couldn't help but shed tears.

"So you're Song Yi. You just casually sacrifice people for your own life. You guys are crazy..." Chu Yang cursed angrily when he saw Song Yi appear.

He thought in his heart, anyway, these people couldn't let him go, it would be better to scold him before he died, in short, he shouldn't suffer too much, even if he couldn't beat these guys to death, he would scold them to death.

"I know, Xiaomeng and I are sorry for you, but there is nothing we can do. After I recover... cough... I will give your family a lot of money, cough cough... your family will not suffer." Song Yi After coughing several times, his pale face turned red from coughing.

"Okay, Song Yi, please don't talk. Anyway, I won't let their family suffer. After the matter is over, I will send five million to their family so that their family can live a good life." Lin Mengying said softly Help Song Yi to be smooth.

"Thank you, Xiaomeng!" Song Yi was moved.

"Who wants you two sluts to pretend to be kind, and five million wants to buy my life, you two sluts, God will definitely give you two bad retribution..."

Chu Yang's mouth seemed unable to stop cursing for a while.

"Master." Lin Mengying frowned and looked at Chu Yang, obviously thinking that this girl was annoying.

The old woman pointed at Chu Yang, and Chu Yang immediately made no sound. His eyes widened in horror, and he grabbed his throat with both hands desperately, but no sound came out.

Chu Yang originally thought that Lin Mengying's doing this was just a feudal superstition, and Lin Mengying, a perverted woman, was just going to the doctor in a hurry, that's why she did it.

But the current experience told him that the evil god and the sacrifice and wish were probably true. All this almost shocked Chu Yang, who had always believed in science, his jaw dropped.

"It's time, Young Master Song, please come to this place." The old lady pointed to a place.

The position that the old woman pointed to was another formation, and the two formations were on the same side, but the effects were obviously not the same.

Lin Mengying pushed Song Yi into the formation, and then walked out of the formation with teary eyes.

"Great god, your people offer sacrifices to you..." The old woman knelt in front of the wooden statue, muttering.

Chu Yang couldn't speak, so he could only use one pair of eyes to perform staring skills. He stared desperately at the old woman, Lin Mengying and Song Yi. He was very busy at the moment. (end of this chapter)