Heavenly Master

Chapter 107: Twin ghosts


"Great god, your people offer sacrifices to you..." The old woman knelt in front of the wooden statue, muttering.

Chu Yang couldn't speak, so he could only use one pair of eyes to perform staring skills. He stared desperately at the old woman, Lin Mengying and Song Yi. He was very busy at the moment.

As the old woman chanted, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower, and the moon in the sky, which was originally scattered with golden light, suddenly turned a bloody red color.

Shrouded in a bloody moonlight, Chu Yang felt unprecedented panic.

What the hell is this shit!

"Don't panic, nothing will happen. The twin evil gods say they are gods, but they are just evil spirits. There is no god at all." Nie Wei's voice suddenly reached Chu Yang's ears.

Only then did Chu Yang have the time to turn his head to look at Nie Wei, only to find that Nie Wei was very calm. She didn't yell like him, nor did she stare or shoot eyes, but stood here very calmly, as if Everything that happened around here has nothing to do with her.

Looking at Nie Wei who was so calm, Chu Yang suddenly believed what Nie Wei said that the two of them would be fine.

He had a lot of questions to ask, such as how did Nie Wei know about the twin gods and evil gods? And how did she know that Lin Mengying wanted to sacrifice them

It's a pity that he can't speak now. These questions are destined not to be asked. If he really has a chance to escape this catastrophe, he might be able to ask Nie Wei.

Chu Yang's mind was full of random thoughts.

"It's been a long time since I smelled the scent of sacrifices..." A strange man's voice suddenly came from the statue.

This voice seemed to carry some kind of power, making those who heard it unable to help but want to kneel down and surrender.

"You've done a good job..." This time it was a female voice, also with the power to make people want to surrender.

Both of these two voices come from the statues of twin gods, neither is pleasant to hear, and it can even be said to be ugly, as if a sharp weapon cut through glass, it makes people uncomfortable to listen to.

"My master, this is an offering from your servant. Please enjoy it..." The old woman brought her two apprentices with a pious expression.

The old woman motioned to the two apprentices, and the two apprentices stood up, carrying two small knives, and wanted to enter the formation to help Nie Wei and Chu Yang bleed.

Chu Yang desperately wanted to escape, but unfortunately he found himself trapped in this place. There was no wall around him, but he just couldn't get out of this circle.

"Hahahaha... very good, tell me, my servant, what is your wish to ask this god for help!" The twin evil spirits looked very happy, and when the phantom looked at Nie Wei and Chu Yang, his eyes were full of excitement Guang, looking at the two of them is like looking at a delicious dish, or can't wait to eat it.

Under the illumination of the blood moon, the twin evil spirits looked even more terrifying. They didn't look like gods at all, but more like devils.

"I beg the Lord God to save Song Yi and restore his body to health!" Lin Mengying knelt on the ground and couldn't wait to express her wish.

"I have agreed to your request. After I enjoy these two sacrifices, I will immediately fulfill your wish." The evil spirits of the two gods said generously.

"Thank you, Lord God, thank you, Lord God!" Lin Mengying was so excited that she kowtowed desperately to the twin evil spirits.

The twin evil spirits were very satisfied with her attitude, and hadn't accepted offerings from humans for a long time. Since the end of the Dharma Era, they could accept less and less incense and self-reliance, let alone sacrifices.

It was hard to enjoy the sacrifice once, and the twin evil spirits who were originally stingy were also generous once, and did not charge anything else.

In ancient times, the twin gods and evil spirits were relatively popular gods. Even though everyone knew they were evil gods, many people were still willing to worship them.

Worshiping righteous gods, mortals will not get too much power from the gods, and will be required to do good deeds to accumulate virtue.

But worshiping evil gods, it is much easier to confuse power.

Those who want to take shortcuts for the sake of power are of course not good people. As long as they offer sacrifices, they can ask the twin gods and evil spirits to fulfill a wish. For those people, it is a very simple matter.

Anyway, it wasn't me who died, but the benefit was my own.

Especially in troubled times, more and more people worship twin evil spirits.

Human life was the least valuable at that time.

The reason why twin evil spirits became less and less popular later on was not only because the sacrifices they wanted were four yang men and four yin women, but the bigger reason was that after offering sacrifices, the twin evil spirits wanted to fulfill their wishes. Ling also charges extra.

Such as luck, such as talent, such as vitality.

In short, what you want to get, you have to pay more.

It was okay in troubled times, but after the world was peaceful, twin evil spirits gradually fell out of favor. Except for some small tribes that still worship, twin evil spirits can no longer be seen in big cities.

Later, when the Dharma-ending era came, even small tribes no longer enshrined the twin evil spirits, so the twin evil spirits completely declined.

This time, Lin Mengying asked Song Yi to be cured. If the rules of twin evil spirits were followed before, please take away several years of Lin Mengying's life, probably because she hadn't received a sacrifice for too long. Generous once, never asked for extras.

For all this, Lin Mengying didn't know, she didn't know that she was lucky enough to escape, but she was happy that Song Yi's body finally returned to normal.

"A mere evil spirit dares to call itself a god." Nie Wei's voice suddenly rang out in everyone's ears.

"A mere ants dare to question this god!" The twin evil spirits looked at Nie Wei angrily, with a real murderous intent in their eyes.

"The passage to immortality has long been cut off. Unexpectedly, the evil spirits like you are left behind by the Dao of Heaven." Nie Weiwei walked out of the formation step by step.

When she jumped out of the formation, Lin Mengying and the others felt as if they heard the sound of something breaking.

Lin Mengying was an ordinary person so she didn't know what it was, but the old woman knew that it was the sound of the barrier breaking.

Who is this girl who broke the barrier she set up so easily.

The old woman frowned and guessed Nie Wei's identity, but after thinking about it, now that Nie Wei offended the gods, she would definitely be killed by the gods, no matter who she was, it didn't matter.

Thinking of this, the old woman felt at ease again.

"Hmph! Courting death!" A giant palm suddenly appeared in the phantom of the twin gods and evil spirits. This palm was at least two meters long, and it attacked Nie Wei with a strong pressure.

Nie Wei drew out the killing sword on his body and swung it towards the giant palm, which actually shattered in mid-air.

"Evil spirits like you rely on human incense to live. You have not been enshrined in human incense for a long time, and you have just awakened. I am afraid that your strength has already disappeared. Now you are not my opponent."

Nie Wei held the killing sword in her hand. At this moment, her aura was stronger than the twin evil spirits who claimed to be gods. (end of this chapter)