Heavenly Master

Chapter 108: Killing God


Nie Wei drew out the killing sword on his body and swung it towards the giant palm, which actually shattered in mid-air.

"Evil spirits like you rely on human incense to live. You have not been enshrined in human incense for a long time, and you have just awakened. I am afraid that your strength has already disappeared. Now you are not my opponent."

Nie Wei held the killing sword in her hand. At this moment, her aura was even stronger than the twin gods and evil spirits who claimed to be gods.

If Chu Yang hadn't been unable to speak now, he would have jumped up and cheered for Nie Wei. The young lady is mighty and domineering, with an aura of 2.8 meters!

"Presumptuous human beings, this god will make you pay the price for what you did today!" The twin evil spirits were furious. No one had ever provoked it like this before. The little human race simply didn't know how to live or die.

With the anger of the twin evil spirits, the moon seemed to be getting redder and redder, and the surroundings were filled with layers of blood, and there seemed to be some kind of evil power in this blood.

At this time, the bodyguards guarding the door seemed to be controlled by some force, each holding a pistol, stepping into the backyard step by step.

"Kill her!" The evil spirits of the two gods smiled coldly.

This woman is right, its power has just awakened, and it is not suitable to do it at all, but whoever said that killing a mortal has to be done by oneself.

As long as it wants a person to die, there are many ways to make a person disappear.

How despicable! Can't beat but find foreign aid! Chu Yang scolded the twin evil gods in his heart.

Sure enough, it is an evil spirit. It is not a righteous god at first glance, so shameless.

Nie Wei didn't expect that this twin evil spirit would be so despicable, but fortunately Nie Wei is not helpless.

"Pure Heart Talisman... go!" Nie Wei drew a talisman in the air, and she drew a pure heart talisman that can purify the heart and avoid demons.

The heart-cleaning talisman carried Nie Wei's spiritual power, instantly transformed into dozens of talismans, and flew into the altars of these bodyguards.

With the help of the Purifying Talisman, these bodyguards quickly escaped from the power of the blood moon, but after all, they were controlled by the evil force, their bodies were temporarily damaged, and they all fainted to the ground!

"What else is there, let's use it together." Nie Wei held the killing sword in his hand, and walked towards the twin evil gods step by step.

"Smelly girl, don't be complacent, just now it was just a small trick of the god, you have never seen a truly powerful killing move, now let you experience the true power of the god!"

Seeing that the twin evil spirit's attack was so simple, Nie Wei defeated it. The old woman and Lin Mengying were worried, but now they were relieved when they heard the twin evil spirit say so.

Sure enough, gods are gods, and they are different from humans. Nie Wei is just an ordinary person, how can he be the opponent of gods? They really thought too much.

Although Nie Wei said that the twin evil spirits were not her opponent, she said it with absolute certainty and confidence, but in fact she didn't relax at all.

Although this guy is not a righteous god, he is still an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. Although Nie Wei has already seen its weakness, even a single entity cannot be condensed.

Who knows if this old monster will leave any powerful backhand for him.

After hearing what the twin evil spirits said, Nie Wei was fully focused and ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, just when Nie Wei was fully on guard against it's sudden tricks, the twin gods and evil spirits actually wanted to run away.

That's right, this old monster that has lived for thousands of years, twin evil spirits, this guy actually wants to escape.

"You don't even want to escape!" Nie Weiyi was stunned, although he was a little slow for a while, he still immediately chased after him.

If this kind of evil spirit stays in the world, if it is used by someone with a heart, it will do great harm, so this guy must not be allowed to escape.

Nie Wei clasped the formula with both hands, and a sleepy formula was formed in her hands.

Once the trap was completed, the twin evil spirits, whose bodies were not solid, were immediately trapped a few meters away, and they were caught before they could even escape from the house.

"What do you want!" The twin evil spirits roared in horror.

"Kill you." Nie Wei said.

"No... you can't do this, as long as you let me go, I can fulfill any of your wishes!"

"Any wish?" Nie Wei turned her head to look at Lin Mengying and Song Yi, who had been silent since the appearance of the twin evil spirits.

"Are you sure you still have the ability to fulfill the wishes of others? You have been sleeping for many years, and there is no blood food born from four yin and four yang to replenish your strength.

With your current power, you can only kill ordinary people and weaker cultivators, and you will run for your life when you meet a slightly stronger cultivator, so you can only deceive those human beings who are deluded by desire. "

"How do you know!" The evil twin gods didn't expect this human being to know him so clearly.

The reason why he ordered human beings to offer sacrifices born in four yin and four yang is because people born at two times can increase their strength with flesh and blood.

Eating one can be equivalent to a hundred years of ordinary people's practice.

If it had eaten these two sacrifices just now, it would have gained two hundred years of power immediately, and it would naturally be a trivial matter to realize the wishes of human beings.

But now its ability has not recovered, and even its body cannot be condensed, let alone fulfilling its wishes, and it is even difficult for itself, otherwise it would not be planted in the hands of a little girl.

In other words, who the hell is this girl? She can draw talismans in the void. Even in the age when practitioners were prevalent, there were absolutely not many of them, let alone this dharma-ending age.

"Why am I not important?" Nie Wei didn't want to answer the twin evil spirits' question.

She has already seen that this guy is still restless, don't look at it being trapped now, the reason why he talks so much is just to buy time and let him escape from the trap.

It's not the first time for Nie Wei to deal with these monsters, how could he fall for their evil tricks.

Nie Wei raised the killing sword in his hand, and mercilessly slashed at the phantom of the twin evil spirits.

The twin evil spirits originally wanted to procrastinate for time to escape, but Nie Wei killed as soon as he said it, and didn't give it any extra time.

With one strike of the sword, the twin evil spirits unwillingly turned into dots of white light and disappeared into the air.

"Where do you want to go?" Nie Wei turned around and stared at the old woman without blinking.

"You... who the hell are you!" The old woman withdrew her foot trying to escape as if facing a formidable enemy.

Originally, she was thinking of running away while Nie Wei didn't remember her, but she didn't expect this girl to be so shrewd that she wouldn't give her any time to run away.

The two apprentices of the old woman also looked at Nie Wei with fear on their faces. The two of them have been with the old woman since they were young, and they have also learned some superficial Taoism with the old woman. Shun Shui, I didn't expect such an accident to happen this time, taking advantage of the Lin family and extending the life of this Ms. Lin's boyfriend.

This girl who doesn't know what her name is is actually so powerful that she dares to kill even gods, let alone ants like them who are just ordinary people. (end of this chapter)