Heavenly Master

Chapter 117: Traffickers caught


Half an hour later, Nie Wei and the others saw the police car approaching and stopped it immediately.

"Is the person in the village?" It was a local policeman in Anqi County who received the report and dealt with the case.

There were dozens of criminal policemen who came together, because the abduction and trafficking case was a major case, and the reporter said that he didn't know if the whole village was involved, so naturally not too few people came.

"Yes, we have been watching, and no one has come out." Li Mu said quickly.

Comrade police nodded and began to formulate a rescue plan.

The efficiency of the police was quite high. After nightfall, Xiao Hei led the way and went straight to the place where children were being kidnapped and trafficked.

Yingying was very scared, she bit her lip and ate the dry steamed bun pitifully. There were more than a dozen children imprisoned here with her, some of these children were about her age, and some were younger than her.

Ying Ying had never eaten this kind of dry steamed bun before, but now she had to eat it.

If you don’t eat, you won’t have anything to eat. Originally, when Yingying was first arrested, she also lost her temper and refused to eat, arguing to go home.

But the bad aunts and uncles who caught her, when she was crying, would not coax her like grandma and parents would. They would only beat her, and would not give her something to eat.

After being beaten twice, Yingying also learned to be good, and she would eat obediently when she was given something, and she would not cry, because if she cried, she would get beaten.

The beating was so painful, she only dared to cry secretly, but she didn't dare to cry out loud, if the bad guys heard her crying, those bad guys would come and beat her.

Why didn't grandma and parents come to rescue Yingying? Yingying was so scared, she wiped away her tears and wiped her dirty little face, and continued to eat steamed buns with her little dirty hands.

Smelling Ying Ying's smell, Xiao Hei led the police to find the house where Ying Ying was kept. After investigation, not everyone in this village participated in the child abduction case. There should be only two families involved in the whole village.

Knowing that the number of people participating was not as many as expected, everyone was relieved.

Originally, the police were curious about how Nie Wei and the others found Yingying, but Li Mu directly blamed Xiao Hei.

The police were dubious, how could this dog find someone with a piece of clothing across a city, are you kidding me!

Next, Xiao Hei proved himself with his own strength. Under Xiao Hei's leadership, the police successfully found Yingying and all the little friends who were locked up.

In addition, Xiao Hei was still in the mountains behind the village, leading the police to dig up the bones of many children.

Some of these bones were several years ago, and some were newly buried.

These children were either beaten to death for disobedience, or died of illness, and they all died in special births. When some children died, there was not even a whole body.

Some policewomen couldn't help crying when they saw the bodies of those children, and even some men had red eyes, it was so miserable.

"Grandma!" Yingying cried when she saw her grandma wow. All the grievances and fears in my heart were vented.

"Grandma's darling! Don't cry, we don't cry. It's because grandma is not good. It's grandma who didn't take good care of our Yingying and made our little one suffer!" Seeing Yingying's dirty appearance, Grandma Zhao hugged Yingying. Sakura burst into tears.

"Fortunately, the child has been found. Grandma Zhao, let's take the child to the hospital first. After so many days, it will be more reassuring to go to the hospital for a checkup." A policewoman saw Grandma Zhao and Ying Ying crying with their heads in their arms. , I was also very moved.

But thinking of Yingying's body, she still persuaded her softly.

The little friends have been terrified in the past two days, and two children were severely beaten because they were crying so much, they were injured all over their bodies, even several ribs were broken, and they were rushed to the hospital for treatment went.

Xiao Yingying also had injuries on her body, but fortunately she didn't cry very loudly, and she didn't suffer any beatings, and the injuries on her body were all skin trauma.

Grandma Zhao held Xiao Yingying in her arms and inspected Xiao Yingying's body. Seeing the bruises on Xiao Yingying's body, her heart ached terribly.

Grandma Zhao anxiously carried Xiaoying into the ambulance, and was taken by the ambulance to the county hospital for examination.

Grandma Zhao left in such a hurry that she even forgot to say hello to Nie Wei and Li Mu.

Nie Wei didn't care when she saw Grandma Zhao leaving with Xiao Yingying in her arms. She looked at the forest where the corpse was dug up, her eyes dimmed.

People in the village came out one after another to watch the excitement. No one would have thought that there were actually two traffickers living in their small village.

The village chief stood aside to take statements, and the police arranged for interviews with several families who lived nearby.

"I really can't see that Da Zhu and Er Zhu brothers dare to catch children from other cities to sell. They usually look at the two honest families, but I didn't expect them to be this kind of people."

"Isn't it? I've seen something wrong with their family. If I go to the city every year, I can stay at home for a year without working, and the family still lives in the best house in the village. The money is from Where did it come from? Before, I never understood where the two brothers got so much money, I didn’t expect that it was earned by selling other people’s children!”

"I dare to earn this kind of black-hearted money, and I am not afraid of thunder."

The women in the village watched the excitement one by one, and kept talking.

The village chief recorded his statement with a sigh. Although their village is not big, they haven't seen any criminals for so many years. Now that there are two brothers, it's all right now. The face of their entire village is gone.

When everyone was not paying attention, Nie Wei entered the forest where the corpse was dug up just now.

There were still many policemen in the mountain collecting evidence on the spot. Nie Wei walked around those people and walked to the other side of the mountain.

Seeing no one around, Nie Wei looked in a certain direction indifferently.

"Sister, can you help Miao Miao save brother Zhuang Zhuang?" A little girl stood not far from Nie Wei, her big black grape-like eyes looked very cute.

But the little girl had a large scar on her face, which looked like a burn, and one of the little girl's arms was missing.

This child is not a human being, she is one of the children who died at the hands of the traffickers who were taken away.

Before the child died, he was treated very cruelly.

After death, because of his obsession, he has been lingering near his body, unable to leave.

When this child died, he was only about three years old. The other children were not so strong in their obsession and had already left here to go to the underworld. Only this child stayed in this place.

"Don't you want to go back and meet mom and dad?" Nie Wei was very curious. The child didn't miss his parents the most.

Xiao Miaomiao shook her head, "Mom and Dad don't like Miao Miao, they want a younger brother." Miao Miao lowered her head, looking very sad. (end of this chapter)