Heavenly Master

Chapter 23: Jiang Ling surrendered


Nie Wei was not surprised by her reaction.

"A person paid me and asked me to bring her to you. Now that I've seen you, it's time for you to meet the Lord..."

After all, Nie Weisu waved his hand, attracting a trace of spiritual energy into Jiang Ling's eyes. This is a small spell to open the sky eye, which lasts for half an hour. Within half an hour, ordinary people can temporarily open the sky eye and see another Scenery of the world.

With Nie Weisu's hand waving, Jiang Ling's eyes seemed to have a trace of coolness, and a pale figure appeared in front of her...

A City Police Department

"Boss, I went to find Jiang Yi's good friend from high school just now to find out something about it. In Bailan High School back then, the Jiang family sisters were considered influential figures.

The older sister, Jiang Yi, is lively and outgoing with a bit of a boyish personality, while Jiang Ling is gentle and considerate, with a soft personality. The sisters had a very good relationship when they were in high school.

It's a pity that the sisters later fell in love with the same man, and this man chose the gentle Jiang Ling instead of Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi loves that man very much, and had a very unpleasant fight with her younger sister. The three of them were chatting in school once, and many people saw it..." Sun Peng walked into the meeting room with a folder.

"Sun Peng? When did you investigate what happened to Jiang Yi in high school? Why don't we know?" Zhang Ning looked surprised.

"The boss told me to go. About an hour ago, I called to find Jiang Yi's class teacher back then. I asked for the contact information of Jiang Yi's classmates. I quickly found the two friends who had the best relationship with Jiang Yi back then. Classmates, it happens that their working place is nearby, which really saves a lot of time."

"One hour ago? Wasn't that not long after we came out of Jiang's house, and I didn't find out!" As an entourage who went to Jiang's house with Chen Yan, Zhang Ning felt that he was too careless. The boss didn't know when he contacted Sun Peng to investigate.

"Stop gossip and talk about business, Xiao Sun will continue." Uncle Feng interrupted Zhang Ning.

Sun Peng went on to say, "Back then, the sisters of the Jiang family were very stiff because of that man. Jiang Yi said more than once that if Jiang Ling didn't leave that man, she would want Jiang Ling to look good..."

"I know, it must be like this. Jiang Yi failed in courtship, and because of jealousy and hatred, he made things difficult for Jiang Ling and that man. Later, Jiang Ling couldn't bear the trouble, so he joined forces with that man to do Jiang Yi, and then hid the body in the into the wall." Xiao Chen stated his guess with a positive expression.

"Who is the man that the sisters of the Jiang family fell in love with?" Li Tai asked.

"That man's name is Li Xuan, and he is well-matched with Jiang's family. I heard that the boy was the school girl of Bailan High School when he was in high school, and many girls had a crush on him.

Later, Li Xuan fell in love with Jiang Ling, because she was honest with all the girls, including Jiang Ling's sister Jiang Yi, because of Li Xuan's estrangement, Jiang Yi became more and more crazy.

After that, Jiang Yi not only followed Jiang Ling and Li Xuan when they were dating, but also insisted on stepping in when they were alone. She did all this to prevent her sister and Li Xuan from being alone.

She also secretly took away the gift that Li Xuan gave to Jiang Ling. Once Li Xuan gave Jiang Ling a dress, Jiang Yi sneaked into Jiang Ling's room and cut the dress to pieces with scissors. Because of this, Li Xuan and Jiang Yi had a big fight, and Li Xuan even called Jiang Yi a lunatic. "

"It's really crazy, normal people can do this." Uncle Feng interjected.

"Boss, I think the matter is already obvious. Both Jiang Ling and Li Xuan have major suspicions. First of all, both of them are so entangled by Jiang Yi that they can't stand it. Jiang Yi is so crazy. In order to get rid of Jiang Yi Killing her is also reasonable." Zhang Ning said.

"But there is one more thing that is very strange. If the deceased is really Jiang Yi, why didn't Jiang Ling and Li Xuan find a safer place to destroy her body after killing her, but hid the body in the wall of a shop.

They obviously have better choices, don't they, such as burying in the deep mountains or directly sinking into the sea, these are much better than hiding the corpse in an unfamiliar shop. "Li Tai raised doubts.

"This is also something I can't figure out, but before we can figure it out, we have to confirm one thing first, that is, whether the identity of the deceased is Jiang Yi, the eldest daughter of the Jiang family." Chen Yan stood up, Jiang Yi's name was circled in red pen on the whiteboard.

"It's a bit tricky. The Jiang family's couple insisted that it couldn't be Jiang Yi. Judging by their appearance, it is unlikely that they would agree to do a DNA test. If we don't get the DNA of Jiang's family, how can we confirm whether the corpse is real or not?" Jiang Yi." Xiao Chen said with a face of embarrassment.

"Actually, if we want to determine the identity of the deceased, we don't necessarily have to cooperate with the Jiang family. We can also think of other ways." Uncle Feng said suddenly.

"Uncle Feng, do you have any ideas?" Sun Peng and others looked over together.

"As far as I know, before Jiang Yi's accident seven years ago, he had a physical examination. It was a physical examination arranged by the school. If we can find the report at that time, maybe we can confirm the identity of the deceased."

"Okay, Uncle Feng, you even found this!" Sun Peng and the others expressed admiration.

"Uncle Feng didn't find this out. Bailan High School is a private noble school. This kind of school arranges for students to undergo a health checkup every year. When Jiang Yi disappeared seven years ago, she happened to be a sophomore in high school. If her health checkup report is not If it is destroyed, it must still be there." Li Tai said with a half-smile.

"So it is like this!" Everyone suddenly realized.

As time passed, Jiang Yi's physical examination report was found by the police.

"I think we made a mistake. The deceased was not Jiang Yi." After reading the report, Li Tai said with certainty.

"Forensic Li, why are you so sure?" Zhang Ning was curious.

"Look at this, these are the X-rays taken by Jiang Yi at that time, look at her left calf, there is a steel nail in this position, but there is nothing on the deceased's left calf bone." Li Tai shook his hand X-ray film on.

"How is it possible! It's not! If she isn't Jiang Yi, who would she be!"

"So our previous conjectures were all wrong, and it seems that we have to investigate again."

Just when everyone was disappointed, the phone rang, and Chen Yan picked it up, but after hearing what the other party said, his expression changed.

"Boss, is something wrong again?" Xiao Chen looked worried.

"Nothing happened, Jiang Ling surrendered himself."

"Ha!" Everyone said.

Jiang Ling clasped his hands tightly and sat on the chair with a nervous expression on his face.

"Miss Jiang, please don't be nervous. You said you surrendered yourself, so I would like to ask, who is the identity of the deceased?" Chen Yan sat opposite Jiang Ling, and Xiao Chen took a pen to record. (end of this chapter)