Heavenly Master

Chapter 24: what happened that year


Jiang Ling took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, "That's my sister Jiang Ling."

"Your sister!" Chen Yan was startled, and quickly realized, "You are not Jiang Ling, you are Jiang Yi!"

"Yes, I'm Jiang Yi. I haven't been called that by anyone for many years." Jiang Ling, no, it should be Jiang Yi, and said with a wry smile.

"You killed your sister, and then pretended to be your sister to be with Li Xuan." Jiang Yi revealed his identity, so it's easier to guess what really happened.

"I didn't intend to kill my sister, it was an accident." Jiang Yi's tears had already flowed down.

"Seven years ago, my sister and I fell in love with Li Xuan at the same time, but Li Xuan chose Xiao Ling in the end. I was not convinced. Since I was a child, I was more popular than Xiao Ling, and I was more popular in school. Why didn't Li Xuan like me, why

I couldn't figure it out, and the more I thought about it, the more unconvinced I became, so I went to ruin their date and everything Li Xuan gave her. Love him, how much do not want to lose him.

I have done so much, but Li Xuan said that I was a lunatic and wanted to take Xiao Ling to study in the United States, and they planned to leave me and go to the United States!

They applied to the school behind my back, and even found a place to live, just wanting to stay away from me. If I hadn't overheard the nanny talking about it, I didn't know they were planning to go abroad.

On the night when they planned to leave secretly, I stopped them with my car. I took out a knife in front of them and threatened them with my life to prevent them from leaving.

Li Xuan didn't believe that I would commit suicide, so he pulled Xiao Ling and wanted to leave. I raised the knife and stabbed myself in the heart. At this time, Xiao Ling rushed over to grab my knife.

Li Xuan was worried that Xiao Ling would be injured, so he also came to grab the knife. The scene was very chaotic, and I don't know what happened. The knife pierced Xiao Xiao's heart, and Xiao Ling died on the spot, without even a chance to save him. "

"So, your sister's death was an accident, and Li Xuan was there to witness your sister's tragic death, but he chose to stay with you in the end and help you conceal the fact that your sister has died." Chen Yan raised eyebrows.

"No... that's not the case. This matter has nothing to do with Li Xuan. He doesn't even know that I'm not Xiaoling!" Jiang Yi really loves Li Xuan, and of course she doesn't want Li Xuan to be accused of being an accomplice. An excited face explained to Li Xuan.

"What exactly happened back then?" Chen Yan had an intuition that what happened later might be beyond his imagination, because everything that happened later was beyond what a high school girl could do.

"Xiao Ling died unexpectedly, Li Xuan jumped up and hugged Xiao Ling like crazy, I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, I knocked him out from behind Li Xuan.

I'm very scared, I know that if you kill someone, you will go to jail, I don't want to go to jail, I don't want Li Xuan to hate me for the rest of my life, I don't want to! "Jiang Yi thought of the scene at that time, as if returning to the time of despair.

"At this time, a man appeared, he drove by and saw us on the side of the road, he said, he has a way to make my dream come true, and he doesn't have to be charged with murder.

When I heard it, it was like a drowning person grabbed the last straw. Next, I followed what the person said, first sent Li Xuan back to my house, and then drove out to dispose of the body.

I originally wanted to bury Xiaoling's body in a deep mountain, or sink it into the sea, but I was unlucky at that time. A bank robber happened to escape by driving, and there were police guards at every intersection.

Naturally, my original plan was impossible to carry out. When I was at a loss, I met my classmate Xue Zhao. Xue Zhao liked me very much. He would do whatever I asked him to do.

After discovering Xiao Ling's body, he didn't call the police, but instead tried to hide the body for me. He said that his family is helping a family renovate the store recently, and maybe he can hide the body first, and then get the body out later when he has a chance. Come out and find another place to destroy it.

I couldn't think of a better idea, so I listened to Xue Zhao's words and hid the corpse in the wall. My original plan was to move the corpse in a few days.

Unexpectedly, Xue Zhao used this incident to threaten me and let me be with him. I was reborn as a little spirit at that time, how could I be with a man I don't love.

In order not to be threatened by Xue Zhao, I killed him, tied him to a stone and sank into the sea. "

"According to what you said, you should have planned to transfer your sister's body. Why is your sister's body still in that store after seven years?" Chen Yan asked.

"That's because Xue Zhao kept a hand. When he was handling the corpse, he went alone. I didn't follow. He said he was afraid that I would show some flaws, so he didn't let me follow. I didn't know what Xue Zhao said. Where exactly is that store, it makes me want to move the body, but I can't do it."

Jiang Yi finished with a wry smile.

"Why does everyone in your family think you are Jiang Ling? It's impossible for your parents to be unable to distinguish your sisters, right? And Li Xuan, you said he didn't know you were not Jiang Ling. Why did that happen?" It will be reasonable, but many places cannot be explained.

For example, as the parents of the Jiang family's twins, why didn't they recognize that their daughters' identities had been swapped? Why did Li Xuan think that Jiang Yi was Jiang Ling

"Because they were all hypnotized by the man who helped me. That man was very powerful. When I sent Li Xuan to my house, I gave my parents tea with sleeping pills to make them fall asleep as he said.

When I went to dispose of the corpse, that person hypnotized Li Xuan, which changed his memory, and my parents were also hypnotized by him, making everyone think that I was Jiang Ling.

The only difference between Xiao Ling and me is that there is a red birthmark on the left side of my lower back. In order to pretend to be Xiao Ling, that person also performed an operation on me to create an identical birthmark.

Xiao Ling and I often switched identities when we were young, and I am confident that I can do it by imitating her character. Originally, it was impossible for me to deceive my parents, because when we switched identities when we were young, the only ones who could see through were my parents.

But because of their hypnotized relationship, there is no doubt that I am a fake. For 7 years, I will send a letter home every few months.

Because they were given psychological hints, they always thought that I was living a good life, and they never thought about going to the police again, so they have been peaceful for the past 7 years. "

"Who is that person who helped you?" Chen Yan asked.

Jiang Yi shook her head, "I don't know, I really don't know, he left after helping me, and he never appeared again in the past seven years."

"Remember what he looked like?"

"Look?" Jiang Yi thought about it for a while, but felt his mind was blurred and couldn't remember anything.

"I can't remember, it feels like his face is so blurry, I can't remember what he looks like!" Jiang Yi shook his head. (end of this chapter)