Heavenly Master

Chapter 28: 404 dormitory full attendance


She will definitely make the male protagonist fall in love with her and be devoted to her. Speaking of which, the male protagonist of this comic is a beautiful man like a banished fairy.

It is because the male protagonist is so good, there are some female characters in the comics, anyone who is suspected of being the female protagonist will be sprayed by the readers of this comic.

Under the public outrage, the heroine of this comic has not been determined.

"It's true, too many at a time may affect the quality of the novel." Feng Zizhen said with a look of regret.

The two chatted for a while, and Feng Zizhen didn't stay too long, and went home.

Two days later, the new students enrolled, and the whole Qingyun College was very lively. Nie Wei carried simple salutes and daily necessities, and after going through the admission procedures, she was directly taken to the girls' dormitory by a senior.

There were people coming and going in the girls' dormitory, and many parents were walking in the aisles.

Nie Wei found dormitory 404. There was no one else in the dormitory. She found a lower berth near the window and made up the sheets and bedding she brought.

Clothes were also hung in the bedside cabinet.

As soon as it was done, two more girls came in one after the other. One had long hair and the other had short hair. One was wearing a skirt and the other was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

After they opened the door, they found that someone was already in the room, and greeted Nie Wei generously.

"Hello, my name is Meng Qingqing. I'm from the Department of Foreign Languages. I'm from S City. We will live in the same dormitory from now on. Please take care of me." The short-haired girl said generously.

"My name is Liu Huiyi, from the Department of Chinese. My family lives in City A. What's your name?" the long-haired girl said.

"My name is Nie Wei, and I'm from the Chinese Department just like you, from City A." Nie Wei said.

"You are also from City A! Where do you live? I live in Jingchen Garden. Is your house close to mine?" Liu Huiyi asked with interest.

"My family lives at the foot of Dayang Mountain, which is a bit far from yours," Nie Wei said.

Jingchen Community is a relatively well-known high-end community. The people who live there have good family conditions. Looking at the skirts Liu Huiyi is wearing, at least a thousand yuan a piece, you can tell that her family conditions are very good.

"Dayang Mountain! It's not easy to buy a house nearby. Your family can actually buy a house there! Because it's close to Famen Temple, the houses there are very popular." As a city A resident, Liu Huiyi expressed her gratitude The value of real estate near Dayang Mountain is relatively well known.

"My family has lived under Dayang Mountain for several generations. The house is also an old house, and I didn't buy it now." Nie Wei said.

While they were talking, another girl came in. This girl had long, wavy hair and exquisite facial features.

At this time, she walked in with an unhappy face. The girl was followed by her parents, who were carrying a lot of things in their hands.

"You are all roommates of my family Ning Ning. My family Ning Ning was spoiled and raised at home since she was a child. I will ask you to take care of her in the future." The girl's mother said very politely.

"We are all roommates, and we should take care of each other." Meng Qingqing looked at the girl's parents and said with a smile.

Nie Wei and Liu Huiyi also hurriedly expressed that everyone will definitely take care of each other and support each other in the future.

"Why is there only the upper berth left, I want to live in the lower berth, you, put away your things immediately, I want this bed." Chuning pointed to Nie Wei's bed, and said arrogantly.

Chuning thought he was good at judging people. The other three girls in the dormitory, except for the girl who lived in the lower bunk, seemed to come from a bad background, the other two seemed to be from good backgrounds, and the other two girls looked Just know each other.

So compared to the other two, Nie Wei, who was alone and from an unremarkable background, was undoubtedly an easier target to bully.

Nie Wei's face changed slightly, she did not expect to meet such an unreasonable roommate.

The smiles on the faces of Liu Huiyi and Meng Qingqing also subsided, no one would like such a wayward and selfish roommate.

"How do you talk!" Chu Ning's mother probably saw that Nie Wei and the others had a bad face, so she reprimanded Chuning in a mild manner.

"This classmate, my Xiao Ning is not in good health. When I wake up at night, I am afraid that she will fall from the bed. Can I trouble you and our Xiao Ning to change the bed?" What Chu Ning's mother said was It's more polite, but it also means that I want Nie Wei to change the bed to her.

There are only four beds in the room, two lower beds and two upper beds. Now there are four beds, and three beds are already filled with things.

Nie Wei's bed had already been made, while Liu Huiyi and Meng Qingqing just put the things in the bed and did not start making the bed.

Chu Ning's mother and daughter only asked Nie Wei to change the bed to her. The mother and daughter seemed to think that Nie Wei was the most bullied person in the dormitory.

Nie Wei grew up in the Tianshijiao, and she is a master sister, and none of the younger brothers and sisters dare to shake her face, so Nie Wei really has no experience in dealing with such unreasonable people.

But inexperience doesn't mean she has to give in. Nie Wei doesn't think she's a submissive person.

If she is really such a person, it is impossible for the master to let her be the future head teacher among the many brothers and sisters.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to sleeping on the upper bunk, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you." Nie Wei's expression was light, and the original polite smile brought more alienation.

"How about this, classmate, Auntie has 500 yuan here, treat it as a supplement for you, can you exchange the lower berth for my family Ningning?" Chu Ning's mother smiled kindly.

"Cut!" Seeing that Nie Wei didn't speak, Chu Ning thought she thought she had too little money, "Is it too little? I'll give you another 500 or 1,000 yuan to change your bed. This price is already very high. Why? Don't you think so?" Satisfied!"

"Don't worry, I'm not short of money. You guys should keep the 1,000 yuan for yourself." After speaking, Nie Wei ignored the Chu family and sat down in her bed to play with her mobile phone.

"You!" Chu Ning was very angry, and was about to rush up to scold Nie Wei, but Chuning's mother grabbed her.

"Okay, we all live in the same dormitory, so don't make too much fuss." Mother Chu thought that her daughter would live in this dormitory for another four years, and it would not be a good thing to offend a roommate who lives in a dormitory at this time.

Even if you really don't like this girl, if you build a good relationship with the other two in the future, the three of you might not be able to deal with her alone

As expected of a mother and daughter, Chu Ning understood what Chu's mother meant with just one look from Chu's mother.

For the time being, don't care so much about this bitch.

Chuning took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Although he still looked displeased, he was a little more calm than before.

"I'm sorry for this classmate. My Ningning spoiled me at home. I'll tell her later. How can she be so ignorant!" Father Chu, who had been silent all this time, also spoke at this time.

After apologizing, the Chu family didn't talk about changing the bed. They helped Chuning make the bed and asked everyone to go out for dinner. (end of this chapter)