Heavenly Master

Chapter 48: The old mansion (7)


"You mean that Luo Jieyu moved the painting, so all of you are trapped here?" Xu Fang frowned.

Li Yulin nodded again, but still opened her mouth to explain, "That painting wasn't what Xiaoyu wanted to move, it was Zhanfei. As soon as he entered the room, he deliberately led Xiaoyu to the front of the painting, and then Zhanfei took the initiative Talking to Xiaoyu about the fact that the paper of that painting feels different from other painting papers, Xiaoyu reached out to touch that painting."

"Later, how did you find out that Zhanfei lied to you?" Mu Bingbing asked curiously.

"Because Xiaoyu has become very strange. Xiaoyu and I have been classmates since high school, and I know her character very well. She is usually careless, and she doesn't talk too much about things. how others feel.

But since we arrived in this strange place, when I saw Xiaoyu again, she not only spoke softly, but also acted very elegantly and dignifiedly, as if she was a different person.

I found that this Xiaoyu might not be the real Xiaoyu, so I talked to Han Chao and the others, who knew that Zhanfei was actually with the ghost who was attached to Xiaoyu, and Zhanfei took the ghost possessed by him with him. Xiaoyu ran away together... "

Having said that, Li Yulin looked at Zhan Fei with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

"What happened later?" Ming Xue kicked Zhan Fei again, and then asked.

"Not long after that, we met people sent by Xiaoyu's father to rescue her, we told them the situation, and planned to find a way to leave together, and then find an expert to rescue Xiaoyu.

Who knows that Zhan Fei came back at this time, he said, as long as we promise to leave here and don't tell about Xiaoyu's possession, he will let us leave this place.

Everyone wanted to leave, so they agreed to him first, thinking that after going out, they would go to Xiaoyu's father to find a way to save Xiaoyu.

Unexpectedly, Zhanfei didn't want to let us out at all. He brought us into this house and said that the exit was in the house. Although we felt something was wrong, we all wanted to leave so badly, even though we knew it might be another trap. Try to break through. "

Mu Bingbing saw that her complexion was not very good, so she gave her some water, and then Li Yulin continued.

"Because I was the only girl among so many of us, I was the last one, and when I was about to step into the gate, Han Chao pushed me out.

As soon as I was pushed out, there was a roar from the house. The sound was loud and not terrible. At the same time as the roar came, the door was closed in front of me.

I rushed over to question Zhanfei and asked him what he wanted to do, but unexpectedly Zhanfei pushed me hard, I hit a tree, and then I didn't know anything. "

"Boy, you are really courageous. You dared to collude with a female ghost to harm Miss Luo. If you can get out of here, guess what Boss Luo will do to you, the bastard who killed her daughter." Old Zheng gloated. said.

"From the information we just learned, there is not only one ghost in this place, besides the ghost possessing Luo Jieyu's body, there is another ghost in this house, and the ghost in this house is only I'm afraid it's the ghost that created this haunted domain." Xu Fang analyzed calmly.

"Forget about that ghost, the most important thing for us right now is to find Miss Luo as soon as possible, boy, tell me, where did you hide Miss Luo's body?"

"Yes, quickly tell me the whereabouts of Miss Luo's body!"

Pressed by the crowd repeatedly, Zhan Fei didn't say a word, even though he was beaten all over, he didn't tell the whereabouts of Luo Jieyu's body.

"No matter how you ask, I won't say it, you don't want to hurt Xiaodie." Zhan Fei looked at the crowd with resentment, as if he would kill him without saying anything.

"So that female ghost is called Xiaodie!" Mu Bingbing nodded, and then persuaded: "But people and ghosts have different paths, Xiaodie is dead, and she can't come back to life. If you tell the whereabouts of Miss Luo's body , we can save Xiaodie so that she can enter reincarnation and start a new life, this is the best result for her."

"Mu Xiaoyou is right. If you really want her to be good, you should let her go to reincarnation instead of letting her snatch Miss Luo's body. Taking other people's bodies is a big taboo. Even if you go down to the underworld later, you will be punished." If you knock down the Nine Nether Hells, you will not be reborn."

"Hurry up and take us to find Miss Luo's body while it's still too late. As long as Miss Luo's soul is not swallowed, there is still time for everything."

"Don't worry, Xiaodie won't devour Luo Jieyu's soul." Zhan Fei suddenly smiled strangely.

Nie Wei suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Zhanfei tricked Luo Jieyu and others into Huangquan, could it be that Xiaodie took Luo Jieyu away? You must know that there is only one way to take away Luo Jieyu, which is to swallow the other party Let alone the success rate, the compatibility of their souls alone may not be able to meet the conditions for taking the house.

It is not so easy to seize the body of a living person. After all, the soul magnetic field of both parties must be very similar to be successful. However, to find someone with a magnetic field similar to your own in the vast crowd is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the hope is slim.

If it were really so easy to find someone to take it away, where there is still room for living people in the world, they would have been taken away by unwilling souls long ago.

But if it wasn't for taking the house, what else could it be for? Nie Wei was a little puzzled.

"He wants to change Xiaodie's life." Li Chen's voice sounded at this moment, although his voice was not loud, everyone present heard it.

Hearing the word "life-changing", Zhan Fei suddenly looked up at Li Chen.

The expressions of the others also changed drastically.

The so-called life-changing means exchanging the fates of both parties. Luo Jieyu is born with a fortune and fate, and he is destined to be rich and powerful in his life, but Xiaodie's fate does not need to be counted, but she knows that it will not be very good. If her fate is good, she will not die early. Also became a wandering ghost.

If the life-changing is successful, Xiaodie will become Luo Jieyu and enjoy Luo Jieyu's rich fate.

On the contrary, the real Luo Jieyu will replace Xiaodie and become a lonely ghost.

"It's not that easy to change lives. The other party must agree to it. Miss Luo is not stupid. How could she agree to change lives with Xiaodie?" Someone said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I've been in this business for so many years, and I've seen quite a few ghosts. It's not so easy to change my life."

Most people don't really believe Li Chen's words, after all he looks too young, even though he has an extraordinary temperament and great merits, people don't dare to believe his strength.

"Let me ask you, did Luo Jieyu say anything when she saw that painting? Think about it carefully, no matter what she said, I hope you can tell us." Nie Wei believed in Li Chen , when she heard the word "changing life", she suddenly had a feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds. (end of this chapter)