Heavenly Master

Chapter 5: Enter the crew


In her previous life, as a senior sister taught by the Heavenly Master, she had to help the master share his worries and handle educational affairs, and take care of the younger brothers and sisters. She had long since lost her little daughter's thoughts.

Besides, women in this world don't seem to know what to be reserved for. They often talk about likes and loves. They have lived under strict celestial teachers since they were young. Even if she doesn't dislike or dislike all kinds of behaviors of modern women, she does. It is absolutely impossible to be like the women in this world, talking about the man they like in an open and honest manner.

"It's nothing, it's just that after going through a lot, I found that I don't like him that much." Nie Wei suppressed the shame in her heart, and tried to speak this paragraph in a flat tone.

Gu Feifei thought that Nie Wei hadn't recovered from the pain because of her parents' car accident.

He Na also winked at the side, telling Gu Feifei not to say a few words, so as not to bring up Nie Wei's sadness.

The two exchanged a look, didn't say anything more, but agreed to go out and walk around from time to time, creating chances to meet Li Yang.

Night fell unknowingly. Nie Wei originally wanted to take advantage of the darkness to sneak into the shooting scene of "Desperate Escape", but later realized that her thinking was too simple. Now she does not have the good skills that she had practiced since she was a child, and her spiritual power is also weak. She has only just achieved some results. According to her experience, the things in that house are by no means simple. They are likely to be old ghosts or old ghosts who have lived for many years, and there is a high possibility that they have become fierce ghosts or evil ghosts. .

Nie Wei was thinking about whether he should hire a few ghost servants to work for him. At a time like this, it would be much easier if there were ghost servants around.

It's a pity that good ghost servants are hard to come by. Not all spirit bodies are suitable to become ghost servants. If you want to meet a ghost with good aptitude, it depends on chance.

After a night's rest, Nie Wei got up early in the morning. During the night, she thought a lot, but couldn't figure out how to get into that house.

This world is different from the world she lives in. In her original world, as long as she said that there was a problem with the house, she didn't have to think about it. The owner of the house would let someone carry a big sedan chair to invite her in. Exorcism.

But in this world, if she ran to talk to people like this, she would most likely be regarded as a magic stick to defraud people of money.

Fortunately, this problem didn't bother her for too long, because accidents happened one after another in the crew of "Desperate Escape" and many extras were left in the crew, so the crew had to recruit new people.

The three girls, Nie Wei, He Na, and Gu Fangfang, all applied for jobs on the set and were successfully admitted.

Although they only played the roles of passers-by A, B, and C, He Na and Gu Fangfang were extremely excited.

Nie Wei really didn't understand why so many people wanted to join the crew when they knew that the place was so dangerous.

As far as she knew, several of the classmates who traveled together with them signed up, and all of them succeeded.

People who haven't experienced real fear can't experience the extreme horror. Therefore, although there are rumors outside, there are still some daring people who want to go in and join in the fun.

Several of them are ghost lovers, and they specially entered the film crew to verify whether ghosts really exist.

Nie Wei can only say that these people don't cherish life too much, they are simply playing tricks to death.

"What are you afraid of? You really believe that there are ghosts in this world. In my opinion, those things are just accidents. We just need to be careful. Anyway, we are just going to act as passers-by, so there is no danger." Gu Fangfang said this, She was still there with the nail scissors trimming her nails while talking.

He Na nodded in agreement.

Knowing that these two people can't be persuaded to go back, Nie Wei can only remind herself to pay more attention to them, and don't let that unknown ghost get hurt.

The funds given by the school this time are sufficient, and they still have a lot of time to stay in this place.

Teacher Zhou does not agree with the fact that they go to the crew to be extras. She has also heard about accidents in the crew. Unlike Gu Fangfang and He Na, although Teacher Zhou cannot say that she absolutely believes in these supernatural events , but not completely unbelievable.

Calling together several students who have already been accepted by the film crew, Mr. Zhou tried hard to persuade them for a long time, but these teenagers who have just entered college are just at the time when they are not afraid of anything, and Mr. Zhou's persuasion is obviously useless .

In the end, Mr. Zhou called the families of these students, which had some effect. Due to the pressure from their families, several students stopped talking about being extras. In the end, only Gu Fangfang and He Na still went. There are three people, Nie Wei.

Teacher Zhou did everything that should be done, but in the end he had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Because of the murder case, the crew stopped filming for three full days. During these three days, Nie Wei has been hurrying to improve her strength. Now she has practiced the Taoism practiced in her previous life to the second level. In the original world, such strength is simply not worth mentioning, but in this age of desolation, a person who can cultivate to the second level is already considered a small master.

Three days later, the crew resumed work normally, and Nie Wei and the other three also joined the crew and started working as extras.

It was the first time I really walked into this ancient house, and before entering the room, I felt a gloomy and bloody evil spirit blowing towards my face.

How many people have died in this place to have such a terrible evil spirit. Based on her experience, it is impossible for a place to form such a terrible evil spirit without hundreds of people dying.

It's best to take a detour when you pass by this kind of place. It's too long for this crew to dare to film here. Nie Wei shook her head.

The evil spirit has no eyes, and the weak are especially vulnerable to the evil spirit entering the body.

Unobtrusively opened the yin and yang eyes, and looked around. There was only evil spirit around, but no ghost spirit. Nie Wei frowned slightly.

Is this place really ghostless

But after Nie Wei thought about it, he felt that this was the right way. In this dharma-ending era, it is very difficult for truly powerful ghosts to form.

In such a place of evil spirits, ordinary ghosts can be blown away by these evil spirits, and want to survive in such evil spirits.

Such a ghost is definitely not a big guy that she can deal with now.

If there is such a place in this place, I am afraid that it is not two or three people who will die, but everyone here.

Now that there are no ghosts haunting it, it's easy to deal with, as long as the evil spirit here is dispelled.

However, if you want to dispel the evil spirit here, there is one most important thing to do, that is...

Nie Wei hadn't thought of a specific method yet, but there was a burst of noise coming from the door. (end of this chapter)