Heavenly Master

Chapter 58: Peach Blossom Barrier (5)


Nie Wei nodded in agreement, and the three entered Gu Feng's room with Gu Mu's consent.

Liu Huiyi walked last and closed the door smoothly.

There was no light in the room with the curtains drawn, and there was an unpleasant smell of men in the air.

A figure who looks a bit fat, just sitting in the bed like this, covered himself in the quilt even though it is summer, and the air conditioner is not turned on, and the room is so tightly closed, it's no wonder it smells good.

Nie Wei ignored him, went directly to the window and opened the curtains, and then opened the window to let in air. The smell was finally not so bad.

"The sudden bright light made Gu Feng rub his eyes uncomfortably. After his eyes got used to the light, Gu Feng, who was quiet in his own world, realized that there were three strange girls in his room.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" Gu Feng asked in panic.

"We are juniors from your school, and we wanted to ask you some questions, so we came to your house." Nie Wei replied.

"Sister?" Gu Feng looked at Nie Wei and the others suspiciously.

"What are you looking for? I don't know you at all. Please leave my house!" Gu Feng shouted at the three with a grim expression.

"Don't be in a hurry to drive us away, if you drive us away, you will lose your last chance to survive." Nie Wei looked at him quietly and said.

Gu Feng's face changed, and he looked at Nie Wei with a vigilant look.

"Who are you? What is your purpose in coming to me?"

"I'm the one who can save you. If you don't want to die of old age like others, then answer my question." Nie Wei didn't want to waste time with him. Nie Wei didn't care about this kind of person who only uses magic to get girls. Not in the eyes.

"You...you..." Gu Feng turned pale with shock, he didn't expect the girl in front of him to know such a secret thing.

"I advise you to say it, Xiaowei is very powerful, she will definitely help you." Seeing him like this, Meng Qingqing couldn't help persuading him.

"Could it be that you know magic?" Gu Feng looked at Nie Wei carefully, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"You can think so." Nie Wei neither admitted nor denied it.

"Why should I believe you?" Gu Feng didn't completely let go of his guard. It was because he believed others' words that he brought himself into such a situation. Even the girl he liked was harmed by him. Gu Feng regretted it now. His intestines are so green, if he can do it again, he will not enter that store even if he is killed.

"Do you have any other choices?" Nie Wei smiled slightly.

"I, I said, please help me, I really don't know how it became like this, I was also deceived, I don't want to, I don't want to become like this!" Gu Feng finally chose to believe in Nie Wei After all, as Nie Wei said, he has no other choice.

"Tell me, who did you meet? Who taught you how to use the peach blossom barrier?"

"Half a month ago, I heard from a boy in the dormitory next door that he knew a shop where courting love was very effective. No matter how aloof the person you like, as long as you ask for a talisman in that shop, you will be able to make love immediately." The other party likes himself.

I fell in love with Xinyue from the first time I saw her, but Xinyue is a high school belle, and I'm just a dick, I really like Xinyue so much, so I went to find what the boy said the store.

It was a shop specializing in peach blossom talismans. The owner of the store was an old man in his 60s. I listened to the owner and bought two peach blossom talismans. I dripped a drop of blood from my middle finger on one of the peach blossom talismans every day. For three days, another talisman is to express one's wish after each blood drip.

The shop owner said that this is a ceremony, after the ceremony is completed, the talisman that made the wish will be burned into ashes, and the person you like can drink the ashes of the talisman, so that the other person will fall in love with me.

When I used club activities, I took the initiative to invite everyone to drink milk tea. When I went out to buy milk tea, I added the pre-prepared talisman gray water to the milk tea, and then gave the milk tea with the talisman gray water to Xinyue.

When Xinyue was drinking milk tea, I deliberately stood in front of her. After letting her drink the milk tea, I was the first person she saw. Later, as the shop owner said, Xinyue fell in love with me. "

"Didn't you think all this was weird at the time? You dared to drink something of unknown origin. If it was poisonous, wouldn't you become a murderer!" Meng Qingqing didn't know what to say, these men were not afraid Unintentionally become a murderer? It's so easy to believe what other people say.

"How could I have thought of this at the time, and the person who introduced me was dating a girl I liked before. With his success story in front of me, I never doubted it at all." Gu Feng smiled wryly.

"I was really happy when I was with Xinyue. I could feel that Xinyue really fell in love with me. At that time, I felt that I was the happiest person.

It wasn't until I met her parents when I went to her house, and watched Xinyue jump off the building for me, that I felt that the development of the situation was a little out of control.

Originally, Xinyue fell in love with me because of Fu Shui, but now she has become like this again, I dare not appear in front of her parents at all, so I can only escape home, I stayed at home for two days, not daring to go anywhere.

In the past two days at home, I found a news circulating on the Internet that there is a new type of virus that can cause people to die of old age overnight. I was curious, so I clicked in to check it out. Unexpectedly, I found that the dead people were all from that store. guests.

Although I don't know all those people, among the dead there are a few boys who, like me, went to ask for amulets. Occasionally we would chat about the magic of the amulet together.

Only then did I feel more and more fearful. I was afraid that I would be the next to die. After two days of fear, until this morning, I heard that the boy who introduced me to the store died, just like the previous ones. , died of old age overnight.

I'm getting more and more scared, but I don't know how to save myself, so I can only lock myself in the room and wait to die until you come. "

"You boys are really harmful, wait! The boy who introduced you to that store must be called Zhou Ang!" Meng Qingqing suddenly thought of this, and Meng's eyes widened.

"You know Zhou Ang?" Gu Feng was quite surprised.

"It's really him!" Meng Qingqing exclaimed.

"You said just now that Zhou Ang used a peach blossom talisman to make the girl he liked before fall in love with him. That girl he liked before was Chuning? Did he and Chuning know each other before?" Liu Huiyi thought of what Gu Feng said just now .

If Chuning knew Zhou Ang before, why didn't Chuning say that they knew each other when she first introduced them to each other? Even Zhou Ang pretended not to know Chuning, why? (end of this chapter)