Heavenly Master

Chapter 60: Peach Blossom Barrier (7)


Ji Xiaomeng didn't expect that she was so lucky, just thinking of a way to get close to the male lead, she would meet him on the road.

"Student Li Chen, please wait a moment!" Ji Xiaomeng trotted behind Li Chen, panting slightly.

Li Chen turned his head when he heard the sound, Ji Xiaomeng saw him stop, and grinned happily.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" A trace of doubt flashed in Li Chen's clean eyes.

"I... My name is Ji Xiaomeng, and I am Long Xue's friend. Long Xue said you are very good, so I hope you can help my friend." Ji Xiaomeng tried hard not to lose his composure, this is the male protagonist in the comics Li Chenye, to have the opportunity to be so close to him, is really very happy.

"What happened to your friend?" Mu Chen remembered who Long Xue was, the daughter of the Long family, the last time he went to the Long family to get rid of evil spirits, he had met that Miss Long Xue.

It's just that Li Chen, who grew up in the temple, didn't have a good impression of that overly enthusiastic daughter, even a little disliked.

"My friend Zhizhi had a boyfriend two days ago. That boyfriend was a boy she hated very much. Since she was with that boy, she has become very strange. She is not at all like her usual self. , I think Zhizhi may have been subjected to some kind of sorcery, can Li Chen help me to see Zhizhi?" Ji Xiaomeng asked cautiously.

Li Chen nodded, that Zhizhi's situation is very trustworthy with those girls who have been in trouble, so he can go and have a look.

Seeing that Li Chen agreed to visit Zhizhi, Ji Xiaomeng cheered in her heart, it's great, she finally managed to get close to Li Chen.

On the other side, Nie Wei had already set off to find the mysterious shop, Gu Feng led the way, while Liu Huiyi and Meng Qingqing were driven back to school by Nie Wei.

When I went to that store this time, I didn't know what situation I would encounter. To be on the safe side, Nie Wei decided to let them go back to school first.

Gu Feng led the way, and the two came to an alley near the school.

But he walked all the way to the end of the alley, but he didn't see the shop that Gu Feng mentioned.

"Impossible. When I came last time, there was a store here. That store looked very old, as if it had been open for a long time! How could it suddenly disappear! How is this possible!" Gu Feng did not die Desperately ran around the alley twice, but couldn't find the original shop.

He almost wondered if all this was a nightmare he had, otherwise why would such a good store suddenly disappear.

"You don't need to look for it, it's just a blindfold." Nie Wei made a tactic with one hand, and the spiritual energy surged between her fingers. Following the movement of her hand, Gu Feng seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

And hearing that sound, Gu Feng was surprised to find that the shop that he couldn't find just now was actually right in front of his eyes.

"What... what's going on here? He was obviously not there just now!" Gu Feng rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure that what appeared in front of him was not some hallucination.

"It's always there, it's just that the owner of the store has set up a blindfold here, except for men with deep obsessions, most people can't see it." Nie Wei stood at the door of the store and looked deeply at the door of the store.

"Sad, in fact, apart from me, there are some boys who want to have a girlfriend who also came to this store, but they couldn't find it. I thought they were in the wrong place. It turned out that they couldn't see it. !” Gu Feng thought of some time ago, many boys who had heard Zhou Ang talk about the Peach Blossom Talisman and this shop wanted to come to this shop, but those who had come to look for it said they couldn’t find it.

He was still wondering, obviously this store is not difficult to find, as long as you find this alley, you just go to the end, why they couldn't find any of them.

It turned out that it was because they had no obsession in their hearts, so they couldn't find this store.

"Wait for me at the door, don't follow me in." Nie Wei looked back at him and said.

"Why don't we call the police." Gu Feng said with some fear.

Now the more he looked at the store, the weirder it became, and he didn't dare to go in again.

"Don't follow in." Nie Wei ignored Gu Feng's words and walked into the store without looking back.

The young man who was sitting in the shop listening to the music from the old phonograph with a look of enjoyment suddenly changed his expression.

The sound of the phonograph continued, and the man put down the wine glass in his hand, staring at the direction of the door.

Until a woman in a light blue dress appeared in his shop, the man's eyes flashed with deep guard.

"So it was you." Nie Wei looked at the young man in his twenties in front of him, and already understood who was behind all this.

I also understand why he wants to use the peach blossom barrier to harm people.

"Tao Ziming, born in the late Qing Dynasty, has read poetry and books since he was a child, and wanted to enter the official career through the imperial examination, but he didn't expect that when the Qing Dynasty fell, your path to the imperial examination would be cut off.

At that time, gunpowder was raging all over the country, and your family members died on the way to escape. Only you survived, and you were lucky enough to get a copy of the exercises.

You practice according to the above exercises, because you are extremely talented, but you have already gained a certain reputation in a few years, relying on the ability to read and exorcise ghosts taught in the exercises, you will be in every position in the upper class. As time goes by, you look at your aging face in the mirror and become unwilling in your heart.

You are not willing to just die of old age. You want to live forever, but you got up too late. In this dharma-ending era, wanting to achieve longevity is simply a dream.

In order to achieve the goal of immortality, you began to practice sorcery, using a kind of evil method recorded in the exercises to absorb the yang energy and vitality of young men.

Relying on this sorcery, you have successfully lived from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the present, a full hundred years. During these years, you have to absorb the yang energy and vitality of young men every once in a while, otherwise you will start to grow old and your body will It will also rot. "

All of this is what Nie Wei saw through his celestial eyes. This man named Tao Ziming is indeed a Taoist genius, but unfortunately his talent was not used on the right path.

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to know this old man at such a young age." Seeing that Nie Wei had accurately stated his own background, Tao Ziming was indeed a little surprised.

But he has lived in the world for more than a hundred years, and there are many people who know him. Tao Ziming didn't think much about it, he just thought that Nie Wei heard about him from some old monster.

"You use evil methods to harm people. After death, you will be crushed to the eighteenth level of hell. You will be tortured by the mountains of swords and seas of fire, and you will not even be able to reincarnate. Is there any point in doing all this?" Nie Wei really couldn't understand what Tao Ziming was doing. Thought.

After death, there will be an afterlife. This life starts late. As long as you practice hard and accumulate merits, you may not be unable to ascend to the Tao in the next life.

Just to live in such a non-human and ghostly way, blocking all the future roads, this kind of behavior is tantamount to cutting off the road. (end of this chapter)