Heavenly Master

Chapter 96: Death Live (10)


Back then, the high priest found a seriously injured man outside the barrier. This man was Xu Guohua.

Although the people of the Kun Ming tribe have nothing to do with the world, they are kind by nature. Seeing that Xu Guohua was injured, they took him back to the village for treatment.

The doctors in the village are very skilled in medicine and successfully rescued Xu Guohua, but no one thought that their rescue would save a disaster.

Xu Guohua has received a high level of Chinese education, speaks in a gentle manner, and is different from the men in the village. He soon attracted the attention of the doctor's daughter Danzhu.

Danzhu was born beautiful and was the next doctor appointed by the village. However, everyone in the village admires strength, and the men are all rough-natured, or they are silent and restrained. When have you ever seen such an interesting man.

Xu Guohua felt that this village was very mysterious and ancient, and there must be some secrets. When Danzhu expressed his love to him, Xu Guohua concealed the fact that he was married and had a son, and started dating Danzhu.

Of course, the relationship between the two is secret. Danzhu knew that the villagers would not let her marry an outsider, so she swore to each other with Xu Guohua behind her back, and Xu Guohua promised to take Danzhu out of the village and go to the outside world together. , start a new life.

Originally, the Kun Ming tribe had no conflict with the world, and the women in the village were very simple. Although they knew that there was another world outside, the patriarch said that the outside world was too chaotic and full of endless wars, and the village was not as peaceful and beautiful as theirs.

But through Xu Guohua's narration, Danzhu knew a new world completely different from the world the patriarch said. Danzhu was originally a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and she was naturally full of curiosity about the unknown world.

In addition, Xu Guohua wanted to go home wholeheartedly, and Danzhu wanted to leave with him because he loved this man wholeheartedly.

Xu Guohua gained Danzhu's trust, and she learned a lot about the Kunming clan from Danzhu's mouth, and also learned about the sacred object of the Kunming clan—the Kunming Orb.

This orb carries the power of space, as long as one lives around the orb for a long time, one can learn how to use the power of space from the orb, and the lifespan will be greatly increased.

The average age of the Kunming people is two hundred years old, which means that as long as there is no accidental death, it is safe to live to two hundred years old.

The treasure that can increase the lifespan, what a big ** that is.

How can such a thing be owned by a small ethnic group, it should be handed over to the country, and then use it to benefit all mankind!

When Xu Guohua knew the ability of the Kunming orb, he had already planned to take the orb and escape.

He inquired a lot from Danzhu, and he knew that to cover up the orb's aura, the only way to block the aura was to wrap the orb with Beiming black iron, so that the Kunming people could not sense the location of the orb.

It just so happened that Dan Zhu's father, a doctor, collected a piece of Beiming black iron.

Xu Guohua tricked Danzhu into taking her to elope, and from Danzhu's mouth, he knew the way to leave the Kun Ming clan.

He tricked Danzhu into secretly taking her to see the orb of Kunming, and let Danzhu deceive the high priest in charge of guarding the orb to lure her away, and then took the orb and left safely from the exit route that Danzhu said. .

On the way to escape, he kept the orb and Beiming Xuantie together so that the aura of the orb would not leak out.

The high priest, as the guardian of the sacred object, immediately led the priests to chase after the orb disappeared with the man he rescued. The high priest is the person who can most sense the energy of the orb in the clan.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be a betrayal of Danzhu in the clan, and they told Xu Guohua how to use Beiming Xuantie to cover up the breath of the orb.

The High Priest left the Kunming Clan and traveled all over the country, searching for more than half a century, but there was no news of finding the holy relic.

Xu Guohua paid attention back then, except for telling his own name, all other information including birthday, work in his hometown, etc. were all fake.

Trying to find a Xu Guohua in the vast crowd is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, their luck is not too bad, they met Li Chen, the child of luck, otherwise they don't know when they will find it.

"Don't even think about escaping again, hand over the sacred objects of our clan, and follow me back to the Kun Ming clan to confess the crime!" The high priest shouted, and the priest quickly surrounded Xu Guohua.

"You can't catch me! I'm right! I'm right!" He just wants to use this bead to benefit all mankind. Why can the Kunming clan have such a treasure, and why only the Kunming clan can enjoy a lifespan of two hundred years? Yuan!

"Treasures like the Kunming Orb belong to the country, and you should hand it over to the country!" Xu Guohua's face has already changed, and he can no longer see the gentleness of the past. At this time, he is like a real monster, although he is still alive , but not angry at all.

He looked madly at the priests of the Kun Ming clan. He felt that he was a righteous hero for the country and the people, and the high priest and others were big villains who were anti-society and anti-country.

"Hand over to the country? The sacred object has been in your hands for so long, have you handed it in?" The high priest looked at Xu Guohua sarcastically.

Xu Guohua is just an ambitious person who uses the banner of the country to fulfill his ambitions. If he really has the heart to hand over the country, after so many years, if he really wants to hand in the morning, how could he return the sacred object? Keep it in your hands until now.

"I have no chance. I originally wanted to hand it in, but it controlled me and forced me to kill! I killed my wife and my son. I have no choice! I really have no choice!" Xu Guohua went crazy Generally waving the ax in his hand, shaking his head crazily like a psychopath.

"The Kunming Orb is a sacred object of our Kunming clan. Many years ago, our ancestors rescued a Kunpeng divine bird. In order to thank our ancestors, the divine bird gave our clan a drop of Kunpeng's essence blood and a Kunpeng inner core." Dan.

The blood essence has already been integrated into the blood of all members of our clan, and the inner alchemy has become a sacred object of our clan. You only know that if you get the sacred object, you will have the opportunity to explore the power of space, but you never thought that if you don’t have the Kunpeng essence Blood, then getting holy objects is a disaster rather than a blessing.

Sacred objects will trigger the evil in the deepest part of a person’s heart, making that person fall into the Shura Way, and never be able to get out. If you really handed it over to the country at the beginning, you might still be able to escape. Unfortunately, you are just a person under the banner of the country. A hypocrite, he personally pushed himself into the Shura Way, and incarnating as a Shura would never be able to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. "

The high priest's voice sounded like a thunderbolt to Xu Guohua's ears. He never knew that there was such a thing as Kunpeng's essence and blood in this world.

"Danzhu lied to me! She didn't tell me about Kunpeng's blood essence!" Xu Guohua roared with a ferocious face. (end of this chapter)