Heavenly Master

Chapter 97: Death Live (11)


The high priest's voice sounded like a thunderbolt to Xu Guohua's ears. He never knew that there was such a thing as Kunpeng's essence and blood in this world.

"Danzhu lied to me! She didn't tell me about Kunpeng's blood essence!" Xu Guohua roared with a ferocious face.

"You still have the face to mention Danzhu, because of your deception, Danzhu became a sinner of our clan and committed suicide in front of the holy beast statue, and Danzhu didn't know about Kunpeng's blood essence, she couldn't tell you at all. "When one of the priests thought of Danzhu's death, he hated Xu Guohua even more. Danzhu was such a good girl, but she ruined her life for a scumbag.

Not only ruined herself, but also almost ruined the peaceful life of the whole family.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, hurry up and take back the holy object, and take him back to the clan for punishment." The high priest smiled coldly, the face with the mysterious pattern painted with cold killing intent.

"Yes, High Priest." Xu Guohua didn't even have the ability to resist with the Kunming clansmen who studied space here. After all, Xu Guohua himself couldn't use the power of space. The reason why such a strange space was formed was precisely It is because of the sacred objects of the Kun Ming clan.

Originally, even if Xu Guohua was affected by the holy object and fell into the Asura Hell, it would not be like this. It was all because he used the piece of Beiming black iron to forge the axe, and embedded the holy object orb into the axe.

The holy thing drank blood, which made the power of the holy thing out of control, and formed such a space, which trapped other people who entered this place, and also trapped Xu Guohua, making him unable to leave this house for the rest of his life.

If he hadn't met the Kunming Clan to take back the sacred objects, Xu Guohua would have been trapped in these houses all his life, his time would have stopped forever, and he couldn't die even if he wanted to.

Xu Guohua himself has always coveted the longevity method of the Kun Ming clan, and he has fulfilled his dream in a certain way, and can live forever in this house forever.

The Kunming Orb itself is a holy object of the Kunming clan, it is impossible for it to help Xu Guohua harm the Kunming clansmen.

For others, it is very difficult to deal with Xu Guohua who possesses the Kunming orb. If he accidentally loses his life, it is not difficult for the priests of the Kunming clan.

Xu Guohua was taken down by the Kunming people without even a chance to resist.

The sacred object finally returned to the Kunming clan, and Xu Guohua committed many murder cases. Over the years, no less than a hundred people died in his hands.

The reason why the police have nothing to gain in this place every time is because it is daytime every time they come, the power of the holy object will be relatively weakened during the day, and comrades in the police have righteous energy to protect the body, and when the power of the holy object is weakened At that time, they were naturally not affected by holy objects.

The other ordinary people who came here to explore were not so lucky. They didn't have a healthy body, and they were all a group of bold young people. Except for some lucky people who left without going up to the second floor, most of them As long as a person goes up to the second floor, there will be no return.

In fact, more than 30 years ago, the Alliance of Cultivators dispatched the Celestial Masters of Liangyi to deal with Xu Guohua. Unfortunately, even the Celestial Masters of Liangyi were seriously injured in Xu Guohua's hands. Kill each other in the space, and finally the house was sealed.

Some time ago, there was a deadly webcaster who found out somewhere that the house had been haunted for decades. Regardless of the fact that the house had been sealed off, he sneaked in to broadcast live. This started a series of deadly webcasters. event.

Originally, according to the rules, Xu Guohua was to be taken to the Dragon Group, and the Dragon Group would deal with him, but the Kunming tribe insisted on taking him away, and the high priest of the Kunming tribe also promised that Xu Guohua would never be allowed to live. Chance.

After thinking for a while, Li Chen agreed to let the high priest of the Kunming clan take Xu Guohua away on behalf of the dragon group.

Xu Guohua was taken away, and this house will probably return to tranquility in the future, and there will be no more strange legends.

Nie Wei didn't say a word after Li Chen brought people in, and stood on the sidelines from a distance the whole time. These black-clothed men all had powerful spatial power fluctuations on their bodies, and they were not ordinary people at first glance.

And it was not the first time that Li Chen and Nie Wei had met, anyway, thanks to Li Chen's blessing, he finally escaped a catastrophe.

As for Li Na, she thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect to be rescued, and it was a handsome and picturesque young man who saved her.

The boy's features are picturesque, his eyes are as clear as a stream in the mountains, and his temperament is even more refined, like a fairy who is far away from the world. Li Na is almost infatuated with such a boy who looks like a fairy.

Compared with this young man, her former suitors are simply stinky shit in a latrine, unbearably vulgar.

The dialogue between the monster and the man in black made Li Na feel that this world is so unbelievable, that there really is a legendary bird in this world.

There are also the Kunming clan that has never been heard of, the sacred objects of their clan, etc., all of which made Li Na amazed.

"Knowing too much is not a good thing, let's forget about it." Li Chen looked at Li Na who was still in a nympho, stretched out his index finger, and pointed towards the center of his eyebrows. Li Na only felt that something was leaving her, and immediately Just passed out.

"Are you okay?" He was no stranger to Nie Wei Lichen, but still admired Nie Wei Lichen.

Of course, what he appreciates is her talent and strength. Among the younger generation of cultivators, Nie Wei's cultivation speed is definitely far faster than that of her peers, even compared to him.

The master said that he was born with the root of Buddha, and he was born with the golden light of merit. It was because of too much merit. When he was born, his physical body was too weak, and he was almost crushed to death by his own merit. Fortunately, he met Master. Taught him the method of practice, and he was able to control the power of his own merits for his own use.

Since then, my health has been getting better and better, and I have never been sick again.

There is nothing special about Nie Wei. She was able to rely on her own talent to cultivate to the current mirror world, which shows how high Nie Wei's talent is.

Seeing a young generation with such a high talent, although Li Chen gave people the feeling of being desolate and unworldly, he would still express his concern. If this girl made any mistakes, it would be the loss of the cultivators in this world.

Nie Wei shook his head, "It's nothing serious, it's just a small injury, just take care of it."

Li Chen admired Nie Wei even more. He had met injured female cultivators before, but the other party always had a slight injury, so they threw themselves on him.

Li Chen just thought it was strange, why he had to rub his chest and back even if he only hurt his shoulder, his feet weren't hurt, right

The bewildered Master Li Chen never thought that he was being seduced. (end of this chapter)