Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 106: [What a ruthless method! ]


In the quiet laboratory, Shi Gaofei was sitting in a wheelchair. On the metal table in front of him, a transparent instrument was filling a small blood pool with various additives.

On the huge transparent display screen above, various data are displayed quickly as the medicine is reflected. Shi Gaofei's face was serious. He quickly raised his fingers and pressed various buttons to list all possible analysis results of the data.

Gradually, his expression began to show a hint of solemnity, and his eyes gradually became hot, with a hint of excitement and excitement.

At this moment, the door behind him slowly opened automatically, and there was the sound of gentle footsteps.

After Shi Gaofei was disturbed by the footsteps, there was a hint of dissatisfaction on his face. He frowned and without moving his head, he said coldly: "I remember I said that after I walk into the laboratory, no one can disturb me!"

A smiling voice came from behind: "Am I no exception?"

Hearing this voice, a trace of helplessness appeared on Shi Gaofei's face. The scientific madman snorted, and the wheelchair under him automatically turned around slowly to face the visitor.

"Well, I've known for a long time that if you dare not abide by the rules I set and break into my laboratory, you are the only daring guy on the entire island!"

Shi Gaofei stared at the visitor.

The visitor smiled freely, with a very elegant smile on his clean and handsome face, but even when he was smiling, there was still a hint of coldness in his eyes that could not be erased. This made his originally friendly smile look a little weird.

"What's wrong? You've finished your work in South America? Why do you come to me when you have time?" Shi Gaofei casually pressed a button on the armrest of the wheelchair. Soon, a glass table automatically stretched out from a metal cabinet next to it. There were two glass vessels inside, containing bright red wine.

"I remember, you shouldn't drink alcohol in the laboratory, right?" The visitor was still smiling.

"Stop talking nonsense, any rules are useless to you." Shi Gaofei snorted.

Then, he raised his eyelids and stared at the visitor: "Thunder Fox, every time you come to me, you always bring me some trouble, big or small! What's the reason for this time?"

Thunder Fox, the jack of spades in this service club, slowly walked to the wine cabinet, picked up the wine bottle with three fingers, unscrewed the lid and smelled it, then smiled softly: "It's a very good collection."

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense! What on earth do you want?" Shi Gaofei glanced at the big screen above his head: "I'm very busy now."

Lei Hu narrowed his eyes, and then sighed: "I'm not here this time to bring you any trouble... That boy, has he been to the island? Has he seen you too?"

Shi Gaofei smiled: "Are you here for him? Yes, he has been here. I have also seen him and conducted a thorough inspection on him. Unfortunately, when he came, you were no longer on the island. superior."

Lei Hu listened and was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"My friend, this is no coincidence!"

"Not a coincidence?"

After a long silence, Shi Gaofei frowned.

"Yes, it's not a coincidence." Lei Hu shook his head: "Someone deliberately arranged this, but he chose to send me out when he came to the island!"

Shi Gaofei's face looked a little ugly, but he immediately spoke resolutely: "I don't want to hear this! I have already said that I have never wanted to participate in the things in your committee, and I will never want to participate in the future! Hmph... infighting! It's everywhere. !”

"Things are not that simple." Lei Hu shrugged his shoulders, seemingly relaxed: "Actually... it may not be some internal fighting, but we have some disagreements, and some people took advantage of loopholes and deliberately Some of the naysayers stepped aside — like me.”

Shi Gaofei's eyes changed a little, but he still shook his head: "Why are you talking to me about this? You know my consistent principles!"

"My friend!" Lei Hu took a few steps closer. He looked at Shi Gaofei seriously: "Some things are not as simple as you think. I have to say that you are a genius, but it is only limited to your own abilities. Domain! Your city is still too shallow."

"I'm a scientist, I don't need a city." Shi Gaofei still shook his head.


As if he heard something ridiculous, Lei Hu laughed loudly on purpose.

Then, he no longer looked into Shi Gaofei's eyes, but turned his head to look at the screen above, and said leisurely: "I know you don't want to hear this, but what if what I want to say has something to do with the 'purification' potion?"

Sure enough, as a science geek, what Shi Gaofei has been thinking about lately is to study Chen Xiao's blood and then reversely deduce the ingredients of the purification potion!

This is almost his biggest problem recently!

His eyes immediately became very concerned: "What do you want to say? What happened to the purification potion? Do you... have any information on this?"

When he said the last sentence, his voice trembled a little.

Lei Hu slowly walked to the metal test bench with the wine bottle in hand, and then sat up carelessly. The position where he sat was less than 20 centimeters away from the instrument next to him.

This move immediately flashed a trace of dissatisfaction in Shi Gaofei's eyes, but he endured it and said patiently: "What about the purification potion... what information do you have in your hand?"

"We have a problem internally!"

Lei Hu took a sip of wine, and then sighed as if after recollection.

Then, he glanced at Shi Gaofei. Shi Gaofei immediately understood. He quickly pressed a button and said with a cold face: "Okay! No one can hear every word we say here! You'd better speak quickly! If you What you said is nonsense, then I guarantee that you will never step into my laboratory again! And you will never get any new equipment from me again!"

"Biological warehouse!"

Leihu spit out these three words quickly.

He glanced at Shi Gaofei: "That blue-blooded girl's biological warehouse! I brought it back from Chen Xiao's house."

He seemed to be smiling unfathomably: "You should remember that the report I submitted was very clear: the purification agent that Chen Xiao was infected with was actually hidden in the biological warehouse, but we didn't You know, but that kid Chen Xiao found him, right?"

"That's right." Shi Gaofei said lightly, with some dissatisfaction in his tone: "This matter is your responsibility! What the hell! Two outstanding members of the field team were sent to monitor Chen Xiao, but they never thought that the potion was hidden in In the biological warehouse? But Chen Xiao found it first! This kind of mistake is simply incompetent!"

"That's not the case." Lei Hu shook his head, and his face became serious: "Shi Gaofei, the truth is: even me, everything was concealed!"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did that child know to open the secret compartment at the bottom of the biological warehouse? He is just an ordinary child. In his eighteen-year-old life, he has never seen such a sophisticated instrument! How did he know to check the bottom? Then it’s as if he already knew there was something hidden at the bottom!” Shi Gaofei sneered coldly: “Someone told him!”


"There's something wrong with Hong Qi."

Lei Hu hesitated for a moment and finally spoke.

He was sneering: "None of us knew that the potion was hidden at the bottom of the biological warehouse! But Hong Qi knew it! It was she who told that boy and prompted him to check the bottom of the biological warehouse!"

"What else?" Shi Gaofei frowned: "Besides, how did you know? It couldn't have been that girl from Hong Qi who told you herself!"

"Listen to me first!"

Shi Gaofei said lightly: "I didn't know that at first, but later, I carefully read the diary left by Chen Xiao's mother. Obviously, there was a message at the back of the diary! That message was not for Chen Xiao Xiao, but for Heisan! In other words, Heisan should have read that diary!"

Shi Gaofei's eyes immediately lit up!

"I checked later and found that the diary had been placed in the dark compartment at the base of the biological warehouse together with the purification potion!" Lei Hu's smile was a little strange, and he sneered: "Then the first question arises: since Black Three After seeing the diary, it is impossible for her to only see the diary but not the purification potion! Because the two things are basically put together! Right? "

"That makes sense!" Shi Gaofei's eyes also lit up.

"Of course, there is also a possibility that the diary was not originally placed with the potion, but... the biological warehouse was entrusted to Heisan by Chen Xiao's parents back then! In other words, I guess, even if the diary was not originally placed with the potion, But it can only be Hei San who put the life under the base with her own hands! So, no matter how to explain it... there is only one conclusion: Hei San, there is absolutely no way that she does not know the existence of the potion!"

Shi Gaofei's breathing began to quicken.

"Heisan is one of our people. Although she is the lowest level of the third group, she should know a lot of things that she should know! With her knowledge, it is impossible not to know the importance of that potion! But she concealed it and did not report it !" Lei Hu pursed his lips and smiled: "Then, that leads to the next question!"

"This is a naked act of betrayal." Shi Gaofei shouted dissatisfied: "Damn it! That potion is so important! Hei San... I have read the report on Chen Xiao. Although Hei San has a personal relationship with his parents, But first of all, she is a member of the organization! We all swore an oath!! Such a major matter was concealed and not reported... "

"What if she reported it?" Lei Hu said lightly: "What if there is such a possibility that she reported it, but the report was not handed over to me! But to someone else?"

Leihu's voice was very cold: "Heisan has received training from me, and I know her character. Although she pays attention to feelings, generally speaking, she will not do such things that damage the interests of the organization because of personal relationships. Therefore, I guess that she did not hide it, but reported it truthfully, but who gave the content of the report to... anyway, it was not me!"

Lei Hu continued to sneer: "Let's analyze it further. Think about it carefully: At the beginning, we just regarded this matter as a general incident of violating regulations and accepting entrustments privately. Black Three also received certain punishments. Punishment. However, even if the organization did not pay attention to this matter, but... According to our procedures, since Hong Qi and Black Qi were later sent to monitor and protect Chen Xiao, how could it be possible that no one was sent to inspect the biological warehouse? "

His voice was very mysterious: "Even if we didn't pay attention to it before, according to the procedures, checking the biological warehouse is an inevitable step! But, since it has been checked, why can't we detect the potion from under the biological warehouse?"

Shi Gaofei was finally stunned.

"According to the procedure, the person who inspects the biological warehouse is the person who monitors and protects Chen Xiao! In other words, it is either Black Seven or Red Seven! Both of them are suspects."

Lei Hu leisurely said: "But based on the development of things later, Hei Qi was ruled out as a suspect because she obviously didn't know about it. Because she was the one who discovered that Chen Xiao had taken out the potion from under the biological warehouse. She was shocked and rashly He broke into Chen Xiao's home, which resulted in the leakage of the medicine. Chen Xiao was infected by the medicine, and Hei Qi lost his powers as a result. From this point of view, Hei Qi is innocent."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Then, the matter becomes clear: Hong Qi is suspected!"

"Have you... investigated?" Shi Gaofei frowned. He knew very well the character and methods of the friend in front of him. What he calls "investigation" is actually an interrogation!

"Yes, I have investigated it." Lei Hu sighed: "Old friend, if you think about it carefully, there was a problem with Hei San first. She did not give the report to me, but to someone else - I suspected it was other high-level officials in the committee. Then, something went wrong with Red Seven. Red Seven also concealed the situation and failed to report truthfully to me. You know, I am Red Seven’s direct leader. One is Black Three, and the other is Red Seven. Both of them are outstanding members of the field team, and they can allow field personnel from two different teams to commit such a serious violation of regulations at the same time... Do you think it may be the private behavior of the two people? If we talk about the black three, There is still reason to do this, because she may do it for the sake of personal friendship with Chen Xiao’s parents. But what about Hong Qi? Hong Qi’s eight generations of ancestors have nothing to do with Chen Xiao’s family!”

"What are the results of your investigation?" Shi Gaofei asked in a deep voice.

When Lei Hu heard this, he hesitated for a while, then took a swig of wine, and then said dullly:

"Hong Qi, dead."

died? ? ?

Shi Gaofei immediately widened his eyes!

"Suicide." Lei Hu said calmly: "I noticed something was wrong about this matter, so I started to let her continue to supervise Chen Xiao without alerting the snake. But then, a few days ago, after I transferred her back, I deliberately found an excuse to send her out. Go to South America with me. In South America, I controlled her secretly! I wanted to avoid some people! You should understand, right? After that, I interrogated her. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the interrogation, she Just committed suicide!"

Shi Gaofei's expression was awe-inspiring!

In any case, the death of a member of Group Seven is definitely not a small matter! Such a serious matter is enough to alarm the committee!

"Hong Qi's suicide at least proves one thing: there is definitely something wrong with this matter!!" Lei Hu said solemnly.

Shi Gaofei said nothing.

"Then, the only clue now is... Hei San!" Lei Hu smiled bitterly: "But after I came back today, I was looking for Hei San, but I was told that she was sent to Africa to perform a mission."

Shi Gaofei's eyes flashed: "What...what do you want to say?"

"I suddenly thought of a hypothetical possibility." Lei Hu's smile was a little bitter: "Black Three and Red Seven, as well as some people hidden in the upper echelons of our committee, secretly manipulated this matter and seriously violated the organization. regulations! Then, there is a possibility: the purification potion was likely to have been tampered with during the handling process! In other words - after Chen Xiao's parents gave it to Hei San, and when the potion was handed over to Chen Xiao. These two In the middle of this stage, the potion may have been controlled by someone! It may even have been studied, samples extracted, or even... "

There was a trace of deep worry in Lei Hu's eyes, and he suddenly bit his lip: "Shi Gaofei, let me ask you a question. If, I mean if! If, someone puts a purification potion in front of you now, you Can I make a copy of it?"

Shi Gaofei thought for a while: "It's entirely possible! My only difficulty is that I can't figure out the formula and ingredients of the purification potion. If there is a ready-made product in front of me, I can easily analyze its ingredients and ingredients. ! Then, as long as you get the formula and ingredient ratio, it is very simple to copy! Even... it is not difficult to copy in large quantities!"

Lei Hu sighed: "This is what worries me most: since you can copy it, can't others? The potion has been controlled by some people we don't know for a period of time, so... it is very possible that the secret of the potion has long been known It’s been leaked!”

"This is impossible!" Shi Gaofei immediately shook his head: "The person I am talking about copying is myself! In the entire service agency, the only one with this kind of ability and technical conditions can do it here!"

"Yes, you are the only one in the service club who has this kind of ability." Lei Hu nodded: "I have never doubted your ability, my friend! But... what if it is someone outside the service club? In this world, ability is more important than anything else. I’m afraid there are no people as strong as you, but it’s not like there aren’t people who are similar to you!”

Shi Gaofei's face suddenly turned pale!

Lei Hu's speculation led to a very terrifying inference!

Someone colluded with people within the service agency, concealed important information, and leaked the secret of the potion... Maybe he even colluded with outsiders! ! !

Such behavior... is a naked betrayal! !

The two looked at each other speechlessly, their expressions extremely ugly!

Suddenly, a red light was heard on the laboratory door, which symbolized an emergency!

Shi Gaofei frowned and pressed a button. Soon, the voice of Shi Gaofei's "waiter" came from the intercom on the door: "Mr. Shi Gaofei, it's an emergency. The committee has convened an emergency high-level meeting!"

"What happened?" Shi Gaofei asked calmly.

The waiter's voice came in: "I just received an urgent call from the African branch. The African branch was attacked by a large number of unidentified supernatural beings and suffered heavy losses. Four peripheral members were injured and six members were unfortunately killed. Among the dead were Got a member of the field team!”

"Field team? Who died?" Shi Gaofei asked subconsciously.

"It's Hei San, Mr. Shi Gaofei. Unfortunately, Hei San died for the organization."

After hearing the waiter's voice, Shi Gaofei and Lei Hu in the room looked at each other at the same time, and they both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes! !

Hong Qi committed suicide! Now Heisan is dead too!

So, as of now, all the clues are broken! !

Lei Hu's expression changed several times, and finally he whispered:

"What a ruthless method!"

"Are we going just like that?" Chen Xiao looked at Fenghuang, who had already changed his clothes, and the beautiful girl in front of him, and couldn't help but feel sweet in his heart.

Fenghuang smiled sweetly: "Of course, I'm worried about Yasha and the others running around. If they run away, it will be troublesome to find him again."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Fenghuang, I've always been curious, you... who are you? You said you know Yanhua, but I know that Yanhua has never met anyone for a second time! But you are an exception. Moreover, You seem to have great powers, and there is nothing you can't do... You are not from a service club or a club... What are you... "

Fenghuang sighed, looked at Chen Xiao, with a hint of pleading in his eyes, and said softly: "Chen Xiao, don't ask me, okay? In short, I won't hurt you. When it's time to tell you, I’ll tell you. You—you trust that I won’t hurt you, right?”

Chen Xiao looked at Phoenix's gentle smoke and nodded firmly: "Of course! Of course I believe you!"