Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 108: [underground]


The air-raid shelter was dark and damp. After a few people got out of the car, Chen Xiao, Fenghuang, and the four men in suits followed behind and walked inside together.

The four men in suits all wore detectors, and each of them held an electromagnetic gun as long as an automatic rifle in his hand - this look is very similar to "Men in Black", but in terms of appearance and temperament, they are different. Too far.

The air-raid shelter was like a spider web, but several people brought detectors and turned on the night vision function. Phoenix seemed to be very familiar with this place. She casually reported where to turn and where to go straight as she walked in.

"Before coming here, I memorized all the drawings of the air-raid shelter." Fenghuang smiled slightly.

After walking for more than ten minutes, there was a round iron lid in front of me, only big enough for one person to get in and out. The iron cover was rusty, and it was obvious that no one had touched it for a long time.

"This is the most secretive road leading to Yaksha's hiding place. The other roads are too dangerous. I'm afraid he will notice us before we get close. With Yaksha's ability, although I am not afraid of him, if he deliberately uses instant If he has the mobility to escape, I'm not sure I can catch him." Phoenix said, looking at Chen Xiao a little apologetically: "So, I want to wrong you and drill the hole with me."

She was right, because the road ahead was really just "drilling a hole".

After the fattest man from the west took out the iron pliers and broke the lock of the iron cover, a moldy and turbid smell immediately came from inside.

"This is the earliest underground pipeline in the city. It has been abandoned." Phoenix smiled bitterly, and then said to the four men in suits: "Don't go in, just wait here."

The fat man in the suit immediately frowned and said: "Miss Phoenix... I will accompany you in, I..."

"I still don't want it." Phoenix immediately refused: "I know your good intentions, but... let it go."

The man in the fat suit was a little frustrated: "I know, our abilities can't help you..."

Chen Xiao sounded a little weird... Aren't these four men known as "very famous" figures in the supernatural world? The four guys are all masters with unique skills, but why does Phoenix...

If Fenghuang doesn't explain, Chen Xiao won't ask. After the two of them got into the sewer one after another, Fenghuang, a clean and beautiful girl, seemed not to care about the dirty environment around her, but just stayed by Chen Xiao's side, smiling as gently as ever.

"Chen Xiao... Everything I do now is for one goal: your growth!"

After walking into the sewer, when there were only two of them, Fenghuang suddenly said such an abrupt sentence without any clue. Although it was abrupt, Chen Xiao heard an unprecedented solemnity and seriousness from this sentence.

After walking forward for a while, Fenghuang suddenly made a silent gesture to Chen Xiao, and then pointed forward...

There is a vague turning point in front, and the terrain seems to be slightly higher. A tiny bit of light came through slightly.

Chen Xiao listened carefully and could vaguely hear some movement, as if someone was moving.

Phoenix gently held Chen Xiao's hand, and then the two of them floated slightly, floating forward quietly, so as to avoid the movement of their feet from disturbing the people inside.

As the distance got closer, Fenghuang and Chen Xiao hid behind the corner. Fenghuang smiled slightly and cast a look at Chen Xiao, which meant: This is it.

She took out a mirror from her pocket and quietly stretched it out. From the mirror, Chen Xiao finally saw clearly what was going on inside.

There is actually a light here, but the light is very weak. There is only one weak light on, and it is the kind of lamp with low ultraviolet content.

In the mirror, the first person Chen Xiao saw was the poisonous girl Alice.

Alice sat on an old iron table with a gloomy face.

Inside is a space of about tens of square meters. The terrain here is slightly drier, but the air is still smelly and turbid. Alice frowned, looking very dissatisfied.

There were several rusty iron tables, probably the hub controls in the sewer, but they were old and rusted to death. Alice sat on the outermost one, and inside... Chen Xiao saw Yaksha!

Yaksha sat silently on an iron platform, and to Chen Xiao's surprise, he actually saw Yaksha's appearance!

Yasha held a ball of black cloth in his hand, as if wrapping himself with a bandage, and wrapped the long black cloth strips around his body bit by bit. He had been wrapped up to his chest, but the top of his neck and his face were just exposed!

With the faint light, Chen Xiao saw Yaksha's face clearly, and he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat!

What a face this is!

The simple word "ugly" seems to be unable to fully summarize it. But an extremely weird one!

His skin was even paler than that of an albino patient, so white that it had a hint of misery. However, his original nose and mouth seemed to have been seriously injured in his early years. It seemed as if they had been cut vertically from the middle with some kind of sharp instrument, almost cutting his nose and mouth in half! ! Although the wound had long since healed, his face was filled with a ferocious and terrifying aura.

He was very thin, very, very thin, and looked very unhealthy, almost frail.

What surprised Chen Xiao the most was that he had no hair, not even any hair on his face! The head and eyebrow frame are all bare, not even an eyebrow.

Especially his eyes!

Chen Xiao's first reaction was: Degeneration!

Yes, Yasha's eyes seemed to have deteriorated. It seemed that he never used his eyes, which made those eyes almost look like two vague gaps, and the thick eyelids seemed to be two pieces of weak skin hanging there. , you can’t see his eyes at all.

Unlike his eyes, his ears are very long and large. The large outline of the ears makes him look like... like an alien.

Probably because he relies on sound to locate his location, just like a bat. Therefore, the ability of the ears has been strengthened. The wide ear contour allows him to capture more sound wave vibrations.

Chen Xiao noticed that Alice was sitting less than ten steps away from Yaksha. Although she lowered her head, Chen Xiao caught that Alice was looking at Yaksha silently and coldly. There was no trace of anything in her eyes. Trust between peers may be warmth, but...

Very cold! Very cold! There is even a trace of fear, a trace of hatred, and a trace of hostility!

"Are you looking at me?"

Yasha suddenly spoke coldly.

"...No!" Alice was a little flustered and turned her head subconsciously, but then she realized that the other party was a blind man and couldn't see her own posture at all, so she plucked up the courage to stare at Yasha again.

"I know you are looking at me... even though I can't see it!" Yaksha smiled coldly, with the coldness in his voice that Chen Xiao was familiar with: "You little poisonous snake, don't think you can hide anything from me. !”

"I, I didn't." Alice was a little flustered and forced herself to calm down: "You are my boss now, how dare I..."

"I'm not your leader." Yasha said coldly: "You are not my companion either! I have never had a companion! I don't believe in so-called 'companions'! You'd better remember it and understand it for me." , our current relationship is: I am your protector! At the same time, I am also your master! Do you understand? Little Viper!"

His voice was unruly and lonely, but also contained a hint of ruthlessness.

There was a flash of anger in Alice's eyes, but more of it was fear. She shrank her head and hesitated: "...Yes! I will remember it."

"Humph! Companion? Such a ridiculous word..." Yasha pointed at his terrifying face: "You are afraid of me and my face, right? Little poisonous snake! This scar on my face , is what the so-called 'companion' left to me! So, you can call me master, or in your heart you can call me freak, call me smash, call me monster! However, don't even think about such ridiculous words as companion. ! Since I can protect you, I can also kill you!"

When he said the word "freak", his bald eyebrows twisted slightly, and his voice was filled with deep inferiority and distortion, but more importantly, it was filled with resentment! !

"I, I will remember." Alice quickly replied in a low voice.

"This thing failed because I didn't expect those three old monsters to take action..." Yasha said coldly: "Humph, just killing an ordinary person actually led to the intervention of several superpower masters. . ”

"Then the client would have known in advance..." Alice said hesitantly.

"I never care about this! As long as the client can afford the conditions, I don't care about anything." Yasha sneered.

Chen Xiao heard this and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

Client? kill

Kill Xiao Hongpao

Chen Xiao didn't understand, how could Xiao Hongpao, a gangster, provoke a person with supernatural powers

Or does all this have something to do with the old man of the Xu family? Because from what happened before, it seems that the old man of the Xu family has something to do with the supernatural organization...

"Little Viper, don't worry." Yasha finally wrapped a black cloth around his head and said calmly: "I am your master now! You are my slave... Hum, it turns out I have two slaves in my hand. , but that Tyrannosaurus rex guy is gone now, I will cherish you very much! I have always cherished my property! Hahahaha!"

After a pause, he changed the topic and became gloomy, and said with a cold smile: "Little Viper, I know you hate me in your heart, but I know the fear in your heart even more! Hahahahahaha! What a wonderful thing, you While you hate me in your heart, you have to need my protection! Because without my protection, you will die! Those enemies of the Black Knight, those who want to kill you, will tear you into pieces! Hahahaha... "

Listening to this guy's sneer, Chen Xiao only had one thought in his mind: This guy has a perverted mentality!

Alice didn't dare to speak, she just looked at this guy secretly, her eyes full of fear.

She wanted to kill this terrible guy more than once, and she deeply regretted it...

However, except for this fierce man with a good reputation in the world of supernatural powers, she seemed to have no one to protect her... She stared at Yaksha carefully, thinking more than once: The space in this place is very small, maybe she You can cut your own muscles and let the blood flow out. Then, maybe you can make a little fire to barbecue, and then... the toxins in the blood evaporate in the air, maybe you can kill this pervert...

But she didn't dare! I just don’t dare!

Yasha Jiejie's sneer continued for a while, then suddenly stopped. He suddenly raised his voice and shouted in a sharp voice: "Who is sneaking around! Get out of here!!"

After saying this, Chen Xiao suddenly lost his temper!

Discovered? !

But just as he was about to walk out, Phoenix behind him was holding his clothes. While Chen Xiao was hesitating, he heard a cold voice coming from a sewer passage on the other side of Yasha's hiding place.

"Hmph, Yaksha is indeed Yaksha. Even though he is blind, his ears are still so sensitive!"

Chen Xiao felt something in his heart. Besides himself, was there anyone else here? !

But when he glanced at Fenghuang, Fenghuang didn't show any surprise at all. He looked calm and winked at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao continued to peek through the mirror and saw two figures slowly walking out of the entrance to the sewer passage.

Two men were walking side by side, wearing old-fashioned suits and old-fashioned top hats, with long brim covering their faces.

As soon as the two people walked out, they could immediately feel a strong and cold breath, like ice and snow, rushing toward their faces!

Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up!

These two guys are exactly the same two weirdos who came to the coffee shop to ask for a commission last night! Moreover, he seems to know Gonggong!