Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 110: [Self-mutilation]


These two weirdos seem to be twin brothers, but it is obvious that the guy in the top hat on the right is the real leader. Although he rarely speaks, when he speaks, he always uses commands. After hearing this, the top hat man on the left nodded immediately and said without hesitation: "Okay! Then kill them all!"

As soon as he said the words, he raised his hand and a whistling cold air hit his face!

Chen Xiao's eyes widened fiercely, and his telepathy quickly spread out, trying to form a telepathy barrier in front of him.

Suddenly, an invisible umbrella seemed to appear in front of him. This surging cold air hit it, and a loose white frost airflow suddenly appeared.

But before Chen Xiao had time to feel proud, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

The man in the top hat on the left raised his hand to release this cold air. Although the mass of ice and snow that could be seen with the naked eye was blocked by telepathy, Chen Xiao suddenly felt his whole body trembling. He secretly thought that it was not good, but it was already too late. .

Where he stood, front and back, up and down, in the space of the sewer, the surrounding walls had quickly spread a white frozen color, and even Chen Xiao's hair and clothes had a layer of frost instantly appearing!


Chen Xiao reacted quickly in his heart, but he felt that his body was already stiff and his arms were frozen to death. He twisted hard and made a clicking sound.

"Hmph! Last time I saw you, I knew you were a newbie." The man in the top hat on the left looked at Chen Xiao, who was covered with a layer of frost - the frost was getting thicker and thicker, gradually forming a layer of ice crystals : "Use telekinesis to deal with me? Humph! Telekinesis can block all tangible substances, but it cannot block temperature! Stupid boy, temperature is invisible!"

He smiled coldly, flicked his fingers quickly, and released the cold air quickly. In just a few breaths, Chen Xiao was frozen into an iceman. Chen Xiao's whole body was frozen. Covered with a thick layer of ice, he looked like an ice sculpture.

Alice, who was kneeling on the ground, was already desperate. She suddenly saw Chen Xiao rushing in, and she had a glimmer of hope in her heart. Although Chen Xiao and she were enemies rather than friends, after all, this kid was far less scary than the two top hat men.

The man in the top hat on the left just made a move and froze Chen Xiao, with a look of disdain on his face: "People from the service club only send some children out now, don't they?"

Phoenix never showed up, and the man in the top hat on the left looked down at the painfully struggling Yaksha at his feet: "This is the last chance, Yaksha, are you willing to do it?"

Before Yasha finished speaking, suddenly, the man in the top hat on the left felt his hand tighten. He turned around and saw his companion. The man in the top hat on the right suddenly said coldly:

"not dead!"


"That kid is not dead!" The top hat man on the right had a strange look in his eyes and snorted.


The huge ice sculpture in front suddenly made a crisp clicking sound. You can clearly see with the naked eye that cracks spread quickly on the huge ice layer, and the ice surface is covered with traces of cracks. The crack spread rapidly and was still expanding.

Finally, bang! !

The ice cubes shattered, and countless broken ice shards were scattered on the ground. Chen Xiao inside was like a tiger that had escaped from its cage. He shouted loudly and burst the ice!

After struggling to shake off the ice on his body, Chen Xiao took a few deep breaths and stared closely at the two guys in front of him.

I was indeed careless just now... After being sealed by ice, even if I don't freeze to death, I'm afraid I will suffocate to death.

Fortunately... Fortunately, I still have B-level strength. In desperation, I used pure brute force to burst the ice that sealed me.

Once Chen Xiao was out of trouble, he rushed forward without stopping at all. He was extremely powerful. With a kick of his feet, he jumped into the air and rushed forward like a cannonball. He clenched his fist with his right hand. Falling in the air, he punched the top hat man on the left hard on the head!

The man in the top hat on the left was also startled, raised his hand, and quickly released an ice shield above his head, but Chen Xiao's B-level power blasted through the ice shield with one punch!

The fist was about to hit the top hat man on the left, but at this moment...

The top hat man on the right suddenly sneered!


This "hum" sound seemed like a heavy hammer hitting Chen Xiao's heart. This feeling made him feel so weird that he almost vomited blood. It was as if his heartbeat suddenly became disordered. In mid-air, the person couldn't help but staggered, his movements became a little chaotic, and even slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man in the top hat on the left quickly took two steps back, still holding the hand of the brother beside him, but took two steps back, just in time to make way for Chen Xiao's fist...


Chen Xiao punched the wall behind where the two of them were standing, and a deep hole was immediately created in the brick wall!

The man in the top hat on the left frowned and stared at Chen Xiao: "Yi? Telepathy plus strength? Is this guy a dual-power user?"

The man in the top hat on the right shook his head: "It doesn't look like that."

The man in the top hat on the left snorted: "Just a kid."

After saying that, I saw what seemed to be a white light emitting from his eyes, and then centered on where he was standing, a strong cold air spread instantly!

In just a moment, the temperature in this place seemed to drop by an unknown number of degrees in an instant. I saw a patch of white frost quickly appearing on the ground, walls and overhead. Then I heard a few clicks, even on the walls. Those aging metal pipes were actually frozen to pieces under the strong cold!

Such an instant strong cold made Chen Xiao feel that all movements in his body seemed to be difficult. The sudden influx of cold made the blood in his whole body almost freeze, and it became difficult to breathe. Every time he took a breath, his lungs tightened. My whole body was so cold that it stung badly! !

Chen Xiao gritted his teeth, reluctantly raised his hand, and waved his palm vigorously towards the man in the top hat!


Two invisible thoughts shot over!

Mind cutting!

At Chen Xiao's current level, his mind power can not only control some objects, but can also form sharp air-cutting power, and even tree trunks can be cut in two!

But the man in the top hat just sneered, and with a slight flip of his palm, an ice shield in front of him blocked Chen Xiao's telekinesis. Although the ice shield was divided into several pieces, it successfully blocked Chen Xiao's attack.

Chen Xiao snorted and felt that his lungs were almost frozen. He couldn't help but feel a little unsteady on his feet. He swayed, but at a glance he saw the metal pipes on the wall and the iron tables in this place...

"Blow it up!"

He burst out these three words from his voice!

boom! !

Metal molecule explosion control!

Under the forcible detonation of the supernatural power, the metal sewer pipes that had been sealed by frost and the surrounding iron platforms suddenly made a roaring explosion! The explosion caused by the explosion of metal molecules immediately shattered the ice!

The fire started to surge!

Seeing the fire engulfing the two men in top hats, the man in top hats who controlled the cold air just exclaimed in surprise and quickly rounded his palms, and a sheet of ice immediately enveloped the two of them...

There are a lot of metal pipes in this narrow space. Chen Xiao's ability to explode metal molecules at this moment has an effective range just enough to cover the entire area here. Although his ability is not able to detonate all the metal, it has also triggered Quite an explosion.

The firelight immediately dispelled the cold air here, making Chen Xiao feel relieved. He panted, staggered back two steps, and leaned against the wall. However, when the fire faded, the two men in top hats were still standing in the ice!

The ice protecting the two of them was broken, but the man in the top hat on the left made a weird posture - he seemed to be like a female animal, hugging the man in the top hat on the right tightly, and even turned around His body used his back to block the impact of all metal explosions!

On his back, the suit was torn, many places were scorched by the fire from the explosion, and blood was already flowing in some places. Fortunately, it was sealed by ice, but it looked quite shocking just like that.

The man in the top hat on the left had a complex expression. He turned around and carefully looked at the brother next to him who was being protected by him. Seeing that the man in the top hat on the right was intact, he seemed relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

But he frowned and looked at Chen Xiao: "This boy knows so many things! When did the service agency produce such a little monster? The move to detonate metal just now was the black knight Qiu Yun's special move, right?"

The top hat man on the right still looked so cold. Although his companion next to him was injured trying to protect himself, he didn't seem to have any mood swings. He just glanced at his companion indifferently: "How are you?"

"It's okay." The cold eyes of the man in the top hat on the left showed a hint of concern: "You..."

"It's okay." The man in the top hat on the right replied coldly. Then he stopped looking at his companion and stared at Chen Xiao. His originally indifferent eyes suddenly released an eager gaze, staring at Chen Xiao. , as if a miser suddenly saw a large piece of diamond.

"What do you think of this kid?" he said coldly.

The man in the top hat on the left was stunned for a moment: "...very good."

"Okay, take him back. He is more valuable than Yasha." The top hat man on the right said coldly: "If you can't deal with him, I will do it!"

The man in the top hat on the left hesitated: "But your body..."

"It's okay." The man in the top hat on the right suddenly sounded a little stern and replied coldly, but the man in the top hat on the left seemed to be a little afraid and quickly closed his mouth.

Although Chen Xiao felt a little weird, he was not really injured after all. He was just frozen for a while and his body felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the two of them now, he clenched his fists: "What? Do you want to fight again?"

The man in the top hat on the right suddenly smiled.

This was the first time he laughed. He looked like he was crying, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and there was an indescribable weirdness in the corners of his eyes.

Chen Xiao was a little flustered for no reason by his laughter. He couldn't help but feel irritated. He shouted loudly and rushed forward first, raising his hand and punching him.

But he had just taken a step when he saw the man in the top hat on the right suddenly raised a finger, and then stabbed it hard...



The person he poked was not Chen Xiao! But, himself! !

The finger stabbed hard on his own shoulder, pounced, pierced hard, and immediately poked a deep bloody hole! Blood spurted out, like a blood arrow!

Such a weird behavior made Chen Xiao stunned.

This guy...does he want to harm himself before fighting

What kind of weird habit is this

But as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly screamed in pain, and there was a sharp pain in his left shoulder. His originally upright body could not help but stagger a few steps to the side!

Chen Xiao looked at his shoulder again, but he didn't know when there was a blood hole! Blood spurted out from the bloody wound. The injury was just under the joint of the shoulder. The position was so precise that one of his arms suddenly went limp! !

He was horrified and inexplicably raised his head to stare at the man in the top hat on the right.