Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 115: [Civil Struggle (Part 1)]


In the circular conference room, all the screens symbolizing the twelve flower cards lit up.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Shi Gaofei glanced at the committee members hiding behind the screen as if subconsciously, and suddenly felt a sense of absurdity that he had never felt before in his heart.

Why...must we hide behind the screen

These committee members who sit at the top of the service club, whether they are J, Q, or K. These committee members who possess extraordinary abilities and hold the highest authority of the service society...

Of course, that includes myself.

Why can't we simply sit together at a table and talk like ordinary people do every time we have a meeting? It has to be made so mysterious every time, hidden behind a huge screen, and even the real sound has to be processed...

They... no, Ying Gao said it was us! What are we hiding from

To hide from the fear in your heart

Humph, they keep saying that we are all human beings, and people with super powers are also human beings. But in fact, it is within our own hearts that we don’t regard ourselves as human beings at all!

Thinking of this, Shi Gaofei glanced at another person attending the meeting beside him.

This person is not a "flower card". He is wearing a simple black uniform of a service agency, but he is not wearing a detector: according to the strict order of the headquarters, anyone entering this conference room is not allowed to bring any electronic equipment!

Shi Gaofei had never met the person next to him, but he already knew that this person came back from the African branch. He was a survivor and an eyewitness after the attack on the African branch.

Shi Gaofei was lost in thought when he heard a voice coming from the loudspeaker:

"Meeting, let's begin."

The lights showed that the one making the sound was the King of Spades.

"Today's meeting was held urgently, and luckily everyone attended. The theme of today's meeting is to urgently discuss the terrible incident in which the African branch was attacked by unknown persons, resulting in six deaths and four injuries to service members! And on the sixth Among the members who died unfortunately, a field worker was included! You know, I think everyone knows how serious the death of a field worker in the service club is!"

The voice of the King of Spades was cold, and the metal-mixed voice seemed to have no human emotion at all, just so cold and hard.

Afterwards, Spades K continued: "Because it is a special meeting, this meeting will specifically allow Mr. Shi Gaofei to attend and participate in the discussion. In addition, there will also be Mr. Robben who has been urgently transferred back from the African Division. He himself has been serving as the head of the African Division." As the liaison person in charge, he can personally explain to us some of what happened this time, so he is allowed to attend this meeting. If everyone has different opinions, you can talk about it now."

After a few seconds of silence...




After all the committee members confirmed, the King of Spades continued: "Then, let's start now. Let's play a video of information sent back from the African branch. After everyone has watched it, we will continue the discussion."

Soon, a large transparent screen slowly lowered from the ceiling of the circular conference room. After a flash of light, pictures began to appear on the screen.

The man named Robben sitting next to Shi Gaofei immediately stood up.

He is a serious-looking man who does not look too old. His skin is dark because he has been in Africa all year round. He immediately stood at the bottom of the screen, first bowing in the direction of the twelve surrounding screens. His waist was straight, like a javelin, and his expression was stern and solemn.

Soon, pictures began to appear on the screen, and in conjunction with the pictures, Robben began to tell what happened.

"Just three days ago, on the evening of Saturday, June 22nd, there were originally sixteen members in the branch. At that time, due to a mission in Johannesburg, South Africa, four members were mobilized to deal with it. So they stayed behind There are a total of twelve personnel, and the list of left-behind personnel is as follows: XX, XX, XX, XXX, XXXX... "

Robben reported a list of names very clearly: "This also includes Hei San of the field team. At that time, she was the only headquarters field staff left in the African branch."

A picture of the African branch appeared on the screen: at the foot of a certain hillside, there was a church-like building with a round roof and a Gothic architectural style. The gray walls were stained with many bright reds. There were bloodstains, and the building had turned into a wreckage in the picture. More than half of the main body of the building had collapsed. The ruins looked very miserable.

"In the evening of that day, I and two other companions just drove out and left the branch. We went to a village about 24 kilometers away from the branch to purchase some daily necessities. At the same time, we also had to conduct some daily liaison work External contact work. The outing of me and two other companions was approved by the branch procedure." Robben's voice was meticulous and serious, and he slowly told: "When we drove away, it was about six o'clock in the evening. , because the time agreed upon by our supplier in the town was around 6:30, and the attack occurred during this time period.

What happened at that time was this: After I and three other people drove away, about five minutes later, our detector received an alarm signal from the African branch! So we immediately gave up our plan to head to the town and drove around to try to get back to the branch. When we arrived, the battle was nearly over. "

When Robben was talking about this, he was interrupted by a voice, which was a Queen of Hearts.

The woman's voice mixed with metal asked slowly: "So in other words, it was six o'clock sharp when you left, and when you rushed back, it was only about ten minutes at most. The time of the battle, prediction If you come to see it, it will only take more than ten minutes at most?"

Robben thought about it seriously: "The actual situation will take a little longer, because the headquarters is located in a location where the surrounding roads are not easy to walk. Even if we drive, the speed is not fast. From the time we go out to the time we rush back, it takes about More than twenty minutes.”

"More than twenty minutes! From the beginning to the end of the battle? There were a total of twelve people left behind at that time. Excluding the three of you who went out to the surrounding towns, there were still nine people in the African branch at that time! Do you mean to tell us, In just over 20 minutes, the enemy broke through an African branch that was guarded by nine superpowers and had a certain amount of automatic defense power? In just 20 minutes, the enemy broke through the fortress of our African branch. ?”

The female voice of the Queen of Hearts finally showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Robben, who was questioned by her, was silent for a while and nodded: "Yes, that's true."

Then the Queen of Hearts raised a question to Shi Gaofei: "Mr. Shi Gaofei, you are an expert in the construction system of the African branch and the defense devices deployed during construction. Please explain it to everyone first. "

"Okay." Shi Gaofei leaned on his wheelchair and said calmly: "The main building of the African branch was completed six years ago. The project carried out at that time was approved by the committee. I will not give the budget for the theme building cost here. Having said that. In terms of defense power, the African branch has a complete set of defense equipment, including a large energy detection radar, and the coverage area fully meets the standards stipulated by the organization.

At the same time, a directional reaction electronic scanning instrument is installed on the periphery of the branch, with a scanning distance of two hundred meters. I must explain that this set of equipment was developed by me personally, and this set of directional scanning instruments is now being used at the headquarters on our home island! It's just an enlarged version.

In addition, in terms of attack methods, everyone can access the branch's architectural drawings at any time. A total of four electromagnetic guns are equipped on the periphery, and the two main entrances are equipped with explosion-proof electromagnetic shields! This electromagnetic shield can defend against most energy attacks, and its defense power has reached level A! Special nanomaterials are laid underground around it, and an electromagnetic network is connected to ensure that even people with the ability to travel cannot sneak in or get close without alerting us.

I think all the committee members here know the power of the electromagnetic reaction network that I personally developed, so I won’t go into details. Moreover, all these defense forces can be directly controlled from the main control room in the branch. I did a simulation test at the beginning of the design. According to my evaluation, even if the operator sitting in the control room is an incompetent person, Ordinary people with any special abilities, relying on the defensive power that can be controlled in the control room, can rely on equipment support for at least forty minutes, even if a large number of enemies attack. All members have seen the results of the original simulation test. "

Shi Gaofei finished speaking calmly and then closed his mouth.

The Queen of Hearts still seemed a little dissatisfied with the answer he provided, and asked: "So, Mr. Shi Gaofei, from your professional perspective, is this kind of invasion possible, or is there any doubt about it, or is it man-made?" Dereliction of duty…”

"Sorry." Shi Gaofei looked at the screen of the Q of Hearts, neither humble nor overbearing, and said calmly: "Ms. Q of the Hearts, I am just a simple scientific researcher. I can only provide some information I have. That's all! As for the specific matters These are not within the scope of my authority, and I will not make any guesses or assumptions. Therefore, I cannot answer your question."

After a pause, his voice seemed a little cold and dissatisfied, and he said coldly: "As for your hypothesis... I have to say that this kind of speculation has no value! Because no equipment can be perfect. Even the machine's No matter how powerful the ability is, it must always be controlled by people. So there will always be loopholes, which is inevitable. The word 'possible' you said is unpredictable! There are many possibilities, even if it is the main Carelessness in the control room and forgetting to turn on the main control power... may lead to complete failure of the equipment! Although this possibility is very low, what I mean is that I only provide information, not any 'guessing'."

He dared to contradict the Queen of Hearts, naturally because Shi Gaofei himself had a transcendent and special status in the service club. He had this qualification, but others were different.

The Queen of Hearts was obviously dissatisfied with Shi Gaofei's answer, and continued to ask Robben: "What about you? Mr. Robben, do you think that such an unusual incident occurs, as a member of the African branch, do you have anything to offer? Value advice?”

Robben's originally serious face immediately turned red. He gritted his teeth, obviously dissatisfied, but he endured the emotion in his heart and said slowly: "Members of the African branch work strictly in accordance with the regulations, so I I don’t think the problem in this matter lies with us! The possibility you mentioned... I don’t think it exists. I can personally guarantee that we have absolutely no malfeasance!”

The Queen of Hearts was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Please continue your report, Mr. Robben."

Robben's mood was no longer as calm as before, and his face was a little red. Then he resumed playing the tentative scene on the big screen and continued to speak slowly:

"When the three of us drove back to the branch, the branch's main entrance No. 1 had been breached, the electromagnetic net and shield had completely failed, the electromagnetic gun was destroyed, and the main entrance was blown up. The enemy was fighting with our members Fierce fighting. Based on the situation at the time, I can confirm that the number of invaders was more than twenty. At least that's it!

I was wearing a portable detector at the time, but according to the detector, we could not confirm the identity of the intruder because the intruder was obviously wearing a device that blocked detection. Moreover, even if the opponent's power level cannot be confirmed, our detectors still cannot determine the opponent's identity: because almost all intruders, regardless of appearance, body shape, ability characteristics, etc., everything, our database There is no record! We even lost the auxiliary judgment of the database! It can be said that most of the invaders are a group of strangers, a group of people with supernatural powers that we have never known. "