Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 14: [Purification]


Hei Qi's expression instantly became distorted. She seemed to want to reach out and grab it, but seeing the test tube shattering, Hei Qi's eyes showed a trace of indescribable horror! Then she screamed, her body seemed to be electrocuted and she jumped out with all her strength... That panicked expression seemed to be extremely afraid of the exposed blue liquid! What was originally a scream of surprise quickly turned into panic and fear!

The azure liquid was exposed to the air, and it suddenly evaporated as if in just a moment. After the liquid came into contact with the air, it turned into a light blue mist in just the blink of an eye. Then the joy merges crazily with the air...

The speed of spread is even unimaginable!

In just one breath, Hei Qi's body jumped to the other side of the living room like a frightened rabbit. She seemed to want to jump out of the broken window, but with such agile movements, she still couldn't move faster than the blue mist. The speed of spread!

The blue mist seemed to have some kind of faint feeling, and it seemed to catch up with Hei Qi directly, as if Hei Qi carried something that attracted her the most...

A tiny bit of blue mist quickly stained Hei Qi's palm that was exposed to the air. Then Hei Qi screamed in pain as if being burned by fire, and saw on her palm, The blood vessels under the skin suddenly burst out at the same time, as if countless tiny blood vessels were almost forced to burst!

The blood vessels vomited out and bulged, spreading quickly into her body under the leather jacket, and then began to appear on her neck...

In just a few breaths, the powerful Hei Qi seemed to have been drained of all his strength. His body tilted and he fell softly, lying on the ground. His body was still twitching desperately. On his originally beautiful face, The blood vessels emerged clearly...

Chen Xiao had already sat down on the ground. He was surprised to see the sudden change in the woman who broke into his home. While he was in shock, he suddenly felt a strong burning on his palm. feel!

Looking down, he saw that on the palm of his hand that had been cut by the test tube fragments, a trace of blue liquid had flowed into his wound. The original cut wound seemed to have a little blue beginning to spread faintly. He He rubbed his hands subconsciously, but the blue color seemed to have penetrated deeply into his skin and could not be removed no matter how hard he rubbed it.

Soon, Chen Xiao felt that his entire hand had completely lost all feeling - this was not numbness in a simple sense, but he could not feel the existence of his hand at all! Soon, this feeling began to spread along the palm of the hand to the wrist and forearm. Chen Xiao was also a little panicked, but he was powerless to stop it!

He finally fell down powerlessly, and the blue color had spread to his body. The feeling of not being able to feel his own body, as if he had turned into a vegetative state. He could only lie down powerlessly, and finally even the muscles on his face were lost. Under control, his mouth opened slightly, and his saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

In the room, the blue mist seemed to be still floating.

Chen Xiao looked helplessly at the woman in black lying a few meters away from him. Fortunately, the terrifying appearance did not last long, and soon the bulging blood vessels on her face, neck, and wrists disappeared. Down, but the blue gas came out of her body again - it was as if something in her body had been evaporated!

The atmosphere at this moment was very strange. Chen Xiao's body was not under his control. He could only watch the blue mist, as if he had found the next target, and it happily jumped towards him - it seemed to be unattractive, like iron filings. Attracted by the magnetic force, he jumped on himself crazily...

Faintly, although Chen Xiao could not move, he found that his body had changed. This feeling is like being sick and having a high fever when I was young. I was confused and confused. It seemed that my five senses had been dulled, but there was a subtle feeling that something had changed inside me!

Great changes do exist and are not Chen Xiao's hallucinations.

If there was a microscope at this moment, then in the microscopic world of his body, cells were rapidly breaking and merging, forming strange arrangements one by one. The fission of the cell nuclei produced some kind of magical power. Every time The heartbeat and every circulation of blood in the body spread this power to the whole body, every inch of muscle, every drop of flesh and blood, and every hair!

Faintly, as if something that had been bound for eternity had gently broken free of the chain...

The heartbeat finally gradually regained its vitality. From silence to renewed vigor, it seemed that a long time had passed. It was difficult for Chen Xiao to open his eyes. He felt that everything around him was slowing down, and there was a sound in his ears. Auditory hallucinations, it seems like all kinds of weird sounds are coming from all directions...

He seemed to feel that he could move, first the fingertips, and then the feeling in his body came back bit by bit, but for some reason, it was as if his body was carrying some heavy burden, making every feeling of his feel extremely sluggish.

At this time, he suddenly heard a familiar sound - the door of his home!

The door to the room was opened, and then someone slowly walked in. The person who came in seemed to be wearing a black leather coat. The way he was dressed was almost exactly the same as the woman in black just now - even the ears were covered with leather. Wearing the same headset and lenses.

Chen Xiao felt that the world in front of him was shaking. He struggled reluctantly, but he couldn't see clearly who the person who came in was. He could just make out the outline of the person. It seemed that he was also a woman.

The only thought in his mind was: Here comes another one!

Struggling, he barely held on to the wall and tried to stand up. The person who came in first saw Hei Qi lying on the floor in the living room and exclaimed. Then he saw Chen Xiao and quickly moved toward Chen Xiao. He walked over and extended his hand...

Chen Xiao wanted to resist. He tried his best to raise his hand to resist the other person's outstretched hand, but his movements were too slow and could not form an effective resistance at all. He was very anxious. And at this moment, a strange power from his body suddenly gave him a hint of inspiration...

It seems that this is an instinct hidden in his body... That kind of power seems to burst out as soon as his own thoughts move...

boom! ! !

He raised his hands, and a wave of air suddenly burst out from his palms! The twisted air wave hit the person who came in hard, and the person seemed to scream in surprise, and the whole person was immediately thrown out! Then he hit the refrigerator in the back kitchen hard. The door of the metal surgical refrigerator was dented directly!

Chen Xiao was stunned.

He subconsciously wanted to look at his hands, but his mind was a little unclear...

Me, how did I do it

How did I do it? ?

The person he "blasted" out struggled to stand up. This was a woman dressed exactly like Hei Qi. The only difference was that her hair was longer and her face looked older and more affected. After receiving a blow from Chen Xiao, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. She seemed to be enduring the pain and reluctantly stood up and walked towards Chen Xiao.

"Don't... come here..." Chen Xiao's voice was a little weak, but a feeling of weakness hit him, and it was difficult for him to even lift his hands.

As the woman came closer, her outline finally became clear, and there was no malice in her eyes.

"Chen Xiao... It's me, the person who called you..." Chen Xiao seemed to vaguely hear such a voice in his ears. The voice was hollow and vague.

But soon, he heard the other person's last sentence clearly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and his hands dropped weakly.

"I am Hei San, the person who delivered Yaya to you, Three! I am your mother's friend!"

Chen Xiao fainted. Before he fainted, he vaguely saw several more figures walking in through the door of his home. Those people were holding some strange things in their hands...

For most people in the world, this is an ordinary night. But for the eighteen-year-old boy, this night was a nightmare.

During his long coma, he had countless dreams, each of which was related to his parents. From every hug from my father, every look in my mother's eyes, and every time they meet, the deep worry in my mother's eyes, and my father's eyes hidden behind the lenses, his contemplative gaze.

Some details that had been overlooked in the past now appeared clearly bit by bit.

He dreamed of when he was sixteen years old, standing at the airport, waiting for the urn of his parents to be transported by air. He dreamed of how he silently held the urn and rode home from the airport. Along the way, he did not Not a word was spoken, not a tear was shed.

He seemed to be just blank, looking out the window.

Perhaps, maturity begins from that moment.

(Actually, nothing has changed. I was alone before, and I am still alone now.) - That day, Chen Xiao said to himself in his heart.

In my memory, it seemed to be raining that day.

Then he woke up.

As soon as his eyelids opened, Chen Xiao couldn't adapt to the surrounding light. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hands to cover his face, but then he was surprised to find that there were countless places on his body that were light or heavy. The injury has miraculously disappeared!

"You are safe now. No one will hurt you again." Chen Xiao heard this sentence with a hint of sincere concern in his voice.