Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 16: [Am I mutated? ]


"To put it simply, our organization is a group of 'watchmen', or a group of 'world policemen'. Haha... I know you hate this word, and I don't like the country of the United States either. Don't look at me like that, I We are Europeans. But, at least we will not use the power we have to change or interfere with the development trajectory of this world. We would rather stand quietly and watch quietly, or..." Lei Hu suddenly smiled, his There was a hint of humor in the smile: "You can imagine us as a decent organization that maintains world peace - although this statement is ridiculous."

This guy's Chinese is indeed very good, at least he even understands the word "dog blood".

"There are two principles for our organization: first, not to interfere with the development of this world. Second, to prevent other 'superpowers' or 'superpower organizations' from interfering with the development of this world."

"It really sounds like the 'World Police'." Chen Xiao smiled slightly, but his tone was still not very trusting: "But you seem to describe yourselves as too great and noble."

However, Chen Xiao did not continue to pursue this topic. Instead, he thought for a moment and asked, "So, what about the institution where my parents work?" His voice was low.

"They are more troublesome." Lei Hu said bluntly: "This kind of organized organization is more difficult to deal with than some individual superpowers who run wild."

As he spoke, Lei Hu, as if doing magic, took out something from his pocket and waved it in front of Chen Xiao's eyes. It was the diary left by Chen Xiao's mother. "I have to tell you with regret - well, you must have guessed it by now. Your parents did not die in any accident."

Chen Xiao's eyes dimmed.

"That's an institution that we've been fighting against for many years. Their name is 'The Club'."

club? What kind of name is this

"Fortunately, they are still far behind us. Generally speaking, they are at a disadvantage in the confrontation with us. The research laboratory where your parents are working on is very interesting. To put it simply, they have combined some blue Blood people were collected for research. Blue blood people are one of the currently known 'evolved humans', and from a scientific research point of view, blue blood people are very representative, so they conducted various research and analysis on blue blood people. The final purpose of researching the physique and various data of 'evolved humans', apart from seeking profits from these data, is to fight against us...or in other words, against all the superhuman beings who are against them all over the world."

Lei Hu sighed: "The blue potion your parents left for you is their ultimate trump card."


"It's 'purification'." Lei Hu's face gradually turned gloomy: "What do you think is the best way to deal with people with superpowers?"

Chen Xiao thought for a while, thinking about the name "purification", and then his eyes lit up: "Turn people with super powers back into ordinary people?"

"That's it." Lei Hu continued to sigh, his expression becoming more and more serious: "We have been fighting against the dark forces for a long time. But our history is longer, and we have gathered more and stronger similar powers. Naturally It has become a thorn in the eyes of many people. But if you think about it, if those guys control such terrible things, the situation will worsen further. And... I just said, there are still many superhuman beings in this world, these Many people are unorganized. If those organizations with ulterior motives take control of 'purification', they can easily recruit some unorganized humans with supernatural powers. If you encounter those who are disobedient, it is very simple - just purify them!"

Chen Xiao remained silent.

Lei Hu's face was also a little gloomy: "In the previous confrontation, the battle between our 'service agency' and that 'club' has been going on for decades. They have been trying to develop specialized methods to deal with people with superpowers. Weapons. For this kind of 'purification', they actually developed some semi-finished products before. The power of those semi-finished products was limited. At the beginning, our power suffered some damage, but we quickly made a solution. So Only the 'club' will continue to invest in this research. This is a confrontation. We have received information that the club has developed a nearly perfect 'purification' product. This is bad news for us."

Sighing, Lei Hu's tone was a little weird: "One more thing I want to explain to you is that the woman who broke into your house and attacked you before was one of my capable subordinates, and her name is Hei Qi. Hmm , I think you have met Hong Qi. Originally, these two people were sent by the organization to monitor you, or... to protect you. But unfortunately, Hei Qi's temper has become a bit grumpy, especially when she monitors you. At that time, she saw you holding 'Purification' in your hand. She had seen some semi-finished products of this medicine before, and some of her colleagues were killed because of it. Therefore, she was too excited and couldn't help but attack you. It was just I want to take this thing from you without any harm to you."

"If this is an apology, I accept it." Chen Xiao thought for a moment: "Anyway, I owe you a favor. That Hong Qi saved me from the robbers - although she almost took my life at that time. Life."

Lei Hu's eyes became very strange: "Apologise... There is no need." He said lightly: "We will compensate you for the losses suffered by your family, but... Hei Qi has already paid a heavy price. In the process of your struggle, Here, the 'purification' was leaked, and unfortunately, she was 'infected'."

Chen Xiao was startled: "What do you mean..."

"She was 'purified'." Lei Hu's tone was a little depressed: "Although there is no problem with life. But... As I just said, she has changed from a superpower to an ordinary person."

After hearing this, Chen Xiao frowned. In this case, it seems that the other party's losses are greater.

"Heisan was entrusted by your parents. Although this entrustment was not authorized by the service agency. But at least, we have no ill intentions towards you. You won't deny this, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded.

"Later, after this incident, Heisan received some internal punishment, but from a certain aspect, your parents are worthy of our respect. Obviously, your parents have already developed the finished product 'Purification', and fortunately, they destroyed this achievement. This is good news for us. After Hei San was involved in this matter, our organization obtained the information. For two years, it can be said that we owe your parents a favor. Because it was found that your parents were related to the 'Purification', we sent a team member to spy on you secretly, and also saved some I mean to protect you. There is no malice. We just want to ensure safety. For example, the blue-blooded lady, although blue-blooded people should be regarded as our kind, because your parents left a last wish, they just entrusted her to the black three Individual, so we will not forcefully take Miss Yayaya away... Well, her name is very nice. So, Heisan handed her over to you." Lei Hu's voice was very calm: "Everything, we are very I respect your parents’ wishes and will not force you to make any rude demands.”

Chen Xiao nodded again: "It seems that I should also thank you. At least Heisan handed over my parents' belongings to me. Otherwise, I will never know the truth of the matter in my life."

"We don't need to care about the injuries suffered by the seven black people. After all, this was a misunderstanding, and it was she who took action on her own initiative..." Although Lei Hu's face was still a little ugly, his tone was still kind: "But, When Heisan and I arrived, something happened that surprised us."

"Accident?" Chen Xiao thought for a moment, then turned to look at Hei San, who had been standing silently aside. He immediately vaguely remembered something... It seemed that at the end of the fight, his body seemed to be infected by the blue potion. , and then fell into a state of extreme weakness and sluggishness.

And at that time, Hei San arrived, and in a daze, he regarded Hei San as his enemy, and then...

He immediately remembered that he seemed to have injured Hei San in a strange way!

"Do you remember?" Lei Hu's eyes were filled with smiles.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but raise his hand and looked at his palms and arms - the weird blue color under his skin had disappeared, and he clearly remembered that at that time, he seemed to have raised his hand and waved at Hei San , and then Black Three flew out! Could it be...

"Hei Qi is a member of the 'SEVEN' group, and she is also the strongest in that group. Her main talent is to control the air - unfortunately, after being 'purified', she has now lost her ability. But when Hei San arrived When she was unconscious, you attacked her in the exact same way..."

Leihu sighed, but his eyes were very bright, staring at Chen Xiao: "The attack method of manipulating the air to form impact force is exactly what Heiqi is good at."

"What do you mean...?" Chen Xiao vaguely guessed something in his heart.

"Yes, we suspect... you have 'obtained' the power of Black Seven." Lei Hu's voice was a little weird, and his smile also started to look weird: "This kind of thing has never happened before, so I am also surprised. "

Chen Xiao vaguely remembered that after smashing the test tube, the blue medicine quickly evaporated into the air, forming blue gas, and part of the liquid medicine got on his wound, and his body was also 'Infected. Later, after some changes occurred in Hei Qi's body, the blue mist seemed to actively pounce on him...

Several fragments of that time flashed through his mind. Chen Xiao opened his mouth but said nothing.

"Please forgive me, while you were in a coma, we conducted an examination of your body without your permission. We have reason to suspect that the finished product's 'purification' potion seems to be somewhat different from what we previously suspected. . We suspect that the purification potion dissolved into your body, and then... you may have some 'abilities' that did not exist originally. For example, Black Seven's ability was transferred into your body." Thunder Fox Ninja He couldn't help but rub his nose: "The opponents we met in the past, the semi-finished 'purification' in their hands did not have this function."

"You mean, I've mutated?" Chen Xiao's face looked a little ugly.

"I think the word 'evolution' is more suitable and sounds better." Lei Hu smiled implicitly, but then he sighed: "Unfortunately, after giving you a comprehensive examination, we found nothing. Your body, The reactions of blood samples, brain waves, etc. are no different from normal people. Although we have reason to believe that Black Seven's power has been 'swallowed' by you in some way. But the strange thing is that it seems that in us When I checked you afterwards, you didn't show any abnormalities. To be honest, I was originally very worried."

Chen Xiao's heart moved and he immediately understood what the other party was worried about.

What these people are most afraid of seems to be "purification." But the research results of "purification" were destroyed by his parents, and the last one was also destroyed by himself.

However, the Thunder Fox in front of him seemed to be worried that he had become a living "purification"!

A living "purification" is much more terrifying than those potions.