Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 35: [BLACK JACK]


Chen Xiao felt like he was hearing hallucinations again.

The silver Ford car slowly passed by in front of his eyes, and it seemed that everything around him suddenly slowed down, and this moment became extremely long.

Chen Xiao could even clearly capture the arc of the car flying up, as well as every subtle change in the shattering of the headlight glass on the front of the car.

This feeling was extremely subtle. He seemed to feel something vaguely in his mind and understood something. A flash of light seemed to flash from somewhere, but he couldn't catch it. The sound of heartache and thumping made him almost go crazy. The sound of the heartbeat is like a drum, as if every time it beats, the blood in the whole body will surge out like a pump!

He almost twisted his neck and followed the car with his eyes as he plunged to the side. He could also hear his own breathing, and every change in the air bubbles in his lungs seemed to be minute!

At this moment, Chen Xiao felt as if he had turned into a precision instrument, as if every heartbeat, every breath, and the traces of the glass fragments flying in front of him streaked through the air - all of this Everything flashed in front of him like a picture that had been polished by Ruihua! !

What on earth did I... just do

It seemed like... the car rushed over, and I just raised my arm...

Well, that's right...

Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang…

My heart beats like thunder!

Finally, this wonderful feeling of delayed time came suddenly and went away without any warning.

boom! !

The car had plunged into the flowerbed next to it and hit hard between two trees on the green belt. One of them was immediately broken in half! The front wheel of the car had been pushed up by the broken tree stump, and the wheel was still spinning.

At this time, there was a bang, and the airbag in the front seat opened. The drunk man inside had his head covered with blood and fainted.

Chen Xiao seemed to feel that all the strength in his body suddenly disappeared, and an irresistible feeling of weakness came over him. He swayed and tried to stand firm, but his feet gave way and he knelt on the ground. Everything in front of him gradually went crazy. It was dark, and the surrounding outlines were blurry... Finally, he lay down.

Before he fainted, he was still thinking about that thought in his heart.

What did I just... do

If the entire world is microscopic, then every cell in Chen Xiao's body is mutating rapidly at this moment! He didn't know what stimulated his body. It was probably a purely instinctive reaction in his haste just now. He subconsciously wanted to save someone, so he came up and knocked the lady away on impulse.

Facing the car that crashed into him, people were nervous, excited or fearful, and adrenaline was secreted crazily, stimulating a certain sleeping substance dormant in Chen Xiao's body...

The cell nucleus is fissioning and then expanding, and the force generated is like knocking over the first domino, triggering a series of chain reactions. Every drop of his flesh and blood, every cell is rapidly dividing and reorganizing. At this moment, Chen Xiao has fainted... If he had opened his eyes, he would probably scare everyone!

Because at this moment, the eyeballs and pupils under the eyelids seem to have been injected with an indelible blue!

The blue one looks like...

Purifying potion!

The huge movement finally alerted the security guards and surrounding neighbors in the community. Someone rushed over soon, and a few minutes later, the police car arrived, and the ambulance arrived...

At the site of the accident, many alarmed residents of the community had gathered.

There was a broken car at the scene, three injured people, and all three people fell into coma. The only difference was that there was blood on the lady's knees and on her head - she was pushed away by Chen Xiao at the last moment and when she rolled to the side, her head hit the cement platform on the edge of the green lawn and she fainted. In the past - fortunately, it saved Chen Xiao a lot of trouble later.

The drunk driving in the car naturally passed out. Chen Xiao was lying alone on the ground, but strangely, there didn't seem to be a single scratch on his body... not a single scratch!

Not to mention scratches, even his clothes were not scratched at all! This made the ambulance crew very strange.

In the ambulance, the medical staff checked Chen Xiao's body. He had no scars or broken bones. Initially, the medical staff were worried that he had been hit by a car and had internal bleeding. However, after being rushed to the hospital for examination, they found this The young man was really intact... He didn't even lose a hair, but he was unconscious

Chen Xiao, who was in a coma, had his blood taken for testing. After the nurse took the blood sample to the laboratory, it was left in the storage area where the samples were waiting for testing. At this time, in the busy hospital emergency room, there was no one. People noticed that a woman in a nurse's uniform, with a medical mask covering her face, walked majestically by the laboratory table, but she had quietly removed the tube that Chen Xiao had been withdrawn from. The blood sample was stolen, but another identical blood sample was put back in its place.

The nurse quickly turned around the corridor, opened the door to the cleaning room and walked in. She quickly took off her white coat, revealing a red suit underneath.

After taking a look at the blood sample in his hand, Hong Qi seemed to smile, with a hint of emotion and a hint of indescribable depth in his smile.

"Sure enough... he evolved."

Purification and evolution seem to be only one word apart. But the meaning is completely different!

Hong Qi put the blood sample away, took out the miniature headset from his pocket, put it on, clicked it, and sighed: "It's done, the target person's blood sample has not been leaked. I changed the blood sample of an ordinary person, and the blood type It’s the same as this kid.”

On the other end of the headset, a man's voice with a leisurely tone came, it was the Thunder Fox: "Very good, you continue to be responsible for following the target. No matter what, he cannot leave any blood or other samples in the public hospital. "

"Send someone else next time." Hong Qi smiled lazily: "This kind of thing is boring, and you know, I don't like places like hospitals. The smell of potions is everywhere, and it always reminds me of something bad. memories."

On the other side of the headset, Lei Hu was smiling: "Do what you do this time, and you can upgrade when you come back."

"JACK, you promised not to monitor him. Do you know that it is immoral to deceive such a simple child?" Hong Qi said rudely, and then ended the call.

Far away on the other side of the earth, in a manor full of Spanish architectural style, Lei Hu sat quietly in a rocking chair on the lawn, biting a cigar. He listened to Hong Qi hang up the call. A complicated smile appeared on his handsome and pale face.

"Hong Qi, because you don't understand at all. If our guess is true, then this boy will probably become the strongest among all of us!" He gently put out the cigar, and his smile changed again. Somewhat bitterly: "... Colleague, he is also the weakest one. Destiny is really magical. It is possible to perfectly integrate two such different characteristics into one individual... "

He stood up. The thin shirt full of Latin style on his body was spotless, but the leather boots under his feet were already full of blood!

At this moment, the sun is shining brightly, and this beautiful manor exudes an exotic atmosphere - but the huge lawn around Lei Hu already looks like a Shura field! !

The green lawn has been dyed tragically red by blood! On the ground around Thunder Fox, dozens of corpses lay dead, all of them holding long or short guns in their hands.

What is even more horrifying is that all these dead people seem to have no scratches on their bodies, but their mouths and noses are full of cooled and solidified blood! It was as if some kind of force had sucked all the blood out of people's mouths and noses! !

On a table in front of Lei Hu, there were several large boxes neatly placed, all of which were filled with packages of white powder!

"Oh, I hate carrying out such a bloody mission." Lei Hu gently took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blood on his boots, and then threw the handkerchief on a corpse. on the face.

"I blame you for committing too many sins. I blame you for finding the wrong partner. You shouldn't have colluded with those guys in the 'club.'" Lei Hu's voice was still so calm, but his eyes were so cold. In his heart: "You drug lords have drained the blood of so many people in this world. So it is not unfair to feel the blood drained from your body today."

After speaking, he took out a thin, strange sheet-like object from his arms and gently inserted it into the gap at the corner of the table in front of him.

It seemed to be just a thin piece of paper, but it had a faint metallic luster. The size is like a business card.

But there is no name or contact information on this business card.

The only pattern printed on this business card is "BLACLK JACK" inside a playing card

—"Jack of Spades"!