Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 4: [Do you have a sense of public morality~~~]


Chen Xiao and the girl stood face to face at the door of the house for a full ten seconds before he suddenly reacted and quickly walked in and closed the door! Otherwise, if a neighbor happens to be passing by in the stairway and sees a naked girl standing in the door of his house...

The girl looked at Chen Xiao quietly in the darkness, her pure eyes without any impurities looking at Chen Xiao with a bit of curiosity.

"You..." Chen Xiao turned on the light and immediately saw the soft light shining on the girl's naked body. Under the light, her skin color was as delicate as ivory.

He subconsciously took a breath of cold air, his heart beat a little faster, and he quickly turned off the light with his backhand. He quickly rushed to the living room, grabbed the sheet covering the freezer, walked to the girl, and turned his head away from her, but He reached out and handed the sheets over: "Put this on."

For a second...no response.

Five seconds... still no response.

Chen Xiao lost his composure and sighed: "Miss, no matter who you are, don't you know that it's easy to attract perverts with such a naked body..." He originally wanted to say "attract perverts", but the words came to his lips. Somehow it was changed to "bringing a cold".

"Cold... what is it?"

Finally, I heard the freezer girl speak.

The voice was soft and soft, as sweet as pudding. The girl's beautiful ice blue eyes looked at Chen Xiao curiously.

"A cold is just..." Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and looked at the girl strangely: "You've never had a cold before, right?"

But the girl didn't take the sheet in her hand, so Chen Xiao had to go up to it with his own hands, eyes closed, and draped the sheet randomly on the girl's body.

The fingers seemed to vaguely touch the skin on the other person's body. It was cool but slippery. Chen Xiao couldn't help feeling a little dizzy, but he quickly retracted his hand.

Without the visual temptation and shock, Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Hey, he obviously had good intentions and didn't want to take advantage of the girl, but why did he feel guilty

He turned on the light casually, thought for a moment, then ran to the window sill and closed the curtains.

Well, in this day and age, there are many people who have a hobby of "voyeurism". If there is such a naked beauty in the house, it will be troublesome if neighbors who like to voyeur see her.

The girl looked at the sheets draped over her body with some curiosity. The look in her eyes - Chen Xiao was speechless. Is she naive or stupid

"This..." The girl pointed to the sheets on her body, her voice was very soft but serious: "It seems that it has not been sterilized."

Aseptic processing

Hearing this word, Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment.

These are the spare sheets I have at home, not a space suit!

"You... ugh! You'd better sit down and talk." No matter how precocious Chen Xiao was, he couldn't hold it anymore.

He was vaguely aware that the "big trouble" he encountered seemed to be bigger than he imagined.

The girl glanced at the simple sofa in Chen Xiao's living room and seemed to hesitate.

"Don't worry, although the sofa has not been 'sterile', it is very clean." Chen Xiao saw what the girl seemed to want to say and couldn't help but said this in a depressed tone.

"Now, can you tell me, who are you?" Chen Xiao looked seriously at the girl sitting in front of him. Just after he said these words, he suddenly felt a little blushing.

For no other reason... just because the sheet covering the girl's body slipped a little, which happened to expose the bright red on the bud on the left side of her chest to Chen Xiao's eyes. Although Chen Xiao had the intention not to look at it, he was young after all, and his eyes were Still couldn't help but was seduced and drifted away...

Oh, God! Isn't this a test for me

The heartbeat continues to accelerate! After coughing twice to cover up, Chen Xiao quickly looked away!

"You're blushing." The girl looked at Chen Xiao with innocent and almost silly eyes. Slowly, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes. Her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, but her voice was still so soft: " Your heartbeat rate has also increased by 19% compared to just now."

Nineteen percent

Chen Xiao began to wonder if this girl was playing tricks on him.

It's not surprising that you're blushing. But the heart rate increased by 19%, do you think you are a pulse meter... You seem to have a sense of humor!

But... there seems to be no reason for such an outrageously beautiful young girl to strip naked and play with herself, right

"Who are you? What's your name?" Chen Xiao said patiently.


Chen Xiao nodded. He had already seen this name on the letter.

"I'm asking for your name. What's your last name?"


Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "You definitely don't have the last name '伢'."

The girl turned her head, thought seriously for a moment, then shook her head, her ice blue eyes a little confused: "I don't know."

Could it be the kind of amnesia that is often played in the legendary eight o'clock TV series

Chen Xiao felt a little embarrassed, frowned and continued to ask: "So... where are you from? Do you remember this? I mean, where did you live before? Do you remember?"

Finally, the girl nodded.

Chen Xiao was a little happy, but then he was stunned when he heard the answer.

Because the girl answered in a serious and determined voice, the answer was:

"Biological Warehouse No. 16."

No. 10, 16... Health, biological warehouse?

Chen Xiao began to wonder if he was talking to a human being.

From the look of this girl, it doesn't look like she's faking it at all.

Patiently, Chen Xiao continued to ask: "Where is Biological Warehouse No. 16? Uh... shake your head? You don't remember? You always remember what it's like there, right?"

Yaya thought for a moment, then turned her head, seemed to glance at the freezer in the living room, and pointed out: "It's bigger than that."

Bigger? Does she usually sleep in the freezer

"How much bigger?" Chen Xiao asked naturally and completely subconsciously.

The girl thought again: "This is an M-type microbiological warehouse. The one I lived in before has about 668 times the space."

Six hundred and sixty-eight times

This number is so accurate, and it seems to have a nose and eyes... Is she so good at math

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment. Glanced at the freezer. He looked at his house again.

I can't even fit more than 600 freezers in my house...

Uh... Did this poor girl live in a large refrigerated warehouse before

He wanted to continue asking, but the girl suddenly frowned, looked at Chen Xiao with a trace of sadness in her eyes, and said timidly: "I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? Where?"

At this moment, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think about the speculation of "cloning artificial humans". Mom and dad wouldn't really create such a "legacy" for me, right

"Here." Yaya frowned slightly, her soft face and frowning eyebrows carrying an indescribable beauty that made people feel heartbroken.

However, he saw clearly the part of his body she was pointing at—the stomach.

"Do you have a stomachache?" Chen Xiao was a little surprised.

Fortunately, he understood quickly, because he clearly heard two "gurgling" sounds coming from Yaya's stomach.

"Ah, you are hungry." Chen Xiao stood up and sighed: "You came out in the afternoon, right? It's been several hours and you haven't eaten anything. Well, wait a minute, I'll get it Order instant noodles.”

But just when Chen Xiao stood up, the girl's next words left Chen Xiao completely speechless...

"Excuse me, what does 'hungry' mean?"

-All right! No matter how good Chen Xiao's psychological quality is, when he heard this kind of question, he really almost collapsed at this moment! !

Get instant noodles, wash the dishes, pour boiling water, and put it in the microwave.

Chen Xiao turned on the switch and turned around to see Yaya standing at the door of the kitchen. Her soft eyes were clearly full of curiosity, looking at the various utensils in the kitchen.

Chen Xiao's face turned red again - he really wanted to kindly remind this girl that most of the sheets on her body had slipped off. A normal girl should not give more than 50% of her body to a strange man. The "sensitive parts" that he looked at were now exposed to Chen Xiao's eyes without any concealment.

Unfortunately, just when Chen Xiao was hesitating about what to say, and when humans and gods were at war in his heart, the room suddenly went dark and the lights went out. The microwave oven that was running next to it also stopped suddenly.

In the darkness, Chen Xiao was sighing in his heart. Before he could speak, he heard Yaya ask softly:

"Excuse me, is there an energy shortage failure?"

After hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't even smile bitterly.

Insufficient energy... Why does this "wording" sound so weird

He quickly glanced out the kitchen window and found that the building opposite and the surrounding area were brightly lit.

"It seems it's not a power outage, maybe the fuse at home is broken." Chen Xiao thought for a moment: "I don't have any spare ones at home. I'm going out to buy them. Just wait a while."

"What's a fuse?"

Chen Xiao sighed directly. In the darkness, his tone was very serious, and he finally became a little impatient: "Miss Yaya, I don't know who you are and where you come from. I... To be honest, I am attracted by you now. It was so messy that I almost collapsed.”

Yaya was silent for a while, then whispered again: "Do you need this thing called a 'fuse' to keep the energy running?"

Keep the energy going?

… Chen Xiao was speechless.

All right!

Chen Xiao has had plenty of experience in dealing with little girls since she was sixteen years old, but she has never encountered one as weird as this!

She seemed to take it for granted that everything should be "sterile" - even sheets and sofas.

She didn't know what a "cold" was.

She didn't know what "hungry" meant.

She calls ordinary electricity "energy."

She... She's not an alien, is she

Just when Chen Xiao didn't know how to answer, Yaya asked softly: "Can I help you?"

"Help? You want to help me buy a fuse?" Chen Xiao looked at Yaya with distrustful eyes. He even doubted whether the girl knew that such a place as a "convenience store" existed in the world.

Considering her series of weird behaviors just now, Chen Xiao felt that the possibility of her worries was very high!

It's a pity... It seems that he actually "overestimated" Yaya!

Because Yayao had already looked at Chen Xiao with those big innocent eyes, she had directly skipped the worry of the so-called "convenience store", and instead asked very embarrassedly: "Excuse me, what does 'buy' mean? "

"Buy" means... what does it mean? !

Chen Xiao was really annoyed.

Just when he wanted to get angry, Yaya had already walked gently to Chen Xiao's side, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the microwave oven.

The next moment, Chen Xiao suddenly swallowed back the angry words that were on his lips.

What I also swallowed back was a mouthful of spit! !

In the dark room, the light suddenly flashed a few times and suddenly lit up!

The light emitted light, and the microwave oven that had been stopped started to spin again with a soft beep! !

Even the TV in the living room, which was obviously turned off, suddenly turned on automatically! A China Mobile commercial was playing on the TV screen. Jay Chou pointed at the camera proudly on the screen and announced loudly: "I am an M-ZONE person~"


Chen Xiao was shocked!

He was stunned.

His eyes widened!

Wouldn't it be so magical? Was it just a power outage? Now it just so happens...

But even he himself felt that this excuse was unjustifiable!

He looked at Yaya with difficulty, and said a sentence with even more effort:

"You, are you a human or a ghost?"

But soon, his eyes will open even wider!

Because suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the lights on the building opposite, which were all turned into darkness!

Not only the building opposite, but also the buildings in the entire nearby community were plunged into darkness in an instant! !

The entire community was dark, with only one window of Chen Xiao's house lit up.

As for Yaya standing next to the microwave, her whole body was flashing with blue light like electricity! Just like... fireflies! And it’s getting brighter and brighter! ! Those electric currents seemed to be condensed on her body, and the blue light flashed...

This scene can be described as strange as Chen Xiao has never seen in his life.

In such a scene, the atmosphere should be very strange, but suddenly, I heard the neighbor who lived downstairs in my house put his head out of the window and roared angrily with a voice like a broken gong.

"What's going on?! No notice was given in advance for the power outage!!! What does the property do for food!!! Do you still have a sense of public morality!!!"