Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 64: [Black Knight’s Counterattack]


In the Xu family's mansion in the outer suburbs of K city, all electronic monitoring equipment was simply turned off.

Chen Xiao knew that this kind of electronic monitoring equipment was just a decoration for superpowers, especially those with metal destructive properties like Qiu Yun, or even a bomb planted for themselves. So at his request, the Xu family temporarily dispatched twenty trained hounds. Under the current circumstances, Chen Xiao believed that the noses of hounds were far more trustworthy than electronic instruments.

The more than fifty bodyguards of the Xu family have all changed into new clothes: everyone has put on pure cotton sportswear, and all metal equipment such as electric batons or pistols have been turned in, and each bodyguard has been given a The latest weapon: a wooden baseball bat.

Looking at fifty men wearing uniform sportswear and holding baseball bats, it seems as if these people are not bodyguards, but a professional baseball team...

Chen Xiao was actually a little helpless when he did this.

Although Lao Tian and other three people have officially intervened. But because the previous client was Lu Bancheng - Lao Tian made it clear: public and private should be distinguished! Even if Second Young Master Xu is a good friend of Chen Xiao, they will not devote extra energy to protecting the Xu family. Zhu Rong and Gonggong and his wife mainly guarded Lu Bancheng. As for the Xu family... In addition to Chen Xiao taking the initiative to help, Lao Tian only said that if circumstances permit, he will try his best to come over when a crisis occurs.

For these old monsters: principles are principles! Business is business!

Until now, it is not known who the Black Knight's main target is: Lu Bancheng, the Xu family, or the top brass of the European consortium. Therefore, with limited manpower, the Bad End Street trio chose to focus on business, and their main energy could only be used to protect their clients.

This is understandable, and Chen Xiao cannot raise any objection.

The Xu family's personnel were on standby - but Old Man Xu was not at home. This shrewd old man, even Xu Ershao doesn't know where he is now. This incident has a great impact. As a giant, the old man has obviously received official protection. But the old man did not take his son with him, but left Xu Ershao at home, also for some considerations: the old man believed that the main target of the other party's attack was himself, so he simply kept his son away from him, lest something happened. Things are even more dangerous. Secondly... Old Man Xu seems to have more or less understanding of the supernatural circle - otherwise he wouldn't have introduced Lu Bancheng to Bad Street. He seemed to feel that this matter would not be easy to settle this time, so he prepared for the worst—even if something happened to him, at least the Xu family would still have his son, lest he and his son would be wiped out by the other party.

In the afternoon, Chen Xiao was a little surprised that Miss Baicai actually came over. She arrived at Xu's house on a bicycle, as if she was already familiar with the house, but when she entered, she had an obviously unhappy expression and a cold face - seeing Chen Xiao here, Miss Baicai's face immediately turned red. Somewhat cramped.

Chen Xiao had a strange expression on his face and glanced at Mr. Xu next to him, with a somewhat reproachful look. Could it be that Ershao Xu is a lustful guy and has attacked the cabbage girl

Although Xu Ershao seemed to be somewhat interested in Miss Baicai that day, but...

"Don't get me wrong." Second Young Master Xu quickly explained - after being stripped naked by Chen Xiao for inspection, Second Young Master Xu was now only wearing a white nightgown worn at home. The inside was still in a vacuum state, so he could not help but feel weak when speaking. After a few moments, seeing that Chen Xiao's eyes were wrong, he lowered his voice and said, "I... I bought the fast food restaurant where she works."


Chen Xiao suddenly took another look at Xu Ershao. Xu Ershao's eyes were a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while before finally telling the truth: "Well... didn't you say you should pay more attention to her? The fast food restaurant where she works. , the work is far away and hard. I gave her an extra job, and she can come and deliver a takeaway to me every day... "


Chen Xiao glared - You, Mr. Xu, usually eat delicacies from all over the world, but you also have several high-end celebrity chefs at home! Would you eat this kind of food from a fast food restaurant? ? Are you asking her to deliver food every day

"You said you should pay more attention to her. I have made a long-term takeout order at the store where she works. She delivers it once a day. I pay a high delivery fee. She can make a lot more money every month - I am You have good intentions!" Although these words were very high-sounding, Chen Xiao could see through Xu Ershao's intentions at a glance - this boy seemed to be really trying to attract the attention of the cabbage girl, and deliberately used this poor excuse to create opportunities for the two of them to come into contact. Well.

"Why is Chen Xiao here?" Baicai's face was a little red and her words were a little nervous, as if she was afraid that Chen Xiao would misunderstand something.

"Hey, don't you watch the news?" Xu Ershao smiled bitterly: "Something happened at home, Chen Xiao came to accompany me."

"Hmph, who talked to you?" When Baicai faced Second Young Master Xu, his face darkened, he threw the meal over and stretched out his hand: "Please pay."

Xu Ershao touched his clothes awkwardly, then remembered that he was wearing a nightgown, and said with a wry smile: "Wait a minute..."

Chen Xiao sighed and asked Baicai: "How many days have you been delivering food here?"

"Huh, on the second day after I started working in a fast food restaurant, this pervert came here." Baicai spread his hands and said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "Of course I can see what this pervert is up to, but... Humph! It's all up to him. It’s my cabbage that’s just wishful thinking! What I hate the most is this kind of prodigal son who spends his money on girls.”

Chen Xiao was a little helpless and smiled: "Actually... Xiao Xu is very good. If he is sincere, you can consider..."

"Him?" Baicai glared. In fact, the way she stared was quite cute, but her voice was very disdainful: "Forget it! I've only been in Kidd College for a few days, and when I heard the list of girls who had something to do with him, We can almost form a tour group!”

At this time, Xu Ershao came back with the money, handed it to Baicai, and said with a smile: "Beauty, why don't you stay and have dinner together..." Seeing Baicai's sharp eyes, he quickly added: "Look , it just so happens that Chen Xiao is also here, the three of us can be considered friends, how about having a meal together? "

It was this last sentence that impressed Baicai. She hesitated and nodded. Xu Ershao was immediately overjoyed. He immediately called the housekeeper at home and ordered the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Where's the fast food I delivered?" Baicai's face darkened: "Don't you even want to eat it?"

"Uh... well... this." Xu Ershao touched his chin and said with a smile: "Eat, I always save it for late night snacks." - In fact, when he is willing to eat these fast food junk foods, he usually throws them in I left the trash can just to have this opportunity to interact with the cabbage girl every day.

The Xu family is indeed a wealthy family. Within half an hour, the butler came to report that dinner was ready. In the luxurious restaurant, a sumptuous meal was served like water. Baicai deliberately sat far away from Second Young Master Xu, as if he refused to even look at Second Young Master Xu, and rarely spoke to him. Second Young Master Xu, on the other hand, was not discouraged at all even though he was looked down upon. Instead, he became more and more excited and happy.

At that time, Chen Xiao didn't understand Xu Ershao's good temper. However, at a later opportunity, Chen Xiao secretly asked Xu Ershao and got the answer. The Kidd lover said: In fact, if a girl is more Rolling eyes at you and neglecting you more and more deliberately is not necessarily bad news - it actually means that she has you in her heart! No matter it is a good impression or a bad impression, if I have you in my heart, you will have a chance! If she treats you tepidly, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent, but treats you politely, that would be worse! Because in her heart, you are just an ordinary stranger. The key to chasing a girl is to leave a deep impression on her! The first step is half the battle! Whether it's a good impression or a bad impression - it's better than no impression at all.

Chen Xiao was impressed after hearing this. Second Young Master Xu has been able to roam the flowers for many years.

This dinner was very awkward. Xu Ershao tried his best to strike up a conversation with Baicai, and Baicai tried his best to talk to Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao was caught in the middle and could only say something like "Today's weather hahaha" and other meaningless words. The topic of nutrition.

The meal took more than an hour to eat, but the cabbage was not polite. It was very enjoyable to eat, and it did not treat my stomach badly at all. Second Young Master Xu, on the other hand, kept trying hard to keep smiling, and the muscles on his face were a little sore.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening, when the desserts were served. Mr. Xu was trying hard to find a topic to attract the attention of Miss Baicai, but Chen Xiao suddenly felt a sudden jump in his heart!

This sudden acceleration of heartbeat has become a very keen premonition for him! This feeling was very accurate when I encountered things several times before! Especially at that banquet before...

Chen Xiao suddenly jumped up from the chair, his face changed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Get down quickly!!"

After saying that, he only had time to grab the cabbage closest to him, drag her away fiercely, and stuff her under the table...

Then, a loud noise was heard!


In the huge restaurant, the brightly lit and luxurious chandeliers on the ceiling suddenly burst into flames at the same time! Broken glass shards from the broken light bulb, as well as stone chips and lamp holders, suddenly rained down like raindrops!

Second Young Master Xu was still stunned. A huge chandelier above his head was already crumbling. Chen Xiao rushed over quickly, rolled on the spot with Second Young Master Xu in his arms, and with a bang behind him, the chandelier hit the spot where Second Young Master Xu had just been sitting. s position! If you are hit, you will inevitably get a bloody head!

The two of them rolled away on the spot. Second Young Master Xu was in shock. Before he could speak, the room was already dark, and he heard the noise of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong and the sound of someone exclaiming from outside!

"Hide under the table!" Chen Xiao forcefully stuffed Xu Ershao under the table. This table is carved from thick, sturdy wood, so it should be fairly safe.

At this moment, almost all the lamps in the mansion had exploded! In an instant, the Xu family mansion was completely plunged into darkness!

In the darkness, from the yard outside, there were muffled grunts and the roar of hounds, but the sound was very short and soon weakened!

Someone rushes in!

Chen Xiao's heart sank! The painful cries of the bodyguards were getting closer and closer, and it was obvious that the other party was rushing in very fast! The bodyguards were unable to form effective resistance at all!

At this time, the door of the restaurant was knocked open, and the housekeeper ran in in panic, shouting: "Master, leave quickly..."

Then the door of the restaurant flew out with the entire door frame! The housekeeper was hit and fell straight down!

The door without the doorframe turned into a huge hole. Amidst the flying stones, Chen Xiao clenched his fists and saw a huge silhouette in the darkness, slowly getting in like a monster!

Without any light, Chen Xiao could only barely make out that the shadow that came in was a human figure - but the outline was probably close to three meters high! That majestic figure is like a mountain!

This behemoth walked in, trampling the fragments on the floor under its feet, making a crackling sound, and with a single tap of a huge palm, it actually broke a piece of the wall at the entrance of the restaurant. !

In the darkness, the other party's breathing was heavy and rapid, like a beast. Chen Xiao could even vaguely see two eyes like will-o'-the-wisps on that huge head!

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted. His heartbeat accelerated. Under the tension, his body's adrenaline secreted rapidly. He finally dragged a heavy wooden chair next to him, yelled, and headed towards the person who came in. The figure smashed it hard!

There was a muffled sound, and the heavy chair fell to pieces on the figure's body! Chen Xiao's blow contained his astonishing strange power. The monster-like figure groaned, and the huge body was immediately knocked crookedly and fell down, leaning against the wall with a bang. The huge force actually Chen Xiao felt as if the whole house was shaking! The suspended ceiling above the ceiling was already falling off, and debris was falling down.


That monster received such a heavy blow from Chen Xiao - with Chen Xiao's current strength, even a car could be overturned with a full blow! But this huge figure just supported the wall and stood up again, as if shaking his head, and then a hoarse but rich voice came out: "Sure enough... he is also a guy of the strength system! Haha! My favorite A strength-based opponent!”

After saying that, Chen Xiao felt a strong wind blowing against his face! He hurriedly dodged to the side with all his strength, and a huge fist almost grazed his head! The wind of the fist swept across his face, making the skin on his face hurt!

boom! !

The wall behind Chen Xiao collapsed under this punch! A large hole three to four meters wide actually appeared!

But outside the wall, the night moonlight outside finally shone in, and there was finally a little light in the dark room!

With this faint light, Chen Xiao could barely see what his opponent looked like!

This is a giant nearly three meters tall! The majestic muscles all over the body are like rocks! The opponent's skin color is also very strange, as if it is glowing with a cold cyan light like a stone! And his body shape can no longer be described as simply "majestic"... but rather, perverted! !

From Chen Xiao's visual inspection, the opponent's wrists were probably as thick as his own thighs! The arms are even thicker than my waist!

Standing in front of him, he was completely shrouded in the shadow of the other party! That face, with eyes like lampposts, a wide mouth, a grin, and a ferocious face!

Chen Xiao gritted his teeth and took two steps back quickly. He stretched out his hand and pulled out a wrist-thick steel bar from the collapsed wall. He twisted it with force, held it in his hand, roared, and smashed it on his head and face. past!

The monster just raised a hand to block it, and the steel bar hit the opponent's arm. The hard feeling actually made Chen Xiao feel numb! I heard a bang, and a few sparks flew up from where it hit!

Damn it! Why is this monster's skin so hard! ! !

The monster pinched the steel bar with his backhand and pulled hard. With Chen Xiao's strange strength, he could feel the force of the opponent. He could no longer hold the steel bar in his hand. With a gasp, he was pulled directly by the opponent.

Such a steel bar as thick as an arm seemed to be as thin as a toothpick in the monster's hands. He chuckled twice and twisted it gently with two fingers, and the steel bar was twisted into a twist!

"Is your strength only so strong?" The monster chuckled, his laughter like a bell, but with a hint of teasing: "That rookie in the power department of the service club that Qiu Yun mentioned is you, right... Hum, that really makes me Disappointed, it turns out he is just a junior power user."

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from outside, and other bodyguards had already rushed over. These bodyguards had been attacked before, but it was beyond Chen Xiao's expectation. What he didn't expect was that it was not Qiu Yun but such a powerful monster. , the bodyguards couldn't resist, and someone ran back to look for a gun.

At this moment, four or five bodyguards rushed outside. Everyone shouted together, raised their guns and fired at the monster!

Bang bang bang bang gunshots continued, but the monster just smiled ferociously and raised his arms to block his eyes - countless bullets were shot densely on his body, but only a few sparks were splashed...

Soon, the bullets of the guns in the bodyguards' hands were all empty. The monster laughed, picked up a huge dining cabinet in the room, and smashed it from a distance. Suddenly, several bodyguards Their heads were smashed and bleeding, and some people fell down on the spot.

The monster was already laughing and punched Chen Xiao!

Chen Xiao was too close to avoid this time - behind him was the dining table where Xu Ershao and Baicai were hiding! He could only grit his teeth, raise his arms desperately, and use all his strength to resist with his hands...

boom! !

Chen Xiao felt as if he had been hit not by someone, but by a pile driver at a construction site! The huge force made him dizzy, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and all the bones in his body made a rattling sound!

After this punch... it was obvious that this monster was stronger than himself! Much stronger! !


The monster raised its foot and kicked Chen Xiao away, hitting the wall high. Suddenly, the wall behind him cracked, and Chen Xiao was deeply stuck in the wall. The monster He glanced at Chen Xiao: "Young rookie in the service club, remember my name, I am the Black Knight - Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

Chen Xiao's body was stuck in the wall, and his whole body was almost exhausted from the punch just now. There was pain everywhere. After hearing this voice, he couldn't help but sigh...

Such a terrifying guy is indeed as terrifying as a Tyrannosaurus rex!

He was extremely anxious, but he could only watch helplessly as the Tyrannosaurus approached the dining table and lifted the dining table with a gentle lift.

But then...

Chen Xiao was stunned!

Under the dining table, where are the figures of Baicai and Xu Ershao? !

Just now I clearly stuffed both of them under the dining table! ! There is only one entrance to the room, and although the restaurant is large, there is no other hiding place...

Where did the two of them go

Tyrannosaurus rex also roared: "Where's the man! Where's that boy from the Xu family!"

He roared, raised his fists, and slammed them on the ground! Amidst the loud noise, the house was shaking, and he made a deep hole in the ground!

There are no secret passages underground! But... where have the people gone? !

Just when Chen Xiao was stunned, he suddenly heard a thin voice in his ear.

"Chen Xiao... can you still move?"

It was clearly Baicai's voice, but Chen Xiao tried his best to turn his head, but there was nothing around him. Where was the half-figure

"Don't make a sound, I'm right next to you...you, you can't see me." Baicai tried her best to suppress her voice.